Martial Arts Master

Chapter 329: keep your word

All the way, nothing happened, Lou Cheng Shun Shun ran back to Songda New Campus, received a strict class, because of the distance is too far, with his physical strength will inevitably have a respite, a lot of sweat, causing girls to laugh Something was distressed. I took out a paper towel and let him wipe his forehead. He said, "Don't take a walk today, go to the bottle of hot water and go back to the bedroom to wash it yourself."

In the early winter weather, washing a cold bath is not a test for the building, but it is not so comfortable.

"Nothing. Since I signed the signature for Laoqiu and gave him a VIP ticket, my daily hot water is guaranteed." Seeing the secret of Jindan, Dawning, Lou Cheng feels very comfortable, just want to turn a small 珂The classmates went to the lake to share their joy.

Yan Yan wrinkled his nose and deliberately pretended to disguise his expression: "A stinky sweat!"

She said that she did not break away from the palm of the building. She followed him to the lakeside, and his mouth was slightly tilted.

"Don't look at my sweat, it's actually not too tired. It's getting more and less effective for me to improve my physical strength by running, unless I am willing to spend a morning or an afternoon." Lou Cheng sighed with this topic. One sentence.

I don't know how the Dantian strong people at the non-human level are tempered?

"Are you showing off? Is it showing off!" There is a shortage of physical strength, and the physical quality of Yan Xiaotong, who is a little worse than the same level of warriors, turns, and he looks at him like a sly, showing a fine white teeth. , showing the appearance of "evil".

Lou Cheng was dumbfounded, reached out and gently pinched the girl's nose, and said with excitement:

"I am thinking about what to do to temper my physical strength... My master said that I would like to give me a few copies of the revised comprehension materials, as well as the rubbings of the three characters." I hope that I can touch the analogy and find useful things. Hey, maybe it will help you improve your physical fitness!"

What he wants to say is that the spirit of self-cultivation is first and foremost, and it is supplemented by forging. There may be ways to make up for the problem of insufficiency. Of course, this is not something that can be done by ordinary comprehension. Otherwise, it will be accumulated by Lushan Zhai. Her grandfather had already raised it.

Therefore, Lou Cheng did not directly mention this, so as not to arouse the hope of the girl can not do.

As for the nine-character slogan, he does not think it is a secret. It will be used sooner or later, but it is not human.

I heard that Lou Cheng was thinking about his own body when he was considering the cultivation. He was stunned by the dimples, and he said with a sweet heart: "How do you love to pinch my nose and pinch my mouth? When I am Child!"

Proudly, she only thought about it: "Nine characters, I heard my grandfather mentioned, nine words are different... I don’t know if there is any collection in the mountain, but even if there is, it should be compared. Incomplete, anyway, I have not heard of anyone in the Zongmen who practiced this secret law."

She subconsciously thought about whether there was any remaining part of the 诀字斋, and there was no way to help her boyfriend.

Hey, is this a girl extrovert? Lou Cheng heard the meaning of Xiao Xiaoying's hidden potential, and his heart was dark and cool, but he only laughed lowly and didn't slap her.

"Sure, if the various factions are trained, I don't know the nine-character today." He recalled the top professional game and title wars he had seen.

The two walked and talked, and the more they went, the more they went, and they gradually became close to the ridiculous western district still under repair.

Yan Yan looked around, stopped his footsteps, licked his mouth and looked at Lou Chengdao "seriously":

"It's so remote here... I thought of a word!"

"What?" Lou Cheng said with a smile.

Yan Yan slightly slammed his chin and broke it into a smile:

"Call, call someone to break your throat and save someone!"

"Hey, how do you grab my lines!" Lou Cheng laughed out loudly, "screaming."


On Saturday, the last day of November, due to the need to go to the away game on Sunday, against the martial arts club of Linghua University, and the turn of the lineup of Yan Yan, Lin Hua and Lin Wei, the girl returned to the dormitory early and rested in advance. Keep the best fighting status.

When Lou Cheng entered the seven yards, he received a call from his master.

"Hey, stinky boy, come over." Shi Lao’s first words were concise, and he did not explain.

Lou Cheng was excited about the spirit, and guessed it was the rubbings of comprehension materials and "Bing", "People" and "Before"!

Sure enough, when he first entered his master's dormitory, he threw a paper bag.

"Take it back and look good, don't tell me to practice it tomorrow!" Shi Laotou did not bother to have a joke.

It’s really this stupid boy who wants to practice the Zen meditation and the speed of drinking is too fast, can only be so ridiculous!

"Then I told you to practice the day after tomorrow?" Lou Cheng backed up with a joke, untied the paper bag and wrapped the line, extracted the information inside, saw the thick comprehension related and three hidden rubbings.

- Zhu Rongjin's vision map, he has already returned to his master at the beginning of school.

"Yes! You have the ability to report good news to you the day after tomorrow!" Shi Laotou waved his hand and signaled that Lou Cheng could go, don't bother with drinking.

Lou Cheng carried the file bag and walked away from the teacher's apartment briskly, and shared the matter with Yan Yan.

Of course, Yan coach has gone to bed and has not responded.

Returning to the bedroom, the building is unbearably excited and excited. In the quiet environment where Zhang Jingye, Zhao Qiang and Qiu Zhigao or their dating or self-study have never returned, they first read the information of the revision and found that the group of predecessors It’s not the practice of Dragon and Tiger, but the related notes and classics. Only the general ideas and some specific but scattered details can be sorted out.

He did not look carefully, turned to the last page by browsing, found the handwritten URL and the corresponding extraction code, and later annotated the words "Nine Characters Ancient Sounds".

The word "beauty" is really elegant and clear, and there are all kinds of gods... Lou Cheng envy for a few seconds, busy downloading this audio file, listening to it carefully through the mobile phone player.

Until then, he stepped into the topic, selected the rubbings of the word "人", observed the essence and charm of his understanding, and saw the corresponding gestures and explanations described in the corner of the white paper.

No gesture, it is internal training, it is a combination of secret and secret, and it has an incredible effect on the body. If there is a gesture, then internal and external communication, sound secret, secret and body resonance will have an external effect.

Lou Cheng repeatedly listened to the "gu" word ancient tone, confirmed through a little bit of Jin Dan that he mastered the reading method to let the matter come to an end, then climbed onto the bed, sitting cross-legged, five hearts to heaven, initially trying to think " "The word charm."

He closed his eyes and held the Yuan Shouyi. He got a sense of tranquility and quietness in his thoughts, and he outlined the word "人" in his mind, but he realized how simple the charm is, and the word "人" When it appears, it doesn't have the kind of heavy and long-lasting meaning, let alone the change of Jin Dan.

Time and time again, Lou Cheng was a little tired, and his ideas began to diverge. He planned to try other methods.

For example, while doing the conception, spit out the ancient sound of the "person" with the chest and the vocal cords, to see if the two will make a connection, and create a certain charm in the opposite direction!

Boldly assume that careful verification is the way of thinking that Lucheng gradually developed over the years. As soon as he got the inspiration, he immediately began to practice, and he thought of the word "person" with a little bit of mystery and charm, chest humming, vocal cord vibration. Exhale the airway:


The ancient sound reverberates, and the golden dan of the lower abdomen is slightly awkward, the stars are moving, and the body is slightly turned.

At this moment, the deep nebula seems to have come alive, and it has resonated with the word "person" in the mind of Lou Cheng, and even more, like a water wave!

Among the water waves, the battle moves to the stars, and the splendid seems to be connected to hundreds of vague ancient characters. They are scattered and scattered around a "human" word that grows vigorously and thickly.

This "person" word immediately appeared in the building of the mind, let the view change!

After a short period of time, Lou Cheng withdrew from the state of Bao Yuan Shouyi, recollecting the previous feelings.

So he picked up the rubbings and learned.

This time, he seems to be familiar with the road, less than half an hour, actually managed to figure out the "person" word that the charm has!

Is this OK? Lou Cheng himself was shocked.

The golden dragon of the dragon and the real person is really a combination of the nine characters, and it seems to hide his cultivation method!

Spit a sigh of relief, calmed the state of mind, and built a closed-eye view of the building, and outlined the thick and long-lasting "人" in the mind, and spit again:


Resonance with the voice, as if crossing the barriers of illusion and reality, triggered the mysterious and mysterious power, let it reverberate in the building, moisturizing and tempering his spirit and body.

And the Golden Dan is even worse, the stars move obviously, and the hundreds of vague ancient characters are finally clear!

"The effect of the ‘人’ word practice is actually polishing the spirit and physical strength...” Lou Cheng looked at the neat Zhao Qiang quilt.

This allows the running project to completely withdraw from its morning exercise and slowly improve the spirit, which is exactly what you need now!

He took out his mobile phone and got some of the ancient characters he had just written down into the memo.



He sat on the bed cross-legged, and spit in and out again and again, remembering the ancient characters. As soon as 10:30, he finally recorded the scattered text.

"Call, if the nine-character is complete, you should be able to complete this exercise." Lou Cheng looked at the phone and couldn't read the broken thing.

He rubbed his temples, turned up the "person" gesture, and began to practice external use.



When Zhao Qiang and Qiu Zhigao came back together, they just saw Lu Cheng sitting on the bed and heard that he was "hanging the dice."

"Orange, what are you doing?" Zhao Qiang yawned, self-study was very tired and tired, Qiu Zhigao also.

Lou Cheng smiled and didn't answer. He tapped the bed railing "doughly" first, then put it on his lap with one hand and made a seal in one hand. The expression was solemn and solemnly shouted:


The mysterious atmosphere swayed, and Zhao Qiang’s spirit suddenly rose and his sleepiness disappeared.

“How do I suddenly feel that I am not tired?” Lao Qiu looked at Lou Cheng, “Is it scared by you?”

"You said it is." Lou Cheng hidden with a tired smile.

This night, Zhao Qiang insomnia went to two points. Lao Qiu was full of energy and went out for ten laps.


On the early morning of the next day, Shi Laotou smiled and looked at Lou Chengdao:

"How? Can you practice tomorrow?"

He tweeted again.

Lou Cheng coughed two channels:

"Tell you tomorrow."

The man’s husband, said that the day after tomorrow, absolutely not ahead!

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