Martial Arts Master

Chapter 325: Mo Yuting's Ming Wu (the big seven thousand words)

These two goods... I saw the news, Lou Cheng whispered a sigh, and replied to Lao Qi first:

"Don't yell at me, it doesn't matter to me (hands), you have to marry my master, the coach of Wu Daoshe, who told him that he is the master of Master Master Mo Yuting?"

He humorously explained the source of the relationship in the form of a tongue twister.

Without waiting for him to quit this dialog box, Qiu Zhigao sent a message again, using the expression of “flashing his eyes”: “She and she are as beautiful as on TV?”

Some stars are terrible in reality.

"I said, do you have a big five-strong man with this expression and a weak tone, don't you feel sick?" Several people in the bedroom were accustomed to each other, and Lou Cheng returned a vomiting expression. At the end, he added a sentence. "Yes, almost."

Mo Yuting is the most splendid year, and his blood is quite strong. He still doesn't need to rely on foreign objects to modify it.

"What about her true personality?" Lao Qiu did not care about the words in front of Lou Cheng, asking himself.

Lou Cheng thought about it, and the finger quickly pressed the road: "It’s pretty outgoing and outgoing."

Of course, there are quite a few wrists, but there is no need to tell Lao Qiu. He and Mo Yuting will not have any contact at all, or let him keep a good thought.

Moreover, it is always bad to say bad things about people, and it is not necessary to exchange reservations between male and female friends.

"The same as her usual performance!" Qiu Zhigao replied excitedly.

Lou Cheng did not care about him, he quit the dialog box and clicked on the news of Qin Mo. "Smiles and laughs": "There is a saying that there is a cloud, and it is better to meet up. The beauty of imagination makes it stay in the imagination. Once it falls into reality, It will be disappointing."

He refused Qin Mo to want to see Mo Yuting's request. First, he was polite. If he didn't say hello, he would bring Qin Mo to disrespect the guests. Second, he didn't want to worry about the unspeakable teacher.

"Speaking! Do you think the reality of Mo Yuting will disappoint me? Then I ask you, is she beautiful on TV? Is the eye still so distinctive? Is it so lively and cheerful and good at selling Meng?" Qin Mo asked. A few words.

"These are quite consistent." Lou Cheng did not speak with conscience. "But other aspects..."

"Other aspects are off my ass? I am not trying to marry her as a wife, just YY, as far as I care so much? It seems that I will not be disappointed!" Qin Mo answered with a "contempt" expression.

"Birds..." Lou Cheng was speechless.

You are not really a fan!


At 9:30 in the evening, Lou Cheng sent Yan Yu back to the dormitory. After thinking about the girl’s birthday, she returned to the seven units of Unit 2, Room 30.

He just pushed in the door and saw Qiu Zhigao and Qin Mo sitting on the sofa in front of the TV that played a martial arts game.

"No games?" Lou Cheng asked a word.

Qin Mo suddenly piled up a smile and pushed his own gold-rimmed glasses: "Play tired, hungry, orange, do you want to have a night snack together, I treat, call the barbecue!"

At this point, the canteens and shops inside the school have been closed, but there are no market towns nearby. The students have take-out apps on their hands, and the Songda New Campus is not partitioned by walls. It is in the form of iron railings. With the gap, you can pass in the lunch box.

Of course, I don’t even think about a large lunch box. I used to have a classmate’s mouth and ordered dozens of pickled fish. The restaurant owner was also stupid. I installed a large plastic box directly. I was so anxious that the classmates wanted to eat in the same place, the dishes were outside, the people were inside, and they ate and sang the tears.

However, the ending of this matter is very good, the takeaway brother is a good man, carrying a lunch box, smashing over the railings, not seeing a little spill, it educated the majority of students, a bit of martial arts can not be wrong!

"No, this point will affect the sleep." Lou Cheng refused.

"Well, let's eat it ourselves." Qiu Zhigao grinned. "I have given you hot water. You don't have to run any more."

"Don't be like this, there is nothing to be diligent and arrogant, that is, stealing!" Lou Cheng did not respond with politeness and courtesy, but directly smiled.

"Isn't this the glory of the little teacher?" Qin Mo said a joke.

"Orange, I am not demanding, help me with a few signatures." Lao Qiu squinted.

"When you do, there is a chance." Lou Cheng smiled and shook his head.

It’s also a big V, and I haven’t seen you please me!


At the end of the second afternoon of the course, Lou Cheng received a text message from Mo Yuting:

"Little teacher, I am on the school bus coming~"

"Okay, we will pick you up at the station." Lou Cheng emphasized the word "we" and sent Mo Yuting to the school bus to Xiao Xiaotong.

Yan Yan said, "I am sitting in the bedroom, I am cleaning up. You are waiting for me at the door of the dormitory."

what? Not at Changqiao, etc? Lou Cheng thought flashed and replied with a funny voice: "Yes!"

It’s quite serious, and I’m going back to take care of myself...

Hey, she seems to have said that when girls meet girls, they are more cautious than seeing boys...

After more than 20 minutes, Lou Cheng, who was waiting outside the three gates, once again saw the little fairy "falling".

Yan Yan has made a light makeup, wearing a dress to highlight his own elegant side of the Sven, and it is really beautiful and refined.

"What do you look like? What about you? Let's go." The girl snorted and whispered.

Lou Cheng took back her eyes and took her soft palm. She smiled and said, "Look at the little fairy~"

Even if I can see you every day, I still have the feeling of being shocked. Unfortunately, this kind of solemnity is rare to meet two times!

"Hey!" Yan Yan turned his head and looked up, his mouth curled up and he didn't speak.

The two men went all the way, causing a lot of sight to come, and the early evening in the winter seemed to have a layer of brilliance.

They didn’t wait at the station for a long time, they saw Mo Yuting walked to the school bus door.

She wears sunglasses that cover half of her face, and it looks so eye-catching in the evening in the winter, and it seems that she has used a lot of thoughts.

Before leaving the school bus, Mo Yuting’s line of sight captured Yan Yan. As a girl, she also had a sense of surprise.

Strictly speaking, this aspect is relatively better. After all, I can often see each other on TV. The other parties with various shapes are only slightly sorrowful and sorrowful. The next one is really tall and good, so they grin and Sven looks back.

They looked at each other, and the neglected building seemed to hear the sound of Ziz in the air.

"Let's go to the restaurant first. It's not convenient to talk here." He took the initiative and stepped forward.

Under the watchful eyes of the students, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan walked hand in hand in front, Mo Yuting was slightly behind, and looked at the fingers of the two with great interest.

Into the "School Restaurant" small box, wait until the dishes are on, the door is closed, no one is disturbing, Mo Yuting took the sunglasses, and looked at Lou Cheng and Yan Yan with the eyes of the fascinating and always affectionate. Road: "It's no wonder that the little teacher and the uncle have never squinted. It turns out that there is such a beautiful girlfriend. What should I call you? It should have been called a small teacher, but I always feel weird. I am called old. ""

"Strictly, let me squat on the line." Xiao Xiaoying's dimples are light and polite.

"You are a disciple of Lushan Zhai?" Mo Yuting asked with one hand and asked curiously.

"Okay, how do you know?" Yan Yan's lips are half-open, quite surprised.

My surname is strict, and my identity account is in Xiushan. "Yin and Yang turn" is not easy to distinguish externally. Even if she can find my school records, it is hard to think that I am Lushan Zhai?

Mo Yuting smiled and glanced at Lou Cheng: "The little teacher told me."

"I haven't said it!" Lou Cheng dismissed it, and there is no need to turn around.

Normal people should not think about whether they have said it before? Xiao Shishu, your reaction is wrong! Mo Yuting feels that this is completely different from the development that he envisions.

"How do you know that you haven't said it? What if you shun it?" Yan Yan looked at his boyfriend sideways, his mouth curled up, like a smile.

Lou Cheng coughed a voice: "It was my master. I was very impressed with the dialogue at that time. I remembered it. He said that I would not have to join Wu Yuehui in the future, to be a guest of the Dragon Tiger Club, or to marry. He entered the mountain, he liked it."

He deliberately said the original words to tease the little fairy.

"Hey... marry into Lushan Zhai... I want you to marry my brother..." Yan Yan laughed out loud, turned his head, puffed his face, licked the light, seemed shy, and then joked. One sentence, the topic was shifted, and the topic seemed to be more fun, and she laughed and her body was trembled.

It’s funny!

Looking at Yan Yan and Lou Cheng, there was no one to show love, and Mo Zhenting, who had become the background board, took a sip of the cup and felt that she was fed a full dog food. The hurricane was lonely and the rain was dim.

I shouldn't have come... She thought about it helplessly, and she also understood what she had done wrong before, and understood why the attitude of Xiao Shishu was so cold.

People are in love during the period, can not allow outsiders to intervene, he will only provoke him to resent, and the resentment appears, the more you please, the more he is annoying...

It should be done in a quiet and silent way. I didn’t think that I really want to be cheaper. It might be better to be a real teacher...

As the idea changed, her attitude changed, and she took the initiative to talk with Yan Yan.

She has been mixing in the entertainment industry for several years. Although some of the ideas are not as mature as they are, and sometimes they are not rational enough, on the wrists of communication, when they talk about people, they are far from open. The two people who did not practice enough, when the topic was introduced to the secrets of other stars in the circle, no matter whether it was a building or a strict one, they put down their vigilance and listened with gusto. A meal was very harmonious.

This is not the news of the entertainment reporter, but the spit of the big stars in the circle!

Everyone has the heart of gossip!

"I didn't expect him to be a private one..." When he mentioned a male star, Yan Yan was awkward and wrong.

"There are more things that people and men have to eat. There are many people who are used to it. I feel that it is not normal." Mo Yuting lamented, "If I don't have the background of the Zongmen, and the Zongmen still I am involved in this circle, some industries and forces, I don't know if I can stand the temptation to coerce."

During the speech, she looked at Yan Yan and Lou Cheng pitifully. She didn't expect them to promise anything. I only wanted to make an impression. When the situation was over, Xiao Shishu had the strength of high-quality Dan and even the nephew. He was very strong in Zongmen. After the right to speak, you may be able to win sympathy and help.

Lou Cheng did not arbitrarily promise anything, only slammed the confusion of the entertainment circle.

Mo Yuting cleaned up her mood, continued to talk about fun things, and continued to bear the love of the young couple from time to time.

At the end, she took out a few tickets from Kun Bao and pushed it to Lou Cheng and Yan Yan:

"Little Master, hey, this is the ticket for the concert VIP area..."

She grinned and added: "You are not a circle person. If you go directly to the guest table, you will definitely be uncomfortable, and you will disturb your appointment. It is better to give you a good ticket directly."

"Thank you, our two are enough, others have it." Lou Cheng was a polite one.

"Little Master, you are my elder, and thank you, it would be too much for me." Mo Yuting snarled, "Other people? Do you know friends who are my fans?"

"A lot still." Lou Cheng thought a turn, and he helped Lao Qiu and Qin Mo to sign.

Mo Yuting smiled and took out the note, tore off the two, signed their own names and gave Qin Mo to Qiu Zhigao.

"It’s much better than your signature~" Yan Yan took a look and hit a boyfriend.

"I didn't rely on this to eat." Lou Cheng responded with a smile, and put away the things. When Mo Yuting put on a pair of flat glasses, he called the waiter to check out.

The big star who changed his attitude was sent to the school bus and waved his hand. Lou Cheng and Yan Yan glanced at each other and gave a sigh of relief.

"I feel tired than playing a game~" Yan Yan half is half-satisfied and said.

Undercurrent war between girls...

"Do you want me to help you with a temple?" Lou Cheng smiled and proposed, "With you, she has more points, so it is good."

"Well, she is a very smart girl..." Yan Yan nodded and nodded.

The two chatted for a while and sat down in the nearby street chair. Of course, the girl must take out the paper towel, and the building became habitually taking a few sheets to wipe the surface of the chair.

“How many tickets are there?” Yan Yan asked casually.

Lou Chengbian helped her to look at the temple and said: "Four, we are two, there are two left, you ask your roommates whether they want it or not, Laoqiu and the beasts have it."

"Yeah." Yan Yan took out his mobile phone and asked Li and others.

Li pity responded with anger and anger, but it was a very important professional class on Tuesday night. He couldn’t escape, and he couldn’t escape. Shi Xiangyang was also, so their experience of watching the concert for the first time was postponed.

Zong Yanru is Mo Yuting's black powder, which is quite annoying to her, and does not have the principle of betraying herself for the concert.

"Don't go to jealousy... You still give it to Laoqiu and Qinmo. Is this position much better, or give them a mouth?" Yan Yan suggested.

"Okay." Lou Cheng began to look forward to Lao Qiu, they thanked Dade's expression.


On the school bus, Mo Yuting condensed a smile, calmed his expression, and took a look.

She picked up the mobile phone and first checked the exact correspondence between the three words "Yan Yan", and then asked a friend of the rivers and lakes circle: "Do you know that Yan Yan is the next generation of Shaoshan Zhai?"

"Yan Yan? The surname is strict, I have never heard of it. I will help you ask..." The friend is not clear.

After a few minutes, he said with a solemn tone: "It is the grandson of the elders of the ancestors of the ‘ 斋 剑 倾 倾 倾 倾 倾 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。.

"God sword"? "Seven comets"? Mo Yuting twitched and the wrist shook, and the phone was dropped to the ground.


Going to the lake to complete the steps, the building was satisfied with the arrival of Yan Yan into the three dorms, and then the night, back to the bedroom, just to see Qin Mo and Lao Qiu in the living room to discuss the night to go to the concert.

"Hey, give you the signature you want." He smiled and handed the two notes to the paper.

"Signature?" Lao Qi took a look, surprised to blurt out, "So soon to Jingting's signature?"

Qin Mo thought a deeper layer and was surprised: "Have you seen her?"

Haven't seen how to sign?

"She is my teacher. Since I came to Songcheng, I have to entertain you. I just asked her to have dinner." Lou Cheng answered calmly.

"Orange grandfather, how can you forget to take me?" Qin Mo looked "grief and anger", Qiu Zhigao was also pleasantly surprised and regrettable.

There was such a good opportunity to be in front of me, but I just missed it!

"People don't want to be disturbed." Lou Cheng pushed the reason to Mo Yuting, and took out two VIP tickets. "She sent it, you hold it, the position is better."

"That, then I am not welcome! I will give you a slap in the back, take my knees!" Qiu Zhigao did not have any feelings.

Qin Mo first likes to anger: "I knew you have it here, I will not be knocked by that ox! Mom, you want to know how much he sells me? How much?"

Money is not the focus, the focus is this tone!

"I don't want to know at all." Lou Cheng replied with a smile. "Your ticket will ask if you want to go to Wang Aqiang."


Another day passed, and in the evening, Lou Cheng opened the certificate in the name of the association, bought a ticket to the old campus, took Yan Yan, and went to Mo Zhen with Qiu Zhigao, Qin Mo, Zhao Qiang and Cai Zongming. Ting's concert.

"A rare escape experience..." Yan Yan looked at the teaching building outside the window and slid to the rear. He felt a little emotional and excited about doing bad things.

They are all badly damaged by oranges!

Lou Cheng leaned against the past, surrounded her waist, deliberately reminded: "You will be found in the class, there is a 'bright spot' in the classroom, how can the teacher not pay attention? Unlike me, the public face, one person Many teachers can't tell."

This is a good-looking disadvantage!

"Hey!" Yan Yan smacked him. "I am not stupid~ I have already written a leave of absence, don't worry, thank you!"

I asked Ruju to help me with the leave of absence. I believe that the teacher’s goodwill will definitely not say anything, and then it is not a professional class.

This is the advantage of being good-looking.


Outside the Songcheng Budokan venue, there are crowds of people, each in groups, and there are interspersed with tickets to sell flowers and sell light sticks.

Yan Yan only participated in a song club, and did not experience similar occasions. It was quite exciting. He looked around, walked around, wanted to buy anything, wanted to try anything, like a child:

"Orange oranges, let's buy a few light sticks, how can we not listen to the concert?"

"Orange oranges, the cake looks delicious."

"Orange oranges, you are tight, if you lose, I don't care!"


Lou Cheng hangs a favorite smile, holding the girl's hand, letting her swim around, and she tastes all kinds of junk food.

The concert is not the focus, the focus is on dating!

Seeing that I was about to enter the market, a child who sold flowers got together next to Lou Cheng: "Brother, brother, buy a bunch of flowers for my sister, she is so beautiful!"

Listening to him saying that Lou Cheng suddenly moved, and he planned to take out his wallet and buy a few.

At this time, he slammed his mouth and pulled his wrist:

"No, I don't like this kind of flower. I am going to enter the market. Let's go over~"

With the insistence of the strict coach, Lou Cheng also converges on the mind, hurried forward, opened the flower-selling child, whispered: "What's wrong? Although it is expensive, he said it well, You are so beautiful, there should be flowers!"

Yan Yan drums the drums to help the child:

"They are using the man's kind of heroic arrogance... Hey, I don't like others to treat you as a big man!"

She behaved like a siberian tigress, and she looked warmer and smiled.

In the concert, Mo Yuting did not have any moths. The book was full of singers' duties, and Lou Cheng and Yan Yan were very familiar with many of her songs. From time to time, they followed the chorus, waved a light stick, or recorded it. Video, stay commemorative.

The two enjoyed themselves and enjoyed themselves very much.

"Hey, your face is big, and your self-portrait seems to my face is even smaller~" The concert ended, out of the venue, Yan Yan breathed the cold wind of the night, took out the phone and looked at the photos of the two just now. .

"It was originally small." Lou Cheng's five fingers opened, and the virtual cover was on the face of Xiao Xiaoying's classmates.

He looked around and coughed a voice:

"At this point, the school bus stopped early, and Laoqi said that they went to Qin Mojia to borrow a night."

Are we not staying at night?

This is the thing that he is considering and expecting after he has come to see the concert...

"Yes." Yan Yan chicken nodded like a glutinous rice. "Then you have a special car."

what? What is this answer? Lou Cheng was awkward.

Xiao Xiaoying, you don't play cards according to common sense!

"What's wrong? This point is back and forth. It's still early to turn off the lights." Yan Yan blinked and the light was clear.

"Okay, okay." Lou Cheng confuses distracting thoughts, about a special car, and has a word in mind:

I hate the net about the car!

Although there were a lot of people who took a taxi after watching the concert, although Lou Cheng was silently praying that no one responded, but the brilliance of Yan’s coach was invincible, and the driver took orders in a few minutes.

To Songda New Campus, but the distance, a lot of money!

"What to do? I thought it would be a little too excited to wait for the wall to enter the school~" Waiting for the gap in the car, Yan Yan gave his hands to the floor and smiled excitedly.

So far, I have not done this kind of bad thing yet!

Seeing her face flushed and radiant, Lou Cheng’s regrets and loss just dissipated, and smiled low:

"We are doing bad things duo!"

It seems quite interesting to do bad things with little fairies.


At night, the car was fast. After half an hour, in the light of the bright moon in the sky, Lou Cheng led a strict "ghost ghost" to find a monitoring corner.

Facing the high guardrail, he chuckled:

"I will go up first, wait for you to drop."

"Hmm!" Yan Yan was a serious man, and his eyes were shining.

The building is hand-supported and the foot is exerted. The whole person is like a big bird, and it falls to the position of the horizontal bar at the top of the railing. It does not move.

He bent down and took the hands that Yan Yan stretched out. When the girl slammed hard, he pulled it up.

When the body vacates, it immediately stands firm, and the stern sighs and looks forward to it.

"It's fun~!"

She walked happily, slightly opened her arms, walked up the balance beam, and her feet staggered on the railing, seemingly swaying, but it was very stable.

Lou Cheng with one hand in the pocket, followed by her, I saw the girl's back is pretty, the hair is bright, the posture is lively, and the sky is bright and radiant, and shines into my heart.

He remembered the picture with his heart, then smiled and stepped on his left foot.

Yan Yan is the time to exchange his footsteps. The sensation railings swayed and he lost his center of gravity. He must be planted outside.

She didn't scream, she subconsciously bounced her spine, pulled her muscles, and tried to force herself to stand up straight.

At this moment, she had an arm at her waist, which pulled her back easily and crashed into the familiar arms.

"I know that it is bad..." Yan Yan woke up, and he was very happy and excited to hit the building.

However, her words were not finished and her lips were sealed.

Twilight swept to the ground on both sides of the railing, and slowly closed his eyes in a dream, and hugged the building.

A cloud drifted across the sky, briefly covering the moon.


Stepping briskly into the bedroom, Yan Yan stopped at the outside, touched his face, confirmed that the flushing had faded, and then pushed the door.

"Hey, hey, how come you are back?" Li pity turned around.

"Why can't I come back?" Yan Yan looked awkward.

"When I go out to watch the concert, I must miss the night school bus. Hey, this time, the man will propose to go to the hotel to open a room for one night and come back the next day. Well, they will open two rooms first, then the dead skin will stay in the face. On the girl's side, I will hold you to sleep when I say something, I will not move anything... I will..." Li is more filthy.

"Stop!" Yan Yan listened blushing and immediately interrupted, "Do you want to be so dirty!"

Having said that, she suddenly thought of the fact that Lou Cheng had deliberately mentioned that there was no school bus and that Lao Qiu had to stay at night.

He, he wants me not to come back?

No wonder his reaction at the time was a bit strange...

Li pity looked at her with a funny look and asked: "Isn't your family orange meaning this? It's impossible!"

"He, he said that there is no school bus." Yan Yan cheeks thin red, not very embarrassed to answer.

"Hey, hey, how do you answer?" Li, Li Shi and Shi Xiangyang, both came to the interest.

"I said, I said about the car..." Yan Yan turned and looked to the side.

"About the car, about the car, hahaha, you answered this, I will serve you!" Li pity laughed and lost his image, Shi Xiangyang and Zong Yanru are also trampolines of the trampoline, 趴 table 趴table.

Yan Yan was laughed at by them and couldn't help but secretly bite his teeth.

I didn't taste what he was hiding!

I will simply mention the most convenient and simple way!

Oh, they are all infected by oranges, and I have become awkward!

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