Martial Arts Master

Chapter 319: Absolute strength

"Lin Xiaozhi! Lin Xiaozhi!"

The audience was quiet first, and the small horn was sporadic and audible, and then burst out of cheers and shouts, cheering!

They are convinced that Lin Xiaozhi can overcome Sun Jian, but she did not expect her to win so fast and so easily, it seems to be in the abuse of food, and it seems that something new is not possible.

This is really a battle to boost morale!

At the home team seat, Kim Daly and several substitutes stood up and waved their towels in excitement.

I am, how come me? How does this "good thing" always turn to me? On the top of the ring, Sun Jian shook his head, stopped the dizziness, converged the blood, and thought bitterly.

Fortunately, my mentality is good! He did not delay, turned his body, and quickly walked to the stone steps, and met the half of the forest with strong warfare.

"She practiced the shock." Sun Jian extended his fist and whispered.

Lin lacked indifference and nodded. When he passed by, he made a fist and touched Sun Jian.

Watching him step by step, the momentum is booming, Lin Xiaozhi is busy vomiting, looking at the picture of the clouds, calming himself down.

To face the lack of forest, there is only one strategy for one purpose, that is, "consumption"! It’s a victory to spend more than a few times in the Danish era. The longer you spend, the bigger the victory!

She did not expect to be able to overcome a "good power" eight-piece Dan, the forest was short and the building was so fierce, teamed up in the way of the wheel battle, only to defeat the Wei Shengtian no special.

While echoing in the sound of the venue, Lin deficiency seems very quiet and introverted, but when he stood in the predetermined position, Lin Xiaozhi suddenly gave birth to a feeling of being a big mountain and a big river in front of him. !

Is this the suppression of Danjing's momentum? She took a deep breath and tried to get rid of the current state.

"Orange, do you think Lin misses a few strokes to win?" Cai Zongming asked casually.

Lou Cheng gave him a sigh of relief: "You are not gambling anyway."

How many big brothers can win, purely depends on his strategy, depending on how much he wants to stay in the next game and even the next.

"I have a hunch, he will try to make a quick decision, and most of the three or five moves will be done." Cai Zongming did not mind the attitude of the loss of friends, self-satisfied and said, "Do you think that the martial arts of NTU's gang is very good? Does it fit a sentence? The eyes of the eagle, the speed of the leopard, the power of the bear!"

After that, he found that Lou Cheng was confused and apparently did not get to the stalk.

"You haven't seen that cartoon?" Cai Zongming sneered.

Lou Cheng looked at Yan Yan sideways and saw that the girl was in a state of stunnedness. She shook her head in a dull manner, indicating that she did not know what it was.

"Maybe it's an older animation..." She turned her eyes and made a judgment.

"Understood!" Lou Cheng solemnly decapitated and replied to Cai Zongming. "This uncle is sorry, we are young, we have never seen such an old animation."

"I am!" Xiao Ming was swallowed and could barely speak.

Their relaxed attitude infected Li Wei Wang Dali and others, and recovered from Lin Xiaozhi's shocked horror.

Yes, what is the shock?

We will be the two main players of the martial arts club!

At this time, the referee waved his right hand and the voice overwhelmed the rolling wave:

"The second game, start!"

The word "beginning" is still reverberating, and Lin’s lack of enthusiasm has directly brought to the outbreak of the second time!


The place where he stood was like an explosion, and countless pieces flew out to the outside. I was tall and fiercely rushed to the opposite side of Lin Xiaozhi.

Just a flutter, the distance between the two sides of the two sides disappeared, and Lin Xiaozhi’s thoughts just turned, and he saw a figure as if the meteor was falling, the gods passed away, and the posture of Mount Taishan crashed over!

So fast! wild! So direct! In the light stone fire, she did not panic, calmly made a judgment, the center of gravity swings, the back swings, and dexterously and quickly retreat a few steps.

In these few steps, she is well-prepared, like a tall antelope, and her feet are stable, her body is not shaken, and it is not easy to do with a few "pictograms".

Seeing that she is about to open the distance, get rid of the predicament just now, Lin suddenly lost his body shape, but also anger, and force to step forward and plow!


Lin Xiaozhi's feet cracked under the ground, and it seemed to have the power to spray out. She lifted her left leg and let her lose her weight.

Bucket, the first sixteenth, the ground crack!

This! Lin Xiaozhi’s horror was a little flustered, and the spine was ups and downs, and he had to force himself to stabilize his body. Lin’s lack of opportunity to seize the opportunity, bullied her, and thought of the meteor’s image of the sky, bulging itself. The temple, the small range quickly swings to the right arm, and a punch hits with lightning.

Lin Xiaozhi rushed to parry, barely used the cannon boxing, rocking that point and welcoming it.

boom! She only felt that she had been hit by the "Meteorite", and the shock wave of the avatar was directly hit, and the blood tumbling to want to vomit, the internal organs had the horror of quickly moving away.

The sound in the abdomen sounded like a low and continuous explosion. Lin lacked his right hand and reverberated. The left half leaned forward and quickly put his arm on it, sketching the picture and breaking a punch.

Lin Xiaozhi just used the internal training method to ease the shock. He had to face this tight attack. He put his hands on the lower abdomen, and held his palms open. He opened his fingers and used the talons to confront the meteors.


Her mind swelled, her muscles twitched and trembled, and she was stagnant in the same place. The five fingers failed to hold the fist of the forest, and it was directly attached to her abdomen and stopped there.

The referee stood up straight and announced:

"The second game, Lin lacked!"

In a twinkling of an eye, the winners and losers have already been separated. The students of NTU have either widened their eyes or held their mouths, or looked awkward and let the cockroaches in the venue suddenly disappear.

Just like before, they understand that Lin Xiaozhi can't beat the forest, and most of them will lose, but I didn't expect her to lose so simply so there is no resistance. The top job in the victory over Sun Jian seems to have lost martial arts in an instant.

Lin Xiaozhi reluctantly did the internal training, slowed it down, resisted the urge to vomit, looked at Lin’s lack of horror, turned and walked down the platform, and still remembered the scene just now.

This lost?

I lost this?

She consciously can compare with the victory of Wei Shengtian, and can barely resist the two bursts of Lin deficiency. It is expected to consume him three times of "rejuvenation" and complete more cycles for the back. The foundation of the company lays the best foundation. Who knows that he has not even supported it for a minute!

Is this a Danish warrior with a gift of inheritance?

Is this the absolute strength of the crush?

When she had just finished the stone steps, she looked at the hippie-looking Kim Daly and came to the front.

"Xiao Jin, he used two bursts, the burden should not be too small, play well, let him consume the limit!"

"Yeah!" Kim Daly converges on the usual cynical, in order to hurry, the run rushed to the ring.

Lin Xiaozhi closed his eyes and retched, shaking his legs and returning to the home team seat.

If Xiaojin consumes less forests and let the captain single-handedly make the best in the state, then we have at least half of the odds!

team leader? Suddenly, she was horrified, regardless of her physical condition. She even jumped back to the front of the ring and jumped out to the game supervision. She smiled and smiled:

"Predecessors, my things!"

"Don't believe this, it's useless." The game supervisor was an old predecessor, and he made a point.

Lin Xiaozhi blinked and smiled sadly: "Predecessors, you don't understand!"

At the visiting team seat, Cai Zongming proudly looked around:

"I said it, Lin lacks a quick fix, three or five moves to get it!"

Lou Cheng and Yan Yan and others did not take care of him, and they were eager to talk to themselves. The mood was pleasant and relaxed.

Lin deficiency is strong enough, we are relieved!

At this point, the students in the stands slowly slowed down, revived morale, shouted the name of Jin Dali, cheering for him.

After hearing the waves and waves, Kim Daly shook his body slightly and was in the most excited state.

He seized the last time and quickly tapped his strategy.

Lin lacks two consecutive explosions and magical moves to "snap" the sister of laughter, the burden of itself will not be small, this game, he will mostly be stable, try to win me with little cost, better Consume the captain.

That being the case, I...

His thoughts just turned here, the referee glanced at the forest that quickly spit out, and raised his right hand without hesitation:

"The third game, start!"

When Kim Dali suddenly sinks his mind, he will walk with the cranes, the tiger-shaped attack, and then pick up the talons and crocodile bites, but suddenly see the forest missing and hung up, and once again sprayed Dan!

He is coming again?

Does he not make a reservation?

Lin lacked as a heavy truck and “flying” in front of Jin Dali in two steps.

He is almost in the same league as the wind, and seems to be brewing a horrible follow-up.

The experience of fighting in Australia was quite rich. He was clever and did not take the form of an antelope hanging corner to evade. Instead, he suddenly stretched his body, like a giant bear standing up straight.

He swelled his muscles, leaned over his body, and did not retreat. He took a step and slammed into the forest.

"Bear shape", the giant bear hit the tree!

boom! Kim Da-lee, who became a giant bear, was directly hit by a fly. He stepped forward and eagerly grasped his heart.

The follow-up moves of the forest were not able to be played out, and suddenly they sharpened their gaze, and once again "regained their strength", no flaws!

boom! When he fired the gun, he bullied him in front of Kim Daly.

Then, he slammed his feet and forced the brakes. In the fierce friction, he pulled out the residual image and put out the swollen right arm.

Bucket, one hundred and twenty-seventh, meteor burst!

Bang! Kim Dali, who had just stabilized his heart, only felt that a bomb was detonated in front of him. The violent shock wave roared, almost blowing himself and tearing the flesh and blood.

I didn't have time to think about it. He turned back and fell to the ground to avoid the front.

Lin lacked the second two bursts, the burden must be very heavy, need to slow down, I have the opportunity to fight the squid!

At this time, the lack of forests and deep converges the strength and spirit of the blood, let them still hold a little!

Three bursts!

"Three bursts of explosions..." Lou Cheng’s eyes lit up and blurted out.

boom! When the Dan gas broke out, the forest lacked a step forward, and the hard-boiled life dragged a trace of shockingness on the ground. Before Kim Daly turned and jumped up, he rushed to his side and kicked his right foot and stopped. Near his temple.

"The third game, Lin lacks!"

In the voice of the referee, the audience was silent, Mu Hao stood up, took a deep breath, and untied a strange door charm from his neck.

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