Martial Arts Master

Chapter 303: Yamakita Kazue

Because of the weakness of the illness, Lou Cheng was rushed back to the bedroom, let him rest, and strive to recover as soon as possible.

Sucking the blocked nose, he pushed open the door and unexpectedly saw Lao Qiu Qiu Zhigao still in the dormitory.

"You didn't go to self-study?" Lou Cheng asked strangely, and put down the down jacket and the thermos.

Is the sun coming out from the west today? Is Lao Qiu’s mantra not a day in the morning?

Qiu Zhigao is facing the computer screen, constantly sliding the mouse, no return:


"Hey, what?" Lou Cheng laughed, opened the closet, and folded the down jacket into the corner.

"Mo Yuting's concert ticket! Open at 9:30 on time!" Qiu Zhigao stared at the page.

He started to rush at the beginning of the university and wanted to find a girlfriend. But he didn't like him. He liked him and he couldn't look at it. He could only stay alone, and he was interested in self-study and idol.

Mo Yuting? Lou Cheng smashed his mouth, hehe said: "Where is the concert?"

After returning from the stranger to the province, the teacher did not contact himself very much. He only occasionally sent a text message to show the sense of existence. This is indeed a good thing for himself. People have limited energy and they have that. Work hard to deal with other girls.

"On Songcheng, you don't know? The notice that just came out a few days ago, she is going to Songcheng to open a concert in November! I must not miss it!" Laoqi replied excitedly, "Begin to start..."

"Songcheng..." Lou Cheng's brow wrinkled and stretched.

It doesn't matter, the University Budokai kicked off in November. With the previous record of the school, most of the time was against the road, and the weekend was almost never in Songcheng.

This is the harassment mode!

——According to his own master, in the previous stage of the divisional competition, he and Lin lacked the rotation of the town, mainly to quench the substitute players.

"Yeah, how else would I grab the tickets? What a good chance!" Lao Qiu said, suddenly there was some "grief", "The beasts are going to buy high-priced tickets!"

"If you didn't grab it, would you like to buy it?" Lou Cheng asked with a smile, and he rushed to the bed and lay down to let himself fall into a soft bed.

Old Qiu gnashed his teeth for a while:

"Buy! Save a little!"

Love! Lou Cheng secretly praised himself.

Lao Qiu's family is almost the same as his own practice. As a student, he focuses on self-study, has no financial resources, and relies on the living expenses of his family.

This is saving from the ration!

In order not to disturb the old Qiu to grab the ticket, he did not say anything more, took out the mobile phone, unlocked the screen, and saw Yan Yan sent a photo of Zhang in the dormitory to do the cleaning.

The smile did not consciously emerge. He pressed the keyboard and praised the little fairy.

When the girl was busy and did not return news, Lou Chengyou opened the forum and entered the Dragon Tiger Club. He browsed the news of the top professional competition and the news of the title of the dragon and other strong players.

As a target warrior, paying attention to these is no longer just an interest, but also because it is closely related to itself!

And the fan forums of their own, there are few people at present, and they rarely pay attention to things other than themselves, and it is difficult to obtain similar information.

"Seeking God to identify these two types of housing is good!" This is the first post that Lou Cheng sighted, so that he could not help but think of his own mother.

From saying that buying a house, it is almost a month now, she has not yet picked it up, has not made a decision, and even expanded the scope of the choice, no longer confined to the neighborhood neighbors.

It’s really troublesome... Fortunately, I have already transferred 400,000 to her... Lou Cheng’s belly and aunt’s words, I thought about my deposit.

Due to the increase of the individual guidance fee in the later period to 3,100 hours, the previously active crowd became a reality and faded the enthusiasm. This piece earned only 40,000 yuan, plus the part-time tail 20,000 and the original surplus, deducted There are more than 290,000 expenses in all aspects, so I don't have to worry about money for the time being.

He browsed the post just now, remembered the valuable things in the reply, and planned to teach the mother at night.

Exit the post, swipe your finger, look down, he saw a hot post from "Gai Shilong Wang":

"When the World of Heaven and the arrogance is about to start, Lou Cheng VS Peng Leyun!"

Uh... It’s been two months before the opening of the University’s Budokai. There’s at least three months’ collision with Shanbei. Is there anyone paying attention to this? And the forums like the Dragon Tiger Club have become popular! Lou Cheng took a breath.

At this time, the old Qiu below jumped up and shouted loudly:

"Grab it! Grab it!"


Shanbei University male dormitory area.

Xu Wannian, the president of Wudaoshe, stood downstairs, looked at the mobile phone, and browsed the "war of the world's arrogance" forwarded by others.

Let people look forward to it! He expressed his emotions with interest and then called Peng Leyun:

"Peng Shidi, come down, train training, just wait for you!"

"Good!" Peng Leyun said concisely.

His voice just fell, Xu Wannian saw the window of a dormitory on the fifth floor open, and a figure jumped down.

"Come again..." Xu Wannian sighed and screamed, and the screams of the newborns in the ear were one after another:

"Jumped up! Jumped off the building!"

"Someone jumped!"

In the middle of the air, this figure suddenly expanded, like Dapeng spread its wings, and Shiran had a small gliding forward.

Then, his feet steadily landed, and there was a sway in the vicinity.

"Let's go." Peng Leyun grabbed the rebound and rushed to the side of Xu Wannian, and smiled and said hello.

Xu Wannian looked at the place where he had settled before, and found no obvious traces. He couldn’t help but be shocked and worshipped Peng’s strength again.

He is getting stronger and stronger!

There was silence around, and the freshmen who reported it seemed to have seen the monster.

At this moment, the uncle who rushed out of the door, shouted:

"Peng Leyun! Why don't you take the stairs!"

"What if you scare someone else?"

Peng Leyun shrunk his shoulders, no high-cold performance, only smiled and said: "I was thinking about a problem, a problem, and I used to copy a shortcut."

Copying the road? The new students around me opened their mouths one by one.

Xu Wannian grinned and apologized to the grandfather

"I will take care of him!"

He said that while pulling Peng Leyun left the "discovery scene."

"How do you read this post?" Because it was daily, he did not mention the matter just now, and handed the phone over.

Peng Leyun browsed again and whispered:

"It's very interesting. Don't touch the floor."

"Yeah, I thought that the ability was restrained by him. I was very big, but fortunately, Xiaofang also became a great Dan." Xu Wannian sighed.

After the "crow's mouth" abilities gradually increased, he had a certain chance of winning against the eight-character Dan and even the seven-character Dan. However, if the abilities lose their effect, the top-ranking ninth body is definitely not enough for the strong players.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but gossip: "When Peng Shidi, when can you break through to the non-human level? I heard that Ren Li has six standards, and the back building is catching up quickly."

The championship competition of this martial arts association will be extremely fierce, but as long as Peng Shidi can step into the high quality, everything will become simple.

As for whether the next Ren Li and Lou Cheng will be equally inhuman, it is not a problem that I need to consider. I have graduated!

Peng Leyun's face is clean, his eyes are clear, and he looks at the clouds in the sky:


His twilight gradually emptied, his movements became sloppy, as if he relied on instinctive consciousness to move forward, but he could accurately break the obstacles of street trees, small stones and playful students.

Hey, Peng Shidi started to be in a daze, and he has evolved into a walk and can be dazed... Xu Wannian sighed and did not want to think about the martial arts meeting. He transferred his thoughts to the nighttime gathering area of ​​Pingjiang City and transferred to various characteristics. On the girl.

He pulled the collar and his body was a little hot.


The only university campus in Sanjiang City.

In the white shirt, Yan Hui’s feet are 30 centimeters from the ground and float in the office of the Budoshe.

He looked at the players in front of him, smiling like a smile: "How? What do you think of these discussions?"

The main force and substitutes of the martial arts club were silent, and they looked down like mistakes and did not dare to speak.

"Ruo Haize, you first say." Yu Hui, who has also served as a coach of the martial arts club, has the authority to look down on other people.

Luo Haize is tall and tall, and his face is very thick. The childishness on his face has faded. He touched the half-light head:

"The Songda gang has grown too fast. Last year, it was still running. This year, TM has a double Dan, and Loucheng is close to seven."

This is just like dreaming!

In the circle of university martial arts, there are indeed geniuses and strong people, but the base and foundation are there. Most schools still rarely see Dan. After all, this is the real entry of martial arts. Just like the strong school of Sanjiang, the previous sessions Nine, when you graduate, no one can become a big Dan, and he is born!

This shows the difficulty of Dan!

In the less than one year, Songda Budokai has come up with two Danes. Is this not a bully?

"This is the talent of others, and envy is not coming." Yan Hui said with both hands in his chest, and he said insincerely, then, his face was a board. "Hai Ze, your talent is actually very good, even if it is not comparable to Peng Leyun Ren Lihe Lou Cheng. If Lin lacks this, he will not reach the non-human level in the future. Now it is time to look forward to Dan, but if you look at yourself, it is a ghost, not far from those friends!"

"Yeah." Luo Haize bowed his head.

Sorry to reject people is his biggest flaw.

Yan Hui slammed Luo Haize and looked at another player. He frowned.

"You are a little more leisurely. You are also a person who has a good hope in the world. Don't you want to go further before graduation? In the future, you will eat spicy and spicy."

Yin Xiangxi smiled bitterly: "We have known each other for more than three years. You still don't know my character?"

He is aggressive in fighting, claiming that he will not be tempted, and he will not be defensive.

To eat this loss, even if a referee stopped it in time, he suffered several injuries in the past few years. The martial arts practice lacked continuity, and the talent gradually disappeared.

They are not the ones that make people worry. 瞿 没 没 did not say more, look like an eagle to the mobile phone on the desk.

When discussing this competition area, I only mentioned Shanbei and Songda, only mentioning Peng Leyun Fang Zhirong and Lou Chenglin lacking, completely when our Sanjiang College does not exist! It’s totally when I don’t exist!

Sorry, I also promoted Dan, and the ability has improved!

Shanbei, Songda, waiting for me to surprise you!

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