Martial Arts Master

Chapter 298: problem

The sun shines out of the window, and the desk is dyed with a layer of golden color, which outlines the girl's perfect contour, reflecting the skin that she can break through in her white.

Lou Cheng’s left hand, who was holding the Yan’s waist, went to his side and thought about several opening remarks in his mind, but he quickly vetoed it.

"Oh..." In the end, he only shouted the name, and the voice was a little bit magnetic.

"Well?" Yan Yan's body tightened a bit, turned his head to his boyfriend, and responded softly, but her dawn did not consciously escape the sight of Lou Cheng.

In this situation, Lou Cheng did not speak. When the voice of the girl "Hm" came out, she passed the right hand and buried her head. First, she was scornful, followed by a light kiss. The tight and tight body gradually relaxed. It seems that I found a familiar feeling, half-faced and pretty, closed my eyes, and opened my lips.

The tongue and tongue are dependent, and Lou Cheng controls the inner passion and makes it burst a little.

It didn't take long for Yan Yan to look up and get rid of the increasingly intense kisses, moisturizing his lips, like a sly look: "Continue to look at the photo..."

Her voice did not fall, it felt that the body of the building with strong powers came over, the frosty cold faded, leaving only the burning of the heart of the lake, his lips were sealed, broke into an excited guest.

The atmosphere became hot, and the building became breathing aroma. Listening to the girl's gradual sigh, feeling the intimacy of the tongue and tongue, the blood was arrogant, and the left arm of the slender waist was shrunk and the right hand slid down. The bottom of the T-shirt stretched in and I realized the seductive delicateness.

He "listened" to the sternness and tightened his body, the mouth sucked and the palms moved slowly, full of expectation, and implied.

When he saw his imminent arrival at the destination, his heart jerked like a drum. Yan Yan lifted his left hand and pressed it on his palm, making a thin voice in his throat.

Lou Cheng was first lost, forced to resist the passion, and intended to take back his palm, but at this moment, he found that the girl was so weak and weak as he tried his left hand, and the body was shuddering.

With a bang, his mind burst open, his blood on his face, his right hand sliding, and easily broke through the blockade.

Yan Yan's legs were close together, the toes bent and grasped, the photo album on the knees slipped forward, fell to the ground, and turned to the floor to stand in the bathtub, **** full body photos.

I don't know how long it took, the girl's white T-shirt fell down, covered in a photo album, and her legs also received a bedside.

The sunlight shining outside the window has become very embarrassing. Lou Cheng feels that he will not forget the beautiful scenery in his life, and will not forget the shock of the first time.

He leaned over his head, as if he was on a pilgrimage.

Time passed by, and the right palm of the building groped down was suddenly pressed tightly, always biting his lip, only occasionally making a sound of stunned eyes, with a soft but firm tone. Road:


Feeling her persistence, Lou Cheng took back her hand, kissed the girl, and smiled bitterly: "I went to the bathroom."

"Well..." Yan Yan grabbed the thin quilt next to him, covered it, and responded with a low light. She gasped and gasped, and her face flushed to the extreme.

When Lou Cheng went out to pull the door, she huddled sideways and curled up, slid the quilt up, covered her head, and sighed a few times inside:

"Colored oranges! Oranges! Oranges!"

After the completion of the building, he washed his face and returned to the room. He saw that the girl had been dressed up again, using his pillow as the backrest, lying diagonally, and spreading the album that had fallen to the ground before being spread.

"Oh!" As soon as he saw him, Yan Yan turned his head and snorted, showing dissatisfaction. "Great wolf!"

She whispered, and Lou Cheng was full of joy and satisfaction. She came over and lay down and took her.

Yan Yan relaxed his body with a little struggle and regained his back. His right hand shook his arm with "shame and indignation":

"I know that it is cheap for me!"

Lou Cheng recalled the picture just now, only the sunshine that was shining in was so bright, the sultryness of the room was so comfortable, everything was so beautiful, his face showed a sincere smile, his mind was filled with happiness and sweetness. There is a relationship between the two sides that has finally gone further and achieved stability.

Well, this is my wife!

My wife!

Yan Yan saw that he did not speak, quietly looked up, glanced at it and said: "What are you smirking?"

"I feel that you are my wife!" Lou Chengxiao replied.

"Oh..." Sighed a sigh, and the face seemed to still have the previous flush.

Thinking about the scenes of the previous scene, Lou Cheng gave a chuckle and relaxed feeling:

"The underwear of the girl is really difficult to understand. With my flexible fingers and the same strength, I almost failed. Well, mainly because I am too impatient."

This kind of shameless words, in the past he will not directly say in front of Yan Yan, but now, I do not know why, he feels that the relationship between the two sides has been so successful that there is no need to avoid this topic.

Yan Yan was so stunned that he had never thought that Lou Cheng would say this thing. He was ashamed and annoyed at the moment, and he was a bit funny. He twisted him and said:

"You are stinking!"

This is how to say it!

"Hey." Lou Chengxiao haha ​​bear.

He knows that he doesn't really work hard, or else he can directly screw off his own piece of meat with her current finger strength!

"Are all of your boys so dirty?" After the shameful redress, Yan Yan blinked and asked in a curious way.

She found herself not so resistant and repulsive to the level of the topic.

The underwear has been solved by the oranges, and it seems that it is nothing...

"I think that except for a very small number, it is almost the same. It is only the difference in the degree of pollution. This is the nature of human beings. If you are not curious, you will have problems. What about your girls? In addition to the filth?" , calmly answer.

"Nothing!" Yan Yan first denied it, then looked to the tip of the toe, making it normal. "But it will still be in contact with some, um, some, no, not as simple as your boys think..."

Having said that, she pushed the pot to Li: "I used to know a little love and know some things. Later, I was filthy and instilled! She also said that she lurked in many groups and found that married women are better than men. There are more storms..."

“Is it?” Lou Cheng was quite surprised.

"How do I know if I haven't, I haven't added it..." Yan Yan's right hand plays the floor of the building, presses, pinches, squats, draws, outlines the muscles, like a playful child. .

Then she suddenly saw that Lou Cheng had another reaction.

"You, you..." She stuttered.

Lou Chengcai would not say that she was reminiscent of the previous things under the stimulation of her play, laughing two channels:

"The blood is particularly strong..."

"Super invincible big satyr!" Yan Yan's face was thin red, gnashing his teeth, turned over and went to bed, put on slippers.

"Where are you going?" Lou Cheng asked.

"Bathroom!" Yan Hao hate to answer.

Washed his face and stood in front of the mirror. The girl looked at the redness of the eyes and the wet eyes. Suddenly there was a feeling of growing up.

Love, not only in the spirit, the taste of **** can not be avoided.

The blending of spirits and flesh is the foundation of long-lasting feelings.

The thought turned, the sensitivity of women's naturalness made her think a lot, the mind was a lot, the emotions were raging and quite complicated.

After a few minutes, she patted her face and returned to the room of Loucheng.

As soon as she saw the idiot, all her emotions suddenly disappeared, and only the softness was left, so she licked her mouth and pretended to be not good:

"I want to continue to look at the photos! It's your big satyr!"

"Okay." Lou Cheng replied happily, holding the girl again.

Compared with before, this time he obviously felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders.

It is responsibility and happiness.

Lianwu can't be slack!

In the following time, naturally, there is no need to worry about the ear. Loucheng controls his own desires, and does not become a complete entanglement.

As soon as 4:30, he first went out of the community, and Yan Wei waited for a few minutes, closing the door and following the original road.

After hitting the car, I came to Houshui Lake and the two men reluctantly bid farewell.

When it came to separation, Yan Yan suddenly reached out and twisted the right hand of Lou Cheng. The only right hand was turned and turned to look to the side. He said:

"Great wolf!"

After saying that, when she did not respond to her boyfriend, she ran quickly and ran into the door.

Lou Cheng touched the back of the hand that was screwed, and the mood was warm and the smile was difficult to stop. So he stood there quietly and watched the girl.


When he was having dinner, he traveled from time to time and thought about the afternoon.

The girl has a scent, not a shower gel, shampoo and other exotic flavors...

What excuse to look for next time?

Qi Fang glanced at his son and did not care to look at Lou Zhisheng. He said casually:

"I listened to Han Er and his wife said that there was a very beautiful girl in the community in the afternoon. I don't know who the friend of the kid..."

Uh... Lou Cheng suddenly woke up and deeply admired the gossip ability of neighbors.

If you come again or twice, they will probably lock me up...

Wait until the end of the dinner, help to clean up the table, Lou Cheng sitting on the sofa, chatting with the mother, listening to her father and then go out to play chess, while taking out the phone, and Yan Yan shared the neighbors to her impression.

Talking and chatting, Yan Yan suddenly asked:

"Orange, you, do you think I am selfish?"

"Ah..." The building was foggy. "I don't think so."

Where does this start?

Yan Yan did not use his expression: "I am the words that I said in the afternoon. I said that I occasionally live and live. Do you think there is a problem?"

Lou Cheng only tasted the meaning of the occasional two words, and asked: "Do you mean to live alone in the future, not with your parents?"

I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have never considered this aspect at all. I feel that it will take at least several years to get in touch!

"Yeah." Yan Yan said, "I once told you that I am more selfish. I take myself as the center and draw circles outside. The innermost layer is the parents, then the relatives, and the others go out. ......"

"Yes, I asked you, where is the other half of you?" Lou Cheng remembered this.

"Well, I will tell you the answer now. My other half is also in the center. With my own family, the original families on both sides have to keep a certain distance. Is this very selfish?" Yan Yan asked again.

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