Martial Arts Master

Chapter 287: Ice god

"I want to be purely martial."

Speaking of this sentence, Lou Cheng only feels that the dust in his heart seems to have been swept out. Those who are arguing for those trivial matters that are bothering and rushing are not what they want.

Sincerely in the martial arts, sincerely loved people, even if they just hold textbooks, discuss topics, and where the power of intrigue is going to go!

At the same time, he felt that Mo Yuting's tight body was softened, and his voice smiled softly: "Uncle Shu, you can't just say what you said. Now, this year, professional, the company has professional managers and Talented disciples in this respect look at it, the master of the ancestors will also be a general, to be a supervisor, which will be busy and uncomfortable? It is very comfortable and leisurely!"

Hey, what does this mean? In the end, Mo Yuting is standing on the side, what is the idea, or whether to solve the problem with the mouth... Lou Cheng is awkward, and he is puzzled by the teacher who is in charge of the department.

Compared with her, she really has too little social experience.

"You can't hear a truth in this singer's film. How many companies have Zongmen developed to the present? How many industries are involved? It is the supervision that can make people big. Besides, it is not the only thing in this regard. Inside, inside the league, above the rivers and lakes, there are many pits where people must fight." Shi Laotou snorted, and the salt I had eaten was much more than the rice you had eaten.

"These can also be assisted by people who are good at it. The masters are very leisurely. They only use three or four hours a day." Mo Yuting smiled and replied.

Shi Laotou did not pay attention to her, looking at her own stupid apprentice:

"You don't rush to answer, then think about it, don't worry about the external factors, this little wind and small waves are afraid, how do you mix rivers and lakes in the future?"

"Don't think about other things, just ask what you really want. Some people have said that once the taste of power has been tasted, it is like being addicted to drugs. You should not blindly decide because you haven't experienced it."

He said that the cloud was light and windy, but it was not serious, but the meaning of the words made Mo Yuting bow down and unconsciously frowned.

Is this the discouragement of outsiders?

The external factors don't need to be considered. Is there anything I am doing? Is this not a problem?

"Yes, Master." Lou Cheng closed his eyes and recalled the past, imagining some scenes on TV and hearsay.

Shi Laotou laughed and said: "I will not say much about the benefits of the sect of the sect of the sect. If you choose the wild crane, if you really have the opportunity to participate in the top professional competition, you don't have to hang it on a tree in Wu Yuehui."

"Ah? Can you still participate in the Wu Yue Club?" Lou Cheng opened his eyes, quite surprised.

As soon as he knew the situation of Zongmen, he thought that he would be a good thing when he entered the high-quality and even the foreigner.

Can you still betray the sect?

Shi Laotou said: "Wu Yue will be just an alliance. It is not a sect. We guarantee that a foreign nephew will be responsible for the top professional competition, and other forces will be willing to recruit guests. You will not take martial arts. External rumors, not in power, do not do things that are not conducive to the foundation of Wu Yuehui. Joining them is not a betrayal. There are precedents to follow."

"Just a thing, the Daxing Temple on the Qingzong, almost no guest, like Yanzhaotang and the Dragon Tiger Club, there is no shortage of foreign strong, oh, you can also marry into the mountain, I don't mind being a teacher. of."

Married? Lou Cheng’s heart wiped the cold sweat and thought of Master Bai.

Married into Lushan Zhai? Mo Yuting's rich lips were half-open, and he took a breathful thought.

Speaking of this, Shi Laotou sighed:

"Upper Qing, Lushan and Dragon Tiger, divided into three banned departments, the old man, I have been hot for many years, hehe..."

The "Forbidden Ministry" at the head of the "Five Partial Schools" of Daomen is in the hands of Shang Qingzong, Lushan Zhai and Longhu Club? Lou Cheng first heard of these secrets and blurted out: "I thought that there will be some in the hands of the state..."

It is no wonder that these three families are always in the top six of the top forces, regardless of their ups and downs.

Shi Laotou looked at the expression of a fool: "The Dragon Tiger Club has been catching up with the long-established Zongmen for more than 30 years. Who do you think will be behind them?"

"Oh, understand!" Lou Cheng did not care about Master's eyes at all.

He took out his mobile phone and used to naturally share this with his classmates.

"I know... my grandfather and my body have realized... The name of Lushan Zhai seems to be called 'Tai Qing articles'..." Yan Yan "sit in the air", the homeopath also shared secrets for her boyfriend, "The Dragon Tiger Club Things, I also know that you are so ignorant... I blame my grandfather for not mentioning this!"

"Same! Just now my master looked at me like a fool..." Lou Cheng made a spit to his girlfriend.

"It was stupid ~ silly orange ~! I don't know anyone!" Yan Yan said.

"Describe that I am honest and honest, only one little fairy." Lou Cheng was handy and numb.

After the conversation, Mo Yuting was silent and concentrated on driving.

When she got out of the city road and turned into the winding road, she recovered her cheerfulness. She smiled and said: "Small teacher, Zongmen is still on the half of the iceberg in name, but everyone has rarely returned, not What formal ceremonies, almost no one can see too many people, but ah, it’s a good vacation to come here, summer summer is great!”

“Why?” Lou Cheng asked questions.

Shi Laotou did not have a good air: "Today, in different days, a sect is gathered in the wild where there is no one to smoke. Is it waiting to be bombarded by missiles? Waiting for a pot?"

Mo Yuting laughed and added: "Zongmen has a 'Ice God Building' in the most prosperous business district on the road. Everyday affairs are there. Everyone lives in the house, only the younger brothers who have not yet graduated. They will be unified, huh, huh, they will be locked up here every year for a period of time..."

Mo is the provincial capital of Wu Yue.

When listening to the introduction, Lou Cheng was also watching the news provided by the little fairy, such as the famous disciples of their own Zongmen and their respective teachers.

By the middle of the mountain, he had a preliminary but relatively complete understanding of the situation of the ice god.

He Yi, Shen Guitian, and his own master who have not been famous for their reputation are the three generations of the previous generation. There are still a few Danes left in their peers, but the physical condition is much worse. There is no need to take almost no shots. .

In the generation of this family, there is a nephew who sees the teacher and sister in the month. There are four senior brothers and sisters in the high-quality land. They are divided into different affairs of the sect, and they also support the head of the division. In addition, there are ten other Danjing peers, who are basically taking care of them. Zongmen industry.

The next generation, the oldest is only in their thirties, including Zhu Tai, there are two high-quality, ten low-end, some enter the Wu Yuehui, followed by the external strongmen, some of the other levels of occupation Race.

In one of the Wuyue Clubs, there are more than 30 sects in the sect, which shows the horror of the top forces. The Qing dynasty is one of the best, and the number of Dan is afraid to win over the province.

The next generation, there are not many disciples at present, and they are not yet mature.

"Come on." Mo Yuting said with a soft tone, parked the car outside the mountain gate.

Nearby pine forests like the sea, "Taosheng" bursts, bursting refreshing on a hot summer day, the mountain gate is carved by megaliths, old and simple, the book has the word "ice god".

"Let's go see your master first, and tomorrow is the official teacher." Shi Laotou leisurely got out of the car.

"Yeah." Lou Cheng is honestly following.

At this time, Mo Yuting untied the seat belt and probed the body into the window.

"Little teacher, add a WeChat~ After everyone is the same door, my poor teacher is still more dependent on your elderly!"

"I basically don't need this thing." Lou Cheng refused.

WeChat applied for it, but there is no one around, and I am too lazy to get it.

"Okay." Mo Yuting licked his mouth, revealing a grievance, sitting on the body and driving the car to the stop.

Shi Laotou stood beside him and watched the two people quietly talking. At this time, he said: "This is a ghostly ghost. When it was still in Zongmen, it made a group of brothers fascinated and jealous. As a result, one or two of the hands did not touch it."

"Master, you are not so good to say this?" Lou Cheng mouth twitched.

You are an elder, how can you say a younger behind you?

"What's wrong? They can do it, I can say it to the old man!" Shi Laotou chuckled. "This girl has been mixing a few years of drama, and it has become more and more long. Don't be fooled."

"Master, you can rest assured, I am not such a person." Lou Cheng calmly replied.

I only like the little fairy type!

When the voice just fell, he suddenly received a text message from a strange number:

"Little teacher, this is my mobile phone number. I will take care of you in the future. You are cute and beautiful teacher: -D."

Lou Cheng shook his head and only felt that the goods were a bit annoying, and he saved the name of Mo Shiyi.

Shi Laotou did not say more, led the building into the hall, and after a patrol disciple, arrived at the place where the "ice back pavilion" was hanged.

"Before the matter, did you think about it?" Shi Laotou stopped here and asked again, the sound was not covered.

"Master, my answer is still that, I want to be purely martial!" Lou Cheng answered seriously.

With strength, there will naturally be corresponding benefits, no need to intrigue, and fight for power!

It’s easy to live, leisurely, isn’t it?

"That's good, let's go in." Shi Laotou led the apprentice, pushed the door open, and went in.

Inside the desk stood a white hair sparse old man, his cheek muscles drooping, his eyes wrinkled deep, then smiled and greeted: "Jianguo, this is Loucheng?"


Shi Jianguo?

This is the name of Master?

Lou Cheng suddenly wants to laugh, count as Master's age, this name is really a time feature!

It is the lack of a generation of high-level people!

Ok? A generation of high-ranking people, Shi Jianguo?

Shi Laotou glanced at the apprentice: "Yes, the master, this is my disciple!"

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