Martial Arts Master

Chapter 285: Teacher

Four bottles of Ningshui Daqu's original wine were checked in, and the building was carrying a bag, holding a boarding pass, and following the signs, came to the security inspection area.

Because it is Yan Yan to help book the ticket, she used to naturally choose the first class, so that the building does not need to queue the long team, after a short wait, the VIP channel completed the security check, found the corresponding airline VIP In the waiting room, I ate a free buffet.

Close to the boarding time, Lou Cheng did not hear the news of the delay, and praised the character of his first flight, showed off to Xiao Xiaoying, and then left the VIP room, and boarded the plane without queuing.

This is a medium-sized passenger aircraft. The first-class business class seats are not essentially different from the economy class. They are also more spacious. The first two are in four rows, two on the left and one on the other.

Based on the information on the boarding pass, Lou Cheng found his position, stuffed the backpack into the luggage rack, sat down at the window and looked at the sun outside.

Honestly, the news that I told the Lord last night that I have never seen the world has always been a little nervous. I can’t help but think about it. Although it’s just an episode, it’s just a humble wave, it’s unlikely to become real. But what if you encounter a madman?

Intensive reading of many novels is very clear, killing such things is not directly related to the level of martial arts, well-arranged, well-planned, children with no hands-on power can kill adult big men, Danjing and foreigners have home Industry, which belongs to the upper middle class of society, does not have to take risks for money, but other groups?

I am not afraid of slamming, and I can’t prevent it from being poisoned. I don’t want to spit it out immediately. In addition, there were bombs, car accidents, accidents... Lou Cheng thoughts and thought about flying, unconsciously waiting for the passengers next to the seat, waiting for the aircraft to taxi, waiting for the end of the flow control, waiting for the rush Climbing to the blue sky.

According to the literary literary literature, a certain country's intelligence organization is best at killing people by plane crash, so that it is the easiest to leave the tail of the hand... The heart is tight, and the imaginary Lou Cheng quickly annihilated the idea, took a deep breath, and thought of condensate. The picture of the ice, began to recall the guidance of the strict coach:

Things are not too exaggerated, so it is the same sect. There are elders on the top, and the country is watching. There is no limit to the struggle.

It’s very embarrassing to buy 30 million people. According to my reasoning, there should be news that some people deliberately stunned the snakes, or they may be trying to stir up the situation and there will be no follow-up;

You don't have to think too much, do it according to normal, follow the truth, and leave it to your master to handle it. Believe in the experience and ability of the elders.

Strict coach is really a rational girl who is good at analysis... Lou Cheng feels the bumps caused by the airflow of the plane, and once again looks out the window, and suddenly it is shocked by the beauty of the sky.

Below the plane is the boundless sea of ​​clouds. The "white snow" accumulates the peaks, accumulates waves, and accumulates strange shapes. The distant sun is shining, the light is shining, and everything is dyed with gold.

Tiangong Wonderland, nothing more!

Two and a half hours later, the flight landed at Shanggao Airport in Wuyue Province on time, and Lou Cheng put down the last point of worry.

If you are at a high altitude, if you have anything to do, you can do it very limited. If you are really incompetent, and if you are down to earth, you can’t say that I can’t help but let me go.

It is no wonder that some martial arts strongmen do not like to fly, and they are far more willing to take the train and take the steamship. The master of the "Wushan" Qiandonglou, the Qing Dynasty who teaches the five Guangdao people, is one of the famous ones.

Not long after landing, Lou Cheng opened the phone and sent a message of strict arrival to Yan Yan. Then he got off the plane, picked up four bottles of consignment, and carried the bag to the pick-up hall.

When he glanced away, he suddenly saw the sign saying "Xingxiang Loucheng", staring at him and discovering that it was a young woman holding it.

The girl is about one meter tall and wears big sunglasses with a half-faced face. Her nose is pretty and her lips are rich.

Her hair straight down, black and shiny, wearing a light T-shirt, white knee-length skirt, two legs light, stepping on a pair of sandals, attracted many men around the eyes.

Do not look at the legs white and straight, from the girl to a certain degree of qi and blood, Lou Cheng can judge, this leg kicking a burst of two heads is not a problem.

Zongmen's welcome? As the thoughts turned, he walked over, and the girl also noticed his existence from his previous observations. First, he slammed his right hand and screamed softly:

"Little Master! Lou Cheng Xiao Shishu!"

"You are?" Lou Cheng came to her side and asked cautiously.

The girl did not take the sunglasses, and her lips outlined with a smile: "Your teacher, cute and beautiful teacher! I am just inside the door. I heard that the younger uncle is coming, I will volunteer to pick you up, we Just go to the parking lot and say, my name is Mo Yuting, you can call me, Tingting, Tingting can be."

Mo Yuting? How is this name a bit familiar? Lou Cheng was the person who had seen the little fairy spoiled. How could it be stunned by a soft sentence of Wu Yu? He picked up his mobile phone and smiled and said: "I will tell my master."

"Okay." Mo Yuting put away the brand, standing elegantly, still did not take the big sunglasses on his face.

"Hey, Master, I am here. There is a teacher named Mo Yuting who picks up me at the airport." Lou Cheng asked.

Shi Laotou chuckled: "This little girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You let her take the opportunity to pick me up. Forget it, you give her the phone, the old man said to her."

"Yes." Lou Cheng handed the phone to Mo Yuting.

"Hmm... well... my uncle, you can rest assured, we will come over soon..." Mo Yan Ting ah for a while, hung up the phone and returned the phone to Lou Cheng.

Seeing Master has confirmed that Lou Cheng followed her to the parking lot. All the way up, the girl was very cheerful and outgoing, and asked Dong to ask the West. It seemed that she had to give out the old man’s old bottom.

Lou Cheng should be careful and not too enthusiastic.

On a Q7, Mo Yuting finally took off the big sunglasses, revealing Zhang Yixi's face.

Her eyebrows are black and thick but not ugly. On the contrary, she has a bit of a delicate taste. The eyes seem to be a little out of focus. See who is fascinated and fascinated.

Lou Cheng took a glance at the guard, and suddenly understood why he was familiar with the name Mo Yuting!

I heard her song last night!

She is a star of fire in recent years. She is an actor and has made two albums. She is about 21 years old. She is a female with more YY when she is in a dormitory, and is an old Qiu and a next-door animal. Dreaming lover.

She turned out to be my teacher?

Mom, she is a few years older than me, how can I sell it in front of me?

Perceived the strangeness of Lou Cheng, Mo Yuting tied the seat belt with familiarity and smiled and said: "I don't want the youngest teacher to recognize me? I don't want the most youthful and beautiful years to fight in the ring, plus some way in the door. I went to be a martial arts actor. I had a concert the day before yesterday. After a few days of vacation, I came back to play and play. As a result, I met a small teacher and you must officially apprentice. When I was curious, I took the initiative to ask you, Xiaoshishu, help me. Turn down the rearview mirror, go up a bit, outside, pass, oh, I will come by myself."

She untied the seat belt and leaned over the upper body. She reached out and adjusted the rearview mirror of the co-driver. The light and long-lasting perfume smelled into the nose of the building.

From this angle, Lou Cheng can see beautiful and moving scenery as long as he bows his head.

Lou Cheng leaned back, leaning his head, not squinting, and his heart was still digesting the teacher’s embarrassment.

However, the star does not have a good look at my family, Xiao Xiao, a classmate... his eyebrows are gentle and his smile is hidden.

When Mo Yuting adjusted the rearview mirror, re-attached the seat belt and started the car, Lou Cheng took the initiative to open:

"Master, teacher, what is our sect?"

"The teacher uncle has not told you?" Mo Yuting asked differently.

"No..." Lou Cheng answered truthfully.

Mo Yuting couldn't help but laughed and said: "Small teacher, how do you feel that you are being kidnapped into the sect? The uncle is too irresponsible! Nothing!"

"Our sect is called the ice **** sect. The 'ice after' who created the 'ice god's power' more than a thousand years ago was the founding father. In fact, 577 years ago, Wu Yueren Yang Chenghui got the 'ice The remnants of Shengong’s truly have our sect. More than a hundred years ago, in order to complete this icy school, we united Haiximen, Hanshao, Dinghaizong, and established Wuyuehui, which became the top of the time. The forces, the inheritance of the ice department, is only a difference, and there is also the remnant of the 'dead part'."

Speaking of this, Mo Yuting looked at the building and looked at it, slightly biting her lips:

"Little Master, if you have heard any bad rumors in the past few days, don't be convinced that Haiximen, Hanyu and Dinghaizong do not want our ice gods to be stable, and it is best to make a point." ”

Is it that 30 million people are buying things from these sects? To provoke the ice **** sect? If Lou Cheng had some thoughts, he would sink into the opening: "Wu Yue will not be harmonious inside?"

While speaking, he quickly sent a message to Yan Yan, and he shared the expression of the dog’s expression:

"It’s Mo Zhenting who came to pick me up! Sing ‘the man of the wind’! She turned out to be my teacher!”

"She yeah... (⊙o⊙)! Orange, you are a disciple of Ice Godzong..." Yan Yan quickly replied.

And Mo Yuting looked at the front and sighed: "We have four foreign nephews in the two generations of the ice gods. They are the dominant position in Wu Yuehui, but the three foreigners are old, and they are all uncles. In that generation, in this generation, only the moon sees the uncle to support the facade. Huang Ke, who is in front of Haiximen, is pressed, and then the "clown" of Dinghaizong catches up. They don't want to destroy the alliance, but they hope to change the current pattern."

Huang Xi of Haiximen... Lou Cheng whispered the name, and he often knew the strongman in the top professional game.

The forty-five-year-old title is strong!

A generation of "gun king"!

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