Martial Arts Master

Chapter 280: Have a good mood every day (two of today

"Final finals, Lou Chengsheng!"

Lou Cheng vaguely heard the voice coming from outside the sky, and after a while he understood the meaning of it.

I won?

My last blow defeated Han Zhifei?

I am still on the stage?

One after another, he finally broke free from the gray of the ghost bed, and saw Han Zhifei, who was rushing in front of him. He saw the two cracks under his body and the cracks behind him, and saw the wide collapse around him. , see the familiar and strange referee next to you.

Feeling his gaze, the referee and sneer smiled: "Is it okay?"

"No, it's okay." Lou Cheng only felt that the brain was completely numb, and the thoughts were chaotic, such as porridge, so that the lungs and throat seemed to lose control, making breathing a little difficult, creating a breath of breathing.

His eyelids could not help but hang down, it seems that it only takes a second to fall asleep.

Reluctantly hit a finger, ignited a flame, burned the back of the hand, the building became a micro-jump, feeling the pain stimulated the nerve through the nerve conduction to wake up the brain.

Everything outside the ring came back from the "far away" and entered his range of perception, letting him hear the volcanic eruption like:


"Luocheng! Champion!"

Lou Cheng was awkward, feeling joy in the bottom of my heart, intertwined with exhaustion, echoing in every corner of the body.

I am really a champion! The champion of the third Youth Warrior Championship in the province!

At this time, he only wanted to turn his body, rushed down the platform, rushed into the lounge, clung to the little fairy, and excitedly rotated with her.


When Han Zhifei broke into the shelves of Loucheng, Yan Yan had already stopped his mouth, lest he regretted his sigh.

She has already prepared her boyfriend for losing this game, but not at the last minute, she always looks forward to it. She always feels that there are ways for the orange to create a miracle.

He does not admit defeat, I will not give up.

Waiting for Lou Cheng to block Han Zhifei’s winning attack with “the strength of the whole body”, and to counterattack, he won the game in a flash, the girl first glimpsed, and then he got up from the sofa, regardless of his own serenity. The image, it is difficult to contain the fists and waves, and the excitement shouts in the mouth:

"Win! Win! Win!"

When she looked at her, she suddenly quieted down and picked up a heart. Because she saw the dear oranges in the eyes, the body was swaying, and the fainting would be fainted and supported by the referee in time.

What's up with him?

Is it okay?

Will it not crush the ability again and be countered?

Yan Yan's eyebrows are close, and the sorrows are emerging. The eyes are eager.

Fortunately, her tension did not last long, and soon she saw that the building was slowed down. She burned herself with the "lighter" ability, and the eyes returned to the clear, but also revealed a lot of tiredness.

"Stupid..." The girl snorted and sighed with a low sigh. She knew that her boyfriend couldn’t keep up with her body and needed to be excited by external stimuli.

How to choose this stupid way!

Nothing to burn yourself!

The emotional changes in a short period of time were too fierce. Strictly, she was mentally exhausted. She sat down again and sighed. However, her eyes never left the TV screen and did not leave a stupid figure.


In the fan forum of Loucheng, there was a minute of silence, no one posted.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" first returned to God: "Wind... @长夜 is coming, @幻梵, come out and see God!"

In the previous discussion, even the two little girls did not think how much Lou Cheng could hope to win the second seed Han Zhifei in the current state.

"My family idol has won! My idol is actually a champion! Hey, why should I say that?" "Fantasy Vatican" "face tears", "I am not strong enough, I am wrong, I regret!"

"The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling replied: "I was stupid..."

"I was so scared that I had caught the wigs..." "Naive" "stunned a pair of eyes."

"I felt that Lu Cheng lost in the last second, but he saw him defeat in the next second." "The Bull Devil" smirked and expressed his emotions.

This is different from the battle of Lou Chengqiu. At that time, Lou Cheng played the head and drank it, first flew out, then went back and rushed, grabbed the opportunity to win the opponent, with obvious turnover in the middle, leaving the audience The time of doubt, and just now, it is almost a reversal of the two tricks, seeing everyone squatting, so that many people have not figured out what happened.

"Fortunately, I didn't say that I want to go this time..." "Good names are **** by the dogs." Fortunately, they said "hands-on".

Yan Xiaoling looked at their communication silly and suddenly posted another post:

"How do I feel that this is a dream, not at all true, my family has really won the championship? @常纯爱俊冈本, fast! Come out! Drive, send seeds, let me feel the truth of the world !"

"I rub, Lingling, you are getting more and more dirty." "Consistently love Jungang Ben" funny.

Yan Xiaoling licked her face and looked at the forum while watching the live broadcast. I hope to get affirmation from the guest grandfather.


In the live broadcast room of Xingjing Satellite TV, after a long silence, the host sighed:

"This is probably the most unexpected champion in the three games."

Before the game, even a few days after the start of the game, who would want to win the championship would be Loucheng?

At that time, almost everyone did not know who Loucheng was, who is Loucheng!

Yu Hong took a breath, relieved his mood, and shook his head and smiled: "But this is also the champion with the most gold in the three games."

All the way to the top seed No. 2 seed No. 5 seed and No. 6 seed, but also defeated the No. 9 seed, which contains more gold than the previous two champions, and may not even come in many future sessions!

"Yu Hong teacher, what do you think of the game just now? Lou Chengming lost quickly, how can he turn over?" The host is still a bit confused.

Yu Hong smiled and said: "Over the whole game, Lou Cheng's strategy is quite right. His physical recovery is more than everyone expected. Of course, Han Zhifei should be dragged into the situation of consumption. Han Zhifei is also alert and aware of it in advance. The risk of aggravating the injury, the counterattack of the wreck, and almost the key to victory."

"But, unfortunately, he still failed. First, he was injured, and the timing was late for a while, the consumption increased, and he was unable to maintain the final outbreak. Second, Loucheng took an unconventional approach."

"Unconventional means?" The host was puzzled.

"We replayed the facial expressions of the last two or three strokes." Yu Hong gave a gesture to the guide. "Look, this time, the building is obviously very tired, and the eyes are a little straight, but soon, He took a nap, his eyes brightened, and the whole seemed to be spiritual. Then he completed the attempt of 'rejuvenating strength'... I suspect that he used the secret method of stimulating the body or overdraft potential, which can be dealt with in time. Turn defeat into victory."

"Really, this is really the case! Teacher Yu Hong, you don't say, I really didn't see it. I believe that most of the audience members in front of the TV and TV did not see it." The host suddenly realized.


The audience at the scene did, and when the referee announced the results, they were still stupid and couldn't believe their ears and eyes.

How did you win?

Although I think that Lou Cheng is the winner of the real name, it is obvious that Han Zhifei has won!

In a strange silence, Tao Xiaofei suddenly smiled and smiled at his thigh:

"Win, win! 80,000, I won 80,000! Haha, this is the first time in my life that I have made a lot of money with my skills!"

He used to send the nickname "every gambling must lose."

Was awakened by his laughter, and Qi Hailin spit out the turbidity, still stunned:

"It’s like a dream..."

In the dream, it was originally thought that only the thirty-two strongest top 16 oranges all the way to pick up the strong enemy, scored the top eight, broke into the semi-finals, entered the finals and won the championship!

This is really like a dream!

The self in the dream is still a college student who has not achieved anything.

Jiang Fei turned her head and looked at her, silently sighing, yeah, it was like a dream, and the most unscientific thing was that the oranges actually caught up with Yan...

Cheng Kaili quietly watched, mixed feelings, joy, excitement, and inferiority and desire to forge ahead.

"How could I not know that the average boy can be so handsome..." Cao Lele looked at the stage and whispered a word, then turned to look at Qi Yunfei and found that both of them were blushing. Kneeling.

"Winning ... became a champion?" Qi Fang pulled the sleeves of his wife and made the final confirmation.

Lou Zhisheng took a deep breath and nodded hard:


The number of martial arts practitioners under the age of 26 in the province is unclear, but the winner is the most powerful of them!

The cheers of the whole scene have already started, and there has been no calming for a long time. The two middle-aged people in the daddy building have a red-eyed and embarrassed mood.

“When are we going to check out?” Qi Fang asked, rubbing his eyes.

Lou Zhisheng felt the gradual calming wave and smiled and said: "How? Don't want to go back? Want to play for a few more days? Guo Fatzi ordered us to go to noon tomorrow, when you can change a hotel."

Even if Cheng Zi took the championship and had a bonus, we must also save the family.

"No, I want to go back, I want to go back now!" Qi Fang's eyes burst into color. "I want to chat with them! I want to go relatives! I want to treat you!"

If you are rich, you will not return home, just like a night out!


Wu Ting was not as excited as she was in the previous game, but she continued to pull her father Wu Qinggui, uncle Wei Renjie and they repeated:

"My coach is the provincial youth champion!"

"My coach is a champion!"

Wei Renjie listened awkwardly and looked at Sun Yixing and Chu Weicai. They seemed to sigh and sighed and asked: "You have no opinion on Lou Cheng to guide the selection team?"

"No? How come!" Chu Wei only smiled and answered.

Sun Yixing also shook his head: "No, I am honored."

Honestly, when I first heard that I was specially trained by this young man of the younger generation, I felt a bit of resistance in my heart. But now, it’s an honor to be taught by Numberone of the young warriors in the province. Face things!


Inside the living room.

"Win?" Lou Debang Huo Di stood up and asked Lou Yuanwei.

"Win!" Lou Yuanwei nodded with joy.

"Champion?" Lou Debang added another sentence.

"Champion!" Lou Yuanwei excitedly answered.

"Ha ha ha." Lou Debang heroic laughed, "The ancestors bless! The ancestors bless! When the son comes back, we go to the grave!"

During the conversation, he picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"The champion of the young military in the province, there are many things to face..." Wang Lili looked at Lou Zhiqiang and said with a grin.

Lou Zhiqiang said: "Excited, not ours..."

He paused his words and instinctively looked at Lou Yuanwei.

Lou Yuanwei responded with a smile.

I have recognized my ordinary, longing for an extraordinary life, and still struggling to find a way out, it is really painful...


"Zhou Shixiong? Did you see the game?" Ye Youting quieted for a few minutes and sent a message to Zhou Zhengquan.

Zhou Zhengquan quickly replied, "Bitter smile" said: "Look... I didn't expect that I would be overtaken by him so soon."

How long has it been before the victory in May?

Some people really let you have no temper to compare!


"Well, you can go to rest for a while, half an hour after the award ceremony, don't forget, or you won't get the bonus." Referee Yin Huaming smiled and reminded him.

"Okay, hard work for you." Lou Cheng politely replied, endured the pain in his head, went to Han Zhifei, and extended his right hand.

Han Zhifei stopped breathing and watched him quietly for a few seconds. He also extended his hand and made a high-five with him.

Clicking on the flash, the flash bursts, recording the moment.

"Although I don't know how to lose, but I did lose, there is no excuse for losing. Congratulations, you are deserved." Han Zhifei said sincerely.

Lou Cheng did not hide, slightly smiled: "I finally used my power to stimulate myself, squeezed the potential, overdrafted the spirit, it is estimated to be weak for several days."

I am afraid it will not stop...

"This way..." Han Zhifei completely relieved, shook his head, turned and walked to the stone steps.

His pace is slow because his whole body is sore and weak.

Lou Cheng went down in another direction. Although the body had strength, it still went vainly and even slightly skewed.

"Hello, Loucheng, congratulations on winning the championship and becoming the strongest young warrior in our province." Wu Wei came out and stopped the big winner of the game.

Regardless of the development of Loucheng, with this champion, he can be included in the history of the development of the province's martial arts!

"Thank you." Lou Cheng endured the uncomfortable and impatient, smiling response.

At this time, I just want to see my classmates, just want to talk to her and celebrate with her!

"I can see that you are very tired, I will ask three questions." Wu Wei said with due diligence, "Can you share with you the feelings and feelings of winning the championship?"

"Very happy, very excited, but tired to show up, can only be in my heart." Lou Cheng took a breath and replied with a humorous tone. "As for the feelings, thank you for giving me different opponents." Thanks to my parents for supporting my waywardness, indulging my way of taking martial arts, and thanking my friends for giving me great encouragement. What I want to thank is my coach. Otherwise I might never be able to be like this now."

He pleads slogan, both Xie Shi coach and confession "strict coach."

Without Master, you may have to take a lot of detours to grow up. You may even die because of indiscriminate cultivation. Without "strict coaching", there will be no me today, because you will not go to the martial arts club to join in the fun, and you will not go to the lake. Running at night, I found Jin Dan.

The strictness in the lounge was stunned and turned to look aside.

"Cheeky! Orange is a cheeky face!" She bit her teeth, licking her lips, her eyes turning bright, and if she could talk, her cheeks were red and dark, and she was full of charm.

He actually said it in the interview!

"I have never seen such a disciple..." Shi Laotou looked at the TV screen and snorted.

If the stinky boy wants to thank me sincerely, just thank me, it will definitely say "Master" directly!

If this was the case in ancient times, his apprentice would not survive for three days!

"You really have a grateful heart." Wu Wei politely smiled. "The second question, how did you finally win the battle? Our guest, Mr. Yu Hong, thinks that you are using the secret of stimulating the potential of physical overdraft."

"It's not a secret law. When I used to learn very tired, I washed my face with cold water and I will be able to fight again." Lou Cheng knows this, but others follow the frame-by-frame study. Answer, "Before the last move, I was really tired and tired. There was no other way. I could only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor. I used the frost power to stimulate my face. I didn't expect it to work. It’s a bit of strength, but if you come back now, I’m afraid it will have no effect.”

The stimuli of the flames of burning are just to restore the ability of reluctant action, and it is impossible to regain strength.

"This way... When I was studying, I washed my face in the cold in the winter, and I really felt the spirit immediately." Wu Wei understood it again.

Yu Hong in the live room added: "Oh, Lou Chengzhen has a bit of fighting sorrow, but it is actually the prototype of the secretive secret law, but the secret law will exceed the limit, beyond the body's ability to withstand, there will be Serious aftermath."

At the scene, Wu Wei smiled and spoke again: "The third question, you must be the first to put the record on the top, what are your thoughts or suggestions on your nickname?"

"Don't be too ugly, don't be too surprised." Under normal circumstances, Lou Cheng will definitely use his brain to get one, but now he has this spirit, can only respond with a smile.

"Well, let's go to rest, wait for the award ceremony." Wu Wei let the road open and saw Lucheng stepping up to the lounge, then turned his body and waited for Han Zhifei on the other side to rush.

"Knowing it, I don't know which pot is not open." Wu Wei interviewed several times to see Xianxian, and Han Zhifei is more familiar. "The first question, what do you think of Loucheng's championship?"

"It’s a deserved name." Han Zhifei looked down. "I can beat so many strong players and finally win the championship. Whether or not there is any luck, there is no reason why we don’t know enough about him. It is enough to show that he is very strong. Can definitely match the name of the youth champion."

"More importantly, he is still very young, and his growth rate is still amazing." Wu Wei lamented, "The second question, can you talk about your current mood?"

"Lost, regret, pain, but not only the youth competition on the road, but not only this downfall, life has to continue, the road of martial arts has to continue, I will adjust my mood as soon as possible to meet the third stage of the trial." Han Zhifei spit out and his expression was slightly floating.

"Then we are looking forward to glory for the prosperity of the province." Wu Wei first said, "The third question, what do you think of your nickname?"

"The last session will be recorded, my nickname is a bad-faced ghost, I hope not to be more difficult than this..." Han Zhi has made a spit.


When I got back the mobile phone, Lou Cheng made a compliment to the applause around the stands, then quickly returned to the lounge, pushed open the door of the room, and saw the bright red and bright cheeks.

The girl whispered: "How do you think about stimulating your head with frosty abilities? The brain is very fragile and sophisticated. The outsiders are too afraid to touch too much. What if you irritate yourself? It is stupid enough. It!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but laughed, and her eyes waved and looked at the building. She seemed to be ashamed and said: "Welcome back, my champion orange..."

"Don't you say that?" Lou Cheng seems to have forgotten the pain in his head, and swears and laughs.

I am not counting on the ropes to marry a little fairy?

"Hey, what do you mean? Don't go to a hot bath to relax, stinky orange~!" Yan Yan walked over to him and helped him to go to the bathing room.

Lou Cheng thought about this: "I just didn't stimulate the brain, I just dared to stimulate the surface of the skin."

Yan Yan was waiting to talk, suddenly paused and patted his forehead: "You are overdrafting the potential now. It is not so good to relax in a hot bath. It is easy to have problems. You must naturally come over and say, you are sitting, I help. You press the temple."

"No, right, your chest is hit by Han Zhifei, I have to give you a cream and lick the wound, so as not to leave hidden dangers..."

She took an annoyed step back, and the primary school student raised her hand: "I will take a look at it first, and I will do something about it. It is a bit messy."

Too excited to be too concerned.

In her thoughts, she suddenly found that the surrounding area became quiet, the subconscious raised her head, and saw the building accomplishment so quietly staring at herself, and the nephew's deep smile clearly stared at herself.

Twilight handover, four eyes opposite, Lou Cheng extended his hand, grabbed the strict wrist, and pulled her to himself.

After a while, the girl pushed open the building, licking the scattered hair, sideways, and hanging down and said: "Sit down and take off your clothes!"

"Good." Lou Cheng smiled at her, took a step back, sat down on the sofa, untied the top, revealing a sweaty chest and red to black wounds.

Although I finally dispelled the power of the virtual printing box with the Zen of the "reinforcing force", but the chest muscles are not as good as the hands and feet, or left a bad injury.

Yan Yan subconsciously glanced at the glance, reappeared the shame, and was busy finding the ointment, squatting down, dug a piece, and slammed it hard.

The painful and happy Lou Cheng saw the expression of the little fairy, and smirked:

"Is it thought of the half-fruits I sent last time? How about, good shape?"

"Rogue! Super invincible and cheeky!" Yan Yan was shy and anxious, swearing, but the strength of his hand was not aggravated.

When Lou Cheng was well received, he did not say much. He closed his eyes and began to raise his spirits. He also went to the awards ceremony in more than 20 minutes.

After a while, Yan Yan completed the application of the ointment, stood up and sat down on the sofa, pretending to be a hero:

"Come on, lie on my sister's leg! I will give you a temple, relax and take a shower."

"It will be pressed to you." Where is the building?

"I am going to hit the woman in the second half of the year, but I am afraid of this pressure? Come on~!" Yan Yan patted the leg, but the light was looking at the side with shame.

"Okay." Lou Chengxin lay down and used the girl's thigh as a pillow to facilitate her pinching.

When the comfort came, Lou Cheng felt that the surrounding was full of familiar and seductive fragrance, and the heart calmed down a bit. The original tight spirit began to relax.

"Hey, sing me a song, it's quieter." Lou Cheng closed his eyes and opened his mouth in a nightmare.

Yan Yan smiled and looked at him in secret, thought about it, whispered:

"When you are old, your hair is white and you are sleepy."

"When you are old, you can't walk, you can fight next to the fire, remember the youth."


"When you are old, your eyebrows are drooping and the lights are dim."


"When I am old, I really hope that this song is sung to you."

In the voice of the ear, the building is filled with thoughts, and the heart is peaceful and joyful.

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