Martial Arts Master

Chapter 277: Match (two more in one)

When Zhang Zhutong was knocked down by the building and heard the referee’s announcement of the result, the audience was silent. No audience screamed or cheered. They didn’t want to, but they were glued and nervous before the battle, so they kept their spirits stretched. I am suffering from such a fierce and difficult game. I have experienced such a fierce and difficult game. When I win the game, no matter who I support, the first thing is to be suffocating. It is a burst of exhaustion and tiredness.

Until the building became tall and straight, raised his hands, and shouted in the sky, their passion was ignited, and the sound was suddenly boiling.

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

"Win! Win! Win!"

A variety of cheers reverberated in the martial arts venues, sinking into the tide, almost able to overturn the ceiling.

However, they quickly quieted down again, because the building in the ring fell into the hands with their knees, and the big mouth gasped, and the sweat on the big screen dropped down, hitting the broken blue brick surface and splashing into a number. Unclear details, the eyelids lost their depths, there is no look, as if only a dark blind person can be seen.

He will also be tired?

He will also be tired?

There are limits to the physical strength of metamorphosis?

One thought passed over the hearts of the audience. Suddenly, this young warrior who is victorious is not a superman. He is still a living, normal concept person like everyone, no longer so alienated, and as close as he can reach. However, in the battle just now, he really tried his best and squeezed the bone marrow to achieve the more success.

The feelings of their hearts have risen unconsciously.

Strictly stunned his mouth, the spirit is exhausted, and his feelings are embarrassing.

Looking at the downstairs that finally showed the ultimate appearance, I recalled that he had just "returned again" and completely suppressed Zhang Zhutong's rushing momentum. She was distressed, pity, proud, proud, excited, joyful, and wanted to Disregard, forcefully hug my boyfriend!

Zhang Zhutong was lying on the ground next to the ring, and his thoughts gradually recovered. He saw the transparent glass ceiling and saw the first rising moon in the light pollution. He felt that he was surrounded by a quiet place, and he was quiet as if he were not in the martial arts venue. In the hazy white mist of the ultra-low temperature cold therapy system.


After waiting for three years, I have been practicing for three years, so I lost.

Although winning or losing is a common practice, but after three years, I am over twenty-six years old, unless I change the rules, or else I will not be able to board the youth competition, and win this crown to prove my own, even if I can be Taking care, being relaxed by the age limit, after three years, what level can Loucheng grow to? Just thinking about it makes people afraid.

It’s never possible, I will never win the Youth Championship.

Some things, once missed, will not come back.

Zhang Zhutong was weak, muscle sore, and wanted to lie quietly, not willing to rise up to face the reality of failure, but in such silence, he heard the gasping sound of breathing.

Overlooking the head, he saw Lou Cheng, and saw the building in the attitude of looking up, and saw his eyes faint and exhausted.

Is he tired?

His physical strength is not without limits!

In an instant, strong annoyance and resentment sprang out, occupying Zhang’s mind and licking his heart.

I knew that he would be tired too. I knew that his limit was here. How could I be self-defeating, and he was suppressed by the momentum, which affected the spirit, appeared slowly, and exposed the flaws!

Continue to maintain the previous play, the winner will be me!

After seeing the limit of Loucheng, Zhang Zhutong clenched his teeth and felt that he could win the final victory five times, but the game was over and the time could not be reversed.

Losing is losing, the winner enjoys glory, and the loser has no excuse.

He smiled bitterly, climbed up, patted the dust on his body, and walked down to the lounge, suffering regrets and licking the wound.

This is the martial art, this is life.

He has just taken two steps, the audience has returned to God, and many people shouted out:

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

Followed by a sharp, tender female voice:



Listening to Wu Ting's scream, watching her performance of jumping and jumping, Wei Renjie smiled in a complicated mood and turned to look at Sun Yixing and Chu Weicai.

Chu Weicai and Sun Yixing did not say anything, only vertical thumb.

Yes, Lou Cheng can sit in the top spot of the province's young warriors!

Yes, he is the of the young warriors of the province!


"Win, win!"

At this time, Lou Zhisheng dared to believe that his son had won. He jumped up and forgot the intellectuals’ arrogance, and the young people shouted loudly.

"Winned and won..." Qi Fang pulled him, looked at the platform with concern, and asked nervously, "Is it okay?"

When he was in junior high school, some of his classmates were killed in a penalty run!

"Nothing is ok, you see, he has slowed down and is paying tribute to everyone." Lou Zhisheng’s eyes have been staring at the platform and the big screen. I saw the scorpion of Loucheng recovering a little, and then facing the edge, facing The audience raised their hands and applauded.

"That's good, then good!" Qi Fang sighed, forgot his age, followed the excited audience around him and started a wave of people.

The martial arts competition is really thrilling! This is her intuitive feelings, but I can no longer say that for the sake of safety, do not take the road of martial arts.

Son, you are our pride!

Looking at the cousin who greeted the winner in a gesture, thinking that his eyes were short and faintly exhausted, Qi Yunfei suddenly felt that the brother of Lou Cheng was not noisy, not arrogant, not unassuming, hidden efforts, pay and For the tough endurance, he is more difficult to contain the fatigue than the guy who talks about it.

I relived the punches and feet that impressed me, the momentum of the muscles, the strength of the muscles, and the sturdy feet of the defeated enemy. Qi Yunfei’s face was red and laughed. Whispered:

"I really became a brother..."

She rarely looked at the situation shyly, fearing that she was aware of her own mood, but Chen Xiaoxiao Ma Wei and Yan Hailin Cao Lele and others all had reactions, each excited, and each had an idea, no one paid attention to her.


Inside the living room.

Lou Yuanwei loosened the fist clenched by the glue, and the joy surged and spewed out.

However, he immediately emerged more emotions, and looked at the TV with a lot of sorrows. He looked at the tired building and walked around the building.

At this time, he felt that he couldn't remember the appearance of the building in the past ten years.

He really has turned upside down, so that the relatives who often contact have felt an unspeakable stranger.

I dare not recognize it...

I really want to live like him, no, half, one tenth!

Father Debon, holding the smoke of his own roll in his hand, forgot to ignite, and said to himself in his mouth:


"Win the top seed?"

After a few tens of seconds, he suddenly woke up, touched the side, did not find anything, so he sighed in a gasy breath:

"Zhi Qiang, take my call!"

I want to call them back one by one!

Lou Zhiqiang was stunned and looked at his fierce wife. He whispered hard:

"When you win, you win, what are you excited about..."


In the high school class group, after a few minutes of no one speaks.

Lou Cheng another table, Wang Jie took the opportunity to say:

"I want to seal the oranges as my idol!"

Cao Lele followed a sentence:

"He is already my idol!"

Tao Xiaofei laughed at Yao Ming:

"The brother is my idol!"

You are too outdated!

There were not many students who came out to feel the emotions. The other people were just a little busy. They were excited because of this incident, but they saw that a classmate who was not too familiar or even stranger really got great glory. After they became famous, they felt quite For the sake of complexity, I don’t want to speak.

There is damage when there is comparison.


In the live broadcast of the TV station in Xing Province, the host was silent for a moment before he barely smiled:

"Yu Hong, what do you think of the outcome of this game?"

Yu Hong smiled and said:

“Large is a person who is good at creating miracles.”

Within a month or two, Lou Cheng and Zhang Zhutong played another ten games, and perhaps they could win one or two games, but he did it at the most important moment in the most important moment.

A top ten!

No one can say, dare to say that he is weaker than Zhang Zhu!


After listening to the guest's grandfather's comments and seeing Lou Cheng regained his ability to act, Yan Xiaoling put down her worry. The repressed emotions broke out in the past two days, and several posts were made in the form of a version chat:

"Come on! Come on this group of blacks, who can make it into the semi-finals by taking the extra moves? Who said that Zhang Zhutong or Han Zhifei will definitely be jealous?"

"Come on! hurt each other!"

"Our family building is not only going to the top four, but also going to the finals, but also stepping on the top seed!"

"It's not that he recruits the top four by the outside of the game. It's the other people who want to avoid him by the outside!"

"Come on! **** Mom's outside the move! **** Mom's hypocrite! **** Mom's sunspot!"

After the hair was finished, Yan Xiaoling couldn't help but breathe, and her spirit was tired and cool.

Seeing this content, the entire forum was silent, the sunspot did not dare to take the lead, and others seemed to forget to reply.

After a while, "Fantasy Brahman" was weak and weak: "I was scared to death, I originally wanted to come out with those sprays, but when I saw the post you made in the long night, I was scared back... Hey, I can’t think of you. It’s such a person..."

"I don't think you are a little night that loves to swear." "Gai Shilong Wang" also weakly responded.

Yan Xiaoling glanced at the content just sent, and squinted and replied: "Too, too excited, I will delete it, can't leave black history."

"No, your black history is still less? And I have taken screenshots, saved them, and passed them on to my grandchildren!" "The pure love of Jungang this" laughed aloud.

"That is, don't delete it. I suddenly think that Yan Xiaoling, who is swearing, seems to be more cute." "Gai Shilong Wang" is "sliding the world".

"Black to the depths are naturally white, hey, I am optimistic about you!" "Magic Fan" encourages the action of slap the shoulder.

The lip language expert "The Cow Devil" also floated out: "The moderator classmate, I want to give you a nickname."

"What nickname? Don't listen well!" Yan Xiaoling abandoned herself and almost shed tears.

I used to be a soft kid!

Once in the forum, it is like a sea. From then on, it is a passerby!

"The Bull Devil" snickered: "In ancient times, the accomplished sages would be called "children". You **** and fucked, and I decided to call you a man."


From the vagueness of the thoughts, the breathing was affected, and it became difficult to slow down. Lou Cheng made a compliment to Yan Hao and his father and his grandmother, and they endured the pain of the head and the mental sleepiness. Slowly walked to the side of the field, took the phone back from the game supervision, and stepped into the exclusive lounge step by step in the deafening cheers and cheers.

He didn't sleep directly to restore his spirit. Because in this state, he couldn't hold the yuan and keep calm. That is to say, he could not enter deep sleep. In that case, the rest of the hour and half could not be restored. Tired, but there will be a feeling of more tired.

So you have to slow down, let the fatigue naturally dissolve a little, and then run quiet and sleep.

Sitting on the sofa, although the muscle state has been restored by Jin Dan, but he can not afford the spirit, do not want to move a finger, let alone take a hot bath.

Of course, on the other hand, he has a strong will, hard to pick up his mobile phone, boarded QQ, sent a message to Yan Yan, and said:

"I am exhausted!"

Yan Yan has been holding the mobile phone and wants to send a message and dare not send it. It is afraid that it will affect the recovery of Lou Cheng. She saw the flashing content and she was shocked. "Knocking the head" said: "Why are you still not sleeping?" Still don't hurry to sleep!"

By the end of the second semi-final, it will only be one and a half hours!

Lou Cheng will not be able to enter the current situation, can not describe the situation of deep sleep, smirked: "Unfortunately, I have to prepare for the second game, or I will be able to return to the hotel to share the joy of victory with you, enjoy your Head massaged..."

"You are very painful now?" Yan Yan asked with concern.

"Well, my head hurts and my temples swell." Lou Cheng did not hide his state.

Although the man must be strong and can not be defeated, but when appropriate, in front of the beloved girl, revealing the true appearance, but can arouse her maternal radiance, let her feel that she is needed, feel the two sides There is no disguise between them, and it is the most special one.

Yan Yan looked around and found that the cameras were all aligned with the platform, aiming at Han Zhifei and Liu Xunzhen who went to the battlefield respectively, so they returned without a expression: "Or, I will give you the press of the temple." Let you hurry up and go to sleep."

She knows that the physiotherapist is on standby at the exclusive lounge, but she is unable to restrain herself.

"Okay! I am coming to the door to pick you up!" Lou Cheng did not think about the physical therapist, and left the sofa with the perseverance of dying.

"Yeah." Yan Hao, a good mobile phone, stood up and walked along the aisle to the restroom, intending to go around.

"Hey, where are you going?" Gu Shuang was still immersed in the emotion of "the grass, the man who defeated Zhang Zhutong", but the result was awakened by the change of girlfriends.

The stern dawn is like a star spinning, blushing on the floating channel:


"Lounge, let's go together, what, lounge?" Gu Shuang came back and rubbed his eyes.

Xing Jingjing pulled her and whispered: "Don't ask."

"Oh ~~" Gushuang prolonged the voice and understood what the lounge was, showing a sly smile. "Are you afraid of affecting his recovery? Also, he is tired of that, what can be recovered in an hour and a half? Maybe the incentive to love works better!"

Strictly took a sip, did not dare to pick up, and quickly walked to the edge of the aisle.

She cautiously avoided the possible camera position. When the focus of the whole audience was on the platform, she flashed into the lounge where the door was half-covered. She saw the building that was waiting there, and saw the exhaustion that made her feel distressed.

"I don't know why, when I saw you, I suddenly didn't get tired." Lou Cheng was filled with the power of warmth and joy, and said with a smile.

"Bragging ~" Yan Yan gave him a look, "Come back to the room to rest!"

Lou Cheng took her hand and did not go to the thought of Fang Siqi, a passerby, and walked straight back to the exclusive lounge.

As soon as he entered, closing the door, he held the girl tightly and kissed the fragrance of her body.

Then, the two kissed each other with a gentle passion.

After a few minutes, Yan Yan took the initiative to push up the building, and Baimei looked at him with a sigh of relief: "It’s like this, and I want to do bad things! I didn’t wash my bath, I’m stinking!”

After a few words, she asked: "Is it slow?"

"With the moisturizing of love, of course, it has been slowed down, and you should be able to hold it." Lou Cheng snickered. "I take a shower first."

"No, I'm going to lie down, I have to wait for the game, and I have to sweat." Yan Yan took him to the big sofa, let him lie down, sitting next to him, staring at him. The temple of the sun, "Let's sleep fast~"

"I am afraid that a sweat smells you." Lou Cheng put the phone next to it, smiled and answered.

"Hey, I know it, I sacrificed it~" Yan Yan specially studied the techniques of physiotherapy massage, and both hands forced, light and heavy to soothe the pain of the building into a head.

The sweat of her boyfriend floated into the nose, she was not disgusted at all, and even fainted and scented, she still liked it. She felt that this orange was a man.

While pressing, she listened to the physical condition of Lou Cheng and found that he had entered a deep sleep within one minute.

Freeing a hand, Yan Yan took her boyfriend's mobile phone, unlocked with the default fingerprint, changed the mode to completely silent, and then pulled out his mobile phone, doing the same thing.

"Can't let the oranges get awakened..." The girl smiled shallowly, proud of her care and caution, and did not stop the massage on her hands.

Pressing it, she saw her phone flashing out. The name above is:

"The Queen Mother!"

Queen Mother? Yan Yan was shocked, chose to connect, and put it in his ear, little voice: "Mom?"

Ji Mingyu chuckled: "Is it quiet around? In the lounge of Loucheng?"

"You, how do you know?" Yan Yan's face is full of enthusiasm, only the Queen Mother's mana is boundless, this can also be guessed!

"I and your dad are watching the game at the scene." Ji Mingyu replied leisurely. "I paid special attention to the entrance of the lounge and saw my silly daughter."

"How come you? Don't say anything..." Yan Yan kept a small volume. "Dad, Dad didn't see it?"

The Queen Mother is simply too powerful!

"Reassured, he has always been so slow." Ji Mingyu snorted and was on the outer road of a quiet and empty venue. She smiled. "Hey, you are like me, picking a man's eyes is very accurate, good."

When they were in contact, Lou Cheng was just a seemingly promising amateur.

"Mom, how do you suddenly say this?" Yan Yan was said to be very shy.

"Sentimental two sentences, Mom never objected to your relationship with Lou Cheng, and I believe that you have enough vision. After he has the ability to go with you, it will not obstruct, but there is too much marriage. Where there is a need to run in, there are too many conflicts of ideas and personalities, just like shoes. It’s not appropriate to know only. Your dad is a doctor, and I don’t have a good time?” Ji Mingyu has a feeling, “Mom. The only hope is that you go slower and better see if you can trust each other for a lifetime, and you can not burn your enthusiasm."

"Mom, I understand." Yan Yan took a breath and replied.

When she hangs up, she once again reaches for her boyfriend's temple.

Looking at Lou Cheng’s face that is not handsome but he likes it, smelling the sweat from his body, recalling the scene between the two, and thinking carefully:

If my side is not orange in the future, how uncomfortable it is.

Just think about it, it seems as if you can't breathe.


Liu Xunzhen’s abilities did not have an essential breakthrough. Although it caused a lot of trouble for Han Zhifei, he could not let him cross the gap of the ranks. After a few minutes of fighting, he lost his battle.

Seeing that Han Zhifei only had some breathing, not very tired, the audience who supported Loucheng suddenly calmed down, and inexplicably felt uncomfortable.

In the next one and a half hours, the two finalists were introduced to the main event. The highlights of the many days before the youth competition were reviewed and mixed with song and dance performances.

Seeing the building as a road, and defeating one strong enemy, it is much more difficult than others' schedules. The audience is more and more silent and more emotional.

Zhang Zhutong looked at Han Zhifei's return and carried out the double relaxation of acupuncture and medicinal herbs, and resisted the urge to invite him to do ultra-low temperature cold therapy.

From here to the Shenhuo Club, but a ten-minute drive, and ultra-low temperature cold treatment itself can only be a short-term stimulation, time is more than enough.

However, does this mean that I and Han Zhifei have joined forces to deal with Lou Cheng?

Zhang Zhutong’s pride prevented him from speaking.


After an hour and twenty minutes, Yan Yan played the role of an alarm clock and awakened Lou Cheng.

"How?" She blinked and asked with concern.

Lou Cheng shook his neck and smiled and replied: "The spirit has recovered to nearly half. There is no problem with physical strength, but the muscles of the muscles are affected by the melting pot, and some are painful and uncomfortable."

The furnace is different from the wind and cold, and it is more materially erosive. The power after it is gradually accumulated is not small. Even if it is dispelled, Lou Cheng suffered a certain injury.

"Yeah, go get a change of clothes." Yan Yan did not say much.

Lou Cheng changed the new martial arts suits and shoes, washed a cold water face, and showed the spirit of sly look again. He smiled slightly: "Are you waiting to go out? Or just look here?"

"Just here." Yan Xiaozui smiled and shook his eyes. "Wait for you to come back."

“Okay!” Lou Cheng laughed. “No more shouting, dear cheers?”

"Rogue!" Sighed a sigh, blushing on the face, then shouted, "You turn around and turn around~ turn around!"

"Good." Lou Cheng turned to the door and turned her back.

Yan Yan stepped forward, wrapped around his waist, buried his face in his shoulder and neck, and the weak mosquitoes said:

"Pro, dear, come on."

Regardless of the outcome, I am proud of you.


In the outside venues, the radio began to introduce the finals. According to the convention, the winners first appeared:

“The final of the 3rd Youth Warriors Championship in Xing Province begins, let us welcome the first player, Building 18!”

"He defeated the No. 9 seed, the No. 5 seed, the No. 6 seed and the top seed, and finally stood in the ring of the final!"

The audience listened more and felt more silent, as if brewing something.

The building was out of the lounge, along the road that focused on the lights, and went to the stone steps.

Just then, he suddenly heard a cry:


The audience was boiling, and the sounds of one after another echoed around:

"Champion!" "Champion!" "Champion!"

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