Martial Arts Master

Chapter 263: Voice of Thunder (two

"The fifth seed? Is it more powerful than the No. 9 seed?" Upon seeing the result of the lottery, Lou Mafang asked nervously.

She vaguely remembered that Jiang Fei had said this, but the concern was chaotic and she was not sure.

"Yeah." Jiang Fei replied softly, slightly embarrassed.

Although he and Cao Lele never expected to be able to win the championship or runner-up, but since the old classmates said that the goal is the top four, then they still sincerely hope that he can do so, who knows the beginning of the 16th century, he will Encounter a strong enemy who can rank fifth, and it is really a fear of the results.

This luck is not the same as the general difference!

"I thought that the quarter-finals were the beginning of the test..." Yan Hailin sighed, and Qi Yunfei and other gimmicks clenched their fists unconsciously.


In the fan forum of Loucheng, "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling will be the first time @ "Gai Shi Long Wang" and "always pure love Jungang Ben": "Fast, tell me about this Qiu Lin is really powerful? I Looked at her information and looked confused!"

She has always been calm, never swelled her face and fat.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" replied with a "funny" expression: "This is awesome. I feel that she and Lou Cheng have a fight, and the characteristics are more coincident."

"Can you finish it in one breath!" Yan Xiaoling said "angry".

"I am worried that your IQ is relatively low. If you say too much, you can't understand it." "Gai Shi Long Wang" used to naturally eat black moderators.

He thinks that the little girl is the best, how black will not be angry, but will cooperate with the black, so that the forum is filled with a cheerful atmosphere, but sometimes she will inexplicably violently delete friends, angry and uncertain.

"Also oh... then you talk slowly." Yan Xiaoling really did not get angry, "哼唧" reply.

“Gai Shi Long Wang” said “Red Face Nike Mouth”: “Luo Cheng can complete six consecutive explosions, she is almost...”

"Why why? Her power is not physical strength!" "Fantasy Vatican" also came out, quite puzzled.

"Gai Shilongwang" quickly replied: "This is a long story. Let me drink my mouth and talk slowly... Qiu Lin was born in a martial art family, and has the ability to metal part of the body, but she did not take the abilities. On the other hand, instead of concentrating on martial arts, at the age of eighteen, she won the certificate of the professional nine products with her family's 'Da Jingang Boxing' and 'Step by Step Lotus', becoming the martial arts community in Xing Province. A new star."

"And she did not satisfy this. She felt that there was not enough perfection for martial arts. So she took the ancestral relics and went to Daxing Temple. You all know that Daxing Temple is a monk temple. How can she accept a female disciple? Half-mountain pavilion request, rain or shine, for a full year, let the Daxing Temple abbot Fayuan master move the compassion, allow her to enter the temple for seven days, observe the 'Jinangjie' lotus print, the diamond seal and the 'fetal Tibetan world' six-character mantra The map of the three-door martial arts."

"And then what?" Yan Xiaoling was just as eager to listen to the story.

The experience of this young lady is quite interesting!

"And then? Then Qiu Lin learned from the 'Lianhua Yin' body method, the family's 'step by step lotus' went further, and she also mastered the '吽字音'' fur in the 'six-word mantra'. Mourning, can squeeze their own potential, restore fatigue, and temporarily stimulate blood and improve strength, she relied on this, completed five consecutive bursts in the first half."

"It sounds very powerful..." "Fantasy Brahman" sincerely admired, "But she can only burst five times, and the six-shot explosion of my idol is no match! Moreover, my idol has not reached the limit."

"Good math!" "Consistently love Jungang this" interrupted.

"Gai Shilong Wang" "breaking into laughter" Reply: "Knock on the blackboard! Look at the key! '吽字音' This kind of martial arts that squeezes its own potential can be used at most once a day, or if there is no need to play the game, then even if it is used only once, There will also be residual fatigue, which will affect the follow-up."

"Wait a minute, how do you read the words? Always feel like a cow, do you not feel that a cow is very embarrassing when fighting?" Yan Xiaoling asked after a moment of silence.

"Read hong, four sounds, no thanks!" "Consistently love Jungang Ben" Yang Tianxiao.


"Chengzi?" Hearing the voice of Wang Lili, Lou Debang and Lou Zhiqiang and others looked at the TV at the same time, and did not understand what was going on.

At this point, the broadcast screen returned to the performance on the ring, so that they did not find it.

"Mom, have you seen it too?" Lou Yuanwei has the kind of joy to find the alliance.

I have no eyes!

"I saw, how do you say that you are on TV? Are you still sitting in the front row?" Wang Lili also knows that the first few rows of this occasion are not rich and expensive.

When is Loucheng expensive?

"What the **** are you talking about?" Lou Debang asked with the majesty of the head of the family.

Where is the child on TV?

Lou Yuanwei took a breath: "Grandpa, wait, wait a minute to see!"

The world seems to have had a change when it is not aware of it!

"What about seeing? The last TV is amazing?" Lou Zhiqiang inexplicably returned a sentence.

One of the manifestations of his mouth odor is that he rarely speaks good things about others. For example, when someone asks for a meal, even if there are a few dishes that are not suitable for taste, or if the level is not enough, the normal guests will not hide, so as not to be bad. The atmosphere, and Lou Zhiqiang is different, he will speak out and criticize.

If someone else gives a gift, he will also provoke a face-to-face, saying that this is not good.


After determining the opponent, the building achievements did not pay attention to the subsequent lottery and performance, bowed his head and discussed the details of Qiu Lin with Yan Yan.

"...In the previous games, her opponents were not strong. She didn't seem to be doing everything she could." At the end, Yan Yan specially reminded me, "I listened to Gu Frost, last month, In the private gathering, Qiu Lin once mentioned that the goal of this youth competition is the top three. She must be a bit eager to say so!"

I did not say that the goal is the first four... Lou Cheng made a sentence, made a "poor" look, took the opportunity to get the benefit: "This opponent is very strong! Yan coach, I need better fuel!"

For example, shout out "Dear" completely!

"Well, then you wait." Yan Yan's eyes turned, and he sneaked an orange that would get more and more!

Hey, why did you say that you were so refreshed? I was a little panicked... Lou Cheng looked at the words in a strange way, and for a moment it was a bit embarrassing.

In the face of this heavyweight opponent, shouldn't it be a prank?

He did not dare to ask, fearing that Yan Yan was angry and repented, but he could only suppress the doubts in his heart and turn his attention back to the opponent itself.


In the first game, "the top seed" Zhang Zhutong and the "fourth seed" left shock launched a big battle. It took six and a half minutes to separate the winners and losers. Zhang Zhutong accumulated the advantage and took the lead in breaking into the quarterfinals.

This also allows the onlookers to see the closeness of his "melting pot".

After the end of the song and dance performances, the referee and the game supervisor changed positions and seized the time to restore physical strength.

The game supervisor went to the ring and went to the center and raised his right hand:

"The second game of the 16th, the building is against Qiu Lin!"

"It's a child!" In the living room of the building, Lou Yuanwei stood up and Lou Debang could not believe in picking up his reading glasses.

Wang Lili and her husband looked at each other for a moment, as if in a dream.

Lou Cheng took a breath, stood up from the position, and sent a message to his girlfriend:

"Strict coach, I am going to play!"

Should you send your fuel?

Yan Yan snorted and surprised the surprise:

"Orange, I am at the airport."

"Airport?" Lou Cheng was a glimpse, then stunned, and the joy exploded. "You are coming back?"

This is what I have been looking forward to for many days!

"You can see you tomorrow." Yan Yan "shy smile" said, "Is this cheering still satisfied?"

"Satisfied! Satisfied!" Lou Chengxi is in the shape of color, the nose is squirting, and the heart is full of power.

This one can't lose! Can not meet the strict coach with failure!

He took advantage of his mobile phone and took a big step. He followed the glory of the road, focused on the camera, confidently and calmly ascended the platform, and handed over the things to the former referee.

Qiu Lin and his debut almost all the time, wearing a light yellow and black-printed martial arts uniform, embroidered the words "If I smell" on the front, and the big screen shows the text behind her:

"In the sky, I am the only one!"

These eight words do not have domineering, but have a faint zen charm.

She was half a head taller than the building, with a very short inch, the neutrality was neutral, and the British was quite cool. After the referee announced the dialogue time, she smiled slightly:

"You are now a public enemy of the Gaochun martial arts circle."

"How do you say?" Lou Cheng was quite surprised.

Who do I provoke?

Qiu Lin’s mouth swayed: “You have been studying martial arts for a year in other provinces, and you have pressed everyone down. Isn’t this seemingly too weak for our provincial martial arts?”

She is only 21 years old this year and is proficient in various buzzwords.

"You think too much..." Lou Cheng was a little funny.

"There is no first in the text, no second in Wu, the thing in the martial arts is quite normal." Qiu Lin smiled and said, "So, everyone's consensus is that you can't let you enter the finals, or else you think you are I have run into the top 16 battles? Believe me, if you win today, tomorrow’s opponent is not Han Zhifei, or Zhang Zhutong."

No way? true or false? Lou Cheng was stunned and soon realized that he had been led by Qiu Lin.

Is she trying to provoke my resentment? Shake my heart?

Then restraint with Buddhism?

Lou Cheng took a breath and looked at the picture of condensed water into ice, freezing all kinds of distractions and making the mind like a mirror.

Whether it is true or not, no matter who the opponent is tomorrow, you must first play this game!

He stopped speaking, closed his eyes and began to adjust his body.

The former game supervisor now looks at the electronic clock and raises his right hand again:


boom! On the top of the ring, there was a sudden explosion, and there was a thunder on the ground. Qiu Linwu swelled and stepped forward to the front of Lou Cheng.

Step by step lotus, Buddha sounds follow! Lou Cheng was shocked. He did not expect that Qiu Lin actually practiced the body of his family to the point where the Buddha and the Buddha followed.

It’s normal to punch out the air and make a crisp sound. It’s normal, but the body is different. This must be practiced to a certain extent before walking, because of high-speed movements, ingenious changes, and muscle fascia. The corresponding change caused by the operation of "Jinli" creates a popping sound. The Taoist name is "Boubu Treading" and the Zen Gate is called "Buddha Sounds".

"Step by step lotus, cloud and thunder follow." In the live broadcast room of Xing Provincial Satellite TV, the guest commented that Yu Hong liked a sentence.

There are octaves in Buddhism, which are liberation, no leakage, lion sound, big lion voice, wisdom sound, great wisdom sound, cloud thunder and big cloud thunder, among which "Dayun Leiyin" is "Pudu" "The embodiment of true meaning, "Buddha voice, sound like thunder", refers to the big cloud Leiyin, the big Leiyin Temple is named after it, "great wisdom sound" is the symbol of "prajna", the big lion voice reflects "Wide" "It is a skill that can be practiced at the level of the nephew."

The remaining five sounds are different because of their own strengths of cultivation and martial arts. Each has its own magical effect. Qiu Lin’s “cloud thunder” is still low in his own realm, and more is an external manifestation of his body, but he can Produce shocks to the outside, effectively eliminate the impact of the earthquake boxing, and improve its own momentum, indirectly add the power of the big gold boxing!

Between the steps, the end of the world, there is still a "cloud of thunder" in the ear of the building, and Qiu Lin has been seen in front of him, and he has put his right arm and ironed his fist.

Her sleeves are not known because of wind irrigation, or muscle bloating, or both, and then they are swayed with the punching action!

Big gold boxing, King Kong swing!

"Step by step lotus" set off the wind and the wind, the rhythm of Lou Cheng's breathing seems to have been affected. At this juncture, he stepped back and slammed his weight, and he was still energetic. Out of the arm, fiercely backlash forward.

Lei Yin Zhen Zen, back shock!

At the beginning, he used the outbreak of Dan, no hesitation!


In situ, the "cannonball" exploded, and the impact became a wave. Under the full force of the building, Qiu Lin, who had never regained his strength, seemed to be the dandelion seeds in the wind, and his feet flicked back.

Lou Cheng hits the metal with a right fist and wants to lick a few times. But in this case, how could he give up the opportunity, Huoran took a breath, and once again, he was still eager to rush out, and he was not able to get out.

At this moment, Qiu Lin stopped a slight shock, his body swaying, like a lotus flower, stepping on the mysterious footwork, like the left real right like the right side of the left to open the walk.

Rumble! Her body shape changed, and the clouds and thunders followed, so that the platform seemed to fall into the cloud of ink, and there was a constant echo.

When Lou Cheng suddenly judged that Qiu Lin’s position was not allowed, the suffocating power and spirit of the condensed group would soon be sprayed, but there was no target.

His "two consecutive explosions" this time seems to be only empty.

This is Qiu Lin's strategy, deceiving the building of the Danish outbreak, and then grabbed his breath, the moment, close to the storm!

I don't believe that you can burst ten bursts, twenty bursts!

boom! When the thunder rang, Qiu Lin took the opportunity to flash to the side of Lou Cheng.

"Hey..." The guest in the live broadcast room of the TV station said that Yu Hong suddenly became surprised.

Because he saw that the building was still standing quietly, his body was empty, his breath and spirit were still shrinking, and there was no change.

This seems normal, but in the eyes of Hong, this is not normal!

The "reinforcing force" of the Danish warriors is based on the will, so that the strength and spirit of the qi and blood are condensed. Once they become a point, before they are fully blended, there will definitely be rejection, and it will inevitably erupt.

That is to say, as long as the "rejoice" is completed, there will be a spurt of the next moment, and there will be no delay unless it breaks through the level of Dan.

Because of this, Qiu Lin will try to use the "step by step lotus" to deceive the land of the Danish outbreak.

However, Lou Cheng is still more than a second!

What is this talent? What is this power? Teacher Yu Hong frowned.


Since Qiu Lin’s position is changing and cannot be locked, Lou Cheng will not rush out and continue to maintain the status of “regaining strength”, waiting for the opponent’s next move.

As for why it can be maintained?

Isn't this normal? For a long time, Jin Dan in his own body has not seen any contraction and disintegration.

Imitating the "rejoice" that it runs, it is possible to maintain balance by rotating, unless you make a change.

If I don't consider the ability of other parts of the body in this state, I can maintain it until the end of time!


Qiu Lin grabbed the side of Lou Cheng from an incredible point of view. His face flashed and his face became solemn. Followed by her, she sighed with blood and swelled her muscles and turned into a mighty one. King Kong, from the top down, pulled out the left fist with metallic color.

When she approached, she noticed the strangeness of the state of the building, but the arrow was on the string and had to be sent!

Waiting for you! When the building was filled with thoughts, Dantian's blood was sprayed thinly, and the power surged like a tide, driving the left shoulder and the arm, and the arm just slammed out.

Lei Yin Zhen Zen, only shaking hands!

boom! Another explosion, the two swayed together, the short hair fell with the wind, the foot lost control, and finally broke the blue brick.

Bang! Qiu Lin worked hard, step by step, and endured the influence of a little shock. In the voice of Yun Lei, he flashed to the back of Lou Cheng, and he still slammed his right fist and punched the right fist.

Two bursts!

Almost at the same time as she punched, Lou Cheng had already made a big step forward, and then introverted, so that they condensed into a group and exploded.

He turned to the side, his right arm stroked a fierce arc, sweeping to the back of Qiu Lin.

Lei Yin Zhen Zen, back to Ma Zhen!

boom! The two just collided, Qiu Lin muscles squirming, fascia contraction, strength cohesion, in an instant the building will become a residual force, its own blood and involuntary shock condensed into a little.

This is a very sophisticated defense and borrowing method, Dajingangquan, "Ming Wang Town Temple", does not move like a mountain!

She stood firmly in the same place, without shaking or moving, and the strike of Lou Cheng just seemed to have no effect.

At this moment, Qiu Lin Dan Tian blew a little, and the violent and violent force almost enlarged her body, making her veins and veins stand out, and the color of the metal was revealed!

Almost occupied by the building's line of sight, she stepped forward, "constrained", punching and punching, stirred up a series of explosions.

Big gold boxing, "King Gang Volde"!

In the face of this attack, Lou Cheng did not seem to dare to stand hard, back with a bullet, and then retire.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhutong in the lounge sighed:

"It's a pity, I can't hide for a while."

In the face of the combination of "King Kong Volt" and "Step by Step Lotus", hard hit is the only way out!

It seems that there is no need to worry about the abnormal physical strength of the kid.

You must know that because the battles below the high-quality Dan are difficult to last, this is not possible for today's two games and tomorrow for the needs of the broadcast, so the semi-finals and finals are all on the same night!



At this moment, Qiu Lin’s bones and bones rang, and the guilt sounded, and a solemn and grand singer was spit out in his mouth.

Zen sound echoed in her body, making her face red, blood and prosperity, so that she seems to be stimulated, and then no longer weak, back to the state of the beginning.

Can't give the building a chance!

With the punching forward, Qiu Lin made another outburst, and at the foot of the lotus, he stepped closer to his opponent, so that he couldn't hide, so that he couldn't even use it.

Her imposing manners and fierce attitude make it impossible for viewers who do not know how to do it.

At this time, Lou Cheng suddenly lived, stepping on his feet, body reversal, and punched out.

He didn't "reinforce his strength," and the shot seemed to be so weak.

However, there was a round of red sun in his mind that crashed into the frozen river!

Retreating is not an escape, just to paralyze the enemy, to encourage her momentum, to prepare for this fatal blow.

Lei Yin Zhen Zen, take the lead!


When the fists collided, Loucheng flew out, like a broken kite. He was not so insufficient to dispel the horror of the "King Gang Volde" and the terrible metal body, and it was easy to have a fracture of the bone and even a fracture.


"Qiu Lin won!"

Many audiences have made judgments at this time. At this time, as long as they catch up and make up a blow, the victory is at your fingertips.

However, Qiu Lin, who was above the ring, stayed there, his face turned white and his lips were blue and purple, and the light seemed to solidify, and there was no color.

She seems to have realized the Buddha's will at this time, and she has traveled outside the sky!

Loucheng landed on both feet, and even stepped back two steps, turned away the power, and then hugged Dan, and turned back, came to Qiu Lin's front, opened his right hand and grabbed her throat.

Until then, Qiu Lin felt that he had woke up from the long freeze and was busy metalizing his neck to fight the enemy's attack.

However, Lou Cheng’s attack was just a sham. The bullying of Qiu Lin has not been completely restored. The excitement should still be slow. His focus is on his back. He has flashed his hands behind his hands and fell on his opponent’s temples.

The referee snorted and raised his right hand and shouted:

"Ling Chengsheng!"

The audience was quiet and did not respond.

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