Martial Arts Master

Chapter 261: Sixteen strong

In an instant, the frost wave poured in, Xing Jingjing seemed to be in the snow and ice, only to feel the chill into the bone marrow, so that he could not restrain himself to chill, "forget" the effect of maintaining the ability.

Her figure quickly faded in front of the building, appeared in a deviation from the angle just now, that is, although it is also the left rib of the opponent in the boxing, but its position is right, a partial, if Lou Cheng counterattacked according to the original judgment, only a small amount of difference, lost a thousand miles!

Seeing this scene, Lou Cheng closed his eyes and stopped looking at the specific situation. According to the position he had just remembered and the pre-judgment of Xing Jingjing, he could avoid the footsteps, the waist was sunken, the abdominal muscles and the lateral fascia swelled up. It wiped the air and created an unusual sound.

Hey! In the brain of the building, there was a snow-capped mountain collapse, and the right arm was put out. The fist penetrated the airflow at a high speed, and it was connected with the previous sound. It seemed to release a tiger, roaring the mountain in the same place, and hearing the scalp of the audience near the body. Wei Li!


His boxing was in the flesh and blood, but he was stopped.

Lou Cheng’s mood is stable, and there is not much action, because this is not the power that Xing Jingjing can currently possess. On the ring, only one can do it!

He opened his eyes, and he saw that the referee had blocked his fist, and Xing Jingjing’s face was white because of the cold, and the hair of the horn was slightly blown by the “storm” picked up by his fist.

If there is no external force, she will be hit in the temple!

The referee glanced at Lou Cheng’s left rib and took back his hand. He lifted it up and announced:

"Ling Chengsheng!"

Following his gaze, Lou Cheng discovered that the left ribs were red and immersed in the martial arts clothing that had been scratched, and it was a good **** style.

Although the strength of the whole body is as good as ever, I can exert my strength in most places. However, due to its own characteristics and the way of tempering day after day, the lower ribs certainly cannot be compared with the hands and feet in terms of strength, which offsets Xing Jingjing. After almost all of her strength, she was still inserted into her flesh and blood by her fingers.

However, with the previous offset, this is only a very light skin injury, it seems to be bleeding, but it does not hurt the essence.

Lou Cheng controls the subtle, creeping the muscle fascia of the wound, etc. In a short moment, the bleeding is stopped, leaving only five traces of tight closure.

This is one of the capabilities of Danjing!

"Win the win and win! Scared me!" "The night is coming" Yan Xiaoling took a long breath and quickly posted a post.

In the hands of the former, she suspected that Lou Cheng would not win, and he would become the first guy to suffocate himself!

"It's not easy, the girl's ability looks very strong. If it is not a building, she must be a dark horse, a black horse that can overturn most of the seeds." "Heavenly King" praised.

"Fantasy Vatican" made a bouncing expression: "My idol is all about dissatisfaction!"

At this time, "always pure love Jungang" came out: "My Hu Hansan is back, worth the Spring Festival, no, Lou Cheng is a good time to win, I have to drive!"

"I remember you, you are a fake driver!" Yan Xiaoling pointed out in angrily.

"Fantasy Brahman" also shouted: "I also remember you, leave school after school!"

"Gai Shilong Wang" said nothing, only posted a picture to express his contempt for the old driver, the picture is a cold expression and eight characters:

"Sexual disasters, cut with Yongji!"


Upon hearing the referee's announcement, Cao Lele and others who clenched their fists unconsciously also relaxed. The battle that was supposed to be very easy has developed to such a degree. Although short-lived, it is enough thrilling!

Just now, from the perspective of the building, the camera broadcasted the picture on the big screen, showing the effect of Xing Jingjing's power. This is completely different from the scene they saw from the stands, and let them understand why there is an old building. It is a situation of judging mistakes and passive beatings.

This ability is terrible!

This is still only the first step. If it has been evolving, can it be similar to the squad, the dark and the dead?

At this moment, the lens was converted and aligned with the wounds of the building, allowing the audience to see the blood.

Yan Yan grabbed his mouth and worriedly picked up his mobile phone.

Although she knew that she had gone to the ring, Jingjing could not keep her hand. This is respect for Lou Cheng’s martial arts, but she still couldn’t help but blame.

How can I hurt an orange?

What to test!

In the situation that she did not notice, it is self-evident that she is close to her.

Qi Fang was even more shocked. As soon as she saw the building down, she took back the phone from the game supervisor and blew it over.

The cost of the building is to be sent to Yan Xiaoyu's classmates first, so that she should not worry. As a result, she has not had time to unlock the screen and received a call from her mother.

“How is it hurt?” Qi Fang went straight to the subject, which attracted the attention of Lou Zhisheng Qi Yunfei.

Lou Cheng laughed and said: "Nothing, little injury, does not affect the back of the game."

Qi Fang returned to the original position with a heart, and then frowned. "Is this a dangerous thing like this? It looks very easy to get hurt!"

"Mom, this is normal. Just like you cooking, occasionally cut or touch, don't you not cook?" Lou Cheng gave an example to dispel the mother's concerns.

Of course, this is a bit of a big deal, but since I have chosen this path, there is no need to scare my family.

"Yeah." Qi Fang nodded and wondered.

Lou Cheng took the phone and looked around. When Wu Wei was preparing to go to the interview, he deliberately said loudly:

"Mom, let me not say it. I went to the infirmary to clean up the wound and put a band-aid."

He did not dare to say that the real name of the infirmary was called the emergency room, so as not to scare the mother.

Stepping forward, grabbing Wu Wei before he approached, he sneaked into the emergency room.

The doctor on duty is also watching the live broadcast, and he has already prepared for it. He laughed when he saw him:


Lou Cheng honestly took off his clothes and **** the upper body, exposing the wound that has stopped bleeding.

At this time, he saw two young nurses get together when they were dispensing pharmaceutical water and heard that they were whispering.

"He is really good!"

"Yeah, I really want to touch it..."

"you this****!"

"I will talk about it, I have professional ethics!"

Hehe... Lou Cheng was dumbfounded, I’m sorry to listen again, just took out the phone, and chatted with Yan Yan. When the doctor cleaned the blood around the wound, he took a photo and sent it to his girlfriend:

"Look, nothing, it doesn't affect the power."

Moreover, Dan is mastered in subtlety, and self-healing ability and refining are no longer at one level.

Yan Yan first glanced at it and determined that Lou Cheng was not comforting herself. Followed by it, she fainted her face and replied half-smoothly:

"Silver! Rogue!"

Actually give me a photo!

Although only the upper body!

However, the shape of the orange is not bad...

She was sleeping on a bed with Lou Cheng and touched his abdominal muscles, but it was not easy to see because of the thin skin.


After Gu Shuang and Xing Jingjing met together, they were slightly embarrassed: "Jing Jingjie, you hurt the sly man."

Just a test, you can stop at a critical moment!

"This is respect." Xing Jingjing said concisely.

"Okay, okay, that's it. I really don't understand your thoughts about martial arts." Gu Shuang licked his ear and sighed. "I don't say anything above the ring. I have to go to the end of the game." Let's go to someone else? It will be an acquaintance in the future."

I don't understand the contest, but I understand the courtesy!

"Yeah." Xing Jingjing did not refuse.

Leading her into the emergency room, Gu Shuang saw the building that had been put on the martial arts uniform, and found that he was very good, moving freely, and the injury seemed to be very light.

She was busy pulling La Xing Jing Jing, indicating that she was opening.

"Is it okay?" Xing Jingjing took a step toward the girlfriend, and asked a whisper in a tight tone.

"Nothing, little injury, no problem with another battle." Lou Cheng replied humorously.

"Jingjing sister said that your martial arts is indeed very powerful, and it has passed her test." Gu Shuangxiao added.

Xing Jingjing immediately turned to look at her, silently asked, when did I say this?

Gu Shuang secretly spit out his tongue and blinked his eyes.

You have lost, does it mean that the test passed? I am just helping you translate your inner words!

Thinking of this, she chuckled: "I haven't introduced myself yet? I am Gu Shuang, the green plum and the bamboo horse."

“He often tells me about you.” Lou Cheng responded politely.

"She certainly didn't say that I was good!" Gu Yumei snorted with a smile.

That is also... Lou Cheng’s belly sighed with a smile, “No, she always praises you.”

This young lady is said to have attracted the physique of the scum man. Although he has been transferred to become a princess, the man he meets is still mostly scum male, and he always can't help but vomit.

"Lie!" Gu Shuang looked like I was very proud. "The main thing is that I don't have a place worthy of her praise!"

This is so powerful since the black... Lou Cheng couldn’t pick it up, only two laughs.

Gu Shuang glanced at Xing Jingjing, who was obviously uncomfortable. He waved his hand: "Since you have nothing to do, then we will go first, and wait until the sorghum gathers again. Oh, this is my home!" ”

She studied at the second-rate university in Gaochun, and her father’s company’s focus has already been transferred to the provincial capital.

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