Martial Arts Master

Chapter 258: aims

"It’s really fast..." On the sofa, Shi’s head stared at the TV, holding the wine in his hand, and holding the dish in front of him.

As a master, since he is idle, he will undoubtedly care about the current situation of his own apprentice, and he has experienced the leaps and bounds of Loucheng, and has experienced repeated shocks. No, he is already used to numbness. There is even a feeling of "sure so".

Did he give up the real thing?

No, if this stupid boy really gives up, he will definitely call me and ask for the practice of normal Danjing. Since he has not done so, it indicates that he has initially achieved his goal!

Moreover, with his limit, if there is no mutation, it will not be completed in six bursts.

As a strong outsider, when the building is in a limit state, the old man will not be aware of it, but it is not accurate enough, so unlike Lou Cheng and Yan Yan, only two of them know the building. It will also be tired and tired, and this will make Shi Laotou feel puzzled by the situation of Lou Cheng.

What did this kid do?

When the doubts rolled over, Shi Laotou looked at the mobile phone next to him. However, since the last request, the stinky boy has not called for a long time, and even Dan Xiang seems to have forgotten to report.

This makes this Master very boring...

Forgotten lonely old man...


When Lou Chenggang took the mobile phone from the competition supervision, he was blocked by a reporter dressed in white-collar beauty. He was waiting for the long gun and the short gun.

"Hello, I am a reporter from Weixing TV. Is it convenient to accept an interview? It won't be too long." The white-collar beauty showed a professional smile and handed the microphone in his hand.

"Yes." Lou Cheng turned slightly and let the front face the camera.

Wu Wei smiled and said: "You are the first warrior to defeat the seed player since the start of the game. It is not too big to burst into an upset. Before that, you seem to be obscured. Not only do we not know, but even the organizing committee. It seems that it is not clear, the strength you show is enough to become a seed."

On the day of the youth competition dinner, she was also present, made several interviews, deliberately throwing this topic, want to cause controversy, hype.

"Maybe I have been going to college in the field. I don't have any reputation in the province. And in the recent period, my progress has been quite big. I can't see the video of the previous game." Lou Cheng is quite peaceful. Answered.

Wu Wei was disappointed and turned to smile and asked: "Are you really learning Wu for one year? I am very curious about this, and the audience in front of the TV should be very curious."

"I started practicing martial arts in October last year." Lou Cheng did not make any concealment. In this case, the Internet can be found casually.

"One year Dan... It’s a rare genius!" Wu Wei didn't praise himself.

Due to the broadcast, the time for the interview was very short. She did not start this topic and continued to ask: "Is this the first time you fight with a power-based warrior? It seems that winning is quite easy, what is it? Think?"

"It's not easy. The fighting style of the military with the power is very different from normal. It makes me feel more uncomfortable. Don't look at what I just saw is nothing. In fact, I have been walking the wire rope, almost close to the limit." Lou Chengqian said a word.

As for how close to the limit, guess it yourself!

"This way..." Wu Wei took a look at the other downfall and threw out the last question. "Luo Cheng, what is your goal of participating in the youth competition? The top 16?"

All the strengths have been played all over, and the building is too humbly to be hypocritical, so it is not humble, confident and calmly answer:

"The first four."

The first four are not the fourth, including the fourth, third, second and first!

"The first four..." Wu Wei was surprised, and I felt that I had finally got a burst. "Thank you for your success, thank you for your interview."


Due to the interval between the games, some of the big screens were played before the replay, and some used the live broadcast signal to pass the interviews to thousands of viewers on the scene.

"The first four..." Zhang Zhutong had already stretched his fist in his pocket and watched the broadcast of the big screen. He listened to Lou Cheng’s undulating answer, and his brow was picking up, and his heart suddenly ignited the war.

This is not for enmity, not for embarrassment, purely for the desire of the warrior who wants to defeat the strong enemy.

The first four? Look at your luck!

Han Zhifei’s fingers slipped over the knife on his face, and he whispered to himself:

"The first four..."

It’s a coincidence, my goal is too!

And I still want to fight for the championship!

"The first four..." Han Ying and Xiong Yu are muttering to each other, and they did not feel that the building was arrogant and shallow, not self-reliant.

The quasi-Dan Dan who can complete the six consecutive explosions is qualified to say such things!

"The first four!" Qi Yunfei's eyes brightened, raised his hands and shouted loudly, "Loucheng brother is handsome!"

The plain "first four" is not like the goal of eagerness, but the result of the announcement!

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of gaze, in the interview with the TV that covered a lot of people, make such an answer, that confidence, that temper...

Lou Cheng brother is handsome and handsome!

"I have to sign the oranges much more... I can make a sum in the future..." Jiang Fei said with no ambition to let Cao Lele and Yan Hailin and others return to their hearts and laugh.

Qi Fang and Lou Zhisheng were the first to see the son of "television", and then recalled how he used to wear a pair of trousers when he was a child.


Lou Chenggang walked out of the venue and entered the grandstand area. There were Wu Ting Zhang Qiufan’s half-children in front of him.

They were both excited and flushed, their eyes were bright, and noisy and unorganized to express their thoughts:

"Sir Sir, you are amazing!"

"You just finished, all are handsome!"


Lou Cheng smiled and shook his head, extended his right hand, and celebrated with them, making them more excited.

At this time, Wei Renjie walked two steps forward, hehe smiled: "Small building, we have known for half a year, I have never seen that you are such a good warrior, the old eyes are dim, the old eyes are dim, I It’s really hard to imagine that people who have been practicing martial arts for such a short period of time can be so powerful."

"I didn't think about the level of the present half a year ago, let alone the governor, you?" Lou Cheng smiled.

This is also the truth, when the winter vacation, I want to enter Dane within one to two years.

After a few words, Wei Renjie volunteered: "Small building, are you interested in joining Xiushan's selection team to contribute to your hometown?"

He knows that hope is not big. If Lou Cheng really wants to participate in the trials, Chu Wei will not mention it.

"President, you know, I am studying in Songcheng, and the University Buddhism Association. I have no time and no energy to do this. I am powerless." Lou Chengyi refused the invitation.

This is his long-standing idea and there will be no shakes.

Can not pick up the sesame and lost the watermelon, and the score of the person to score.

"I understand that I understand." Wei Renjie sighed and suddenly smiled. "In this case, then I beg you again. When the youth competition is over, we will formally form a team and conduct special training. At that time, many strong people will be invited to be instructors. Do you know if you have this interest? Pay well to discuss."

Instructor? remuneration? Lou Cheng thought about the arrangement in August and answered with a little heart:

"I see if there is time."

"Okay, I decided to give me a call." Wei Renjie exchanged the number with Lou Cheng.

After meeting the VIP class, Lou Cheng waved his hand to the father and mother in the stands and Qin Rui, who was farther away. They pointed to the mobile phone and indicated that they had to call first.

He walked along the aisle, went out to the venue, found a secluded place, and dialed a number.

There is no doubt that this is the number of the strict coach.

"Hey?" Yan Yan saw the call, looked happy, his eyes were soft, and he sat up with his legs crossed.

Lou Cheng, who had just put a confident attitude in the interview at Satellite TV, leaned against the corner wall without any image, and smiled and said: "Is it?"

Did you see the surprise I gave?

"What do you see? Hey, I haven't seen anything!" Yan Yan has enough tacit understanding to understand the meaning of Lou Cheng, and he said, "You are almost completely 'resolutely energetic', certainly not recently realized, you I have been stunned for a long time, and you will hide it! I will definitely not find anything in the future!"

Hey, this direction is a bit wrong... Lou Cheng is busy with the spirit of shouting, hehe smiled: "Is this not to surprise you? Do you know any surprises in advance? Besides, it is also the relationship we do not have morning exercises together, or else I don't think I can't help myself. When I get married, I live together every day. What else can I find a detective?"

"Who wants to marry you!" Yan Yan shy, and smashed the fluffy doll.

The orange is unobstructed!

Still living together every day!

Uh... Lou Cheng, who has successfully transferred the topic, smiled and said: "The game is over. Does the coach not praise me?"

"What do you boast about?" Yan Yan asked, up and down.

"I said that the building is really amazing! Lou Chengzhen prestige! Lou Cheng is awesome!" Lou Cheng exaggeratedly opened a joke, releasing the joy of defeating Liu Xun.

"Oh..." Yan Yan swelled and smiled and fell to the side. "Orange, you are getting more and more teasing, and your face is getting thicker!"

"The atmosphere is active under the active atmosphere." Lou Cheng replied modestly.

Hearing that he said this, Yan Yan suddenly moved in the heart, endured a smile, single-handedly covering his face, closed his eyes and shouted in exaggerated tone:

“The building is really amazing! The building is really powerful! Lou Cheng is awesome!”

After she shouted, she laughed herself.

Finished, I was boasted by the oranges, no shame!

"Haha." Lou Cheng couldn't stop, and his body and mind became comfortable. When the smile stopped, he was emotionally angry and asked softly. "When are you coming back?"

"There are still two or three days... I am almost getting started in the practice." Yan Yan also calmed down, and couldn't bear to shake the heart. "You wait for me."

"Two or three days? Rest assured, definitely wait!" Lou Cheng made a promise.


In the afternoon, Lou Cheng pumped a strong nine, in the fifth stage of the third round, but not yet his turn, the front of the game has eliminated a sufficient number of people, so there is no need to compare.

He officially became the top 32 of this year's competition.

With the father and mother, they had eaten and took a walk, and Loucheng returned to the hotel.

When he entered the lobby, he found that many people had turned their attention and looked at themselves, seemingly pointing.

The TV station was so broadcast, I was famous among the martial arts fans in the province... He shook his head and smiled, and left the matter behind his mind.

It is a business matter to step into Dan as soon as possible!


On the early morning of the next day, just after tempering back, Lou Cheng received a phone call from Yan.

"Orange, your opponent is out..." The girl's tone was a bit strange.

Did the opponents of the 32 strong knockouts come out? What time is it? Lou Cheng asked strangely: "Who?"

Yan Yan cleared his throat: "Jing Jingjie, she has a relationship with the Xingdao Wudao Association, and the results of the lottery will be known as soon as they come out."

"Jingjing sister?" Lou Cheng frowned slightly.

It is also a warrior who is dominated by power.

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