Martial Arts Master

Chapter 255: Mindfulness

Within a few seconds, the stern reply came as expected, and she "faces tears" and asks:

"Liu seeks true?"

"Yeah, how is this expression?" Lou Cheng took the phone, left the big screen, and walked toward the second platform.

In the third round of the double defeat knockout, there were only four downfalls in the game.

Yan Yan replied with a "facely kindness": "I know this person, his abilities are special, special, um, especially troublesome, so that Dan Daqiang is a headache."

Especially troublesome? Let the Danjing strong headache? Lou Cheng’s mind flashed a picture in the propaganda film, took a breath, pressed the keyboard and said: “How is it trouble?”

During his free time these days, he was quietly comprehending the taste of "receiving" and doing water-scissing. He wanted to step into Dan as soon as possible. Therefore, he did not study the game videos related to the seed players in advance, and waited until the results of the lottery came out. The opponent will seriously analyze the enemy.

"The strength of his thoughts is actually not too exaggerated, and he can pick up lighter things out of thin air." Yan Yan "hands crossed fingers and held the chin", "If used hard, the warriors of the nine It won't have a good effect, but the body is too delicate and fragile..."

"Like the eyes?" The building frowned.

"Well, although his mind is still not able to directly dig out his opponent's eyes or poke, but it is enough to make an impact, people make a blink of an eye for a while, hey, in the game, this battle is very It is easy to cause disability." Yan Yan once again "covers his face and tears", feeling a sentence.

The power of the ability is not only because of its type, but also depends on its strength and development. The ice-fire ability of Loucheng sounds very good, but the intensity is too low, so you can make a cigarette and do it. The air-conditioner that I carry with me is not really powerful at all, and Liu Xun’s true motivation, from a weak step to a current level, can obviously affect the development of the war situation and the outcome of the battle.

——The game with strange ability, the referee will always be the veteran abilities, so as to prevent the deterioration of certain situations in time, but because of the instant and other things, unless the referee has the ability to predict the system, there is no way to do it. Until the drip does not leak, of course, malicious harm to the opponent will be punished by law.

Lou Cheng can imagine the terrible thing of the power to attack the eyes remotely. "Seeing the dog stays" said: "This game is a bit bully..."

"This is not..." Yan Yan "sit in the air", "I have seen him pinch his opponent remotely, um, the lower body..."

"I am!" Lou Cheng was a cold, could not help but burst into a foul mouth.

It is impossible to produce the power intensity of Liu Xunzhen, although it is impossible to produce the effect of pinch-explosion, but the egg pain is not a joke, this is really egg pain!

How to fight like this?

In an instant, for the sake of embarrassment, for the rest of his life, he had the urge to abandon the game...

Seeing Lou Cheng’s reaction was so fierce, Yan Yan’s “spoken” smiled and said: “Fortunately, he is still a gentleman. He will not attack the chest with the girls. It’s not a must for men. Do this."

Fortunately, it is a competition, if you encounter such an opponent in the battle of life and death, then it is a pain, really egg pain! Lou Cheng returned a cold sweat expression.

Frightened her boyfriend, Yan Yan "snickering":

"Don't be afraid, the young man bravely rushes!"

"I summed up his abilities. First, there is no penetrability. It is more like an invisible hand. It can be blocked. Second, the scope is limited. If it is more than fifteen meters, it will have almost no effect. The closer the distance is, the higher the intensity of the dynamism. Thirdly, he uses the power of reading like your 'lighter' ability. It needs a triggering action. There is a possibility of prejudging. In fact, without this action, Dan Jingqiang The person's 'exciting Bing' can also be noticed, but the motivation is instantaneous, and the speed of transmission is said to be close to the speed of light. If the action is not triggered, the sensory can't hide..."

Lou Cheng looked at it for a long time, for a long time:

"Hey, how do you know so much?"

"Hey, I have finished all the video games of the twelve seed players during this time!" Yan Yan’s head rallied, and "arrogant" answered.

She didn't have to participate in the competition, but she still spent so much effort... Lou Cheng was warm, "Blush smile" said: "Hey, you are so good!"

Suddenly I said this, I stunned my face with a sigh of relief, and I smiled and quickly yelled:

"Call the coach!"

"Yes, yes, the coach is awesome!" Lou Chengxiao smiled, waved his hand to Mom and Dad, and found a position to sit down and watched the video filtered by the girl, nervous with her. And busy communication.


In the special lounge for the seed players, Liu Xun really sits cross-legged in an empty room with no darkness and no sound.

In this deadly environment, the external feeling gradually subsided, and he became more and more aware of his own motivation, "seeing" the changes corresponding to the body, and the only ambiguous place in the brain.

Because of the strong motivation and influence of the spirit, he has not been able to hold the Yuan Shouyi so far. He is calm and can only cultivate in this extreme environment.

This is why he can't step into Dan.

More often, others see him as a power, not a warrior.

Suddenly, he vaguely sensed something, opened his eyes, stood up, walked to the entrance, and opened the two doors that separated the space.

Outside the door, a slim and thin woman was approaching. When she saw Liu Xunzhen, she smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, it’s so good! Your opponent is out, 18th floor!"

"No. 18, Loucheng..." Liu Xun really meditated on the name, but he felt unusually strange, but his face was motionless and politely smiled: "Thank you, I have to check his information."

"No need to worry, I will collect it for you, including his highlights of the game these days." The thin woman said with due diligence.

In order to prepare for the youth competition, many warriors have not played in the eyes of the public for a month or two. All the previous videos can only be used as a reference. They cannot rely on them to accurately judge the specific strength of each other. After all, people will grow up, only the combination of this A few days of fighting can have a complete understanding of the goal.

"Thank you." Liu Xunzhen politely, sat in front of the computer, took over the U disk handed by the woman, and began to watch from the beginning.

Looking at it, his expression gradually became serious, and he waited until he saw the recent unremarkable battles of Lou Cheng, and there was more dignity that was difficult to conceal.

"Crushing..." He muttered and made an evaluation.

Although I can't rely on this kind of intense battle to understand the details of the other side, it can be clearly seen that in just two months, he has a jaw-dropping upgrade!

This growth rate, compared with Peng Leyun Ren Li, the top genius, will not be inferior, right?

Fortunately, if the youth competition is one year later, the top seed may be replaced!

Liu Xun really relied on his abilities to make a name for himself, but he did not have any arrogance. Because he suffered from losses, he was very clear. The strong side of the power is really strong, and the weak side is quite weak. It is the most easy type of overturning in the gutter. Of course, if your own ability goes up a step, it is another matter.


Above the stands, Lou Cheng’s mother, Qi Fang, asked inexplicably:

"What does this Nine Seed mean?"

Tao Xiaofei was somewhat worried, and he was not in the mood to answer. Only Jiang fat was still happy and cheerful: "Auntie, the seed player is the most promising champion in this competition. The smaller the number, the stronger the strength, the greater the hope."

He describes it in a language that is as easy as possible for the elderly.

"That is to say that this Liu Xun is really the ninth powerful warrior in the youth competition?" Qi Fang asked differently, and thought of the ranking of the eight heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

In the province, all the military personnel under the age of 26 can rank in the top ten, which is more powerful!

Jiang Fei thought for a moment: "It is not wrong to say this..."

"Is it a big hope to win the hope?" Qi Fang held a simple contrasting view, worried and asked, and asked the voice of Cao Lele Qi Yunfei and others.

Is this game very dangerous?

Will you lose?

Feeling that he became the gathering point of his eyes, Jiang Fei twisted his body uncomfortably and coughed two channels: "There is nothing wrong with losing. This is a double defeat system, which means that two games will be eliminated. There are still great hopes for the oranges to enter the first thirty-two."

Can't you draw another seed player in the next game?

"This way..." Qi Fang pulled the sleeves of Lalou Zhisheng and whispered, "Don't you go online? Look at what the Liu search is."

“Yeah.” Lou Zhisheng had this idea long ago. Under the guidance of Qi Yunfei, he searched step by step, and Yan Hailin Cao Lele also began to do similar things.

However, Liu Xunzhen’s battle video made them more and more silent, and the more they watched, the more they felt, and even the feeling of creeps.


"Ah, hahahahaha, this time there is finally a broadcast!" Yan Xiaoling refreshed the list and excitedly sent a post, "Oh on the No. 9 seed, hey, on the No. 9 seed!"

"Gai Shi Long Wang" is like a torch: "Do you not know what a seed player is?"

"Hey, you said, haha, how can I know?" "The night is coming" Yan Xiaoling does not hide.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" succinctly made the meaning of the seed player a science popularization. At the end, "If it is the eighth or tenth seed, I am more optimistic about the building. After more than two months, at his speed of improvement, I should touch Dan. The situation is smashed, and with the further familiarity of the boxing and ice power, there is also a wealth of experience. It is not impossible to play the normal eight-piece Dan, but this Liu-Yi real power is difficult to deal with. It’s very troublesome to meet...”

"Hey..." Yan Xiaoling replied after a moment of silence. "I feel that my family can win! The sixth sense of a woman!"

"I also believe, I also have!" "Fantasy" is a slap in the face.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" "捂脸" said: "What are the two little-nose children..."

"I am an adult..." Yan Xiaoling followed "捂脸".

"But small nights, your photos, your voices are betrayed you, you are just a primary school student!" "Magic Fan" quickly brought the topic to the top, and it seems that it will not go back at the beginning of the game.


After watching the video, Lou Cheng had a preliminary grasp of Liu Zheng’s fighting style, and his eyes looked at the second platform.

The outcome of the first game was clear and will soon end. The equipment for the broadcast has already begun to be arranged here to welcome the second game.

"To start..." Lou Cheng sent a message to Yan Yan, then stood up and acted.

The fighting style of the abilities is not the same as that of the normal warrior. It cannot be grasped by old experience.

Yan Yan quickly returned a voice:

"Orange oranges, come on!"

Lou Cheng heard a slight smile, stretched his neck, and quickly typed: "How can such a powerful opponent use such a normal fueling method?"

"Then, sing?" Yan Mo grinds his teeth, and he doubts.

"We have been in contact for so long, is it time to change the name to cheer?" Lou Cheng teased the girl, soothing, "like dear..."

"Don't! Rogue! Cheeky!" Yan Yan ten fingers fast, pretty face red, shy and embarrassed.

I am sorry! Shame is dead! This big **** of oranges!


At this moment, his top row of positions, Zhang Zhu with his hands in the pocket, leisurely standing there, accompanied by a beautiful female companion.

"You want to watch the game waiting?" his female companion asked bored.

Zhang Zhutong laughed with a low voice: "Yeah, Liu Xun really did not participate in any competition for three months. The opponent he encountered before was not strong. People could not see how much progress his ability had. He played this game. The opponent is not weak, it should be able to expose him to something. You see, Han Zhifei, Qiu Lin, they are not coming?"

He leisurely and casually waved his hand to Han Zhifei and others who are not far away, like the owner here!

Han Zhifei ignored his posture, touched the knife on his face, and asked Han Ying and Xiong Yu around:

"Is this building completed?"

"Yeah!" Han Ying focused on the key.


"Okay, okay, sing a song to cheer." I teased for a while, although I still couldn't let her shout a dear, but Lou Cheng's mood is still very good.

In order to wait for no annoyance and no pain, there is still such happiness, I can not have any contempt.

Then let the strength go all out!

He took a step and walked to the second ring. He heard the referee opening in two minutes:

"The second game, Liu Xunzhen is on the floor!"

Lou Cheng took out his mobile phone and was about to hand it over to the game supervisor. He suddenly saw a message.

What about the singing voice? He laughed and unlocked, put the phone in his ear and clicked on the voice.

"Pro, pro ... come on!" Yan Yan shy and shy voice shouted.

She just sent a message and buried her face in the pillow.

The big bad guy of oranges! Taobao customer service? Lou Chengxiao laughed and his heart was full of strength.

This is what I want to guard!


"Yeah, Lou Sir is on the scene!" Wu Ting looked at the second platform and cheered.

Wei Renjie didn't understand what she was shouting, but now there are only four downfalls. After subconsciously looking over, I found a familiar figure standing there.

Lou Cheng?

How many rounds have this been?

Has he been eliminated?

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