Martial Arts Master

Chapter 253: First battle (first and second)

Out of the door, take the elevator, and come to the lobby on the first floor. Lou Cheng saw that the Gushan martial arts hall has been gathered here.

"Orange, go to the venue together?" Qin Rui aimed at him with Yu Guang, his eyes lit up and he shouted.

In the first three rounds of the game, he is familiar with the strength of the adjustment and his strength has reached a step, although far from the job, but in the amateur warrior, taking full advantage of the physical talent, as long as they do not encounter Dai Linfeng Zhou Zheng尧 尧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , He broke into one of the three disciples in the fourth round and was praised by the chairman of the board, Wei Renjie, and the contestant, Sun Yixing.

This makes others happy and confident, and they are more confident. They are more grateful to Lou Cheng.

"Yeah, let's go together, it's much more convenient to take the bus!" Xu Rongfei also greeted with joy.

He and Dai Linfeng are the other two disciples who broke into the fourth round. This has the factor of luck - the opponents encountered are not too strong, and there are also the merits of the building, and the other disciples have only received individual teaching. The results are more or less better than expected, and the practice of truth knows that they have sincerely admired the undisputed young warrior, and the money in his pocket is eager to beat.

Lou Cheng looked at them and responded leisurely:

"No, I ran over, just hot."

He waved his hand, stepped forward, ran out of the lobby, and along the road, rushed to the venue.

Watching him go, Xu Rongfei said with a sigh of relief:

"How do I feel that the brother is getting more and more mastery... Can he score the top 16 this time?"

In his view, below the strength of the eight products, Lou Cheng can be called invincible, as long as luck is not bad, the first six hopes great!

Qin Rui echoed: "I don't think there is any problem, unless I hit the twelve seed players in advance, haha, then we will be able to see the oranges on the ‘point will record'.”

The significance of the seed players is that before the 32nd, they enjoyed the lottery rules that they avoided each other.

Chu Weicai behind them laughed and listened. He shook his head in a slight impossibility and whispered to himself:

"The first sixteen?"



Stepping into the martial arts venue in Takatsuki City, Lou Cheng came directly to the big screen and watched the tumbling match table.

After waiting a few minutes, he was keenly aware of his name:

"The sixth platform, the fourth game, the 18th floor, 19 years old, professional nine products, 29th, Xiong Yu, 21 years old, professional nine products."

This character... Lou Chengyu sighed.

In the fourth round, there were not many strong dialogues between the nine, and I was lucky enough to get one!

He looked carefully and found that his encounter with Xiong Yu’s job nine was not in the broadcast list, because there was a focus battle in the central stage of the same period, and the top seed Zhang Zhutong met the challenge of a job nine.

Lou Cheng buried his head, his fingers flew quickly, sent a message to Xiao Xiaoyu, and then used her favorite "poor" to express:

"There is no rigorous coaching personality, and I took the job in the first game!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Yan Yan did not hide his pride, "waiting for my sister to come back to give you the brilliance of the character!"

After finishing this sentence, she "touched her chin and turned her eyes": "But how can I feel that the luck is that the bear is a classmate..."

Encounter oranges, this initial condensed martial arts will and become the metamorphosis of the core of the ice, and there is not much difference between the challenge of the seed players in advance!

"You can't despise your opponent!" Lou Cheng answered "a serious question."

I am selling it badly, is it easy for me?

"Well, let my sister come to you to search for his information~" Yan Yan pinned his hair and quickly inquired.

There is a certain number of jobs in the provinces. There must be corresponding information on the Internet. Loucheng does not need to go to the service desk to queue up for the introduction. He goes directly to the sixth ring, waiting for the reply from the coach. In the process, he put the news of the game. I sent it to my mom and dad and Jiang Fei.


"Building No. 18..." Xiong met the big screen and whispered the name of the opponent, a rather strange name.

His body looks like lean, but it is as thick as a mountain, his face is round, and the five senses are close together. He is very happy. He is a member of Gaochun’s “Seeing a Hall” and is born in the famous “town of town”. "Shanwu Pavilion", a set of "Hao Ji Duo Shen Quan" is full of meaning, the essence is full, and the reputation is outside.

"I haven't heard it. It should be the job of other cities. I will know it when I search." Xiong Yu's companion is a delicate woman with fine eyebrows. She is dressed like a white collar of a regular company, but she is full of blood. At the current limit, there is a strong spirit between the two, and it is strong and strong.

She and Xiong Yu’s side were surrounded by several preparatory members of “Xianxiantang”. When she heard the instructions from Yingjie, she immediately took out her mobile phone and was busy inquiring.

When the bear met a younger brother, he was too lazy to do it himself. He smiled and asked: "Ying sister, is your game in the afternoon?"

He is very respectful to Han Ying, because her brother is one of the deputy heads of "Xian Xian Tang", the second seed of this youth competition, the twenty-five-year-old Qi Pin Dan, Han Zhifei.

"Well, one industry." Han Ying did not care to answer.

"I know that the opponent of the brother is also an industry one." Xiong Yu smiled uncertainly.

In this kind of voluntary registration, the abstention is relatively rare. When you encounter a strong enemy, you will come to the trial with a mentality of trial. It is not that you feel that you are likely to win, but you can blow it when you go back: I thought that I was Seven people have gone through a few tricks. As for the specific measures, it is not enough for outsiders.

During the two people chatting, the faces of several preparatory members became more and more dignified. One of them suddenly opened: "Ying Jie, Xiong Ge, this building is completed, this building is completed, it is not easy to deal with!"

He tried his best to think of a less harsh description.

"Is it difficult to deal with?" The bear wrinkled and frowned. He took the other's cell phone and looked back. Han Ying also put his head together.

Looking at it, the two of them stood together and looked at each other and found the horror in each other's eyes.

This is not a good deal!

This is simply hard to deal with! Unable to deal with!

When did Xing Province emerge from such a top nine in the 19-year-old? Also TM has ice and fire abilities, mastering one of the core strengths of Zhenquan and Ice!

"Xiong, you are lucky..." Han Ying sighed and smiled.

Xiong met with a cry: "This guy is a product on the Songcheng side, mom, come back to participate in some youth competition!"

After venting two sentences, he took a few deep breaths:

"Exactly! Don't encounter strong enemies, how to squeeze out my potential!"

"What about the core strength of the ice in the boxing? It’s useless to hit it!"

Everyone is a job, can there be an irreparable gap?

If you don't play a dozen, how can you know that you can't win?

I am also a strong job nine!


Seeing the short gun and the gun frame to the central stage, Lou Zhisheng Qi Fang led Chen Yuxiao Jiang Fei to the seat near the sixth ring.

After sitting in two rows, the young people who are accustomed to the Internet query have pulled out their mobile phones and searched the information of the building's opponent Xiong Yu.

"It's so good!" After a while, Cao Lele blurted out.

She seldom touches the martial arts. For the first time, she saw that the battle video of the powerful ninth was naturally shocked, and she was worried about the building.

"It's very powerful?" Qi Fang's ears were sharp, and a heart suddenly hung up and asked, busy.

The son was not lucky, and he got the size of the king in the first game?

If he is eliminated when he opens the door, he will be very sad!

"It's very powerful..." Yan Hailin looked at several videos and took a breath.

She still exposed her brain outside.

Tao Xiaofei heard their surprise and dismissed: "What's so powerful? You can see the game video of Soso's game, it is much better than this!"

Make a fuss!

"That is, compared with Loucheng brother, he is just like the general!" Qi Yunfei Chen Xiaoxiao said.

Really? Yan Hailin and Cao Lele looked at each other and found that they probably seemed to ignore some very important things before.

They searched quickly, regardless of traffic, and the eyes looked brighter and brighter. I couldn’t believe that the mighty warrior in the video was a building with a smile and modest courtesy!

Why is he so powerful?

I can't see it at all!

"Hey, is this a child?" Qi Fang stretched his head and looked at Cao Lele's cell phone. "I don't dare to recognize it!"

In the words of the TV series, it is the son of the handsome coach!

Jiang Fei listened with a laugh and lowered his voice to Cheng Kaili: "Old Cheng, this is not a realistic version, ‘had’ his mother didn’t know him?”

Cheng Kaili ignored him and looked at the changes in the eyes and expressions of Yan Hailin and Cao Lele with a little worry. It was not afraid of anything, but suddenly gave birth to a feeling of self-defeating.

There is damage in comparison!

Lou Zhisheng listened quietly to their arguments, aiming at the video on the phone, and vaguely understood one thing:

Guo Fatzi made a special call yesterday and said that the bonus is still the same...


In the fan forum of Loucheng, "A Little Fairy" posted a post:

“The third Youth Warrior Championship in Xing Province, the fourth round, Lou Cheng VS Xiong Yu (professional nine products)!”

“Gai Shi Long Wang” is the fastest, “pushing the sunglasses”: “I said that Lou Cheng will participate in this competition!”

"Oh, my girl's heart is already hungry and thirsty!" "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling excitedly opened the official website of the youth tournament, looking for the broadcast address.

There have been no competitions for more than two months, and the forums that have not yet been stabilized have been deserted. There are only five or six IDs that are often filled with water. Of course, "Fantasy Brahman" is a very persistent and persevering girl, and it is positive. During the summer vacation, after a dozen seconds, he said: "Say! Who are you, why do you know that our idols are participating in this competition!"

"A little fairy" answered the question:

"The road is not flat and the knife is helping!"

In front of the computer screen, Yan Yan single-handedly squatting, the corner of the mouth was upturned, she specially changed an ID, that is, I don't want everyone to think of "Luocheng's girlfriend".

"Fantasy Vatican" is waiting to be asked again, but finds that "the night is approaching" "full of sorrows and mourning": "No live broadcast! No live broadcast! I am going to die, I am going to die!"

Yan Xiaoling lying in bed took a nose and took out a thing to soothe her injured heart.

This is an offer letter, the key words are:

"The director of the Songcheng University Art School"!


Watching the two little girls "cry and cry", Yan Xiao laughed and said, you can't see the live broadcast, but I have a way, my sister is ready!

She first replied to the news of Lou Cheng, analyzed the characteristics of the game of Xiong Yu, and then entered the group of "Xian Xia Yi Yi", @顾霜: "Frost cream, did you go to the scene?"

Gu Shuang is the first girlfriend she gave to Lou Cheng. The girl who met the scum man, the private money of the scum male flower Gu Shuang, also pedaled two boats. Even when trying to use the theory of Gu Shuang, even trying to fight People, the result was severely smashed.

Gu Shuangzheng and Xing Jingjing sat in the high-level stand and chatted from time to time. After seeing the problem of girlfriends, she smiled and pressed the screen to reply: "I am on the scene, oh, you are too anxious? The first game hasn't started yet, hey, the girl in love, you have not been spared!

"Hey, when did I get cold?" Yan Yan said.

"In my mind, you have been very cold! Looks polite and funny, approachable, good interpersonal relationship, in fact, the friends who are willing to accept are super, yes, little fairy?" Gu Shuang used the nickname of Lou Cheng Jokes - Yan Yan has shared this kind of fun with the girlfriends, and the results are from time to time they are ridiculed.

And Gu Shuang likes this kind of strictness. If anyone can become the girlfriend of a little fairy, there is no special feeling!

Strictly sighed, did not respond to the name of the little fairy, stressed: "You said that I want to give me a live broadcast!"

Shoot live broadcasts with your mobile phone!

"I haven't forgotten, it's still early." Gu Shuang did not care to answer.

She is tall and strict, wearing a black dress, with curly hair on one shoulder and shoulders, highlighting maroon, painting with light makeup, eyebrows are still exquisite, filled with a touch of femininity, but it is not like the age of nineteen. The girl, mature, is like a woman who has been working for a few years.

Next to Xing Jingjing looked at her and sighed a little.

Since the first love encounters the scum male, this extremely good girlfriend has not believed in love. He changed the past innocent innocence, swam between men, enjoyed the crowd, and did not pay the true heart. If he left, use her own words. Said to be the game red dust, as a flower princess.

When a man touches it, a woman can't touch it?


At the same time, the sale of the mouth is miserable. Lou Cheng has no contempt for the bear encounter. The thing that turns over the ship in the gutter is happening every day in the world. If it is really defeated by the other party, it will face the Jiangdong father!

The lesson learned from the past is that you can't forget the shape!

He carefully looked through the rigorous analysis and the video of the game provided, and he had a general understanding in his heart. At this time, because the first two games were job-related and career-related, the battle ended. Faster, the third game is about to begin.

Loucheng put away the mobile phone, sorted out the wrists and trousers of the martial arts suit, left the seat, and waited for the sixth squatting station to wait. No accidentally saw the bear encounter, slightly decapitated, it was a greeting.

Xiong Yu and Han Ying also recognized the battle video to impress them, and found that his temperament is gentle and restrained, not revealing the slightest edge, standing flat and faint, like the audience is better than the military.

This cognition has caused the two faces to change greatly. According to the information, Loucheng should be able to quickly upgrade to the peak of the refining body, and it will be exposed!

Is he stagnating, or is the improvement in strength beyond imagination?

If Lou Chengzhen touches the threshold of Danjing, with his previous performances, this youth competition may be a big upset!

For their reaction, Lou Cheng just laughed and shifted his gaze to the competition, enjoying the industry that was rarely seen in the fourth round.

Sure enough, no warrior is a fool. Combining the previous videos and materials, it is not difficult to judge that he has made great progress!

However, my progress will be much larger than you think, a lot... The building is full of thoughts and flies, thinking about it, taking out the mobile phone from time to time and talking a few words.

Ten minutes later, the third game ended and the referee made a short break and shouted:

"The fourth game, the building is a pair of bears!"


Wu Ting has been paying attention to the big screen corresponding to the sixth ring. She sees the building Sir, and is busy with Wu Qinggui: "Dad, I went to see our coaching game!"

I want to cheer up next to me!

"Don't run around!" Wu Qinggui said subconsciously.

"No, no." Wu Ting shook her father's arm. "Just in the sixth ring, you wait to find me~"

Wu Qinggui originally wanted to follow her daughter, but looked at Wei Renjie who was focusing on Sun Yixing's game. He swallowed words and told the bodyguards to follow.

Wu Ting cheered, dragging the sandals, and ran to the sixth ring, with his hands around his mouth, shouting loudly:

"Floor Sir! Come on!"

Lou Chengzheng and Xiong Yu confronted each other, waiting for the beginning of the dialogue time, suddenly heard such a voice, he turned his head and looked at it with a smile.

Zhang Qiufan, they seem to have failed to do it... Only Wu Ting’s little girl came...

After Wu Ting shouted, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the group:

"Quick and fast, the squad is gathering quickly, and the building of Sir is almost over!"


Gu Shuang also took Xing Jingjing to come around the ring and found a good shooting position, but she did not start immediately, but still chatted with the sky: "Hey, your man looks like this is still pretty, ignore Face words."

Hey, what is my man, will you talk well! Yan Yan snorted and urged: "How can I chat when I am at a critical moment, fast, and give me a live broadcast!"

“No hurry, what is the good time for the dialogue?” Gu Shuangyi answered in disappointment. “When I really started, I will give you a live broadcast. Now I have to interview you. Hey, what is your mood now? Is it very exciting? ”

She teased the little fairy who usually had such a chance to play.

Yan Yan "snapped a smile":

"I am in the mood now?"

"I want to kill you!"

This is the essence she learned from the dialogue between Lou Cheng and Cai Zongming.


Standing on the opposite side of the building, Xiong Yu quickly tapped his strategy.

That is, when almost everyone thinks that they will use the fighting style to avoid the core strength of the boxing and ice, they will attack when they start, and they will be fatal, and they will be caught off guard.

In order to achieve the goal, the dialogue time will instill in the other party the idea that they will fight!

"The conversation time begins." The referee calmly announced.

Xiong met immediately and said sincerely:

"I have watched your video of the game before and found that I was really unlucky. I thought that these two rounds could make a big fish and eat a small fish. I was happy to advance, and I directly met your big shark."

It is quite interesting to say that Lou Cheng slowly adjusted his physical state, and smiled and replied: "In the battle, it is very fast, and it is not a rare thing to win and win."

Among the factors that win, strength is the main, but not all.

Xiong Yu continued his plan and sighed: "I don't care about the boxing or the core strength of the ice. I am envious. If I can practice it, I will be in the high school, except for the seed players. Can go sideways..."

He emphasized that he was afraid of the core strength of the boxing and ice, and he did not dare to touch it.

In such a hustle and bustle, the referee raised his right hand and announced loudly:


Above the stands, Lou Zhisheng Cao Lele sat down straight, their eyes focused and serious, and Gu Frost hurriedly opened the video live option, Wu Ting frowned, complaining that the friends were too dragged, one or two Haven't arrived yet!

The referee’s voice just fell, and Xiong Yu’s change of the fearful performance just now, the momentum is booming, the foot stepping on it, like a straight stroke to the building, there is a sense of shrinking the ground, and at the same time, his body is low Dull, even the sound of a mountain-like sound, driving the right arm to punch out.

He has broken his fist!

Lou Cheng’s blink of an eye, the opponent has already come to the front, he is not flustered, the abdominal muscles drum, the fascia on both sides, the right hand pops up, the five fingers open, piercing the wind, grabbing the bear Wrist.

At this moment, the bear hit a back with a bullet, the right arm was tightened, and it was changed to a drag. The left foot kicked out without any warning, and stepped on the foot of the building, and it was so fast.

The punch above is a trick to attract attention, and the kick below is the essence!

He has broken the boxing fist and the earth has turned!

However, he just got out of the leg, and the ankles of the building were numb, swaying the center of gravity, and picking up the moves, taking a step toward the ghost.

"Pseudo-Dragon", there is a must!

Stepping out, Lou Cheng raccoon was too late to close his feet, muscles stretched, picked up his left arm, and with the roar of the brain thundercloud, whistling to the opponent.

boom! The bears were in a hurry, and they were suddenly bombarded by "bombs". The body jumped, the blood tumbling, and the muscles and fascia trembled together.

Just as he was going to use the practice method to resolve the shock, Lou Cheng adjusted very quickly, no gaps, and the right fist followed, and the view of the picture was in the big river, and Huo Ran was frozen.


The fists collided, the cold current rushed, and the bears seemed to fall into the ice caves, and they felt stiff.

The building shook his arms, crossed his neck, took back his side, and smiled and listened to the referee:

"The fourth game, Lou Chengsheng!"

Hey, occasionally when you are a big shark, it feels very good...

At this time, Gu Shuang just finished the live video, and the smile was aimed at the ring.

"Oh..." Hearing the words of the referee and seeing the separation of the two sides, her smile solidified, stayed in bed, and stupidly smiled at Yan Xiao, "The end is so fast..."

I just started!

Strictly angry and funny, hateful:

"We will never give up!"

Calling you to talk time will start live!

The nearby Wu Ting looked at the little friends who were close together and sighed and said to himself:

"This person is so weak!"

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