Martial Arts Master

Chapter 247: consult

Standing by the window, the back of the building was disappeared at the end of the road. Yan Yan bit his lip, resisted the urge to go out, took back the light, smoked a pretty nose, and smelled the full house of fried rice. .

She picked up the phone, and her mouth squinted with an unconscious smile. The finger swiftly pressed and sent a message to the newly-married boyfriend: "I blame you! I close my eyes now and think of the egg fried rice!"

Because the overnight cold rice was fried in the building, and the breakfast was made for two people. The follow-up kitchen teaching can only be replaced by fresh steamed rice. The essence cannot be played, but it is enough for her basic skills in mastering egg fried rice. It is.

Soon, she received a reply from Lou Cheng:

"Oh, I closed my eyes and remembered the few fried eggs that I had burned off."

Yan Yan’s cheeks were red and stunned, and the eyes waved and squeezed the keyboard:

"Silver! Big satyr!"

She walked lightly into the study, turned on the computer, logged into the surveillance system, and began to look for videos related to Loucheng, intending to format them without leaving any traces.

Day defense night defense, the family thief is difficult to prevent!

It is not a big thing to have a thief to steal the cabbage in the house. The big thing is that the cabbage is going to take the initiative to follow him!

When I saw Loucheng carrying the martial arts shoes, and some of them crept up the stairs, they smiled sternly and did not take the mouse's hand to hold the chin. They actually looked at it seriously and seemed to have forgotten the original purpose. .

There was no monitoring inside the bedroom, the screen quickly switched to the kitchen, looking at the floor into a home pajamas, cooked eggs, sizzling, shabu-shabu fried rice, watching yourself busy next to it, weighing the seasoning with a child's balance, the girl slightly Changed the posture, holding the cheek with one hand, the light is softer and softer, like a circle of open water, the heart is warm and full.

Waiting for the two to sit together, the newlyweds enjoyed the breakfast, Yan Yan took another sip, ordered a pause, slammed up, ran up the stairs, returned to the room, and turned out his own Large capacity mobile hard disk.

I have to save a copy of the video about the orange!

A little bit of watching, a little bit of moving, she laughed because of the building like a bowl of chopsticks and squatting next to the refrigerator, because the two were too hot to forget me, burnt an egg fried rice and shy face. Wet the eye waves.

Even if she swiftly passed these paragraphs, she found a lot of details that she hadn't felt before. For example, when she kissed her, Lou Cheng's hand stroked her back and tried to move to her body several times. Can be hard to resist.

"Silver..." She whispered, and the light seemed like a sigh.

He really wants me, and he really respects me...

But why do boys always like that kind of thing?

Just as her thoughts spread infinitely, the sound of fingerprint unlocking came from the door.

Strictly awake, quickly copy the remaining surveillance video to his hard drive, and format the original ones.

After finishing all this, she turned off the computer, walked out of the study, and smiled at several aunts:

"Huang Wei, do three meals at noon, I have a few friends, one of them is a professional warrior, they all like your steamed squid~"

Song Li Gushuang Xing Jingjing, three girlfriends, are coming to visit, and they must torture themselves to sneak in love.

"Well, I am going to buy food right away." Auntie, who is responsible for cooking, smiled.

Strictly smiling, so inadvertently:

"Right, the kitchen has a lot of fried rice, just throw it, I practice."


Afternoon sun shines in, the living room is full of steaming heat, Zhao Zijun sitting on the sofa, holding the air conditioning panel, did not open for a long time, do not know what to think.

"Old Zhao?" Huang Qun came out with the food and shouted in confusion. "Isn't you letting you turn on the air conditioner? What **** are you sending?"

The place where the two went to work is relatively close to the home. Huang Qun’s work is relatively leisurely, and he will come back to eat at noon.

Zhao Zijun sighed and smiled bitterly: "I am thinking about the kid in the family... Although I can't find out what he has to do with the Xing Bureau, but looking at him himself, there is no future. As long as there is no accident, I will definitely be rich. Big expensive!"

He has already checked the general situation of Lou Cheng.

Huang Qun hesitated and said: "Would you like to see Qian Qian and the building Yuan Wei again? Others are quite good, the old building seems to be developed too..."

"No! Don't think about this. I have been a policeman for so many years. I have caught so many gangsters. It is still a bit of a sight to see people." Zhao Zijun vetoed his wife's proposal. "Other aspects of Lou Yuanwei are OK, too. Floating, too floating, too unstable, not willing to do things in a down-to-earth manner, people are embarrassed, this temper is difficult to change, and even if his younger brother is very capable in the future, I am afraid that he will eventually be able to take care of him."

"What do you want to do with the family kid? People are still in college!" Huang Qun did not ask for it.

Zhao Zijun stood up and walked to the dining table. He said: "Even if you can't find him on the head for a while, you still have to do a good job, and you have nothing to worry about. I and Lou Zhisheng are also playing a small relationship, and much later. Contact him, walk with their family, and really have something to do in the future. It is better to pass them than through Yuan Yuanwei!"

"You, these years are considering these things!" Huang Qun shook his head.

Zhao Zijun sat at the table and laughed at himself: "I didn't understand it before, I have been bitter. I have understood it in recent years. It is really important to drill the camp..."


Gushan Wuguan is in a smaller driving range.

Lou Cheng held his arms and looked at Qin Rui with a thoughtful look.

Static piles are not a matter of urgency. One hour of individual guidance is a day-to-day trial and hard work, and occasionally a little doubt, Lou Cheng replied casually, so let Qin Rui not waste more money in this regard. .

This hour of individual guidance, the focus is on the correction of the play!

Chu Wei is a genuine job, and he is deeply immersed in the tiger-shaped genre. The teaching styles he teaches are not a problem, but after all, they are old and have poor energy. The opportunities and the number of people who can be guided every day are limited. I have to rely on Dai Linfeng to help.

Under such circumstances, Qin Rui's power skills, footwork and punching are still good. Specific to the connection of the move, there are some problems - he is more than one meter tall, long and long, and many actions must be corresponding. Make some adjustments to make the connection more smooth and more natural, but no one has ever pointed it out to him before.

"Well, the tiger hugs and adjusts this so that you can pick up the changes later." Lou Cheng deputy recognized.

Qin Rui smiled bitterly: "But it feels awkward to fight."

"Any change in habits is awkward, more practice, and strive to turn these adjustments into habits." Lou Cheng smiled and answered.

One teaches, one trains, and the time passes quickly. Qin Rui is slightly skilled in the adjusted play, and he is more convinced of Lou Cheng.

"Hey, wait until you are thoroughly skilled, maybe you can surprise Dai Brother." Qin Rui said with enthusiasm.

Lou Cheng laughed without saying, did not make an evaluation, and some things had to be tried before, in order to know where the gap is.

When Qin Rui left, he drank the medicine soup he brought and began his own tempering.

Thinking of the urgent and clear little goal at noon, Lou Cheng only felt a sigh of relief across the chest, letting himself be full of power, the brain was thunderstorming, the inside of the abdomen was ringing, the muscles were tight and compressed, and the fists and the feet brought up the wind and thunder. ll.

This time, his effect of polishing his strength is getting better and better, and he has a feeling of getting twice the result with half the effort!

However, he still could not find his own martial arts will, more accurately, he could not understand what the martial will will be?

The desire to win, the unshakable will, the will to be unknowing, the lack of self, and what is the martial will?

In the confusion, Lou Cheng finished the tempering, called and decided to ask his master!

"Hey, stinky boy, what happened to this time?" Shi old man coughed.

Lou Cheng honestly replied: "Master, I want to ask you what the martial arts will be."

"Cough, this question is still ok." Shi old man smiled.

He has long waited for the apprentice to call to ask for something similar!

Taking the initiative to tell the stinky boy, and waiting to be consulted is not the same, the latter will be much more cool, hahaha!

He paused and slowly said: "It is the practice of heart and practice, and the mind can be able to control the body, in order to control the subtlety, in order to get the spirit of qi and blood, to complete the 'receive' attempt. This is a bit like the feeling of entering Jingcheng Dacheng, but the latter can't be carried out in the fight, so the teacher said that with this foundation, you will be much easier than other warriors when you step into Dan."

"As for how to be clear-minded, how to have the martial arts will, all the various factions of each faction have their own understanding, have their own roads, not exactly the same, but for the teacher, and the military is closer, sentimental Also related to them, let them give you an example. Do you know what is the biggest difference between the modern army and the modern army?"

"I don't know." Lou Cheng didn't know much about this.

It’s hard for the old man to answer seriously: “The modern army used strict discipline and cruel punishment to make the soldiers paralyzed, letting them fear that the military is better than death, and the reason why the modern army dared to face death is because they understand what they are for. And fight!"

"Why can the army that has repeatedly created miracles complete the feat of the Long March, why can it have the same will of steel, why is it still moving forward after encountering thousands of difficulties, not because they are born great, not because they are all one by one? Monsters, they have already understood their own 'why fight' and realized how much they are willing to pay for it!"

"Many people always say that they are learning the spirit of the Long March and learning the will of the mountains and rivers. Oh, it is staying on the surface, not seeing the essence at all. I dare or not want to ask why they are instead of any other army at the time. To achieve this, the source of their strength, spirit and will is that they know exactly what they are fighting for!"

Lou Cheng was very shocked. He had never seen the incident from this point of view. When Master hangs up, he is still muttering:

Why fight?

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