Martial Arts Master

Chapter 243: Professional orange (two

Although Lou Zhisheng and Qi Fang often smashed Guo Wei in the process of bankruptcy of the original factory, he would despise him for using his relatives to manage, despising the group of guys who know nothing and still gesticulating every day. That, but for Guo Wei himself, the couple is still very grateful, because he values ​​Lou Zhisheng and gives him enough trust to let him play in the undisturbed technology.

This also allowed the dad who had been wandering for several years to finally have a stable and fairly rich income, so that the building went out of the quagmire and headed for a well-off.

"Well, where is his family?" The thought turned, and Lou Cheng woke up and asked.

Lou Zhisheng and Qi Fang will go to Guo Wei’s home to sit on the holiday season, but they always feel that it is not too good to bring such a child, and Lou Cheng is also happy, so he is too lazy to go to a stranger’s home to enjoy uncomfortable, so There is no concept of where Guo’s door is opened.

Xing Chengwu didn't mean anything, he said directly: "The phone says it's too much trouble. I will send you a text message, small building, everything is careful, self-protection is first!"

"Yes, Xing Shushu." After Lou Cheng hung up the phone, he thought about it and gave it to Yan Yan.

I have no experience in security, of course, I have to ask the strict coach who knows everything is omniscient!

The cheerful ringtone rang for a few seconds, the phone was connected, and the building was in the mouth, and it became unconsciously turned into concern: "Hey, is the police coming to your house?"

"It's here." Yan Yan's eyebrows bent, his mouth was shallow and his voice was low. "Stupid oranges, I love you, I worry, there are Liu Wei, there are no police uncles..."

Having said that, her heart moved and subconsciously asked:

"How do you know this?"

After a pause, she said:

"Uncle Xing told you?"


"He won't want you to help? How can he help you! You are still a student, how can he be like this!"

Listening to the girl’s sudden high voice, Lou Cheng was surprised by the keenness of her knowledge, and deeply felt the deep fear and fear. He said: “Reassured, there are four police officers who are good at shooting, as long as I don’t have him. It’s not a problem to save the second, and you don’t think that I can’t help even the seven strokes of my career?”

Yan Yan whispered and muttered, "I certainly believe in your strength. The gap between the seven products and the eight products is not as big as the eight and nine products. But, but it is still very dangerous! If there is Danger, you run yourself, you know? No, you can't run around, it's more dangerous to sell your back to the enemy..."

In the professional grade, nine products to eight products are a hurdle, six to five products are a ridge, four products to three products are called gantry, squid leaping gantry!

Listening to the girl's groaning, Lou Cheng is warm in the heart, smiling: "Stupid, I have experience, and with my strengths, he dare to rush to kill me at any cost, then I dare to catch Live the opportunity to counter him!"

For you, I will take care of myself.

"Okay..." Yan Yan sighed. "You are a warrior. It is inevitable that there will be similar things... Orange, you wait, I will help you ask what security needs to pay attention to, you are not experience!"

"Tactful coach, I am calling you to ask this." Lou Chengxiao praised it.

"Oh, you are still smart, know to ask me." Yan Yan bit his lip and said, "I have a trick to do this, wait for me to send you a message, you slow down, know?" ”

"Know it! Everything listens to the strict coach!" Lou Cheng made a statement and hung up the phone.

At this time, Secretary Xing’s text message has been sent, writing Guo’s family address and the mobile phone number of the police team contact Niu Zhen.

Lou Cheng spurned a few times, adjusted the mood, directly replaced the martial arts martial arts shoes, and intends to pass.

This is the most suitable costume for combat, ready to fight!

Before leaving the house, he remembered his own master and quickly made another call. He was still awkward for the first time.

"Go, you have to go through similar things." Shi Laotou yawned and did not care to answer, "The real warrior can't grow up by the competition, some scenes, some gains, not really. After experiencing it, it is impossible to fully understand it. At this point, our generation is like this. Wu Shenglong Wang, they are like this, and your generation is no exception."

Lou Cheng was a little relieved and made a joke: "Master, are you not afraid of what happened to me?"

"I am not you, you have to worry about it! This is not a high-quality Dan, not a foreign warrior, just a seven-year-old who has escaped for so long, there are four gunners four guns around you, if this is Can be killed by him, cough, I am not your apprentice!" Shi old head sneered a sentence, "I can't beat it, but life-saving, I am still optimistic about you, just like this, the old man, I have to hurry. Drinking."

Daughter and daughter-in-law are coming back soon!

Take time to drink... drink... Lou Cheng suddenly feels that he is not as good as a jar of wine.

He pushed the door open and walked to the living room. Lou Zhisheng, who was watching TV, said: "Dad, Qin Rui is looking for me to practice. I will not come back tonight."

This kind of thing can't be said directly. Can't you say that I have to go to your boss's home to do security work? Will scare my father!

“Is it still so late?” Lou Zhisheng took the remote control board and asked to get up.

"At the end of the month is the provincial youth competition." Lou Cheng casually found a reason.

Lou Zhisheng indulged in the following way: "Chengzi, I heard that some warriors compare, more indulgent, like a little bit of effort to mix society, you have to keep some distance with them."

"Dad, you can rest assured that I am not looking at them." Lou Cheng smiled and answered.

I am doing more dangerous things than they are now...

Lou Zhisheng is not Qi Fang, not so embarrassed, after a few words, he will not say more, and he will send his son to pull the door to leave.

On the taxi to Guo’s house, Lou Cheng received a stern news. She sprinkled a bunch of security precautions and lessons, and finally emphasized: “Orange, you must be very confident and very calm, one It’s very powerful and professional. In that environment, everyone will be more ambiguous. When you can make a decision with confidence and execute it steadily, they will listen to you and don’t dare to come. This will be a lot less trouble..."

"Understood!" Lou Cheng replied.


Guojia villa.

Four police officers have arrived, two men and two women, and the Guo Yan couple brought a pair of children, plus a bodyguard maid, a total of nine.

Guo Wei was born as a warrior. He started his career in iron ore and moved into the business world. He was mixed up with the wind and water. Now he has not seen the enthusiasm of the past, and he is fat and white, like a standard rich family.

At this moment, although he had a large number of professional nine-piece bodyguards hired by him, he was quite drumming. He couldn’t help but ask the policeman in front of him: "The cattle team, Xing Bureau is not saying that there will be a master to come to the town. Is it when he arrives?"

Once he was a warrior, he was better than Mrs. Wan Rongli and her daughter, Guo Huairou, who knew how to do business.

Niu Zhen came from the army and left the military temperament. He stood up straight and said: "Mr. Guo, Xing Bureau just gave me a text message and said that the person will arrive soon."

"This is good, this is good." Guo Yan said.

"Dad, I blame you, I said yesterday that the whole family went to Gaochun for a fake." Guo Huairou sighed with blame.

She is twenty-seven years old, good in shape, ordinary in facial features, and compensated by makeup. After graduating from college, she is helping her father to manage her business. She wants to make a family business a formal company. She has forgotten to solve the marriage problem. As a result, her parents Still getting old, gave her a younger brother, so that she hates teeth and has no way.

Guo Xiaoli sighed his hair and sighed: "I didn't expect Zhan Xuming to come to Xiushan."

His voice just fell, and a ringing tone came from the door.

Everyone was quiet, and all of them were scared and their heartbeats accelerated. Guo Wei first recovered, and he was surprised to ask: "The cattle team, is that master coming?"

"I will take a look." Niu Zhen turned around and strode to the front door. Through the camera and the visual screen, he saw a young man standing outside wearing a martial arts suit.

Is this too young? According to the telephone sent by Xing, Xun Zhen gave Lu Cheng a fight. After confirming, he opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, he immediately stepped back and felt the strong blood and fierce temperament of Lou Cheng.

Really master! He was a member of the army who had seen many peaks in the refining body. He no longer doubted it. He smiled and reached out: "Hello, I am Niu Zhen, should the Xing Bureau mention it to you?"

"Yeah, I have to trouble you tonight with me." Lou Cheng responded politely.

At this moment, Wan Rongli screamed: "This is the master you said? How old is it? I want to call you the penalty office!"

Guo Huairou nodded frequently, feeling that this master is too young, not reliable enough!

Guo Wei’s martial arts regressed and his vision was not reduced. He immediately reached out and stopped: “Don’t talk!”

He was full of smiles and greeted the building of the black martial arts suit on the white background:

"How do you call a friend? It’s up to you to host the big picture tonight!"

The strong nine of the refining body, plus the solution, four policemen with large caliber pistols, barely enough...

Of course, Loucheng will not register his surname, so as not to interfere with his plan. He nodded and counted as a response, and then looked around the living room:

"Mr. Guo, since the Xing Bureau commissioned me, I will definitely do my best to ensure your safety. I hope that you can also cooperate with my work."

"Good... good!" Guo Wei was a glimpse, then nodded hard.

Lou Cheng’s expression was right: “Tonight, everyone sleeps in the living room and can’t leave the line of sight of several police officers without permission.”

"How is this going?" Guo Huairou blurted out.

You are here to protect us, not toss us!

Lou Cheng said with a serious look: "Mr. Guo should be very clear. If you climb a two-story building, it will be like a game for Dandong masters. However, our personal strength is not as good as it is, and we will definitely not disperse protection, so as not to be broken by each. If you encounter Zhan Xuming in the second floor bedroom, even if we can detect it in time, it will be enough for him to kill you several times."

Guo Huairou’s tone is stagnation: “You can always have a bath?”

"One by one, with the first floor, the lady washes first, the two female police officers look inside, the turn is the man, the male police officer follows, to ensure that you can't be alone." Lou Cheng looked calmly, "In fact, I am recommending forbearance. If you don’t take a bath one day, when you wait for something like a quilt, don’t go there, send a representative, guarded by the police officer and Mr. Guo’s bodyguard...”

He issued a command and an order, so that Guo Wei, Guo Huairou and others felt the professional style of the face, and unconsciously obeyed him with calm and self-confidence, without arguing and without playing a role.

When everything was done, everyone went back to the living room to settle down. Lou Cheng looked at the time and said to the police, such as Niu Zhen Yang Sha:

"From now on, you will be divided into two groups, and you will take a two-hour rotation to ensure a good rest. This is not a general fugitive. The physical and mental state is very important and cannot be sloppy."

"Okay." Niu Zhen nodded and answered.

Since the building has come, he feels that he has the backbone and feels that everything has become orderly.

Although they are all good shooters, but in the face of the strong seven of the professional, there is still no confidence - if there is no one who can resist one or two masters, with four guns, I am afraid I can't even hit it!

After listening to Lou Cheng’s instructions, everyone turned his attention to him and wanted to see what he was responsible for.

And Lou Cheng went to a chair, Da Ma Jindao sat down, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

go to bed?

Sleeping... Guo Wei and others opened their mouths and stunned.

Does this look professional and reliable master is not a bit unreliable?

After waiting for a while, they heard that Lou Cheng was breathing long, and he slept soundly. Like nothing, the fears and tensions in his heart disappeared inexplicably. It seemed to feel a kind of emotion called peace of mind.

That guy may not care about our life and death, but certainly will not make fun of his own life, he dares to sleep directly, not to be vigilant, must be sure to have a certainty.

Things seem to be under his control!

Influenced by the calm and calmness of Loucheng, they were less embarrassed and no longer secretly confused. Wan Rongli and Guo Huairou felt the sleepiness, curled up on the sofa and fell to sleep at a shallow level.


In the villa of Yanjia, with professional guidance, they are also concentrated in the living room, not scattered and easy to protect.

There are outsiders, Yan Yan did not wear a nightdress, directly set a martial arts suit, shrinking his legs, draped in a blanket, lying on the sofa on the side, worried about a fool who is not here, no way to fall asleep.

It is reasonable to say that with her not afraid of death, under the premise that Liu Xiaolin is in the protection of the town and the four police uncles are on the alert, she will surely fall asleep safely as usual.

But now, she is holding the phone tightly, both wanting to hear it sound, and afraid to hear it ring.


At two o'clock in the morning, in the Guo family's living room, in addition to the shift guards of Niu Zhen Yang Sha and Guo Wei's bodyguards, they remained awake. Others were either asleep or drowsy, surrounded by a quiet silence. You can even hear the sound of insects.

At this moment, the deep sleepy floor suddenly burst into a sigh, opened his eyes and felt some kind of malicious proximity!

In that direction!

He stood up and adjusted his muscles, and he was in the most suitable state for combat. Then he looked at the window on the left side of the living room and said:

"he came."

he came? Niu Zhen Yang Sha was shocked. The cost of professional habits could separate the pistols. They flashed each other and did not get together to facilitate cross shooting.

he came? The other two police officers who rested suddenly woke up, and the brain suddenly cleared. Although they were slower than half a beat, they still turned around and left the sofa, occupying the corner and blocking the window with guns.

he came? The first solution is stunned, unclear, and then cautious and heavy, and set the shelf.

he came! Guo Yan’s face was white, his hands clasped the blanket, and he refused to rely on the location of the solution.

he came! Wan Rongli and Guo Huairou and others were passively awakened, and they were scared and afraid but did not dare to speak out. They snuggled against each other, grabbed each other's arms and shivered.

The madman is really coming?

How to do? How to do?

Outside the window of the living room, a black shadow just approached, and then noticed that the original quiet goal was "live", and the atmosphere was instantly tense and touched.

He immediately felt the feeling of numbness on the body surface. He understood that this was a shocked aim by the dangerous firearms. He was shocked and quietly stepped back a few steps and quietly confronted him.

The waves were so dark that after a few tens of seconds, he found that the alert was not loose, and suddenly he understood that the other party was not accidentally aware!

The air machine invisible collision, the shadows hesitated for a moment, see the inorganic can be awkward, decisive and quietly exited the area, at the same time, he secretly whispered a sentence:

“Prophecy class?”

In the Guo family's living room, Lou Cheng's inexplicable sensor is gradually disappearing, and he is not in control of himself, but at the last moment, he perceives malicious alienation.

Close your eyes and calm down, he tries to imitate the scene of deep sleep, in order to play the role of Jin Dan, but the spirit and thoughts still exist, he can only faintly play a little, not like when sleeping "There is a strong distance in the distance."

But no matter what, he also determined that the malicious completely left the surrounding.

At this moment, Niu Zhen and others stared at the window over there, and the atmosphere was tight enough to break on their own. At this time, even if a mouse came out, I am afraid that they would gather fire in layers, and die without death. Ground.

However, they have not been able to find the trace of Zhan Xuming.

In this kind of atmosphere, the building is closed up, if nothing happens:

"he's gone."

he's gone? Guo Wei Niu Zhen and others looked confused and almost did not respond.

Did Zhan Xuming leave without appearing?

Really or fake?

Followed by them, they all had some sort of idea called anger:

Are you kidding me?

Inexplicably alarming everyone, let everyone aim at the unmoving window for a long time, guard for a long time, then tell us nothing? The madman who broke the door came hard and went, but he left without going to the door?

Is it that he judged the mistake so that the reaction was too big?

The idea is raging, if it is not considering that Lou Cheng is the main heart of the night, leaving him, the situation will be even more dangerous, Guo Huairou and others want to roar him.

They had no choice but to swallow their voices and return to each other.

Lou Cheng looked at himself and calmly said to Niu Zhendao: "Call a call to Xing, tell him that Zhan Xuming has been there, and let him pay attention to several nearby."

"Yes, but we haven't found anything." Niu Zhen couldn't help but rebut.

Lou Cheng glanced at him calmly: "If you report truthfully, he will judge himself, and you don't have to help make a decision."

Niu Zhen thought for a moment, not afraid of 10,000, but he gave a message to Xing, and only briefly replied: "I know."

At this time, they saw Lou Cheng Lao Shen sitting down again in the ground, sent a few messages and fell asleep again.

Sleeping... Guo Wei and others are numb, and even a little desperate.


Yan Yan turned to the opposite side and could not sleep. It was thought that the girl was timid, and she was afraid that she could not fall asleep. So she got the same relief and comfort.

Suddenly, the phone in her palm rang and her heartbeat almost stopped beating.

She hurriedly took a look and found the news from Lou Cheng:

"Zhan Xuming has been here, but we are scared away, it should be fine..."

Huh... Yan Yan has a long sigh of relief, and is afraid to be happy and said: "You are not hurt? Don't care, if he kills a carbine!"

"No injuries, he found that we were rushing when we were heavily guarded... Yan coach assured, I would not be sloppy, and I must be on guard as usual, and I also informed Uncle Xing! Hey, why haven’t you slept yet?" Lou Cheng replied.

Severely grinned and snorted:

"I didn't sleep very well. I woke up when I was moved."

Not because you are a fool!


At five in the morning, Lou Cheng woke up again because the phone was vibrating.

He took a look and found that it was Xing's call. When he first connected, he heard a smile that was undisguised there: "Small building, one night safe, this is over! The task force has arrived. The high-quality Dan seized Zhan Xuming's tail, and he couldn't turn the waves! You can go back, take a rest, and see you in the afternoon."

"Okay." Lou Cheng sighed and quickly shared the news with Yan Yan.

Yan Yan finally put down a heart completely, and began to fight with her eyelids. She insisted on replying: "Hey, orange, I am so sleepy, sleep, and temper in the afternoon."

"I slept very well, wait for the next temper, Xiao Xiao, good night, no, good morning!" Lou Cheng smiled.

Then he put away his mobile phone and looked around the living room, no longer serious, and smiled slightly:

"The alarm is lifted, why should you do it."

After that, he did not stop, strode forward, opened the door and left the place.

After a quiet moment in the living room, Guo Huai-ru couldn’t help but complain: "The cattle team, what kind of master are you looking for? Why not use it at all!"

"Yeah, still amazed, tossing to death, I have to tell you about the Xing Bureau!" Wan Rongli twisted her sore neck.

Guo Wei also smiled and said: "Fortunately, the manpower is not enough. You can understand that it is good to be stable."

Niu Zhen is not convenient to respond to their complaints, and has not received the next order, can only be with Yang Sha and others, stupidly listening to the Guo family, you say a word.

After a few minutes, he received a notice to open the living room window.

"Open the window of the living room?" Niu Zhen was confused by this inexplicable order.

He came to the window and opened it. He found that some strange men who wore police uniforms came out outside, and they were carefully checking what was under the light of the street lights.

"What's wrong?" Niu Zhen asked doubtfully, Guo Wei Guo Huairou and others also curiously squeezed over.

The unfamiliar policeman headed by him was very dignified and frowned:

"Zhan Xuming stayed here for at least a minute..."

But he didn’t do anything!

Did Zhan Xuming stay here for at least a minute? Zhan Xuming has really been here! Still waiting for a minute! Niu Zhen’s mouth opened a little, and looked at Guo Wei Guo Huairou and others, and found that they were also full of stunned and frightened faces.

hiss! After a short time, the sound of the cool air slammed again and again.

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