Martial Arts Master

Chapter 238: Have a good time

Strolling back to Xiushan, I have reported that I have prepared for the Queen Mother, and Yan Hao, who communicated with Song Li, and Lou Cheng, throwing the box to the storage place of a shopping mall, and then happy to meet and watch the movie. I dunked the bookstore, went shopping, grabbed the dolls, and ate food.

At the end of the day, the fun-filled Yan Yan also went to sit on the music carousel of two exclusive children, watching the building laughed, taking the opportunity to take pictures of her at that time, took a lot of pictures.

Because there are no private occasions, the two have not been so clear about me and me, just finished the whole game in the cinema, but this is still the case, Lou Cheng does not feel any regrets, the same happy, the same satisfaction, the same filling Pleasure and happiness.

Of course, at his age, I will definitely feel that if I have the opportunity, my love will be even better.

Just when the two men discussed dinner to the old Liu barbecue, Yan Yan received a call from the Queen Mother.

After talking for a while, the girl put away her mobile phone and wrinkled her nose. "The Queen Mother asked me to go home for dinner. She seems to know that I am with you, but I didn't say anything..."

In fact, with the intelligence and experience of the Empress Dowager, I can think of who I am rushing back to Xiushan with my toes...

"The Queen Mother is coming over, I definitely know that it is not as good as blocking. If there is oppression, there will be resistance." Lou Cheng made a joke, probably guessing the Queen Mother's thoughts, she would not prohibit her dating, just guarding the two from time to time. Tired together, in that case, dry things, dry summer clothes, young men and women, **** Fang Gang, accidentally thundered the fire.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the Queen Mother does not understand me. In fact, without her concern, I will respect you, respect the future of the two, and restrain myself.

"Well, I have to go back and please the Queen Mother, and give her a shoulder to pinch the back~" Yan Yan can feel the connivance of the mother, half-jokingly sighed, then rubbed his eyes, and the blind man looked brightly at the building. "Do you send me a donkey tomorrow?"

"Sure!" Lou Cheng replied categorically.

Yan Yan smiled, eyes waved and said: "Unfortunately I can't eat it tomorrow~"

"Ah?" Lou Cheng looked awkward.

Then you still ask!

Hey, it’s fun to tease oranges! Yan Xiaoxiao said: "The Queen Mother said that after the morning exercise, I took a cloud surface. They used to drive near the hospital where my father went to work. It was full of my memories. Unfortunately, I moved away and I didn’t know. Where, recently, was discovered by the Queen Mother."

"Can I meet you?" Lou Cheng laughed.

"Yes~ As long as you are not afraid to face the Queen Mother~!" Yan Yan eyebrows answered with a smile.

After thinking about the atmosphere of the Queen Mother, Lou Cheng wiped out the cold sweat that did not exist: "This ... the son-in-law is afraid of the mother-in-law!"

Yan Yan chuckled and said: "Well, I don't know where the store is actually, wait until tomorrow, and my sister will take you there!"

"Okay." Lou Cheng thought about it again. "Then I will send you a blind man the day after tomorrow?"

"Do not use ~" Yan Yan said, "The Queen Mother will go on a business trip tomorrow night, busy with a big project, not coming back in a few days, we can go to the morning exercise together, go eat hazelnuts together!"

“Hmm!” Lou Cheng was full of expectations.

Taking back the baggage, he called the net about the car, and sent Yan Yan to the door of her home. It was a villa-type community located opposite the water lake in the commercial center.

After reluctantly making a difference, Lou Cheng remembered to call his mother.

"Mom, I will wait for the next meal!" He emphasized the point.

Qi Fang said with a sneer: "I will not say it soon, my rice is steaming well, no part of you."

"Ah..." Lou Cheng was stunned and deeply realized what it was called a mother.

Feeling the sluggishness of Loucheng, Qi Fang smiled twice: "Fifi wants to eat the old **** chicken, you buy one, and give yourself a meal."

"Well!" Lou Cheng extended his tone and expressed his happiness.

The slice chicken is a food with Xiushan characteristics. When the building was young, when the materials were not very rich, it was a luxury to eat a chicken. So the chicken came into being, and the stall owner cooked the chicken. Cooked slices, soaked in red oil soup, walk the streets and alleys, remember the money according to the film, even the children with the mouth can eat two or three pieces with the broken money, to satisfy the desire of the lower abdomen, it is Lou Chenger A good memory of the time.

Nowadays, as long as it is not a difficult household, it is very easy to eat a chicken occasionally. The piece of chicken will gradually withdraw from the stage of history. Only the “old yellow house” is tempting, spicy and appetizing because of the use of materials. Became a fixed booth, doing cold dishes and stewed vegetables business.

After taking this kind of food for Yan Yan, Lou Cheng took them back home, and waited for his Qi Fang to announce the meal.

"What are you doing outside in the past few days?" After eating half full, Qi Fang asked.

"I haven't told you about it? Go to classmates and his master's martial arts part-time job." Lou Cheng poured a slice of chicken's juice bibimbap.

Lou Zhisheng stopped the chopsticks and took a sip of the original wine of Ningshui Daqu: "Is this going to work? A few days a week?"

"One, three, five, nine to twelve, but many times I will stay in the martial arts, borrow their strength room to practice, or give guidance to the disciples." Lou Chengxian may not be at home for parents. Make a break.

A big part of it will be to go on a date...

"It's okay, it's very easy." Qi Fang sighed, afraid that her son was tired of making money. Then, she was half curious and half-satisfied and asked, "How much does it cost you in a month?"

The problem involving money always makes people have a desire to understand. Not only did the building win, but even Qi Yunfei, who chewed the chicken, turned his head and looked at his cousin with enthusiasm.

"Oh..." Lou Cheng hesitated and said calmly, "They gave me more than 50,000 in two months."

This is not a separate guide fee. Although Qin Rui has only made an appointment, I believe that after he has improved, other disciples and students with lofty martial arts will not be able to try it.

"Fifty thousand, 10,000?" Qi Fang's chopsticks were in the air, Lou Zhisheng to the mouth but forgot to plug in the import, only Qi Yunfei, listening to Ding Yanbo mentioning some, probably a little psychological preparation.

"Yeah." Lou Cheng nodded.

Qi Fang blurted out: "Chengzi, are you being cheated? Only three morning classes per week, give you more than 50,000 in two months?"

As a son, how can this kind of good thing happen in this world? He is not the kind of warrior in the TV that can thunder and set fire!

"How is it possible? The Gushan martial arts hall has been open for many years!" Refuting Qi Yunfei, she has done it!

Lou Cheng smiled and said: "Mom, you can rest assured, you can ask people, um, the top professional nine products can earn more each month, although the Gushan martial arts museum has taken care of me, but it is not exaggerated."

"Really?" Qi Fang is still suspicious.

Good things are so good, but people can't believe it!

Lou Zhisheng put down the wine glass and calmly said: "Don't call you, I heard people say that the income of professional warriors is very good. If you don't sign a contract, you have to defend your heart."

This is his blood and tears lesson. When I was out of work, I was originally introduced by acquaintances. Everyone was embarrassed to mention the contract. As a result, they were owed a lot of wages, and some of them have not been received yet.

"Signed, Dad, you can rest assured that they don't dare to sneak me on this kind of thing." Lou Cheng smiled and replied.

Not to mention his master, just Xiushan local, Xing Secretary can also let the Gushan martial arts to drink a pot, and they can also follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, single kicking, smashing signs.

"Is the contract there for you? Let me see." Lou Zhisheng is still a bit uneasy.

Lou Cheng smiled and shook his head, turned back to the room, found the contract, and handed it to his father.

This is the version of the home version that was bitten by a snake for ten years. When the idea came up, Lou Cheng not only felt funny, but also had a distress for Dad.

You will not have to work hard in the future!

Lou Zhisheng looked at it carefully and handed it to Qi Fang, who had been coming together, and sighed with relief:

"Not bad, grown up, adult, hey, your dad, I have a year's salary plus bonus benefits, and I can only take 80,000 yuan. This is still a good year. You will be my half year in two months... ..."

He has a sense of enthusiasm, and Qi Fang is keenly interrupted: "What is the individual guidance fee?"

"It is to open a small stove, one-on-one to make up the class." Lou Chengyan is concise, afraid to say too professional, my mom will not understand.

When it comes to making up the class, Qi Fang understands: "Is it counted by number or by hour?"

"By the hour, eight hundred." Lou Cheng truthfully accounted.

"Oh, one hour and eight hundred, eight hours a day is six thousand four, one month is more than 190,000, Cheng Zi, you have a good time!" Qi Fang eyebrows smiled.

Lou Cheng looked at her sadly: "Mom, your math is really good..."

When he explained that the first one could not have so many people seeking guidance, and the second had other things, such as the normal martial arts class, Qi Fang did not regret to express this, and then talked about the building’s cousin building yuan. Wei, said that he has been safe for half a year, and wants to toss a business.

After eating the meal, Lou Dao Lou Ma went out to bend, Qi Yunfei was in front of Lou Cheng, star eyes:

"Luocheng brother, you are amazing!"

"Speak the key." Lou Chenghui eyes like a torch.

"Hey, my birthday is still three months away. You are so rich, is it time to send a meaningful gift?" Qi Yunfei dog legs.

Lou Cheng smiled slightly: "Look at your performance, if you are addicted to love, you have no heart to learn, huh, you know."

Qi Yunfei nodded and turned and sighed: "I really envy you to earn so much money in college. I can only rely on my mother and my dad. I have to save something."

"Knowing envy is good, study hard, earn money in the future, hopefully financial independence." Lou Cheng uses the term of new learning.

Qi Yunfei reluctantly gave him a look: "Luocheng brother, you are now more and more old-fashioned, and you will be educated when you seize the opportunity!"

Lou Cheng thought about it and sighed and smiled: "Maybe the mentality has changed..."

It is no longer a young boy, but a man who wants to take on certain things and take some responsibility to guard a girl.

Qi Yunfei seriously looked at him, and for a long time only sweet smile: "In fact, Lou Cheng brother you are very handsome, if you are not my brother, I might like you!"

Lou Cheng Road:

"If you are not my sister, hey, I don't think I will look at you more!"

After that, he smiled and picked up pajamas and other things and rushed to take a shower.

Qi Yunfei was on the spot and gnashed his teeth after dozens of seconds:

"It's so good!"


In the early morning of the next day, Lou Cheng drunk the medicine soup and ran to the park. Today, he wants to test the prototype of the “exciting Bing” that appeared inexplicably before, and try to grasp the characteristics of the repair through Jin Dan and see how to integrate it into the martial arts. Open up the road of its own.

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