Martial Arts Master

Chapter 236: Activists

Haha, haha!

After knowing the anecdote of Lou Cheng, Yan Yan laughed and rolled on the bed, only hating that he did not see it with his own eyes.

Call you to damage public property!

Call you to damage public property!

After half a day, she finally calmed down, reached out and wiped the tears of her smile, and looked up at the gloomy sky outside the window.

I haven't seen the orange for four days...

When two people can meet each other every day, when they are idle, they can get tired of each other. Many of them don't feel very clear. When they are suddenly isolated, they are hard to reach, and every bit of life suddenly jumps out and fills the surrounding area.

Last night, my grandmother made a special crab. I picked up one of my subconscious minds and broke down. The meat in my legs can be sucked out directly. I can wait until I have finished all this. When I want to hand them out, I find that I have no heart. I thought of the figure, I had to honor my grandfather, and I lost it...

Walking with the old couple, when taking a break, I took out a paper towel, but I stood by the sidewalk chair. Because in the past, some fools will take the initiative and wipe it seriously...

When I meet a fun thing, I want to share it when I turn around... I feel wronged, I hope to be spoiled... I miss the food nearby, and I care about the old couple when I was old... When I was blown by the wind, my palms were empty... ...Q chats happily, but I don’t feel his temperature...

Yan Yan turned over and sat up, listening to the whistling outside the window, feeling the oppression of the mountain rain, licking his mouth, sent a message to Lou Cheng, no expression:

"I really want to come back soon..."

I miss you a bit...


"I really want to come back soon..."

When I saw this news, Lou Chenggang ended the one-hour quiet pile guidance to Qin Rui and sat in Jiang Fei’s car.

Suddenly his heart suddenly moved, and suddenly there was a bright eye that could speak, and her soft voice was heard from the ear, and the nose was vaguely smelling the familiar sweetness. Fragrant.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Fei discovered that his **** was not guarding.

Lou Cheng glanced at him and sighed: "When you have a girlfriend, you will understand."

"Can you not lick the knife in my heart? Can kill, can not be humiliated! Single dog is also dignified!" Jiang Fei cried awkwardly.

Not only did you catch my goddess, but also mocked me that I have no girlfriend!

The two men ridiculed each other and returned to the outside of the building where the family was located.

"Would you like to go up? Please drink a glass of water for eight or three years!" Lou Cheng made a joke.

"That is Mengpo soup?" Jiang Fei smiled and replied, and then he answered, "Not going up, this ghost weather, it will be raining at first sight."

"Also, be careful on the road." Lou Cheng waved his hand, carrying the bag, and turned and walked into the community.

The wind is fierce, the trees are swaying, the leaves are falling, the clouds are very low, and they are pressed down on everyone's mind. Few and sentimental buildings are also involuntarily appearing between the heavens and the earth. I feel the thoughts in the field.

He climbed the stairs, opened the door, and saw the quietness in the house. No one returned.

When he pulled out his mobile phone, he sent a message to Yan Yan, "Laughter and cry":

“I feel like I am a left-behind child!”

"Then I am a parent who works outside the home?" Yan Yan "snicker" and responded.

After a few words, she went to help her grandmother get things, and Lou Cheng habitually turned up the chat records of the two, recollecting the previous words.

"I really want to come back soon..."

I saw this news again. Lou Cheng was stunned and felt something in my heart swell.

He slammed up from the sofa and rushed into his room, flipping out the high school bag and the strict insulation cup.

Hey, he kept walking, broke into the kitchen, washed the cup, then went back to the living room, opened the refrigerator door, took out a bowl of two bowls of medicinal soup yesterday, poured it into a thermos cup, and sewed it together. Tightened and stuffed into the bag with the washed martial arts uniform boxer.

Hey! He carried his shoulder bag and pulled out the door. He waited for the door of the unit and called the net to the car. Then he called Jiang Fei.

"Hey, orange, what?" Jiang fat answered with a Bluetooth headset.

Lou Cheng greeted the wind and ran to the gate of the community, lowering the voice:

"Jiang fat, if my mom calls you, I will say that I am sleeping with you tonight!"

"Ah, good! Where are you going?" Jiang Fei curiously asked.

Lou Cheng took a breath:

"Go to train station!"

Not a moving station.

"What do you do at the train station? Is there something urgent?" Jiang Fei felt that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the building.

Lou Cheng spit out the vomiting of the previous one:

"Go to Zhengyi County!"

But see the strict coach!

She can't come back soon, then I am going!

Why wait for it silly?

"Zhengyi County? What do you do in Zhengyi County?" Jiang Fei's fog, but he did not wait for Loucheng's answer, because the other party has hung up.

Zhengyi County... Zhengyi County... He turned his head and suddenly remembered one thing:

Yan Yan’s birthplace is in Zhengyi County!

I rubbed, I have known for so many years, I know today that orange is an action school...

Jiang Fei suddenly felt that there was no reason for Lou Cheng to be able to catch up with Yan.


It is quite dangerous to take a car in the rainstorm, and although there is no motor train in Xiushan City to Zhengyi County, there are still Pusheng and express trains left. The building has rationally chosen the latter, and it has settled six points in the network. The ticket is only 35 minutes.

Until then, he called his mother, Qi Fang, and said that Jiang fat family was playing, and he would not come back tonight.

"You said that your child, went home for a few days, ran outside every day, even the grandfather's family had never been to..." The child grew up, his wings were hard, he was able to be independent, and Qi Fang sipped a few words. There is no more to say.

Ten minutes later, Lou Cheng arrived at the train station, and the sky had already heard a loud thunder, and the lightning shimmered the gloomy environment.

"Don't do this... The rainstorm is coming, will the train not be late?" Lou Cheng was deeply worried.

His original plan was to grab the Zhengyi County before the rainstorm, find a hotel to stay, and then arrange the following things according to the specific circumstances of Yan Yan.

Who knows that the rainstorm is faster than I expected!

Murphy's Law, when one thing may develop in the wrong direction, then it is likely to develop in this way. After the security inspection, Lou Cheng heard the late notice without accident.

It’s a torrential rain, and it’s been a long time late for this night. Many people have directly cancelled their plans to travel.

Lou Cheng waited patiently, and did not reveal a bit of a tone in the chat with Yan Yan. If it really couldn’t be done, wouldn’t it make the girl look forward to it?

He was at the train station to deal with dinner, and from time to time he brushed the news and prayed that the rainstorm should not attract large water.


The water outside the house fell like a note, knocking on the window, letting the room reveal a kind of quietness. Strictly talking to the building and chatting with the building, while watching the students feel that the rain is really big, where is the water? .

Huh, fortunately, did not let the Queen Mother pick me up... She gave a soft breath.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, Lou Cheng is still waiting, the train seems to be in the foreseeable future, and Yan Yan has fallen asleep.

He closed his eyes, hugged the Yuan, and sat down to sleep.

Time passed by, and at 2 o'clock in the morning, I saw that most of the passengers were sleeping, and a thief stood up and took a bag.

He came to the side of Lou Cheng, holding a scorpion, and half-blocked into the pocket.

Just then, his wrist suddenly tightened and was taken directly!

He subconsciously wants to take back, but feels that the other hand's hand is like a steel tongs, and it is firmly clamped, and it will not loosen.

Then he saw a pair of deep, calm eyes.


After handing the thief to the police in the station, Lou Cheng shook his head and looked confused.

Almost as soon as the thief's nephew stretched out, he woke up from his dream and instinctively explored the palm of his hand.

Is this a taste of "exciting"?

But I only took the medicinal soup for two or three days, and the kung fu just got into the subtleties. How fast?

Is the combination of the spirit and skill of Jing Dacheng into the subtleties?

Lou Cheng did not think too much, and planned to have a free time to test, he continued to sleep to maintain a good state.

At four o'clock in the morning, the train arrived for a long time. After more than 30 minutes, Loucheng came to the Zhengyi County Railway Station. The night was deep, the rain had stopped, and the air was flowing with thick water.

As soon as he left the station, he saw a small black car, surrounded by many drivers, shouting:

"Can't you go? Go to the city as long as two hundred!"

"Call a few more people, only accept you one hundred, the city!"

You might as well go grab it! Lou Cheng took care of them, unlocked the phone, opened the navigation, and entered the four words in Zhengyi County.

During these few days of chat, he already knew that Yan’s grandparents were middle school teachers and lived in the county’s family area.

After the route was confirmed, Lou Cheng carried the bag and took the pace and ran.

"Hey, is this kid having a problem with his brain?"

"Is he stupid?"

"Want to go to the city?"

The black car drivers were a bit stunned.

Lou Cheng looked at the navigation, corrected the direction and speeded up the pace.

More than ten kilometers away, can you call something?


Dangdang, Dangdang, Jingle Bells... Yan Yan reached out from the warm bed, pressed the alarm clock, and then got up and licked his hair.

After staying for a few minutes, she woke up, put on the prepared martial arts uniform, and sent a message to Lou Cheng, "Looking at the eyebrows":

"I got up, rain or shine!"

In just ten seconds, she received a reply from Lou Cheng: "I got up early!"

The corner of the mouth outlines, and the pear vortex flashes. Yan Yan seems to have emerged as a building. She put down her mobile phone and combed herself. After some busy work, she waited for the grandfather who also needs to get up early to raise Tai Chi. The gate, jogging outside the family area.

At this time, the sky was still dark, and the street lights were everywhere. Yan Yan just ran out of the community and suddenly saw a familiar figure, a figure that should have been in Xiushan!

The dim light shines on him, infiltrating his straight and strong body, and dyes a layer of light for his eyebrows, for his outline, for the familiar smile of his mouth.

"Oranges..." Yan Yan whispered to himself, then reached out and grabbed his mouth, fearing to alarm the grandfather in front.

Then, she rubbed her eyes, her eyes were red, her eyes were wet, and she couldn't believe she saw Loucheng.

How did he appear here?

It was so rainy last night!

At this moment, her grandfather turned around and wondered why her granddaughter stopped at the door of the community.

Yan Yan turned to look to the side, concealing his own look, and ran again. When Grandpa didn't pay attention, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the building: "Seeing the dog staying":

"How did you come?"

Lou Cheng with a gentle smile, holding a mobile phone, replied to the girl:

"Because I miss you too."

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