Martial Arts Master

Chapter 234: Students

Driving range.

Lou Cheng glanced at the cleaning aunt who cleaned the ground. He said to the excited and unstoppable students: "Let everyone introduce yourself, otherwise I don't know who is who, starting from the left."

He had seen the class roster of this class in Chu Weicai’s office before, but there was no way to correspond with the real person. He only knew that the little girl who was more active and more talkative was Wu Ting.

The leftmost girl has a crisp haircut and smiles sweetly: "My name is Zhang Qiufan. I am twelve years old and I am going to the experimental middle school to go to the first day."

It is the child with the smallest VIP class. The building is slightly dagger, and she has a certain abdominal case for her training, so as not to affect her body development.

This is also the carefulness of the VIP class. If there are more people, which coach can take care of it? How can it be done because people teach different people?

"My name is Yao Ruiwei, fifteen years old, a middle school junior high school student, hehe... the school is a high school." The height of one meter sixty-five, the body weight is estimated to be similar to the little fat man followed by self-introduction.

Feifei’s classmates two months later... Lou Cheng smiled and observed the body shape of Yao Ruiwei. He found that he was too imaginary and the training must pay attention to the amount, otherwise it would be easy to get the problem.

Mom, my Master taught me not so seriously!

"My name is Li Lei, I am 18 years old. I graduated from the middle school and I will go to Hudong University." The oldest student in the VIP class said with smugness.

He is about one meter seven, his body is very strong, his eyebrows are very thick and chaotic.

The quality of teaching in the iron is very general, the fighting style is very strong, can be admitted to Hudong University there, it is not bad... Lou Cheng did not care about it.

Hudong University is just an ordinary key university.


"My name is Wu Ting, I am fifteen years old and I was admitted to a middle school." After the first five or six, I finally got a little girl with a double ponytail and a white skin. She deliberately emphasized that she was admitted to the school. It is costly to be afraid of being misunderstood.

God is clear-blooded, and the body is soft and strong. This girl is usually tempered, at least in contact with the martial arts... Lou Cheng nodded thoughtfully.

When all the students finished their self-introduction, he roughly put the person and the name on the list, and also had a preliminary grasp of the physical condition of each of the ten people.

"Well, I will teach you some meditation and calmness, and be a warm-up." Lou Chengping said.

Wu Ting immediately raised her hand and excitedly said: "Lower coach, are you going to teach us to work hard?"

This is one of the most basic things in the deep martial arts!

"Don't think too much." Lou Cheng smiled. "You are not fully developed and mature at this age. You can't reach the adult's temperament. The practice of practicing static piles will only become more and more difficult. Well, the body will be like being emptied... I teach you only the tips of meditation and help you get into the state of tempering as soon as possible."

Among the students present, Li Lei was able to try the static pile, but there was no need to open a small stove for him alone. Anyway, the Chu Museum owner and Qin Rui said that they all only want to keep fit.

The students first laughed at the humor that was quite in line with the fashion trend. They felt that the coach did not have much generation gap with himself, and then lost a little, and expressed regret for the hopeless static pile.

After a short period of meditation and calming, Lu Cheng made a reservation: "Next, I will teach you to take a step and practice the pile."

"Zama step? Building coach, you are so powerful, teach this kind of thing? I thought you would teach us how to play tricks and power skills directly." Wu Ting raised his hand again and said with a sigh.

As you say a lot... Lou Cheng snorted and smiled: "You have no foundation, your back is very stiff, your legs and feet are very loose, you don't practice the pile well, even if I teach you how to play tricks and power skills, you guys There is also a flower shelf at the top, and the punch is the same as the massage."

Speaking of this, he has a face in his face: "And, the martial arts that are so strong and deeper are also step by step from the basic piles. How can a high-rise building rise flat? How deep is the foundation below it, do you know? Can you have the strength of the present, how much time has been spent on the foundation piles, do you know?"

The image of his tall punching punching sandbags still exists, and Wu Ting and others quickly snorted and nodded.

"...Zama can't be killed, you have to have a ups and downs, you have to change your heart, just like riding a horse... You pay attention to my posture, I will tell you in detail from the feet. To the ankle joint, how to exert force on the knee joint..." Lou Cheng did not follow the book, but incorporated a little bit of insight into his own tempering, and harvested from different perspectives in the state of Jingcheng Dacheng.

Zhang Qiufan Yao Ruiwei and others are also coming to the first place. For the time being, there is still great enthusiasm. I listened very seriously and focused. Soon, I set up the shelf according to the instructions of Loucheng and set up a horse step.

And Lou Cheng walked around them, observing one by one, and immediately pointed out that the posture was wrong. If there was a problem with the force, he had a little toe on his toes, or helped him correct it.

"Remember the feeling of the present, this is the most suitable posture for you." The building was set up next to Zhang Qiufan, holding his chest with both hands and swearing.

"Yes, the floor coach!" Zhang Qiufan was the youngest, the least courageous, and answered meticulously.

Lou Cheng took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, and then came to Yao Ruiwei, and found that the little fat man had stood a little trembling, sweat on his forehead.

Without talking, I watched it for a few minutes, and Lou Cheng suddenly said: "You can go to the side to rest."

He always keeps in mind that these half-children are coming to keep fit, not to practice martial arts.

Yao Ruiwei insisted on sticking his teeth, but suddenly heard the coach's instructions, and suddenly felt that he had practiced auditory hallucinations.

He pointed to himself and wondered: "I am?"

Can I rest?

"Yes, you have a rest for ten minutes." Lou Cheng smiled and answered.

Wu Ting in the back row did not do it. He said: "Floor coach, you are eccentric! Why can he rest, can't we?"

"You grow up to be so fat, you can also rest in advance." Lou Cheng said half-jokingly.

Wu Ting, Zhang Qiufan and other students laughed out loudly, one or two said:

"We don't want it!"

Lou Cheng regained his gaze and looked at the little fat man who was faintly faint and painful because he just made a joke. He said seriously: "Yao Ruiwei, do you think that I am exposing your scars? Do not say all the old sayings, hit people without face." ”

"No, no..." Yao Ruiwei replied with a low head.

Lou Cheng maintains a serious expression: "I have read the information and know that you are not born very fat. This time I came to participate in the martial arts class. Is there an idea of ​​holding weight loss?"

"Yeah." Yao Ruiwei honestly said.

"So, I will always remind you to stimulate you, lest you forget the purpose of training, lose your motivation, become slack... Train well, let everyone see if you are fat or not fat after two months!" Lou Cheng Suddenly increased the tone.

Yao Ruiwei bit his teeth:

"Yes, floor coach!"

Pile work, rest, pile work, rest... Lou Cheng controls the rhythm, allowing the students to gradually master a few foundations and increase their training amount little by little.

When he was resting in the middle, he was not wasted at all, and he opened his own posture. In the center of the venue, he used the practice method of “Lei Yin Zhen Zen”. Through the shock, he catalyzed the potency and condensed himself.

In the sound of the smoldering air, Li Lei, Zhang Qiufan and other students looked excited and quite eager to try.

"It's very **..." Yao Ruiwei, the little fat man muttered to himself.

Li Lei took a breath and said: "When can I practice such a fist?"

Wu Tingbai gave them a glance: "It’s still early, my dad said, martial arts can practice ‘sound’, even if the martial arts take an important step, the fists are more skilled, you can go to order!”

After more than two hours, Lou Cheng looked at the students who had some irritability and disgust, and took a shot:

"Well, the basic things are first developed here, and then teach you the basic moves and the corresponding power skills."

Wu Ting Zhang Qiufan and other people immediately cheered, and there was a feeling of relief, and they became excited again, but soon they found themselves jumping from another fire into another fire, repeated practice with one punch and one foot. It's boring, and the hands and feet are particularly sour.

"Floor coach, can't you let us practice it? I see other classes have been practicing!" Wu Ting retorted.

"That is their noisy." Lou Cheng unceremoniously commented, "Two rookies are practicing, they will only develop bad habits, make inaccurate movements, and then it will be difficult to correct them." ”

When the martial arts special training, they are guided by the high-class brothers and sisters.

"Then we can practice with you? If the time is not enough, we can pay for the floor coach to guide you alone!" Wu Ting Yang proposed.

Lou Cheng said with a smile: "I will master the basic moves and power skills first. When I will stay in class, I will not spend any more money."

His training intensity is only one-third of the martial arts training. In other words, these half-children will have to practice next week.

After that, he looked at the wall clock: "Well, today is the time, I feel particularly sour and tired, I can pay for the physical therapist in the martial arts hall. Others don't have to, go home and do a relaxation exercise. Rest and rest, you can slow down."

Looking at the building and leaving the driving range, Wu Ting only lowered the voice:

“The floor coaches are really different. I heard from other classes that their coaches love to encourage them to give separate guidance. Unlike the floor coach, they advise us not to.”

"Description of the floor coach is really teaching us with heart, do not have to wait for a separate guide to speak good things." Li Lei wiped the sweat, seriously answered.


After relaxing with the physical therapist, Wu Ting returned to her home and found that her busy and busy father, Wu Qinggui, did not go out.

"Rare friends!" She made a joke with some grievances.

Wu Qinggui reached out to her daughter and touched her hair: "I want to come back to accompany you whenever I have time, how? How do you feel about your new coach?"

Wu Ting knew that her father was a martial artist, but she did not pass the competition for several careers. After turning to other industries, she became a family leader and got to the top of her life. However, no matter what, his vision Still, it is an idol in my own mind.

So, she exclaimed excitedly: "Our coach is super powerful, and I punched the sandbags in one punch!"

"Breaking?" Wu Qinggui questioned and asked.

Is it literal or exaggerated?

Wu Ting reached out and gestured: "It’s really explosive, so, this way, it’s bursting!"

Wu Qinggui’s mouth is half a piece, and for a while he said to himself:

"This, is this a professional nine product can do..."

When did Xiushan have such a powerful warrior? Still running to bring half a child?

Wu Ting noticed the change of her father's expression, and suddenly she had a thought in her heart:

The floor coach may be many times more powerful than we think!


After eating lunch, soaking through the strength room, the temporary single dog building became a call to Qin Rui, let him come to the martial arts hall in the afternoon to accept the guidance of the static pile.

Qin Ruihe smiled and said: "Is it so fast? I haven’t dated my girlfriend recently?"

Lou Cheng replied casually: "She went to Grandpa's house."

After that, he suddenly felt that this was a bit wrong. How did Qin Rui know that my girlfriend can often meet?

He may just ask a question... I can't disclose the situation later...

Qin Rui hang up the phone and quickly sent a message to Jiang Fei: "Jiang fat, Jiang fat, go to ask Song Li, ask if Yan Yan is going to her grandfather's house!"

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