Martial Arts Master

Chapter 232: Notice of finally coming

Say goodbye to Qin Rui, return home, Lou Cheng found out the medicine cans and other things that I bought online before, according to the point of the party, step by step to complete the boiling.

When everything is available, only owe a slow slogan, and Lou Cheng, who has never done anything similar, sighed, looked at the phone, and recorded the time.

If you mess up, you will waste money!

At this moment, Qi Yunfei, wearing a short-sleeved nightdress, went to the door of the kitchen and asked with a sly sleepy eye: "Looking up, brother, what are you doing? Are you sick?"

Not like it!

"Lingwu's medicine soup." Lou Chengyan replied in a concise manner.

"Oh, oh!" Qi Yunfei didn't understand me, but she always felt very powerful.

Finally, she swallowed her mouth and asked: "Lungcheng brother, do you have food? I am hungry..."

Lou Cheng looked at her with a good gas and a funny look: "What do you say that you are not too late to sleep? Is it better to sleep for an extra hour? Wait, it's more than eleven o'clock, my mom. Come back soon to get the meal."

"I have to wait so long? I am going to starve, starve to death..." Qi Yunfei succumbed to the flat.

Listening to her voice, feeling her tone, Lou Cheng suddenly thought of the expression of falling to the ground and crying, and lost a smile: "Do you have a lot of snacks?"

"That's not full! Hey, if your girlfriend is hungry, you are definitely not this attitude!" Qi Yunfei said.

“Hey...” Lou Cheng was stunned. “Why do you say that?”

Qi Yunfei quickly turned into a hi, smiled and said: "When I was eating barbecue yesterday, the look of your eyes when you took photos, it was so gentle and gentle that you could get out of the water. I thought of a word, petting. Smile!"

In the brain of the building, the classic Shiba Inu expression suddenly appeared, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Where did you learn from this?"

"Fiction!" Qi Yunfei replied categorically, and curiously asked, "If your girlfriend is hungry, what would you do?"

Lou Cheng thought about it and smiled and said: "I will ask her to **** hard-boiled egg fried rice craft. If she still has anything to eat, I can order it. If I can't order it, I will go out and buy it for her. As for you. ... well, there is a box in the corner of the dining table, there are a few boxes of instant noodles inside, and solve it yourself."

My mom has a strange hobby, likes to put a box of instant noodles at home, and she doesn't eat it herself, and she doesn't know what to look for.

"...Heavy color light sister!" Qi Yunfei looked like a blow.

This is also too clear!

Your girlfriend has such a good treatment, I only have instant noodles?

Lou Cheng thought for a moment and answered seriously: "Well, yes."

Is this no nonsense? Of course, my girlfriend is more important than my sister!

Qi Yunfei slammed his face, left the kitchen, went to the dining table, and after a few tens of seconds, he sang: "Red braised beef noodles... I hate this most, Lou Cheng brother, no other taste?"

"No! I will deal with it, eat fast." Lou Cheng replied "coldly", took a photo of the medicine can sitting on the fire with a mobile phone, sent it to Yan Yan, and shared her first time with her. Try to experience the medicinal herbs.

When the time passed, all the time, he mixed the two medicinal soups together, filled the sea bowl, took a photo again, and “snickered” and sent it to Yan Yan:

"A dark bowl, will it be poisoned?"

Yan Yan said, "Giggle": "Do you need artificial respiration at the time?"

"Hey, have you learned to tease me? No, I am poisoned, fast, come and breathe..." Lou Cheng replied with a smile.

Yan Yan sent a smug expression of "striking his fingers": "I didn't say it was me. My dad used to choose this, I am very good at it~"

"That's still ok..." Lou Cheng replied with the expression of "Looking at the sky."

I was accidentally given a routine...

Yan Yan "Laughter": "Whoever asks you always want to marry, big color wolf! Actually, I have checked the information and asked people, as long as the coach gave me the right way, you get a little bit The error does not matter, at most, the drug is a little worse."

"Then I will be relieved, wait for a bowl to try." Lou Cheng took out two more bowls, divided the medicine into two, one for the next drink, and one for the morning.

Master said that this soup can be kept in the refrigerator, and then drink a bowl before the morning tempering, and then drink a bowl after half an hour of breakfast.

——He does not intend to reduce the intensity of summer training too much. In addition to morning exercises, he is also prepared to have two hours of morning special training, and he can use the power room of the martial arts hall when he is part-time.

Of course, this is the summer season. There are things that can change the time schedule and the total amount remains the same.

A little bit, I watched Qi Yunfei to sneak out of the door with the excuse of looking for friends to go shopping. Lou Cheng once again put on the martial arts suit, and poured the bitter soup into the belly.

He did not find a "training" in the shade of the community, so there is no need for tomorrow, at night, people in the whole community know that Lou Zhisheng's kid is obsessed with martial arts and is not doing business.

With the hot sun at the beginning of July, stepping on the sorghum-heated ground, the building is jogging to the nearest park at the big noon on the road, letting the medicines go a little.

When I arrived at the park, he felt a little warm in the stomach, so he was running the frosty abilities, fading away the high temperature of the body surface, stopping the flow of sweat, looking for the shade, setting the posture and playing the thunder. The practice of "Zhen Chan" is slow and slow, but it can arouse the wind.

At the same time, his thunder in the belly continued, the muscles were compressed and relaxed, and the shock was endless. With the exertion of the potency, the strength was trained into the subtleties.

After a few punches and punches, he was keenly aware that there was a trace of heat flowing into every part of his body. With the shock of "Thunder", he gradually forced out impurities and condensed pureness.

Snapped! boom! The airflow continued to blow up, and the building made a punch and slowed a punch. After punching a punch, no special effect was required, which made the viewer look daunting.

I don't know how long it took, he put away his posture and spit out a sigh of gas, to the limit of the current tempering.

Although there is no sign or understanding of "receiving", he feels that the strength of the whole body changes subtly and slowly - with the polishing of their own, they gradually have a taste called "transparent".

Translucent... Lou Cheng is mulling the words that best describe the signs, and once again runs the cold, removing the heat.

Well, don't say anything else, Frost abilities are still very useful in this regard!

I, Lou Cheng, walking air conditioning!

When his thoughts flew, he suddenly heard the phone in his pocket and took a look at it, which was the phone call of Xing Chengwu Xing.

"Hey, Uncle Xing?" Lou Cheng vaguely guessed what it was.

Director Xing laughed and said: "Is it a holiday? Is it back to Xiushan?"

"I just arrived yesterday." Lou Cheng answered truthfully.

"I also know that when I go home, I think that you should have arrived. If you have time, come to the house and sit down at home. I didn't entertain you for a meal." Xing was chilling at home.

"Okay." Lou Cheng was a polite one.

Director Xing sighed and smiled and said: "You don't want to be shy. Don't think that this is a good time to please Bajie. You can't live through the moral hurdles. I have been paying attention to your recent months. I feel that your future is limitless, and doing things for others is also very good. Hey, I can’t stay old in my life. I have to think about the future of my family. It’s good for me to get to know you. Good things, huh, huh, do you think that your heart is balanced?"

Lou Cheng’s thoughts that he could hardly detect and could not accurately describe were directly broken. For a moment, he was ashamed: “I, I don’t have this idea... I really treat you as an uncle.”

Uncle Xing’s style of speech is really like his being, straight and straight...

"That's good, say back to business. Next Friday afternoon, Wang Xu's case will be held. You will be present as a secret witness. Don't worry, there will be no idlers, you will be safe, be prepared, and be decent. Don't Like me, I am old and rough, I used to be laughed at in old clothes," Xing said in a hearty manner.

After the open words in front, Lou Cheng also put down the small stones in his heart and smiled:


Is Wang Xu’s business finally coming to an end?


Qin Rui took the tempering of today and returned home to lie on the bed.

Thinking of the previous things, he logged into QQ and found out the well-informed people in his mind:

"Jiang fat, is not here, ask you something?"

Jiang Feigang woke up on the train and replied boringly: "What is it?"

Qin Rui is not a beauty, does not need a good attitude!

"Do you know who in our grades is going to Songcheng?" Qin Rui asked.

"What do you ask for this?" Jiang Fei replied succinctly. "I know four, oranges, Yan Yan, Gu Chao of the seven classes, Li Liang of the eight classes, and other possibilities."

Gu Chao of the seven classes, Li Liang of the eight classes... Qin Rui tried to think back to these two students, but I really don’t know. I can only ask again: "What school is Gu Chao Li Liang? Are they men?"

"This is no nonsense! Gu Chao is in Songcheng Institute of Technology, Li Liang is in Songbei Normal School." Jiang Fei only felt Qin Rui's problem is inexplicable.

Two men, only Yan Yan a woman ... Qin Rui suddenly sucked a cold breath, no...

However, the news of Jiang Fat is not detailed enough, and it can't be done...

"Do you know who else in Xiushan went to Songcheng?" he asked carefully.

Jiang Fei did not breathe back: "How can I know the situation of other schools?"

Qin Rui thought about it and decided to change direction: "You said that the orange has a girlfriend, who knows who?"

"You are stupid? I haven't seen it before, I don't know, how can I know?" Jiang Fei "smiles" and said, "When I look for the orange to face the torture tomorrow, I will go out of the way!"

"This way..." Qin Rui couldn't be sure, but suddenly there was some speculation and association, and instead he asked, "Is there only two in Songda?"

"Should be, who is admitted to this kind of university, who will not show off? I remember oranges and Yan Yan." Jiang Fei replied bluntly.

On the orange and Yan Yan at Songcheng University... Qin Rui took another breath.

No way……


Grandfather’s family belonged to his own bedroom. Yan Yan took the phone and rolled it over. Then he pulled out the ring that was strung on the necklace and sighed.

I haven't seen an orange in a day...

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