Martial Arts Master

Chapter 230: Gushan Wuguan

Gushan Wuguan is located in the vicinity of Xiushan New Business District. It is quiet and has a beautiful environment. It has a three-storey building with some previous years.

Lou Cheng arranged the image, passed through a sycamore tree, reached out and opened the door, and found Qin Rui waiting for himself at the front desk.

"It’s arrived ahead of time." He welcomed him with joy.

Lou Cheng patted his arm and made a joke: "Isn't this unfamiliar to Xiushan? It is estimated that it is not a good time to ride."

"Haha, Xiushan is now a half-year change, and everywhere is repairing." Qin Rui returned a sentence, led the building into the inside.

After coming in, Lou Chengcai discovered that the Gushan martial arts hall was really big. The driving range on the first floor of the light was several times that of the Hong Luowu Hall that he had been to. It was divided into seven or eight areas by clever design, and some places were noisy. There are many people, and some places have only eleven people. They are seriously standing and practicing boxing.

Taking note of Lou Cheng’s gaze, Qin Rui smiled and introduced a sentence: “Big? My master often said that this place makes him the most proud and regrettable.”

"The most proud and most regrettable?" Lou Cheng asked.

Qin Rui pointed to the practice field: "This is the former Workers' Club of the Three Machines Factory. It was sold during the difficult period. I was bought by my master who was looking for a place to open the martial arts hall. It was a lot of things many years ago. The concept of housing prices, but my master also spent most of his savings, plus the subsequent purchase of equipment and equipment, really borrowed a **** debt, and now, you look at the surrounding prices, you know, rose Ten times more than the most valuable asset of our martial arts hall!"

"Is it proud of this?" Lou Cheng was dumbfounded, and he did not think about it at all.

Who can think of the most proud thing about a martial art is "real estate investment"?

He asked with a little curiosity: "Why is that the most regrettable?"

Qin Rui couldn't help but smile: "At that time, my master was still young and full of enthusiasm. I thought about whether or not to leave Xiushan, go to Gaochun to open the martial arts hall, and then have such an opportunity to take down such a big house. He gave up, and a martial arts hall with a professional nine-piece is afraid that it will only be able to turn the water from the starting point. If you look up, you will be crushed. It is better to stay in Xiushan as a local snake."

"Now, think about the housing prices of Gaochun. His old man regrets that he talks every day. When he talks about the month, he talks about Gaochun. He doesn't say that he can buy such a big house. There is also a martial hall that is okay. It will keep him from worrying for the rest of his life."

Hey, how come back and forth are things that add value to the house? Is this the concern of the martial arts museum? Lou Cheng couldn't stop, suddenly felt that such a martial arts hall had a little more intimacy, compare, um, compare the cannibal fireworks...

Turning the corner, took a few steps, Qin Rui led him to the stairs, all the way to the third floor, where the light is dim, with long corridors and a door.

Qin Rui did not make more introductions, and there was some tension and solemnity in his expression. He strode to the innermost part and rang the door lightly and rhythmically.

Hey! Hey! After two times, there was a slightly hoarse voice inside:

"Please come in."

Qin Rui unscrewed the door lock and pushed it in. Let the building look at the scene with a glance. The window is large, the sun is shining, the mahogany is carved into a table and chair, and the tea set is steaming with heat.

Chu Wei, who has deep wrinkles and sharp eyes, has stood up and greeted Lou Cheng. Hehe laughed:

"It’s better to be famous than to meet, Xiaoyou is full of anger and blood, and it’s really bloody! Qin Rui and Lin Feng have been boasting you in front of the old man. I admire you, I didn’t believe it, they Show me the video of your recent game. Look, hey, the hero is a teenager. We have never had a strong outsider in the history of Xiushan. Maybe you can make up for this regret!"

He spoke very old-fashioned Jianghu people.

Loucheng originally thought that he could calmly deal with similar occasions, but he was boasted by this old river and lake. He was thrown over by a good word. He suddenly felt a little helpless. I don’t know how to deal with it. He can only be modest: "Where is it?" ""

After a few words, Chu Wei let Lou Cheng sit down to the guest seat. While brewing Kung Fu tea, he smiled and said: "Qin Rui conveyed your meaning. I can understand your master's mentality if I can't do it. When the disciples go out, I will certainly be in full swing, and they will not be allowed to make signs before they make achievements."

Qin Rui and Dai Linfeng did not sit down, and they stood in the vicinity of Chu Weicai. It can be seen that the mentoring relationship of Gushan Wuguan is more old-fashioned, more solemn and serious, and it is like a building, and often makes jokes when facing the old man. Occasionally, it can also damage a loss. Of course, the main reason for this is that Shi Laotou’s own speech is not very serious.

Not waiting for Lou Cheng to answer, Chu Wei picked up the teapot and poured him a cup of fragrant tea: "Taste, this is the Hermon wild camellia that I brought back, not worse than the green tip of Ningshui." ”

The water is pale yellow, and the water is sloppy. The finished product has a bite, and I feel a lot of bitterness. Then, the taste buds of his tongue seem to be alive, and the layers of sweetness are beating and the aftertaste is endless.

"Good tea!" He didn't know anything about the tea ceremony, he could only praise it so superficially.

Chu Weicai held a smile and said: "The current VIP class is three. I am older, and I usually take a look at it. I will give you a few words. Most of the time, it is in the wind. There are two classes in it. Every holiday will come, Linfeng also brought more familiar, suddenly change coach, I am afraid that everyone is not suitable, can only give you the rest of the class first, then we will re-inviting one... This class is weekly You can go to class from 9:00 am to 12:00 am, you have no problem?"

“No.” Lou Cheng thought about it and added another sentence. “What if I have something to do temporarily?”

"Look for a person to help you top or change a class." Chu Weicai recruited and asked Dai Linfeng to take four pages of white paper from the desk. "I know that you are the first time part-time coach, afraid that you are not at ease, special Let Lin Feng get a contract, the mouth said nothing, black and white on the white, you see, the contract is very simple, did not ask the lawyer to get them, they are full of bells and whistles, my old man can not understand."

The four-page white paper means two copies. The real contract has only two, about seven or eight items. It mainly stipulates a few things. The first is the payment settlement method. Before starting part-time work, it pays 10,000 yuan to the building. At the end of July. Give 20,000, the remaining tail is given on the day of the end of the summer class, the second is a separate guide fee is not made, and the third is because the corporal punishment students lead to problems, which are undertaken by Lou Cheng himself...

Lou Cheng looked carefully and determined that there was nothing wrong with it and smiled:

"I have no problem here."

"Okay, let's sign a sign directly." Chu Wei let Dai Linfeng take the pen and laugh at himself. "I am more comfortable with a pen at this age. What kind of pen ballpoint pens do you guys use? I really don't use it." used."

After brushing a few times, the two signed up, each retained one, and Lou Cheng wrote the card number on another piece of paper.

"Welcome to our military martial arts part-time job, wait for your friends to make a name for yourself, we also have a face!" Chu Wei only grasped the hands of the building, officially expressed his welcome, and finally shouted, "The children are coming. Keep fit, learn how to defend yourself, and don't be too demanding. Let the rest rest, so as not to practice anything."

"Okay." Lou Cheng happily agreed.

I am not an inexperienced person. When I usually take martial arts classes, the special training members often help the lazy Shi Laotou group teaching. Most of the students who participate in the martial arts society only want to keep fit and learn to prevent wolves.

"You will come directly on Monday." Chu Wei turned his head and looked at his disciple. "Qin Rui, you take the building and turn around, familiar with the venue."

"Yes, Master." Qin Rui gave a sigh of relief and his expression became comfortable.

When the two left, the door closed, and Dai Linfeng frowned slightly: "Master, don't you have to be so diligent? He obviously wants to keep a distance from us..."

Chu Wei only laughed: "You, still too young, can one be a thing, the most important thing is to learn to see people, know who should stay away, who should make friends, who should make a strong relationship... Hey, I It is also after 40 years of age that I understand this truth, or else I will always be trapped in Xiushan..."


"The third floor is our lounge, dressing room, office and dedicated power room for disciples... There are two driving ranges and three big power rooms on the second floor. Usually they are empty, they will take part of the gym, after the summer class starts. You have to follow the time round, but your VIP class does not care, directly use the power room on the third floor, the separate guidance is also there..." Qin Rui gave Lou Cheng the layout and facilities of the martial arts.

When the two passed a driving range, they suddenly heard someone shouting in surprise:

"Luocheng brother!"

Looking at it, Lou Cheng found that she was a cousin’s boyfriend, Ding Yanbo. He was a long-term student and was standing with other seven or eight people and standing.

"Let's practice." Lou Cheng smiled and encouraged a sentence. Qin Rui had a face and corrected the irregularities of several students' movements - this is the batch he was responsible for.

When the two went away, some students whispered to Ding Yanbo: "Ding Ding, who is that? You know? It looks very powerful and can be played..."

Although they did not know that this was a sign of a certain degree of refining, they could still feel the fierceness and embarrassment of the building. They only felt that he and the one-nine-nine Qin Rui stood together without any weakness.

"Oh, yes, it is me, my cousin!" Ding Yanbo was cheeky and confessed to relatives. "He is a classmate of Rui Ge, and Rui Ge specially asked him to teach VIP classes!"

“Really?” Several students were different.

That is the VIP class that the owner is responsible for!

"Of course, I lied to you what to do? I will know it every few days!" Ding Yanbo was so excited that he was flushed.

I haven't said that Lou Cheng's brother is likely to be a part-time martial arts head coach!

This was mentioned by Qin Rui before chatting with him.

Other trainees were waiting to ask, but they saw Qin Rui’s footsteps and he snorted and said, “What do you say? Don’t want to eat?”

Suddenly, several students were ashamed and did not dare to make another noise.

Seeing this scene, Lou Cheng laughed: "You are very majestic."

"I don't want to be strict! These rabbits sly, laugh at them, they dare to be lazy, I said, orange, when you bring the VIP class on Monday, start to set up a power, they are afraid of you, the back is good Managed, otherwise, this age child can turn the sky over!" Qin Rui taught his own experience.

Lou Cheng thought a little bit and nodded: "Okay."

How to stand up?

It’s a nerve-racking problem...

Between his thoughts, Qin Rui whispered:

"Orange, are you going to participate in this youth competition?"

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