Martial Arts Master

Chapter 224: Come back next time (the end of this ministry)

"Catch up with the spirit, work hard, fight the gas..." Lou Cheng heard a shock in his heart, could not help but play a clever, constantly meditation of these three kinds of gas, climbed out from the swamp of annoyance and self-blame .

Failure is not terrible, terrible is the failure after the failure!

Seeing his reaction, Shi Laotou was satisfied with a smile: "The East Coast team can only count the small pits on your martial road. When you pass this threshold, look back and you will find that this is not a thing. Your eyes should be higher, you really need to chase after the challenge to defeat the opponent in the University Budokai! Oh, when Peng Leyun eight products, playing Zhou Zhengquan is like you are now playing most of the nine products."

After this, he seems to have tacitly approved the relationship between the two sides and the teachings.

Lou Cheng took a deep breath and felt that the next goal became clearer.

That is to the "big devil" Peng Leyun sprinting to the ears of the year, to the real genius of the martial arts who was initially used as a role model by Master, until he catches up with him!

If you can't grab the champion of the University Buddhism Association before Peng Leyun graduates, then you and the forest are lucky enough to get this honor, it will be full of regrets!

Shi Laotou did not say more, looking at Sun Jian from the side: "Why are you doing it, you are not going up, you are good at the end."

Because the last game was lost by 2 to 3, even if Sun Jian won the game with a very bad situation, Hou Yue, the final score is only a draw, will play the "substitute battle", and the substitute, the East Coast team There is also a strong professional nine-product Li Shengnan who is not on the stage. Songda Wudaoshe has no amateur products. As a result, there will be no accidents. Therefore, Sun Jian did not rush to debut, so it would not matter if Hou Yue recovered. Can't change the big picture.

"Good!" Sun Jian nodded, and some mixed feelings went to the stone steps.

If we are a little stronger, then it will be fine...

Hou Yuelian, who was on the top of the ring, hit three waterfalls, "Waterfall". Not only was it expensive, but the body still had the influence of shocks. There was no way to fly around. Sun Jian carefully wandered around him for a while and found The opponent seems to have become more difficult to walk, so he took the courage, grabbed the close, and launched the "Blizzard Twenty-four Strike", and easily won the victory without a few strokes.

The referee raised his right hand and shouted in a silent tone:

"The fifth inning, Sun Jiansheng."

Under normal circumstances, the audience should cheer for Sun Jian with cheers and cheers, and scream for the martial arts club, but now they are silent, even sobbing, as if they saw a tragedy.

They have accepted science before the game, know the rules, and know that their martial arts club's substitute can't compare with each other.

Sure enough, the referee continued to announce:

"The result of this game, Songda Budokai wins, the total record of the home and away, tie!"

"Additional ‘substitute battle’!”

Shi Laotou looked at Li Wei and others and sighed:

"Want to compare?"

Yes, are you going to compare? I couldn't win the game at all, and I couldn't reverse the result... Li Wei and Lin Hua were silent for a while, and some were awkward.

Why waste your energy and waste your efforts?

Yan Yan's eyelashes hang down, covering his own voice, and screaming and smiling:

"Of course, I have to fight! Shi coach, have you said that we have come to practice it? How can we not play when there is a match?"

"Also." Shi Laotou's old face was red, and he laughed. "Let's go."

I almost forgot the slogan when I was old...

"Don't you cheer for me?" Yan Yan extended his palm to Lou Cheng, his eyes were red and his eyes were bright.

Lou Cheng took a breath, with the voice that both sides can hear.

"Strict coach cheers!"

With a bang, the two hit their palms.

Yan Yan turned around, walked off the seat, went to the stone steps, felt sad, sad, pity, regret, and a firm belief:

We can lose, but we can't admit defeat!

Seeing this beautiful girl who seems to be not in the violent ring, she turned to the battlefield without hesitation. The audience seemed to be infected, calmed down, and there was a resounding voice.

At this level, we are good enough!


There are not many miracles in the world. Yan Yan’s most aggressive attack has really scared Li Shengnan’s jump. But the experienced strength is stronger than the other party’s more than one or two. She quickly stabilized her position and launched a counterattack. Five divisions and two won the victory, and the next Li Wei and Lin Hua took turns to challenge and failed to break through the wall.

The referee gasped and sighed:

"Replacement battle, the East team wins!"

"The end result, the East Coast team won!"

The audience was silent for a while, and the deep sorrow echoed in the martial arts hall. Yan Yan bit his lower lip and pulled the building with a mist. "Orange, let's say thank you."

Lou Cheng originally had this idea, but after failing to take the lead, he was afraid to face the enthusiastic classmates, afraid to see their disappointed eyes and sad expression.

At this point, he heard a girlfriend’s proposal and he took a deep breath:

"it is good!"

Men can't be embarrassed. Since it is my responsibility, I have to face it myself!

Regardless of whether they are disappointed, drink, or even throw out debris, I am born, and the next game will make up for it and bear it back!

Lou Cheng stood up and took a picture of Sun Jian Li Wei and others, led them to the stands, holding hands and bowing together.

Thank you for your support, thank you for your help, thank you for your shouting, and thank you for your sorrow.

Just when Lou Cheng was ready to withstand everything, there was a loud shout from the stands:

"come back next time!"

Come back next time... Lou Cheng and others are stunned, a little unresponsive.

The audience of this stand was quiet first, then shouted in a strange and noisy way:

"Come back next time!" "Come back next time!" "Next time!"

Win it for us next time!

The sound gradually tidy, affecting another grandstand, and all the audience shouted in unison:

"Come back next time!" "Come back next time!"

No complaints, no disappointment, only encouragement, only expectation!

I have always believed that the man has tears and does not flick. The man who sheds tears without tears suddenly blinks his eyes, sours his nose, and once again with a few teammates, thank you for this love, thank you for your support!

It’s great to have you, we will win back next time!

"Come back next time! Come back next time!"

The shouts of the audience passed through the waves to thousands of households, so that Yan Xiaoling and the magical vans and other girls cried with a wow, crying and screaming, choked and followed and shouted, "Next time, come again, come back next time..."

"Come back next time! Come back next time!"

After a year of school, Shu Wei was infected by this atmosphere. Some of them sucked their noses sourly, fearing that they would cry with tears. At the same time, her mind still haunted a distress. What to do, Songda lost, What should I do if I interview Lin? I think about it, she really wants to cry.

"Come back next time! Come back next time!"

Lou Cheng’s line of sight blurted his side and looked at Yan Yan. He found that the girl’s voice was filled with water mist, and her eyes were red, but she did not cry.

"Cry." He shook the girl's palm.

Yan Yan took a breath and smiled more than crying. "I don't cry when I am sad..."

"Come back next time! Come back next time!"

Li Mercy and Fan Wei and others have long burst into tears, completely immersed in this atmosphere, crying and crying.

Laughter can make people always remember, crying is unforgettable.


After the game, Lou Cheng took a shower, changed clothes, and walked straight out of the locker room.

He is already familiar with the road, knowing that there will be interviews waiting for himself, so early in the morning.

Shu Wei looked at him and smiled. "Luo Cheng, I thought you would come out last."

The cost of the building is going to make a joke, saying, "It used to be a victory, so I gave it to everyone. Today is a failure. I will bear it first." But I really didn’t have that feeling. I only politely replied: "I didn't know that you would wait for an interview. ""

Good boy! I don’t know where it is better than the forest! Shu Shu spit a sentence and put the topic on the right track: "You don't seem to be in high spirits. Is today's game important to you?"

"Every game is very important to me." Lou Chengyan said concisely, "Failure will definitely make people unhappy."

Shu Wei thought for a moment: "Then I boldly ask, what do you think about this failure? I feel where I lost. What needs to be improved?"

"We are almost the same as the East Coast team. We have the chance to win. This time, I have always been smooth and smooth. I always want to take the temper to win the opponent. Otherwise, I can't harden the explosion of Zhou Zhengquan's Dan. Lou Cheng said with sincerity and took up his responsibility.

Men can't shirk!

As for the simple version of the tactics, he will not say that since it is not used, it is a rare card.

Shu Shu thought back thoughtfully, reassuringly said: "Young and frivolous is normal, knowing that reflection and review are signs of maturity. Right, Lou Cheng, you have to participate in the National University Budokai in the second half of the year. What do you have? aims?"

"Well, get into the national finals." Lou Cheng did not say that his goal is Peng Leyun, the championship, because this will definitely be ridiculed by people:

You are strong and strong, and Peng Leyun is still not at a level, even far away, and his promotion is not slower than you!

"That I wish you success." Shu Wei ended the brief interview.

She also interviewed Yan Yan and others, and then faced the ultimate challenge, a lack of expression of lack of disease.

"Lin missed classmates, how do you feel about playing in today's game?" Shu Wei tried his best to cut through the martial arts competition.

Lin lacks indifference: "Not good."

"Why?" Shu Shu has the urge to go crazy, can't you answer in one breath? How to make a reply like a voice assistant.

"I didn't expect Zhou Zhengquan to burst into three bursts at the beginning of the game." Lin's eyes were faintly painful.

If you play a little better and leave Zhou Zhengquan with an influence, the ending will definitely be different...

Shu Shu nodded and asked: "The second half of the year is the University Buddhism Association. What plans do you have any expectations?"

Lin lacked silence for a few seconds and replied:

"Work hard."

After that, he crossed the comfort and went to the gate of the stadium.

Hearing this answer, Shu Wei is somewhat inexplicable. If Lin lacks "confidentiality" or "I don't tell you," then he can feel his feelings is really good, but also cold humor, and now, he must be very painful. Ok...


Time flies, more than a month has passed since the game in May.

Shuai burned people, Lou Cheng stood next to the lush green trees, closed eyes and thought of thunderclouds, compressed muscles, squirming the abdomen, creating a slight shock, constantly strengthening the internal organs.

Gradually, he only felt that the heart beat more and more powerful, the blood sprayed out, clearly flowing through every organ in the body, and under his own control, it quickly slowed down, no difficulty, the rest of the organs also Of course.

This is the symbol of martial arts training into the body, this is the symbol of the peak of refining!

The next step is to stun the strength of the whole body and realize the taste of “receiving”... Lou Cheng opened his eyes and the air was strong and fierce.

He did not crush Jin Dan again, and he increased his abilities, because he felt that this would be in contradiction with his own conception of "receiving". Many abilities are more and more powerful, so that they can never be promoted to Dan, and they are warriors. Can not be upside down, confused the primary and secondary, or wait to feel the "receipt", then look for Master to see, try to wake up.

In addition, Master said that the idea of ​​a fire department is a bit of a look, and there should be a chance to help yourself in the next semester.

Of course, this is a plan for the future. The most important thing now is:

Come back home! Huixiushan! Come back to Xiushan with you!

In his mind, he suddenly realized that a big day fell from the sky and slammed into the frozen river of Wanli. The yin and yang collided fiercely.


Lou Cheng slammed out and hit the tree in front of him, then took back his hand and watched and turned away without looking at it.

As he left, the seemingly unmoving trees suddenly dropped a few leaves, and the more they rushed, the more they fell, the more yellow, as if they had entered the winter.

(End of the first section)

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