Martial Arts Master

Chapter 201: Lottery result (second more recommended ticket)

"Hey, what's wrong?" Cheng Minggan, who was sitting opposite, noticed the hidden anger of his girlfriend.

Shu Wei complained: "Not yet our director! I have already advised the director about the lottery during the lottery ceremony. They talked about the interview. They talked about it and discussed it. It was impossible to decide, mother-in-law, fire to eyebrows. I know that I am in a hurry. If I say it early, I will get it right before the holiday. I don’t have to go to work overtime!"

Cheng Minggan stretched his hand like a book, and smiled slightly: "Is it an interview with Lou Cheng?"

"Do you know?" Shu Shuming stunned and was noticed.

Cheng Ming said with a slight impression: "How can you not know what your girlfriend is doing, what I am busy with, what you and I will focus on, I will remember."

Shu Xiao smiled and said: "It is that interview. Hey, you said that you are leading a leader for an idea, an idea for a while?"

"I don't want it anyway." Cheng Mingqian said seriously, "Oh, actually, you really don't have to fight like this. I can't afford you, work, feel interesting. If it is very tired and troublesome, it will affect normal life and Good health, it is better to be a full-time wife, huh, huh, you Zhao called again, you will look at him and let him work overtime!"

Shu Shu looked at her boyfriend and sighed: "I want to do this too, but if there is no marriage, parents have not seen it, just do full-time wife?"

Moreover, I don't like to be someone else's canary.

When I mentioned this topic, Cheng Ming’s face was revealed a few minutes: “Hey, you can rest assured that when the company is on the right track, my mom can no longer find an excuse. I will take you back to see her, one year. I promise to be within one year!"

My mother is too strong. She is a well-known business iron lady in Songcheng. She has made a complete set of arrangements for herself, including future marriage planning. If she is not emboldened, she would not dare to bring her girlfriend to see her.

Shu Xiao smiled and said: "I believe in you."

Similarly, she has listened several times, and similarly, she also said several times.

I also had to take a breather until I used dinner, so Shu Wei let her boyfriend drive to go to the TV station to work overtime.

She boldly tried a little bohemian dress today, with high-heeled sandals that she rarely wears. She feels a little bit of a kick and a hot pain. She just couldn’t help but feel when she sits in the co-pilot position. I touched the wound.

Cheng Minggan glanced at it and said nothing, driving the car out of the ground.

After driving along the street for a while, he suddenly parked his car on the side of the road.

"What's wrong?" Shu Yanran looked at her boyfriend.

Cheng Minggan smiled slightly: "You wait for me for five minutes."

He pulled up the handbrake and opened the door and crossed the crosswalk. Due to obstacles, Shu Wei couldn't see where he ran, and he was full of fog.

A few minutes later, Cheng Minggan rushed back with the bag, pulled out a box from it, took out a pair of white sneakers, and smiled and said: "I will wear it first, I should not remember your yardage. ”

Shu Wei glanced at the shoes with a gleaming look, and her heart was warm and smiled:

"I thought you didn't find it!"

Putting on shoes, she feels that the grievances of overtime work have eased a lot, and the interest of chatting has resumed. When she talks with her boyfriend, she arrives at the building where Songcheng TV is located.

"You are busy giving me a flash, I will pick you up." Cheng Minggan made a call gesture.

As for now, you have to go back and report it.

Shu Wei smiled and waved, carrying Kun Bao into the building, waiting for the elevator, she could not help but sigh for a long time.

Everything is good for her boyfriend. It’s better than the younger immature first love and the second man’s ignorance. Otherwise, I won’t like him in so many suitors, and I won’t give up Huahai Satellite TV. Offer, left home and came to Songcheng.

Oh, his biggest problem is a little mom...

Forget it, there is a perfect man in the world... Shu Hao comforted himself, boarded the elevator, came to the second room of the editing room, and saw Yang Juan who also worked overtime due to an interview with Lou Cheng.

"Juan Juan, what are you thinking about?" Shu Wei noticed that Yang Juan was a little disobedient.

Yang Juan was shocked and glared at her chest: "Small, do you have no sound when you walk?"

"I think you are too focused on things." Shu Xiao smiled.

Yang Juan looked at Shu Wei and hesitated and said: "Xiao Xiao, I ask you a question. I have a friend who likes a man. She wants to take the initiative. What should I do?"

Shu Wei laughed: "Juan Juan, I will pretend that this friend is you."

This time suddenly said that Yang Juan is not self-satisfied, understand that he is too eager to cover up!

Shu Shu put away a smile and said seriously: "I don't dare to say that all men are the same, but there is a big part that is unbearable. You get his contact information and talk about a topic every day. Behave a little lively, cheerful, a little bit cute, and just enough, don't talk too long, cause the other party's burden, three months, believe me, up to three months, will definitely be able to find it, as for men and women Friends, or simply roll the relationship between the sheets, it depends on the other person's character."

“It’s that simple?” Yang Juan was stunned.

Shu Yu spread the handkerchief: "The premise is that you have to learn to make up and match, make yourself look at least okay, and I just say that some men, not all."

"Have you tried?" Yang Juan asked.

"No." Shu Shu looked innocent. "I didn't take the initiative to chase anyone. This is what my former roommate told me. She has successfully found several."

"What is the result?" Yang Juan curiously asked.

Shu Yu mouth twitched and said: "I am embarrassed to mention her, she only enjoys the process of swearing, once it is almost the same, the other party becomes enthusiastic and active, she is not interested, it will give the other party to black ""

"The world is big, there is nothing strange..." Yang Juan can only express herself so much.

Shu Wei put down the Kun Bao, picked up the water cup, and outlined the corner of his mouth:

"If you have problems, use WeChat to find me. Let's organize an interview with Loucheng. Don't go home too late."


At nine o'clock on Sunday night, Zong Yanru just came out from the small bedroom next door, and saw Li mercy opened the TV with a cup and sat down on the simple sofa.

"Poll, what do you see?" she curiously asked.

Li mercy changed the channel while he smiled and said: "Is there a lottery in the knockout at night?"

"What knockout?" Zong Yanru was confused.

"You have forgotten the knockout of the martial arts club?" Li mercy explained.

Zong Yanru "Oh" said: "You don't say I really can't think of it!"

"Me too, fortunately, I mentioned one at noon." Li pity complained. "I really don't know how they arranged the schedule. The first week of April ended the group stage. It is only now that the lottery is started. It’s almost a month, no special attention, who will remember?”

Zong Yanru sat next to her and did not care to answer: "The school will definitely promote it when it is time."

Most of the nearly 10,000 spectators who went to the martial arts venues to cheer around were just a little busy. At present, few people insist on paying attention to the affairs of the martial arts club. When the craze is over and the limelight subsides, they will gradually forget it. After all, they still have to learn and talk about it. Love, but also play games, but also to read novels, but also online shopping, but also concerned about various headlines, everyone is very busy!

"Also." Li mercy took a cup and took a sip, his eyes gazing at the screen. "Don't talk, it started."

Similar scenes have only happened in the Songda campus, and Yan Xiaoling and other netizens who have become fan forums have been discussing the heat, praying not to draw a particularly strong team.

Lou Cheng, Yan Hao and other martial arts special training members gathered in the martial arts venues that had been closed to the gate, occupying the office of the old man, watching the live broadcast with a laptop.

A group of opponents pulled out, and a few of them instinctively got a little nervous, waiting for the second group.

"The second group, Songcheng University Budosha." The female guest touched the first small ball.

In the office, everyone's breathing is blocked, and then, it will be decided whether they will get more broadcasts in the follow-up!

The female guest touched another ball and looked at it carefully.

"East team!"

Songcheng University Budosha VS East Coast Team!

"Call..." The exhalation sounded, and Lou Cheng and others all put down a heart.

This is not the next sign!

Songcheng’s “Moon Team” has a seven-in-one and an eight-in-one Dan, who has locked in a qualifying position and targets the second stage of the trial.

The East Coast team is from the other side of the province's economy. It is a team formed by a local martial art sect. They have a long history and can be traced back to at least a thousand years. There is a high-quality land in the town. It is the leader of the martial arts circle in the east. .

"The East Coast team has a eight-product Dan, three professional nine products, are the young generation of the 'smell-sacred faction', stronger than the fearless team." Yan Yan recalled the information he had read.

There are only a few teams in the quarter-finals, and she has already browsed the approximate information.

"Not without hope..." Sun Jian smiled at Lu Cheng and Lin.

The knockout is a form of home and away. The result of the lottery is the first one. If the two games win each game, the score is calculated, which is the total number of wins. If this is the same, the second game will be replaced. The contest between the two is more than the overall strength of the test.

It is also a strong Dan... The building is a bit excited and a little excited, and a little inexplicable.

"Wen Shengpai" can be regarded as a force that has been passed down for a long time. Their Dianjing disciples must be above the standard!

Yan Yan was waiting for something to say, and suddenly saw a video clip between the two groups of draws, and introduced the two sides to the war.

They didn't talk any more, seriously looked at the official version of the information, looked at it, sternly and sternly, and looked at her boyfriend with surprise and joy:

"Orange, is this the interview you accepted before?"

How come it is now!

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