Martial Arts Master

Chapter 171: Detective Yan Yan (second more)


In the face of Peng Chengguang’s indifference, Lou Cheng was a bit stupid. When he was finished, the blood was just awkward. He felt it when he felt it. It’s normal to say a few words. It’s time to move over and repeat it again. It’s awkward about TM!

He can only keep a polite smile:

"You're good."

This is indeed true. Last week, when Tiantongguan and Xie Xiaozi’s brothers learned from each other, although they also relied on surprises, the other side barely had the power to fight back. If Xie Xiaozi’s two brothers resisted the shock, they put them on Peng Chengguang. Most of the time I lost.

Thinking of this, Lou Cheng was waiting for something to say, but the ear suddenly slammed, and heard a burst of deafening shouts around:

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

The audience, who are mainly students in school, can’t understand the turbulence between the two men’s tricks, and they can’t read the terrible shock, but they are all eyes open, and they can see the ground spiders when Peng Chengguang broke out several times. Net-like cracking, you can see the blue bricks that the building is broken, and you can understand the thrills of the short-selling of the two sides. It is even clear that Lou Cheng finally opened his arms and slammed it again. Aesthetic.

It was some kind of extreme physical violence. It was a picture of the beauty of power. Then it seemed to be knocking on the hearts of the audience, and they smashed their camouflage bit by bit and smashed it. They usually build up the atrium, let them vent their feelings of day after day, and boil up the purest blood!

This kind of feeling made many students who used to control emotions not adapt. When the referee announced the result, they were slightly stunned and there was a short pause, but they quickly suppressed and roared and shouted the name:


The cry of two or three thousand people became a storm. If it was turned into substance, it would be enough to fly the dome of the martial arts stadium. In such a warm atmosphere, there are four people who seem to have poured a cold water on their heads. Cold to the bottom of the foot, from the body surface to the bones.

"How can this be played..." Deng Hua, who kept Mo Xigan’s hairstyle, was quite confident when he came to Songda. It was more relaxed, but with a note by Lou Cheng, "Lei Yin Zhen Chan", his Confidence fell to the bottom, and when the captain Mo Zicong shouted the word "shock", he was full of despair.

Watching his mouth open, Mo Zicong and others are also dead.

In the face of Lou Cheng, the wheel battle is ineffective, but from his game with the fearless team, his own strength can not reach the extent of sweeping most of the nine products, which leaves the opportunity, any of the four of them. As long as one fights enough, even if he can't win, he can make the next companion come down smoothly.

At that time, although the forest shortage is strong, but there is no abnormal physical strength, the two people challenge, may not win, as for the remaining players of Songda, they are not in the eyes!

However, in the two weeks, the building achievements suddenly mastered the boxing. Without the restraint, who would dare to touch him? If you don’t touch it, how can you spell it enough?

What is even more frightening is that Lin lacks this top-level professional nine products. Even if he masters a martial arts like a boxing punch, he can come at least three or four times. It is not enough to let himself wait for a hand, be cautious, be careful, not all. There is no hope of hard resistance or escaping, but Lou Cheng learned that the earthquake boxing is different. He can open his arms and keep on going for an earthquake. Who is the majority of the professional nine products?

Peng Chengguang can't stand it, and he and others who are worse than him can't stand it!

How is this going?

Hey! Mo Zicong seemed to sound the sound of the sound of the boxing, and saw that he and others were smashed down one by one, and none of them could block more than three hits.

How is this going?

They look at each other and see each other's coziness, which is very different from the ease of coming.

Observing the powerful enemies, they actually watched the loss of confidence and did not dare to fight!

In Zhao Qiang, Zhang Jingye and others who have thrown away the usual good student image, when shouting loudly and venting, Lou Cheng first met with the strict eyes of the martial arts seat, silently punching, and then saw Peng Chengguang shake. Shaking his head, barely recovered.

After he had a ritual, he walked down the platform in a vain manner, and went to the high-spirited Zhang Ying and other younger brothers.

After Lou Cheng returned to the ceremony, he wanted to ask Peng Chengguang a question and asked him why he did not form an alliance with other martial arts and jointly pursued the martial arts awards of the trials. However, he was conscious of the lack of deep talk, and he also returned to his heart.

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

Resounding in the sound of the martial arts venue, Lou Cheng released the joy of his heart, no longer considered other things, and enjoyed the sweet taste of victory. He raised his hands and applauded, and walked back to the position of the home team. Yan, Lin Wei, Sun Jian and Li Wei and others clashed.

At this time, some students came back and looked at the collapsed blue bricks. They remembered the video of the former jumper. They remembered that the student who was rescued also stepped on the ground to crack a similar crack.

After comparing the figure, he suddenly realized and shouted: "The one who saved people is Lou Cheng!"

"Is he?" "Yes, it's not a forest shortage, it must be him!" One pass, ten pass, the shouts in the martial arts venues have weakened a lot, the flash of using mobile phones has come one after another, many students excitedly Full of red face, looking at the building with a slightly adoring look, and excited discussions with the surrounding companions, the warm atmosphere is not reduced.

At the seat of the Mingwei Armory, Zhang Ying Qu Yu and others were hard to say, and they fell into extreme repression. It seemed that they could not accept his failure than the master.

Peng Chengguang glanced at them and listened to the shouts echoing in the martial arts venue. He smiled bitterly:

"What's so painful? What is unacceptable for losing to such an opponent? It will only spur me not to let go of it, so I just want to catch up."

After that, he turned and looked down to the Songda Budo Agency.

By that time, what level has Loucheng been upgraded to?


In the locker room, the floor was smeared with ointment, and after he had no chance of kissing, he kissed it a few times, and the eyes of the eyebrows returned to the dormitory.

For the time being, she did not tell Lou Cheng that her mother might come to "check the post", and she planned to discuss with her boyfriend before she thought about the countermeasures.

As soon as she stepped into the dormitory, she saw Zong Yanru and Shi Xiangyang around Li Pei, looking at her mobile phone, whispering from time to time:

"It's really amazing!"

"How long is this foot..."

"The martial arts competition costs more shoes..."

Hearing the words, Yan Xi’s heart was a joy, blurted out:

"Poor, have you recorded the video?"

This is the video of the game she specially asked the roommate to help record, only the part of Loucheng!

——The specific broadcast of the game is difficult to tell clearly, and the battle between Lou Cheng and Peng Chengguang is very commemorative, so she wants to get it in the first time, save it and give it to her boyfriend.

"Of course~ for your meal, we have all recorded a hand, and we didn't concentrate on watching the game!" Li pity replied smugly.

Yan Yan was beaming and urged:

"Let me see, don't you blur?"

Li pity smiled and said: "How is it possible? Please call me a video expert!"

Between the talks, Yan Yan got together, looked at the video carefully, and recalled yesterday's things.

The battle video that I made my debut last week was because the recording was delayed until Friday, and I almost forgot to save. Fortunately, the orange always remembered this, set an alarm clock, excused diarrhea during class, and ran back to the bedroom. , the recording was completed through the network.

Because I was sitting at the window in the same teaching building at the time, I just saw the orange sprinting to the dormitory area, so I sent a message to him asking what was going on, and his answer made him red-eyed. Warming up my heart, I have Li’s pity today to help me record the video of the game.

After reading it from start to finish, Yan Yan was very satisfied. While letting Li mercy copy the video to the computer, he mentioned that his mother might come to check the post, and clasped his hands together: "My mom came. At the time, if I am not in the bedroom, I will say it as usual. As long as I don’t mention oranges, I will say that I am going to go shopping on the weekend."

Zong Yanru has some doubts: "Hey, will your mother really fly over?"

Just to suspect that there is a boyfriend?

Strictly serious and serious, nodded hard: "I feel like... I will tell you, my mother's biggest feature is that the action is particularly strong! Either don't come, or come in the next few days!"

If the driving force is not strong, I would not dare to run away!

"There is always a feeling of being confronted with the Queen Mother..." Shi Xiangyang made a joke with some fear.

After finishing the roommate, Yan Yan pulled out the "new student handbook" issued last year from the bookshelf and found the new campus map that occupied the folio page.

She sat down, took out the ruler, painted on the map, and became more beautiful because of her concentration. She saw Li compassion and others squinting and didn't understand what she was doing.

Looking at the map, measuring the distance, Yan Yan’s eyes turned up and whispered:

"If the mother suddenly attacks, she is mostly going to secretly observe it, but she is not familiar with the terrain of the school, and she does not know my curriculum. With her wisdom, she will certainly not wait for tens of thousands of people to wait for luck. I will choose a place that is not too small to meet me and can be far from looking..."

"According to this condition, she has only three places to choose. One is the place where the dormitory gate is close to the pedestrian street. I can directly see everyone coming back from the cafeteria. The other is the bridge near the teaching area. Anyone wanting to go back to the dormitory. The people who go to the cafeteria can't escape her eyes. The third is where the martial arts venue comes out..."

"She is a professional nine products. According to the data, the scope of observation is probably so big..."

Severely bite the lower lip and carefully sketch out three dangerous areas on the map, then nodded with satisfaction:

"Well, as long as the oranges are not close to me in these areas, the mother will definitely not find it!"

She was trying to praise her two sentences, and suddenly saw Li’s mercy coming to the side, and it looked strange:

"Hey, let's just let the building stay with you for a few days."

What is the calculation, what reasoning, what observation range, what dangerous area, what is the brain circuit!

Yan Yan snorted and blinked, his face full of innocence.

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