Martial Arts Master

Chapter 153: Final effort (third more)

At the seat of the martial arts club of Songcheng University, Sun Jian and others all changed their postures, and they looked full of expectations.

For the battle between Yan Yan and Qian Ruoyu, they did not have any confidence at first. After all, no one can make a blockbuster when they first enter the stage like a building. The actual combat experience still needs to be accumulated slowly.

With the rigorous stability of the position, launching a counterattack, deliberately sold a flaw, got the opportunity to "compare to test" to listen to the level of strength, they suddenly excited, because during this time, Lou Cheng will be strict every day Listening and listening, never avoiding the existence of yourself and others.

I didn't expect it to come in handy!

The strict sound of the young birds of the young birds can defeat the enemies of her two products. When they face amateur products, they are not all without a chance!

Today may not be able to win a victory at home!

There is no building and forest shortage, we also have combat power, and will not rely solely on them!

Watching Feng Shaokun step by step onto the stone steps, Yan Yan quickly gasps, in order to maximize the recovery of physical strength.

Although she had not played for a long time with Qian Ruoyu, there was no chance to use Blizzard’s twenty-four hits, but the situation in which the body tightened its head and hair was itself exhausted, not to mention the dangers. The same is true of the treatment, so at this moment, she is over half empty and must take a chance to breathe.

Feng Shaokun saw the **** the opposite side of her cheeks and excitement flushed her cheeks. She looked forward to the gods, and she was so obsessed with it. She closed her eyes and closed all eyes, reminiscing about Qian Ruoyu’s unwilling and angry look.

If it rains, I will take revenge for you!

Thinking of this, he was excited, this is a chance that Jiang Ding will not be able to win!

The referee did not give too much space and raised the right hand:

"The second game, start!"

With his announcement, there was another explosion in the surrounding stands that shouted the name of Yan Yan. Feng Shaokun also encouraged two muscles on the back, like a huge crane, which seemed to fly to the opponent.

He was fast, but in the blink of an eye he went to Yan Yan, and his right hand was lifted up and placed next to his head, shaped like a head.

Immediately after, he exerted his muscles around his body, swaying the air and smashing his right hand out.

Tiger hugs!


The sound of the wind echoes, if there is a tiger scream, with this blow, the real momentum is ready!

There is an analysis of the building in the front, after having its own judgment, Yan Yan has long anticipated the attack and killing of the enemy, and does not panic. The right arm is shaking, the fist is like a big gun, and the side is hitting the tiger. claw".

boom! The two had just collided, and Yan’s right foot took a step back and steadily stepped on the ground, turning away the power that was better than himself.

At the same time, her body muscles trembled, using a "yin and yang turn" technique, so that the right arm bounced back.

Snapped! Her right fist was just "bounced", Feng Shaokun's fist suddenly opened, with the knuckles as the point of force, bursting out a loud sound, and turned "the tiger hugs down" into "white crane claws" !

This move is a double-shaped killing of the tiger crane. There is no sign beforehand. It is fast and fierce. It is more horrible than the combination of the gun and the tiger fist. It is even more preventable, and it can be followed by other killings. I studied the video of his game carefully and was impressed with this move, and I will be abolished!

The right arm bounced back, the body leaned back, and the mind was screaming in the air. The violent snow filled the picture and slammed out the left leg and kicked it to Feng Shaokun's knee.

Feng Shaokun's toes are hooked up, the back is twisted, the thighs are lifted, and the knees are bounced. With the golden chicken independence, the right calf is pulled out and the tight foot is placed.

boom! In the muffled sound, the two men shook at the same time.

Yan Yan forceed his legs, stepped on the next step, and the inside of the foot reached, letting the force roll on the "surge", wearing the mountains and crossing the mountains, converging the small stream throughout the body.

Then, with the spine as the axis, she turned her back and pulled her right shoulder, and slammed a powerful gun. Even in the case of borrowing power, it was no worse than Feng Shaokun’s tiger fist!

"Frenzy Snow" is getting more and more fierce!

The connection between her two strokes was extremely tight, and she did not leave Feng Shaokun with the opportunity to dodge with "Hebu". He could only spur the shoulder blade, agitate the muscles behind him, and then cooperate with the strength of the foot to make a fist in the right hand. , squatting to the side of the Yan Quan gun.

The trend of the crane, one hole and one hole!

Hey, Yan Yan's joint fascia at the right arm was a bullet, and he made a strong push. He crossed his fist and used his strongest point to hit the crane.

boom! Feng Shaokun bounced back with his right hand and couldn't help but smash his hand. After all, the situation was not as strong as a fist, and Yan Yan only had a slightly red face and no serious problems.

Then use the "Yin and Yang turn" technique, Yan Yan bounced back to the right arm, pushed the left fist out, the momentum is better than just now, as if the snowstorm will never stop.

Hey, hey! The girl launched a blizzard twenty-four hits, with a slam of a bit, a move over a stroke of momentum will Feng Shaokun firmly suppress, do not give him the opportunity to open the distance, do not give him the possibility of reinvigorating.

This makes the voice of the shouting in the stands more and more loud, and the number of thousands of people is the tens of thousands of people!

After a few stops, Feng Shaokun only felt that his strength gradually fell to the disadvantage. He understood that he could not continue this way. He converges on the radicals just now and sighs deeply.

His face rose red, the temples bulged, and the body seemed to have explosives to explode. With his feet as the gun holder, he punched a punch.

Yan Yan was in a good position at this time, learning to build a building and sinking into the waist, and wrapped himself in the torrent of time that he borrowed again and again, and slammed a broken fist to hard-hitting.


The two men swayed at the same time and actually hit a tie. Under their respective earthquakes, the situation briefly appeared to be stagnant.

Yan Yan was waiting for another attack, and suddenly felt a lack of body, muscles and soreness and convulsions, which made her suddenly understand that her physical strength has reached its limit.

According to her own situation, playing a complete blizzard twenty-four strikes is relatively reluctant, not to mention that there is a fierce battle in front. The last few of hers have been promoted by the borrowed power. Now, the "storm" is hit. Broken, naturally unable to fight again.

Seeing that Feng Shaokun recovered, she raised her right hand and made a gesture of admitting defeat. She was not disappointed on her face, but she was filled with a faint smile.

If my physical strength is in full bloom, I may not win Feng Shaokun!

Oh, I’m so envious of the oranges, I have to strengthen my physical strength...

Looking at the girl's thin smile, Feng Shaokun stunned, and then heard the referee's announcement:

"The second game, Feng Shaokun wins!"

I won this? Feng Shaokun looked at Yan Yan and turned away. Suddenly, some of them lost.

But he soon returned to the gods, pinching his right arm and gasping for a bit of physical strength.

The suppression of Blizzard’s twenty-four hits and the modern cannon of the last blow made him consume a lot!

Lou Cheng saw Yan Yan walked down the ring in a burst of shouts, smiled and unfolded his arms, and gave her two thumbs, praised her timing of the blizzard twenty-four hits, and the momentum was full. One stroke and one style also believes in handcuffs, not sticking to the rules.

Her style of play is to enter the room.

Yan Yan eyes slightly bent, grinned, walked to the front of the building, just to open, thigh muscles suddenly soft, forward is a cockroach.

She is really at the limit!

There is a building, she naturally does not have to worry about falling, only to see each other a slippery step and rushed over, arms stretched, and hugged themselves.

His chest is so reassuring... The screams in the stands are abruptly stopped, and a spectator looks at the scene and is stunned.

In this situation, many male students have a strong idea:

Coach, I want to learn martial arts!

"Well, everyone is watching..." Yan Yan shyly stunned and broke free.

As a coach, Lou Cheng knew that the next step was the key point. He did not say more with Yan Yan, only clenched his fist and stretched out.

Yan Yan also took a powder punch and touched Lou Cheng, shouting:

"It must win!"

After completing the ceremony, she walked to the seat of the home team. Guo Qing and Lin Hua had come over and they were admired and supported.

At this time, the three of them saw Li Wei’s face passing slightly.

Yan Yan is waiting to extend his right hand, to beat Li or his brother by applauding or punching, but he has been ignored by the other side and passed by.

"Mr. Li is so nervous..." Guo Qing said.

Lou Cheng also noticed this, and his thoughts were spinning fast, thinking about what to do.

Tension will affect the speed of thinking, but the tension will not last forever. Waiting for a few moves has not yet lost. The tension is not the same as that of Li Wei’s brother.

When you are slow-moving, can you pre-set a program like a computer? Let him do it without thinking?

The battle is ever-changing, what kind of "pre-programming" is suitable? Too simple is not useful, too complicated and requires the cooperation of thinking, equal to white...

Between the thoughts and turns, Lou Cheng observed Feng Shaokun's every move on the stage: he was holding his right arm and his right wrist. Obviously, the collision of the gun was not easy; he gasped in the mouth, indicating that his physical exertion was extremely high. Next, speed power, etc. will all fall in all directions...

If it is me, only me who is amateur, how can I fight against such an enemy?

Lou Cheng gradually got an idea. When Li Wei was about to pass by himself, he suddenly pulled him, whispering:

"Wait, don't think about anything, remember a little, slide left, kick low, and take a punch."

"Ah, good..." Li Wei answered somewhat stiffly.

Lou Cheng did not let him go like this, Shen Sheng:

"Repeat it again."

"Left, left sliding, low kick, picking punch, left sliding, low kick, and punching." Li Wei's simple memory is still no problem.

"Very good, wait for your head to be blank, use it instead of your thinking and judgment." Lou Cheng repeatedly.

Li Wei nodded and took the step and boarded the stone steps.

Looking at his back, Lou Cheng took a deep breath and waited for the start of the battle.

I teach him the easiest response, I hope that there will be no unexpected situation...

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