Martial Arts Master

Chapter 150: Forest loss

Hearing the arrangement of Qian Ruoyu, he followed the hustle and bustle of the bridge. He was very surprised to interject: "Isn't the building of Songda not claiming physical strength? If you can't beat it, then how can you fight the wheel?"

When he had not finished speaking, he suffered four sharp eyes, and his voice became smaller and smaller, eventually ending abruptly.

These four eyes are from Jiang Dingyi and Feng Shaokun who are sitting on both sides of Qian Ruoyu!

Damn, I was sick at the beginning, others are jealous and jealous, the children are playing, I have nothing to do with a wool, wasting time wasting my life... I don’t have the courage to roar the two flower ambassadors, but I can only help myself. .

He just turned 22 years old, amateur one, his father is Qian Ruoyu, her father's younger brother, who is not bad, but it is not qualitative. Before I was interested in watching the **** gossip, Qian Ruoyu joined the team at the invitation, now regret it. The intestines are all green.

Qian Ruoyu’s serious face and serious explanation: “I have consulted my elders at home. They have consistently judged through the video of the game. It’s only two days before the building can resume exercise. If you force yourself to play, there will be quite a lot of flaws on the right. We have repeatedly targeted, not without hope."

"Well, the teacher and sister are very right, but my mind is not clear." At the same time as the answer to the "sincere" of the bridge, the silent thought of "the person who knows the time is Junjie"!

Honestly, my sister is beautiful and has a good personality. It is a bit spoiled. Sometimes it is too greedy, and sometimes I like to wear an adult.

Seeing that the brothers were persuaded by themselves, Qian Ruoyu suddenly smiled and revealed the youth and tenderness of the 18-year-old girl. She hoped that she would be a good type of quick fix.

Upon hearing this sentence, Feng Shaokun volunteered: "How do I see the tiger crane double shape? I will not give them the opportunity to wander."

He has a nice skin, which is a micro-hook on the nose, showing a few minutes and frivolity.

Without waiting for the money to answer, Jiang Dingyi retorted: "If you don't wander, you can quickly decide? The gap between the amateur and the second is not so big! Blizzard's twenty-four strikes are not broken. Broken iron! If it rains, let me come, I am tall and strong, as long as I seize the opportunity to force them to fight hard, the cracked palm will definitely solve the battle quickly."

He is close to one meter nine, his muscles are strong, like a half-iron pillar, his character is still calm, and people can rely on it. It is rather stuffy and doesn't talk much.

Brushed it, Feng Shaokun stood up and sneered: "A few games in front of you, which speed is your quick decision? It is almost the same speed!"

Due to the intentional or unintentional care of the organizing committee, their opponents in the first two games were not strong, giving them the process of accumulating confidence and improving their strength. However, no matter how much they care, they still encountered professional nine products in the second game. Jiang Dingyi Trying to hit the opponent hard, but the enemy seized the opportunity to take away.

Hearing the sarcasm of Feng Shaokun, Jiang Dingyi also stood up and stared at him: "You didn't lose at the end?"

Seeing that the two boys are about to guilty, Qian Ruoyu is in the middle of them, squinting:

"The first game I came to play..."

This day can't be over!


On the side of Songda Budokan, the atmosphere is completely opposite.

"I rub, today I have to call the floor coach?" Sun Jian was so angry and funny.

The coach is too irresponsible!

Lin Hua next to him is inexplicably red-faced. It was enough to be embarrassed because of the aunt's leave. As a result, the object of the leave is not the old-fashioned coach, but the younger brother who is two years younger than himself!

Because she wants Yan Jie to replace the game, she just explained two sentences to the other party, but especially I can't tell the boys. Now it seems that the school girl should retell the words and help them to take time off...

Thinking of this, she was ashamed and looked at the floor intently.

Li Wei took the hot towel on his face and felt quite awkward: "When the coach said, he left?"

He really doesn't care about the outcome of this game?

"Yeah, anyway, we have accumulated experience in actual combat. It doesn't matter who is a coach. It's okay to tying a dog." Lou Cheng deliberately turned himself to help Li Wei relieve tension.

Uh... everyone immediately laughed, and Yan Yan even beaten Luncheng.

And Li Wei did not pay much attention to everyone, quietly relieved, and the body was not so tight.

Lou Cheng was waiting to arrange the order of appearance. The door of the locker room behind him was suddenly pushed open. Lin lacked a dark sweater and walked in.

"Lin is missing, how come you?" Sun Jian asked.

Lin lacks a flat: "Is there a competition today?"

"But you can't play?" Li Xiaowen thought that Lin lacked to be stubborn.

Lin lacked the corner of the locker room, with no expression:

"I can come to cheer..."

呃...... Lou Cheng and Yan Yan are a glimpse, and then they smile and feel the change of the forest.

"After last week, my cousin seems to have a sense of collective honor!" Yan Yan joined the building into the ear, unable to restrain himself and said excitedly and happy.

Lou Cheng was slightly puzzled: "He used to have a sense of collective honor. When he lost the game last semester, he was not too sad and painful?"

"This, how to explain it... He used to value the martial arts society only because of my uncle, but for him, this group has only one person. When he can't play, others are dead or alive, he won't Concerned, um, that's why I look down on you~" Yan Yan smiled low, and the hot air exhaled in his mouth lingered in the ear, making him numb.

"Itchy..." Lou Cheng side of the side of the head, whispered, others were shocked by the performance of the lack of forest, for a while, only to look around the wonders.

When will Lin Shaoxia, who is so alone, cheer for everyone?

Yan Yan said with a low smile: "Let you talk to me every time!"

Lou Cheng laughed twice and didn't dare to pick up this. He said: "In the last week's game, I worked with your cousin and I had no reservations. I won the final victory. Maybe because of this, he only More collective honor, hey, how can you thank me?"

"Do we still need to thank you?" Yan Yan deliberately opened his eyes and answered innocently.

Seeing that Sun Jian and others have come over, Lou Cheng has picked up the idea of ​​flirting and sorrowful, a serious saying:

"I will arrange the order of appearance today. Lin Hua’s sister suffered a bit of injury in the tempering. She was topped by Yan Yan. She did not participate in the previous university martial arts meeting, nor did she play any competitions. She dreamed of her team. The details must be ignorant, so that she has a chance to win, so you are the first to play."

Yan Yan seriously nodded and answered:

"it is good."

Her body shivered slightly, excitement was more than nervous, and Lin Hua was relieved, and she was deeply grateful for the care of Lou Cheng.

Guo Qing, Li Xiaowen and Li Wei were surprised at the replacement of Yan Yan. Lou Cheng continued: "Master Sun Jian, you are the main lord today, you finally crushed, huh, huh, the burden is coming to you."

He deliberately said this to make Li Wei less nervous.

"No problem!" Sun Jian Hao answered.

Lou Cheng only looked at Li Wei: "Lee brother, you are the second appearance, wait for more observations."

At this time, he no longer said to let Li Yan relax his words, lest he be nervous because of special treatment.

"Yeah." Li Wei was a little less nervous than before.

After finishing the order of appearance, Lou Cheng looked at the time:

"There is still a while, each preparing for it, you can close your eyes and adjust your interest."

In the case of the opponent, my master has already said it in the morning, and then I will wait for the specific order of the enemy to be intimately given to me!

Lou Cheng’s voice just fell, Yan Yan picked up the bag and hurriedly said: “Lin Shijie, A Qing, help me to put down my hair...”

In the less important and confident game, the female warriors usually go to the pony tail, but in fact, their best choice is short hair or pan head, so as not to be affected by the hair in the fierce confrontation. Or the enemy is hitting this point.

Yan Yan’s family history, since he is ready to play today, the corresponding items will be more complete. Under the guidance of not seeking good looks and convenience, in the help of Lin Hua and Guo Qing, She quickly got her hair and stood in front of the building.

See the girl's neck is white and slender, the lines are beautiful, because the hair is a little more mature, Lou Cheng could not help but whispered: "It's beautiful!"

Yan Yan's facial features are more beautiful, and the temperament is also more Sven, but after her hair is set up, it gives people a sense of sorrow.

"Don't I usually be beautiful?" Yan Yan eyes with joy, whispered.

Lou Chengxiao smiled and said: "Different beautiful..."

Yan Xiaozui smiled, did not say much, reached out, helped the building to take care of the collar, patted the dust, softly:

"You are a coach, you have to be a little more spiritual, you know?"

"Understand, strict coach!" Lou Cheng smiled and turned and patted the palm of his hand:

"Go out, between the amateur warriors, one or two products are not too big a gap!"

After that, he walked to the forest side of the door and smiled and put out his fist.

Lin was short of jealousy, and finally he clenched his fist and touched him, whispering:

"Come on..."


The audience in the martial arts venue was obviously not organized. When the group of the home team came out, they shouted and cheered.

Li pity that no one knows himself here, madly waving his hands to Yan Yan, venting the pressure accumulated on weekdays.

When they saw that they were close to the home team seat, she suddenly said: "Cabbage, Ruru, they seem to have no coach?"

Her impression of the martial arts coach is a white-haired old man.

Zong Yanru stretched his neck and looked at it.

"Luo Cheng is sitting in the coach position..."

"What? He is a coach today?" Li mercy and Shi Xiangyang were shocked.


At the seat of the dream team, Qian Ruoyu slightly pouted, not very happy:

"Songda Budodo is too much to look down on?"

Since the parents have repeatedly stressed that the coach of Songda Budodo has a profound background and high strength, letting others wait for others to do nothing, it is the dragon that is on the plate, and the tiger is lying down. As a result, the coaches did not come, let the building be a good one. Coach command!

Really when we are children!

"Hey, you have to give them some color to look at." Feng Shaokun and Jiang Dingyi also have the feeling of being despised, and the look is full of war.

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