Martial Arts Master

Chapter 143: Entertaining and learning

Because there is no time and no chance to go out of school, Lou Cheng is a gift purchased through the official flagship store on the Internet, and he gets the parcel in time. He thanked the online shopping, thanked the express, and thanked them for making the world too convenient.

Well, I can't be too eager to show too much hope, so I don't have to be scared. I have a chance to try it. I have no chance to wait for the next time... Looking at myself in the mirror, Lou Cheng silently encouraged a sentence. Then, take out a piece of chewing gum, remove the package, stuff it in the mouth, and stir it carefully.

Although there may not be a chance, although you do not have bad breath, it is always good to be prepared. It is always good to kiss the girl for the first time!

Chewing the gum, the building was out of the bedroom, along the pedestrian street, came to the outside of the three buildings, and sent a message to her, so that she can come out.

At this opportunity, he found a trash can and spit out the gum, lest the "wolf ambition" be revealed, so that the girl was vigilant and resisted.

Yan Yan has always been punctual, and Lou Cheng did not wait long to see her coming out, carrying the relevant items of martial arts training.

As the weather warmed up, the girl wore a white thin sweater with an orange-pink short coat, a black pleated skirt and the same color leggings, and small ankle boots on the foot, which was different from the usual student style. However, it does not appear mature, still youthful, and her face seems to be faintly smeared something, more and more white and red, delicate and moving, setting off the eyes and crystals, such as with stars, see The building that used to get used to her beauty once again gave birth to a sense of horror. For a moment, she looked silly, forgot to say hello, and ignored the little fat girl next to Yan.

Zong Yanru sneered and laughed. He leaned into Yan Yan’s ear and lowered his voice. “It’s really stupid, but seeing what you are now, which boy is not stupid?”

Yan Yan turned his head and chuckled, and the response to Lou Cheng seemed quite satisfied and quite self-satisfied. He said, "Hey, he is so stupid... I knew I wouldn't let you follow me."

The eyelids followed the girl in the building, and she was awakened by her movements. She took a sigh of relief and greeted her. She was a little embarrassed: "I just saw God..."

He originally wanted to boast a sentence, "You are particularly beautiful today," but suddenly noticed that there was a girl next to Yan Yan. She couldn’t accept the thin face, so she stopped the words.

Yan Yan grinned, did not respond positively to Lou Cheng’s praise, and said with a smile: “This is my roommate Zong Yanru, a very good girl, that is, love is a bit!”

She turned her head and said to Zong Yanru: "He is Lou Cheng, you just saw the silly look!"

This said that the old face was reddish, and Zong Yanru couldn't help but grin.

In the face of other girls, Lou Cheng has not had much cramps and uneasiness, even if she is a girl's roommate, so is the same, so he smiled generously: "Hello, you are the same professional Roommate?"

"Do you know?" Zong Yanru looked at Yan Yan with some surprise, and Yan Yan shook his head innocently, saying that he had not said it.

Lou Cheng smiled and explained: "Oh, I will occasionally mention her roommates. Whenever this time, I will remember the small books, thinking that if there is no confession success, or if there is a contradiction in the future, you can take a look back and walk. The mass line, she said that the roommate of the same professional has the best character, is generous, and is very enthusiastic. I just emphasized that you are particularly good. I think it should be the same person, and I will guess it."

He seized the opportunity and succeeded in getting the name "珂珂".

Zong Yanru was quite surprised. I didn’t expect Yan Yan to praise herself in front of her boyfriend. It seems that she really feels that she has a good personality and feels that she is a friend who can have long-term contacts.

She couldn't help but look at Yan Yan, and her heart was warm, who didn't like to listen to good words, especially the truth behind this!

Yan Yan did not expect that Lou Cheng not only responded well, but also helped himself to brush Zong Yanru's good feelings. He was proud and proud at the moment, and his heart was sweet.

She snorted and said with pride: "There is a contradiction in the future? You are thinking about how to bully me in the future?"

I went, the focus of the girl's attention is different from what I thought... Lou Cheng was a bit dumbfounded, but quickly recovered, and smiled lowly: "I am not afraid that I made a mistake?"

"Hey, what are you going to make wrong?" Yan Yanjiao shouted.

Lou Cheng suddenly gave birth to a feeling of never bickering with a girl, and smiled and said: "For example, I am so stubbornly injured..."

Having said that, he quickly shifted the topic and looked at Zong Yanru: "Since it is the roommate of the same profession, then I have to thank you, Valentine's Day helps block the harassment, otherwise I will only I can cry myself in the corner."

Things on Valentine's Day, now I think, although the impression is still profound, but it seems to have passed for a long time.

When I was with Yan Yan, I always felt that time was flying fast, and I was going to separate in a blink of an eye, but I thought about things ten days ago, but it seems to be a century apart. It seems that I have been in contact with Yan Yan for a century.

This is a wonderful feeling.

Seeing the boy in front of him is confident and calm, Zong Yanru secretly nodded and gave him a high score. He felt that he was as good as Yan Yan, so he made a chilling action and smiled lightly: "Don't thank. The conversation you just had numbed me, and I went back to the bedroom to concentrate on my foreign language words!"

After she finished, she waved her hand and turned back to the dormitory. When she reached the door of the unit, she glanced back and saw that Lou Cheng had pulled the strict right hand and smirked and left, the girl was beautiful, the boy. Calm and confident, double in pairs are enviable.

"The sour smell of love..." Zong Yanru smiled and said, then sighed and sighed, "I want it too..."

If you don't ask for much, you can have half of the performance just now...


In the martial arts venue, Yan Yan replaced the Songda Wudaoshe costume on the black side of the white background, and tied the hanging Wufa into a ponytail, which was refreshing and pretty, and another beauty.

Looking at her, Lou Cheng has a kind of pride, but in the broad day, in the eyes of the public, he is also embarrassed to hug the girl, have to take care of her thin face.

As for your own skin, huh, can you eat? Can you have a hug important?

Boys, the face in this area is always getting thicker and thicker, so that it is shameless...

He converges and smiles:

"We should first practice and listen to it. You are stronger than most amateur warriors. You have to be as strong as possible, so you must try your best to defeat your opponents."

Yan grinned and said: "How do you feel that our role is reversed, are you a coach?"

"I am not repeating the usual coaching of your coach?" Lou Cheng pleaded with a sentence. "There is mainly two roles in the reaction to the actual combat. One is to listen to the strength, the other is to control the muscles and fine-tune the body details. Complete things such as forcing changes in focus and continuous borrowing."

Strictly converging smiles, listening very carefully, and nodded seriously: "So first push hands to practice listening, then practice ‘blizzard twenty-four strikes’?”

"Yan coach said it!" Lou Cheng smiled and stood up with a vertical thumb. "These two aspects have been well trained. It is also helpful for your family to pass martial arts. At that time, even if you encounter physical strength at the peak of amateur one or two products. Nor is there no chance."

Even if you encounter Chen Changhua's style of play, you won't be taken advantage of it!

"Well, let's get started." Yan Yan bite his lower lip, bright and bright, eager to try.

Lou Cheng stretched out his left hand and joined Yan Yan's palms. While feeling the delicate and tender skin, he said: "Sink down, try to enter the state of Bao Yuan Shouyi, and keep the feeling of semi-static, not completely Immersed, that will ignore the external..."

He told his experience and experience in this area bit by bit, and racked his brains to let the other party understand. In the process, he gradually understood the more plausible places and found out. A lot of hidden problems.

Teaching and learning, fun and education, probably that is to say this... Lou Chengmei is thinking about it.

Although the girl does not have Jin Dan, the Jingjing is only Xiaocheng, but the family knowledge, the knowledge above the martial arts is better than the building. After several failures at the beginning, I slowly found the feeling and explored the semi-enterprise. Hey.

"Well, you judged where I am going through the changes in my muscles and skin pores?" Lou Cheng asked in a low voice.

Yan Yan quietly "listens": "You have to smoke your left leg."

"Yes, but it's still a little worse. I'm not pulling my left leg. I am leaning my left foot and hitting someone sideways..." Lou Cheng corrected.

This kind of dialogue has been happening constantly, and Yan has shown the talent in this aspect. Although it is not as abnormal as the building, it is also very easy to get started. The more you practice, the more happy you are. The more you practice, the more energetic you are.

Unconsciously, the time passed for forty minutes, and Lou Cheng suddenly heard a laugh:

"You two are like this to practice? Just envy us to kill our single dog!"

He and Yan Yan turned their heads at the same time, only to see Li Wei carrying the pockets of martial arts clothes and shoes, passing through the vicinity, which made Yan Yan once again make a big red face, and loosened his hand.

"We are listening hard." Lou Cheng answered with a serious question, not a little bit shame.

"Yes, yes, don't bother you, Qingqing, me, I am going to the other side!" Li Wei snorted and laughed and left.

Yan Yan’s face was red and his eyes were low. After a while, he said: “Lee brother seems to have relaxed a lot...”

"Maybe he figured out some things..." Lou Cheng guessed, and then suggested, "Let's actually practice the blizzard twenty-four strikes?"

I can’t listen to it any more. What if I don’t want to date?

"Good!" Yan Yan took a breath and made himself awake.

With one move and one move, Lou Cheng only defends and helps Yan Yan to complete a better experience of continuous borrowing.

Although he has a hand that can't be used, but the footwork is kept well, he can always kick off the attack on the right side in time. In the violent storm-like blow, he insists on a round.

After one round, Yan Yan bent over, his hands on his knees, gasping:

"Real, Blizzard twenty-four, four hits, indeed, it is really too physical, no wonder, no wonder my cousin can only play one round."

Her previous blizzard twenty-four strikes against Guo Qing can only be said to be a preliminary introduction.

Lou Cheng’s heart moved, “Positive face” said: “Is the body muscles sore? Or can I help you pinch, physiotherapy relax?”

Yan Yan gave him a glance and said:

"After you master the technique of massage, let's talk about it!"

Lou Cheng remembered silently and decided to learn to massage next...

After a break, the two took a shower, changed their clothes, did not return to the dormitory, and went directly to the school station.

Of course, things are all raised in the building, and Yan Yan seems to have faintly smeared something, the skin is white and red, the lips are light and moist, and the floor is turbulent.

According to his plan, he was watching the movie in a darker environment, giving the gift a stern surprise and grabbing her chance to kiss.

The environment is more secretive, and it is the position behind it. It will not be noticed by the audience, and it will minimize the shyness and timidity.

The perfect plan!

PS: I prestige the public number to send a lottery to send the signature book to the surrounding activities, to thank you for your support during this time, pay attention to wuzei1985, have the opportunity to get ~ tomorrow to start three more!

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