Martial Arts Master

Chapter 139: Witty old man

As soon as Shi Laotou announced that he was standing next to the building, he felt so excited and a little nervous.

In the event of a temporary discomfort, she will be able to make a debut!

Seeing this situation, the half of the building is a teasing half is doubtful:

"School, Shi coach, I am only injured in the right arm, the same can be played, bullying bullying amateurs is still not a problem, in the face of professional nine products, can also live in the field."

Before he was completely unafraid, he did not pay attention to the strong enemy of the team. He did not pay attention to the opponents in the next two rounds. He thought that they would be weaker and would not be weak. How can they be a joint of amateurs, otherwise they will not participate in the trials. Is it insulting?

Shi Laotou laughed and said: "The opponents in the next two rounds are relatively weak. It is suitable for Sun Jian and Li Wei to hone them. Even if they lose, it doesn't matter. We are to increase the actual combat experience, but not to go out. Do you have to give other people a chance to grow up? Besides, with your temper, your thirst for victory, you are really on the scene. At the crucial moment, you will live without the right hand?"

This is a guilty conscience, only to laugh.

Shi Laotou continued to speak, with a strong heart: "And after two weeks of high-level actual combat, you also need a certain amount of time to sink and digest and avoid becoming impetuous."

"There is also a very important reason. You are in the stage where the martial style has not yet been finalized. Every fierce battle will have a great impact on you, so that you can develop certain combat habits. For the military, Not getting used to is the best habit, which requires you to sink in a short period of time, to calm down, to leave the battle for a while, to examine yourself from another angle, analyze problems, and overcome habits."

He used two "Shen" characters together, and he heard that Lou Cheng was deeply sensible. He only felt that there was a good Master's warrior, and he would really take a lot of detours during his growth.

This discourse makes Yan Yan and others also think about it, contact themselves, and realize each.

Going too fast may not be good!

Seeing that everyone is relishing their teachings, Shi Laotou is proud of it:

"Bad boy, let you know today what is **** is old and spicy!"

"If you are allowed to play, it is not impossible for the team to qualify. When the time comes to qualify for a competition zone and enter the second phase of the second half of the trial, what should I do? Isn't it the old man's face?"

The car was quiet for a while, and it was getting closer and closer to the station, and everyone remembered the game just now, and it was really hard to come by.

"We have broken down the two main forces and only managed to take away the victory from Yi Mo. It is really terrible and hard." Li Hao could not help but sigh.

Guo Qing echoed and nodded: "Isn't it? Lin deficiency and oranges are both levers, and hard work has done the impossible thing! That is, in the end, we feel a little bit of a runaway..."

"Can't say that!" Sun Jian immediately retorted, posing in a sing-along posture. "Let's call it a hero in Changchunpo, a seven-in-one out of a million troops, and let go of a transparent and calmly retreat!"

His words suddenly attracted a burst of laughter, and the atmosphere was filled with joy, full of joy of victory.


In the live broadcast room of the TV station, the local host’s face was so gray that he could not hide his frustration and loss. He could only smile with a stiff smile: “Xiaowei, can you give us an analysis of the final draw?”

He Xiaowei said cheerfully: "This is my battle of the name!"

"Some people are not passing my poisoned milk? You see, today, no fear that the team will not lose? I predicted in advance, they will lose 99%! So, feudal superstitions are not allowed, then Pass the rumors carefully and be thundered!"

"Well, let's get down to business. We look at the last paragraph of the slow motion. Is the two sides very synchronized? They ignored the consequences and used the injured hand, resulting in a loss of both sides!"

"But, I want to say that the two seemingly identical actions are actually different. Qiu Yang is actively creating the opportunity to use the left hand, while Lou Cheng is passively responsive, that is, Qiu Yang debuts. At the beginning, I designed a trap with my own injured arm, waiting for the building to step on it, but, huh, huh, because he was too confident to be proud of this point, but neglected the possibility of the other side of the adventure, one leaf blind, not see Taishan, Stealing the chicken does not erode the rice."

"When I first faced the challenge of Songda Budodo, I bet that there is no fear that the team will be very contemptuous. I am sure that we have a good taste of eight products, there are two masters of nine majors, and we will be afraid of a group of odors. The children are not good? Let you have a Qiuyang!"

"As a result, everyone saw it. Even with Qiu Yang added, they lost to Songda Buddhism Society and lost their face. Of course, this can't blame them. Who can think of the strength of Songda's building? There is one of them, which is equivalent to two, three, four, five professional nine products, maybe more, anyway, I did not see where his limit is."

"This makes Songda Budodo equal to the weakened version of the Qinglong team. It is a strong contender for the qualifying qualification of this group. It is not too ridiculous to provoke a low-level enemy and a fire-fighting team.

He Xiaowei said that he was right, and suddenly found that the host next to him was not in the right direction. The front of the director, the videographer and the lighting engineer were equally wrong. They all wanted to draw their own eyes...

This is the building of Yi Mo TV Station. Almost everyone here supports the fearless team. The people here are very popular. If you take a few passers-by, you may have amateur standards...

I rub, even if the Lord is also a Thirteen Taibao cross-training, and then it is estimated that I can not walk out of this building, and know the time is Junjie!

He smiled and forced the tendency to go back:

"For the fearless team, this is not the end of the world. It is better to be frustrated than the late setback. The group match is frustrated better than the knockout. They can accept the lesson and put away the minds of the enemy, with their strength. The bottom line is still the hot team in this competition!"

After a sigh of relief, see the guide and the host nodded slightly, and eased his eyes, He Xiaowei quietly relieved.

Still good wit, still good fortune!

The gamblers in front of the TV have been squatting in the same place, muttering to something like "Shangtiantai" and "Sha* County Hotel".


In the private forum of Loucheng, the fans have gone crazy, excited to start the version chat, no longer find posts to reply.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I just need to keep a smile on the expression!" "Long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling this moderator brought a bad head.

“Nie Wei” followed: “Listen to my barbell-like laughter and you will know how excited I am! To win and win, to create miracles is to make people so excited!”

"Magic Brahman" is more like the text:

"Let you shame! Let you look down on my idol! Let me call you a mad dog, how good is Huskies!"

"I can't believe that I won, only for more than a month, Idol can wear three..."

In the crazy atmosphere, "Gai Shi Long Wang" tried to maintain rationality and seriously analyzed: "It is not that the achievement of the building can sweep the professional nine products, although his fighting talent is really good, good at judgment, good at grasping opportunities, often have sorrow However, the most fundamental reason is that he is in the stage of leaps and bounds, and belongs to the martial arts newcomers. All aspects have not yet been finalized. Almost every game has new things, new changes, people can not advance through the previous video materials. It is predicted that, together with the physical strength of metamorphosis to the extreme, it will really make those experienced experts feel overwhelmed."

Because it was in the version of the chat, he divided several posts in such a large paragraph, in order to be able to display it in the title.

"We don't listen to the analysis today, we just have to celebrate! Drive and drive! The old driver who wants to drive just stand out!" Yan Xiaoling groaned.

"Consistently love Jungang Ben" said: "I will drive immediately, and the underage girls will avoid it. You will continue to be soft and cute!"

"Hey, in this online world full of old drivers, who can keep soft and soft? In this happy moment to defeat the strong enemy, why don't you tear off the mask, naked * exposed, no, frankly face it?" Yan Xiaoling is very eager to return.

"That line, I will send it immediately!" "Consistently love Jungang" immediately took it down.

After a short while, he sent a post: "The old driver drove, the glamorous young woman and her harem!"

"Drip, Sawadika!" "The poor law is chaotic" grabbed the sofa.

"Oh, student card!" Yan Xiaoling also appeared here.

After the layer of the card was replied, "Gai Shi Long Wang" came out:

"Go to death! It is the first episode of the gourd baby!"

Yan Xiaoling replied with a message: "You go! You are not a real driver!"

After a long time, the remnant of the celebration reverberated, "Fantasy Vatican" found "Yan Xiaoling": "Small night, I think we have to beware of some people from Yimo to explode their forums. Their appearance is so exciting... Fans of 'Dragon Tiger Club' and 'Shang Qingzong' often blaze each other."

Yan Xiaoling "stable" said:

"Love bursts and bursts. Anyway, there are no people in our forum. It is not a big problem for being affected for a long time."

It’s time to find a software to delete in bulk!

I want to think about it, but I am still very angry. When our family building is a little bit better, the higher the number, the more and more fans, who will dare to bully our forum! Even if you want to break the altar, you have to think about the price you have to bear!


In the locker room of the home team of Yi Mo Wu Dao Stadium, the atmosphere was suppressed to terrible. No one dared to speak, worried that it would touch the mad dog's mold.

Qiu Yang looks gloomy, and is often refreshed and clean. His eyes are full of dangerous irritations. He seems to want to find someone to vent, and Wei Shengtian sits quietly on the bench, like a volcano that is about to be sprayed.

After a few minutes, Wei Shengtian stood up and sighed:

"The reason for the failure today is that I am a light enemy. I have a small look at the big building and the forest, and it is better to arrange the old director to take the lead."

"Go out, comfort and appease the audience, accept interviews, if a failure can stop us, then we will practice what kind of military, participate in the trials, go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

"Old Dong handles the injury in the emergency room, don't let him chill."

After that, he strode to the door of the locker room and faced the failure.

Qiu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and followed him up. The reason why he served Wei Shengtian was not because he was more powerful than himself, but also because he prided himself on his pride and blame, and he should not be lacking!


Songcheng University canteen.

Lou Cheng put down the ointment bandage and the tray that was carried, looked at the right arm raised by the bandage, and joked to Yan Yan:

“I’m not at ease, I always feel that the school hospital is a group of veterinarians...”

Yan Yan sat across from him, holding his cheek with one hand and laughing:

"Are you not smashing yourself into it?"

"Also." Lou Cheng took the chopsticks in his left hand, picked up the chicken in front of him, stuffed it into the entrance, and showed off, "Although the right hand can't do fine work for the time being, my left hand is not bad either."

With his subtle control of the body muscles, it is okay to use his left hand to maintain daily life.

Yan Yan’s posture is unchanged, his eyes are turning, and he grins and laughs:

"I also said that if your left hand is not convenient, it will be difficult for you to help you sandwich a dish, feed a meal, since you are so powerful..."

Uh... Lou Cheng suddenly had the urge to hit the wall, how can I be so stupid!

He glanced at the plate and deliberately used chopsticks to clip the peanuts in the chicken to the palace, and he didn't hold it. He fell, and he didn't get caught.

"You see, you can only pinch something that is clipped." He looked at him with a stern look.

Yan Yan turned a lovely white eye, looked at the ceiling of the cafeteria, and smiled, "cruel and ruthless" authentic: "Then eat the part that can be clipped, or I give you a teasing?"

"..." The building was completely speechless.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Li pear vortex emerged, caught a peanut, handed to his mouth, eyes not dare to look at, only looking at two chopsticks.

Lou Cheng Xin hi floating face, opened his mouth, bite in, swallowed after chewing, praised: "One hundred times more delicious than usual!"

This is a sweet taste!

"Too flamboyant!" Yan Yan smiled, then thin red face, with a smile and sighed. "When I used to brush Weibo and the forum, every time I saw someone say the most tired couple to feed in the cafeteria, I will give a like."

"I didn't expect that, I have such a day..."

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