Martial Arts Master

Chapter 137: Qiu Yang

Lou Cheng took time to recover a little spirit, and did not immediately appear to slow down the response, but also paid a corresponding price, that is, I learned that the opponent was replaced by Qiu Yang, and did not have time to carefully recall his game. The picture and the corresponding information.

Fortunately, Qiu Yang's fighting style is distinct, his personal characteristics are very heavy, so that he left a deep impression when he watched it. Now, a little bit of a key point will naturally emerge, and it will not be at a loss.

Qiu Yang's "mad dog", fighting is very crazy, is the type that is not afraid of death, rarely defense, rarely simply dodge, like to attack and attack, like to take risks, like to ignore themselves, to hurt Change the win.

This kind of style of play seems to be quite simple, enough to be daring enough, and can be carefully analyzed to taste the martial standards contained in it.

Masters have a trick, between the lights and the fire, not to want to win with a wound, they will be able to do it. They will not be hit, so they will not be afraid to attack the enemy, and the referee will stop to win, because there is no This opportunity!

In that situation, the inferior has not had time to attack the enemy, and barely shot, it will only be hit hard in advance, so that the counterattack becomes weak and even abruptly stopped!

Just like Lou Cheng and Dong Yi, facing the "dark thunder", he did force the enemy to give up the killing in the way of kicking the side, but the key point is not the side kick, in his early hair-sensing, If it is slow, even if there is a side kick, Dong Yi will only secretly swear a stupid, and then calmly poke in the waist, the pain of the building can not be able to force, can not get out of the leg.

If you feel that this is not insured, Dong Yi's hand is attached to the waist of the building, and the next step is to block the next one. Who can complete the side kick?

Therefore, relying on the key to attacking the enemy in exchange for the compromise, relying not only on courage, courage and arrogance, but also on the gait level of vision, insight, judgment and timing.

There is no such thing as the front. It is a juvenile little punk. If you are courageous and hardworking, they are absolutely powerful enough, but can you win a professional master? I am afraid that when I get down, I will be beaten and my mother will not know.

With accurate judgment, just the right timing, and the strength of the martial arts that is enough to support the completion of their own ideas, coupled with courage and determination, the attack can really be hurt by injury, and can force the other party to first save. itself.

Even if the enemy is a madman, still do not change, the referee will also stop, and easily determine who will eventually win, because in the absence of a referee, whoever is killed and injured at a glance, it is sure that the surviving person wins.

As for the injury and injury, it is similar to this. Dong Yi’s last poke to Lou Cheng is the perfect match between vision, judgment, timing and courage. Of course, it’s also that Lou Cheng did not expect him to be so crazy. The idea, once psychologically prepared in advance, knows the style of this person, with the ability to focus on mercury, there is no small opportunity to both hurt and flash.

If there is a desperate defeat and no disability, the referee will not stop it, but the opportunity is equal, it is likely to be the same or two or two disability, the referee will be judged as a draw after the arrest, this is not without precedent.

Of course, there will definitely be a situation in the skin. For example, some people say, "I am new to iron, I am not afraid to play ****" or "I have just been promoted to the realm of King Kong. It doesn't matter if you are attacked." The referee will ask for a presentation and make a change based on the facts.

Here, the factors of the referee are very important, but they are not omnipotent, and there are times when they can't be prevented. Death and injury are inevitable. Every year, there are similar cases, but the relative probability is not high, even worse than a car accident. Regular competitions will also purchase corresponding personal insurance for all participating fighters.

Every person has a disability every time there will be a police department investigation, confirming that there is no secret intent to neglect, if there is, then it is murder.

As for the game in the outer world, the referee can't intervene. If the strength is not enough, he will not even stay in the field. Anyway, the masters of this realm are too easy to attack, and it is difficult to fight and kill, and there is no need to worry too much for them.

In general, he can live to the present with a mad dog-like style. He has not retired from the martial arts circle. Qiuyang is definitely not only hot and courageous, his martial level, his vision is also on the top. selected.

Whoever despise him because of the nickname and style of play, the end will be terrible!

Moreover, Lou Cheng noticed a situation. According to the information, Qiu Yang had several experiences of abstaining from power. When faced with an enemy with a higher level or two levels than himself, he abstained without exception!

That is to say, he is very conscious, knowing that once the crazy play is encountering a too powerful enemy, it is very likely to be seriously injured and nothing can be changed.

He is a very sensible "mad dog."

Between the building and the flash, Qiu Yang has already set the position, set the shelf, the referee raised his right hand and announced the beginning.

As if the start of the order, Qiuyang waisted back and slammed into the building, his eyes were crazy, and his momentum was pressing. He seemed to be razed to the ground and torn into pieces.

Lou Cheng has already thought about the strategy of this war, that is, relying on the center of gravity, such as mercury, to wrestle, because similar to the crazy play of their own, they have the taste of biting gold and three axes, they have been dragged for a long time. The sharpness will become dull, and the "madness" will be reduced. On the verge of failure, Qiu Yang’s previous battle video can fully prove this.

However, in the face of the enemy's advancement, Lou Cheng did not immediately evade with the center of gravity, such as mercury. He felt that under such an imposing manner, once there was cringe and avoidance, it is very likely that the subconscious will produce timidity, and the morale will gradually decline. Playing, the same as the collapse of the soldiers, therefore, even if you want to fight, you have to fight with the enemy one or two times, set off his momentum.

Xinhu condensed into ice, and the figure of Qiuyang reflected in the scorpion of the building. When he was about to approach, he suddenly twisted his back and tightened his thigh, kicking his knees.

This is a trick in the middle of the law, in the case of the right hand is difficult to force, it is a good choice.

Qiu Yang, like his nickname, did not resist his legs, and did not rush to change direction, but jumped up and jumped up in a way that violated this level of fighting jealousy!

He is like a fierce eagle, flying over the kicking leg, stretching his right hand and preparing to slap the temple into the temple. At the same time, the body bends and his legs are in a position, waiting for the chain to "step on". Lou Cheng’s chest, up and down, makes it difficult to defend, and it’s crazy!

If the right hand can exert strength, Lou Cheng has a lot of choices at this time, such as the cross arm blocking leg, the elbow guarding the face, and then learning the lack of the forest, and Qiu Yang flies out and seizes the opportunity to attack the situation. .

But now, he only has one hand to use, and the right leg that kicks the air is still recovering in the future. If you really protect your head, you can't protect your chest.

At the crucial moment, Lou Cheng suddenly leaned back and turned to the left side, and then kicked out the right leg again, letting it be like a tight whip, and smashing it toward Qiuyang, which is difficult to change in the air.

Iron plate bridge, the dragon turned over!

After this one-on-one kick, Lou Cheng not only avoided the attack that the temple and chest will encounter, but also completed the counterattack!

The left hand supported the ground, his whip leg blew the air, fierce and terrible, Qiu Yang had to wriggle the spine, pulled out his feet and slammed into this dangerous blow.


Lou Cheng took advantage of the situation and regained his back. Qiu Yang fell to a few steps. He just landed on the ground, his knees were back, and he rushed over again. Without hesitation, the momentum was crazy.

Faced with this, seeing the right position, Lou Cheng left his arm and shook, shot out like a big gun, and fired at Qiuyang.

Qiu Yang's spine squirming, as if a dragon was trying to break free from the bondage, took him to the right and slipped to the back of Loucheng, followed by a fist in his right hand, hitting the position of the spine, fast and embarrassing.

In this process, the place where he stood was very clever, closer to the right side of the building, bullying the other hand's right hand injury, unable to fight.

At this moment, Lou Cheng’s center of gravity slammed into the left side, which drove him to move away quickly and avoided Qiuyang’s “Dragon Fighting”.

After the rise of the Iron Bridge, he adjusted his body muscles and placed himself in a state of "center of gravity such as mercury."

For Qiu Yang, he didn't care about it. He didn't try to twist his waist and turn around. He took the opportunity to pull his legs, fearing that the other side would be short, roll underneath himself, and pick a shoulder, or the monkey would steal the peach.

This is really risky for the attacker, but in the style of Qiu Yang, it is really hard to come!

Seeing that the building was removed, Qiuyang stepped on the sole of the foot, so that there was an explosion of feedback in the depths of the platform, so that he continued to fight wildly.

If there is a round ball in the body, the building turns again, but there is no rush to escape, but the left arm is swung away, and a short bout is made.

As soon as Qiu Yanggang approached, he thought of the mouth of the poisonous snake in his mind, and his right hand was holding the hand, and he did not strike back.

"Toxic fist? Tear bite!"


In the strong and powerful crisp sound, the surface of the fist of the building became a flame, and it touched Qiu Yang's right hand.

Hey, the two men took a breath and retracted their hands. They felt like they were bitten by a sharp tooth, and they seemed to be burned by the flames. They were all psychologically prepared and did not panic to complete the follow-up. Action, do not leave the opportunity for the other party.

Seeing this scene, Shi Laotou and Yan Yan are both confused and do not understand what the building is to use to temporarily affect the enemy's flame ability.

"Does he want to take the opportunity to temper and improve his abilities?"

Lou Cheng’s mind is similar to what he guessed. Although his own spirit has recovered a little, his center of gravity, such as mercury, needs extreme concentration. It can’t be maintained for a long time, so he has to make plans early.

What he wants is the frequent use of flame abilities, the gradual squeeze of Jin Dan, the second "awakening", and the initiative to try!

—— After cultivating the bone marrow and the five internal organs with a slap in the thunder, his physical fitness improved rapidly, and the practice of winter vacation was not in vain. He could barely bear the initial counter-attack, and he wanted to have another two or three weeks. When Lei Yinzheng is thoroughly introduced, he will try it. Now, a little bit ahead, the problem should be small.

However, most of the ideals are ideals. After a while with a focus on mercury, he tragically found that he really had no chance to use the strength and fire, because the enemy would not cooperate with himself!

If you try it out rashly, you may not be able to wait for the crush on Jindan, and you will be defeated.

The "bitterness" in his heart is not felt by outsiders, but whether Qiu Yang or the audience in the stands is more and more desperate, because he can't see any signs of weakness in Lou Cheng, and he can't see the possibility of his physical decline. He seems to be able to continue to rely on the center of gravity, such as mercury, without killing Qiu Yang!

Qiu Yang’s eyes caught a moment and seized the opportunity from both sides. The mind looked at the poisonous snake that bite the human body, and the body trembled. The spine was bent into a bow, followed by a sudden bomb, pushing him to surpass The speed of the situation rushed to the front of the building, the right hand clenched, "poison bite".

On the enemy's killing trick, Lou Cheng was impressed when watching the video, did not blindly avoid, because the follow-up legs are even more terrible, he shakes his left shoulder, bounces his arms, and stops the fist. At the same time, sinking the center of gravity, ready to twist the waist and legs, to withstand the next kill.


The two had just had a pair of punches, and Lou Cheng suddenly had a heartbeat because the distance between the two sides was too close, and Qiu Yang was injured in the left hand and could not punch, exposing a great void.

The right arm of the family has been traumatized, and it has been seriously affected, but it does not mean that it can not force!

With pains and the consequences of increased trauma, I still have one or two punches!

The thought flashed past, Lou Cheng did not hesitate to tighten the right arm, suffered the pain, slammed a punch under the sea, straight to Qiuyang lower abdomen.

At the same time, Qiu Yang's crazy eyes also locked the building's lower abdomen.

I have never used my left hand, waiting for this opportunity!

It is a bit powerless, not completely unable to force, the key moment, can help me win!

The previous patience should have completely paralyzed you!


He burst into a fist and hit the floor into a lower abdomen.

They each punched out quickly, because of their different heights and different body types, even if they were on the same side, they did not directly touch each other, rubbing each other’s fists and rushing to the goal.

After two screams, the referee reached out and blocked his fists and gasped:


draw? Qiu Yang thinks that this is the most inexplicable game he has ever played. How can a well-prepared trap get a draw?

Lou Cheng and Qiu Yang are as stunned, and vaguely aware that at that moment he seems to have made the same choice as himself.

Fortunately, I still have a thirst for victory, and I am brave enough to be determined. I didn’t hesitate...

This is also good, the draw is both end, there are people behind me, and no fear the team is gone!

In other words, we won!


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