Martial Arts Master

Chapter 129: Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers

Shi Laotou and Lin Xiao looked at each other for a few seconds and suddenly smiled:

"Good! Not afraid of it! The newborn calf should not be afraid of the tiger!"

After that, he looked at Lou Cheng and rarely clenched his fist:

"On your second, Lin is a hammer, open the situation, you are a chisel, followed by the copper wall and the iron wall has to give me a hole!"

The building was young and vigorous, and it was said that it was full of blood and did not hesitate:

"it is good!"

Shi Laotou was satisfied with the beheading and drums and applauded: "As long as you can cut the openings, frustrate their spirits and suppress their shouts, I will win today, and when I come back, I will come here again!"

"Sun Jian, you have to be prepared seriously. There must be an opportunity to play today and behave well."

"Yes, coach!" Sun Jian was a little nervous and a little excited.

Debut in such an atmosphere is really scary and exciting.

Encouraging morale and arranging the order of appearance, Shi Laotou glanced at the watch: "There are still ten minutes, don't rush out, do a warm-up in the locker room, pull the bones, familiar with the familiar feelings, as for the play, morning training I have already said it, I will not repeat it."

Lou Cheng opened the shelf, slowly stretched his fists and feet, pushed his own state up and down, and cultivated "Lei Yin Zhen Zen" for more than a week. He gradually touched the threshold, and wanted to play "shocking power". In the middle of the opponent, the power has to have a "explosive" process, just like the explosion of the enemy after the bomb bombardment, thus creating an impact, with a point to face, resulting in shock.

In order to accomplish this, the power must have a "receipt" and "pressure" in advance, and it must be maintained until the enemy is hit. It cannot be used as a bursting and pushing out of the boxing. This is the control of the body and the details. The grasp of muscles and membranes is a big test.

And the training with Yan Yan, let him have some understanding of how to "receive" and how to control, and it is necessary to integrate the two.

Time passed by, the sleeves were pulled, the airflow was slow, and the state of mind was clear. Loucheng took back his arms and stood up again, spitting out a sigh of gas.

When he just finished the collection, he heard the old man coughing two channels:

"Okay, get ready to go out."

The others quickly ended up, behind the old man, walked out of the locker room and stepped into the "Longtan Tiger Cave."

As soon as they saw them, the tens of thousands of spectators outside were making noises, and the sound was deafening, making people feel short-lived.

"Get back!"

"Climb back!"

Faced with this shouting of all kinds of swearing words, Shi Laotou looked free and leisurely, and walked on the building and waited for humanity: "Have you heard that you can beat them quietly, even if you are not white today!"

It is strange to say that such a huge noise, his low laughter is still clearly introduced into the ears of each member of the selection.

Suddenly infected by this indifferent, Lou Cheng secretly grasped the fist, and the expectation of waiting for the next game overwhelmed the fear.

He stretched out his left hand and held the solemn palm of his hand, calmly calming the girl's unconsciously accelerating heartbeat with his calmness.

Yan Yan first glimpsed, then turned his head and glanced at him, the light smiled, the pear vortex loomed, and then raised his head, like a proud princess, holding hands with him and marching forward.

Everyone just came to the visiting team seat, and Li Xiaowen, who was responsible for handing over the list to the game supervisor, had already waited. She even said: "Qiu Yang did not, and replaced him with amateur one, Tan Ming, Wei Shengtian personally became a pioneer, Dong Yi Pai second."

A slightly messy discourse made Lou Cheng and others all look at it, and Qi Qi looked to Lin.

It’s really a narrow meeting!

Lin lacked his side and looked at the platform, and slowly pulled off the clothes wrapped in the martial arts clothes.

The referee glanced at the electronic clock and whipped up the power of Dan Tian to suppress the sound of the shouting:

"The second round of the Songcheng Division trials, no fear of the team against Songcheng University Budosha."

"The first game, Wei Shengtian is missing from Lin!"

His voice just fell, and there was a burst of shouting several times above the stand:

"Yi Mo!"

After a brief pause, they shouted again:

"Wei invincible!"

Yi Mo Wei is invincible!

Lin lacks the faceless expression, the jacket that will be taken off is still in the seat, facing the shouting of filling the martial arts venue, step by step to the side of the ring, along the stone steps, boarded the ring.

In the audience cheering, Wei Shengtian also stood up from the seat, as if it were a half-tower, and a few big steps arrived at the ring.

When the two sides stand up, the referee counts the time:

"The three minute conversation begins."

Around the bursts of screams, greetings to the ancestors of the 18th generation of the ancestors and female relatives, listening to the stern and pretty face, red, and breathing unevenly.

Lou Cheng holds her softness and feels her physical changes caused by intense emotions, gently shaking her hand:

"Don't be angry, just be a group of mad dogs."

He didn't hate it, he made up his mind and decided to play quietly, even if it was only a few tens of seconds!

Yan nodded and nodded: "I know that they are going to disturb my cousin's state of mind, but the game is all right, but it is still very good! I am so big, I have not been so stunned! ”

As she spoke, she pouted.

"I am trying to accomplish the small goal!" Lou Cheng said seriously.

"Ah?" Yan Yan immediately shook his head like a rattle. "I am not angry!"

"You have to keep your mind, you can't be affected, you know?"

"Know it, Yan coach!" Lou Cheng laughed.

Strictly screamed, smiled at him and forgot the background noise.

And after this, she also forgot the tension and fear at the beginning.


On the top of the ring, Wei Shengtian looked at the missing forest that was adjusting his body state. He smiled slightly:

"The blood is so strong that it is only one step away from Dan, but unfortunately, there is still one step."

"I know that your idea is to grab the next two rounds of victory, and physically leave Yimo, but I will not let you wish, let me personally dispel your reverie!"

While talking, he shook his head, both as if stretching his muscles and as if he was showing contempt.

Lin lacks to listen quietly, suddenly opening:

"The more you talk, the more you show your inner fear."

"I am afraid? I am afraid that you will be afraid of a professional nine-person guy? You tell me why? Why?" Wei Shengtian was so funny and angry, said with a sneer.

However, his opposite forest lacks no response, like a stone carved Buddha, no matter how exciting, there is no emotional fluctuation.

After two minutes of ridicule, Wei Shengtian suddenly slammed his mouth, because he found that he had a snack.

The other party clearly said only one sentence, and even let his heart float!

His grasp of the human heart is very powerful...

Converging the mood, adjusting the breathing, Wei Shengtian regained his state. At this moment, the referee raised his right hand and shouted:


Wei Shengtian’s eyes flashed, his back was like a bow, and he suddenly swelled. The whole man’s muscles swelled, as if he was taller. He shot at the forest and his right hand lifted up, holding a fist, like holding a handle. The giant hammer is about to smash, and the blocker is invincible!

In the face of the giant spirit of the statue of Wei Shengtian, Lin lacked no hard block, and suddenly retreated.

Normally, the general warrior will not do this, because it is impossible to see the road behind and it is difficult to maintain the center of gravity. It is equivalent to placing itself in a rather unfavorable position, but the forest is like a dexterous goat, and the footwork is brisk. The rhythm is orderly and the body is kept steady.

More importantly, his "retreat" is to "go"!

After three steps, Wei Shengtian forced three steps. When the momentum changed from prosperity to decline, Lin lacked it suddenly, as if a nail was nailed to the place, the foot was forced, the back was twisted, and the right hand was a mountain. The artillery punched out.

Wei Shengtian's self-defense strength, the right fist of the giant hammer is still falling.

The beginning of the mountain!


The two have just collided, and the forest lacks spine to squirm, like a dragon to turn over, the right arm is like a spring, and the home is recovered. It borrows a lot of strength, while the lever is pressed, the other one must be lifted up, his temples bulge, waist The back is twisted, the left hand is punched, and it is as fast as a meteor.

It was too late to dodge, Wei Shengtian sank his shoulders, and his left arm was horizontal, blocking the fist.

boom! When Wei Shengtian was bombarded by a bomb, he felt that every muscle in every joint of the body was in a shock, and he could not force it for a short time.

Yin and Yang turn, meteor strength!

Lin lacks the fear that it is not enough to shock Wei Shengtian, deliberately taking risks and borrowing some of the other forces from the "Yin and Yang turn"!

Wei Shengtian saw the video of the game before the lack of Lin, but since the last time he was a second-time amateur, he couldn’t see anything, and he actually went on the road.

Seeing that he was stiff, the forest was lacking, the thighs were tight, and the right leg was pulled out, and it was drawn between Wei Shengtian's legs.

Seeing this scene, the hustle and bustle of the game is more intense.

At a critical juncture, Wei Shengtian's body suddenly shrank, and the spirit, blood, momentum and strength seemed to be condensed into one. He became a big Dan, mellow and innocent, and stopped the shock.

After a moment, his power broke out, and the body blew a little, driving his right leg, kicking it out, and blocking the whip leg of the forest.

boom! When the two legs collided, Lin lacked a powerful force, and could no longer maintain the center of gravity. He followed the strength and stumbled to the side.

However, under the outbreak of Wei Si, Wei Shengtian did not step on the ground and collapsed the martial arts shoes, which showed that his control of the body had reached a terrible situation.

One stroke succeeded, he did not show mercy, stepped on the foot, slammed out, and rushed to the front of the forest in the blink of an eye, muscles bulging, the whole body as a giant hammer, to fiercely hit the opponent.

Close to the body!

Lin lacked the focus, and faced such a blow. When it was really precarious, it seemed to be inevitable. He couldn’t help but grasp the palm of the building and held his breath.

At this moment, Lin suddenly missed a meteor to break through the sky, hit the ground, the body muscles tightened, the force exploded in the body, laterally pushed him to move two steps, let Wei Shengtian hit It was empty and only blew the air.

"Meteor" is not only used on attacks!

After the danger and the danger of flashing Wei Shengtian's close-fitting body, Lin lacked and turned, his feet reached, his right arm was straight, and the side was a pumping, and he hit Wei Xintian's head.


Under such a fierce single whip, don't explain the stone strength, the real stone will be broken!

The audience clenched their fists unconsciously.

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