Martial Arts Master

Chapter 124: Their own lives (the second is to ask for a monthly pass)

Hey, see the selection team members packed up, Shi Laotou took a few palms, and attracted everyone's attention to the past.

"I don't say anything about the old man. The trials have just begun. There are still many games. I can't always immerse myself in the victory. People, I have to look forward, right?" He gave the cheerful atmosphere a little. A little cold water, "Our next game is still away, will go to Yi Mo, not far, the train will be forty or fifty minutes, the same day to go back that day, to save money for our school!"

Sun Jian didn't get the chance to play today. He was venting his energy and asked with enthusiasm: "Which coach is the martial art?"

"It is not a martial arts hall. It is a few outstanding young warriors in the local area who broke the barrier of the martial arts hall. The team that they organized will be called Wei Shengtian, Dan Jingjing, and eight professional professions. The goal is to get the number of qualifying outlets in the competition area and get rewards. Wugong is absolutely out of school, and there are still two professional nine products. The substitutes are all in the amateur three or more. It is the most popular hot spot in our group.” Shi Laotou pulled out the crumpled paper from his pocket and said a few words. Although it is described very well, it does not make people feel how cautious he is.

A professional eight products, two professional nine products ... Lou Cheng suddenly felt that the future of this game is not bright, but the goal of his own martial arts is the National University martial arts, the selection is only a practical way to train, the overall win or lose can be seen very light.

Encounter masters, suffered setbacks, and more than the face of the weaker, the harvest is definitely greater.

And this is the lineup, and there is still a big gap with Shanbei University's Wudao Society. Can you win the Sanjiang College and you have to say two things, depending on whether they can restrain each other's abilities.

"Coach, can you talk about it in detail?" Young is not afraid of failure. He has no goals for the trials. Li Wei and others have not only been scared, but have been interested in asking questions.

Shi Laotou coughed twice: "Take your relevant information to your mailbox tomorrow, and look at it slowly. Why not send it today? Isn't it time to give you some time to enjoy this victory?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lou Cheng and others were both funny and regained the excitement and joy of defeating the Red Luowu Pavilion. They looked at each other, opened their throats, shouted a few voices, shouted the young fiery and youthful publicity. Come out:

"It must win!"

"Songda will win!"

The voice came out of the locker room, and the audience of the martial arts hall that was leaving the stadium was bitter and grievous, and wanted to let the two sides fight again!


The school bus drove out from the docking place and slowly drove to the door of the Red Luowu Hall. Lou Cheng reluctantly waved to Yan Yan and Guo Qing, and waited until they got on the net to get on the bus.

"Guo Qing that light bulb!" and Sun Hua, who was sitting together with Lin Hua, felt that the building was screaming, and then he turned back and smirked. "Pro, I thought about it, time is still early, let's go about Yes, seeing the oranges and the sweetness of the stern, my old man recalled the youth of our time, walked away, and went on a date!"

"About you!" Lin Hua slandered the next Sun Jian, but he was still pulled away by him, shyly waiting for rental.

Chen Changhua and Li Wei did not say anything about these single dogs. They aligned the **** with Sun Jian’s silhouette.

Lou Cheng looked so sultry and funny, suddenly regretted not following Yan Yan, afraid of the light bulb!

He looked around and found that Cai Zongming had not got on the bus yet. He was about to ask for a mobile phone, but he received a call from Xiao Ming.

"Hey, the car is going to open, you hurry." Just connected, Lou Cheng quickly reminded me.

Cai Zongming sneered and said: "I don't go back to school bus. Isn't the model a girlfriend? I want to ask our bedroom and his girlfriend's dormitory to eat. You know, the model worker is in a normal situation, and you have to save money for a date. We will Consult or AA, do you want to go? First find a place to sing K, then eat hot pot, this ghost weather, the sun goes down, it hurts the egg, or the hot pot is good, hey, you can't go in the end? ”

"I have no space to interject, how to answer, mouth Wang classmate?" Lou Cheng spit out a sentence, "I still forget it, I met with Yan Yan at dinner, eat canteen!"

"You are good at the oranges of the light-hearted friends, goodbye to the oranges of the light-hearted friends!" Cai Zongming said, "I said, you are all in contact, should you please have a meal? People's labor models are more conscious today!"

"Haha, please, if you have time." Lou Cheng has already decided, please ask them to eat canteen!

Money has to save the flowers, use the blade!

In the Hong Luowu Hall, Cai Zongming hangs up the phone and spreads a handful of people to Zhang Jingye Wu Qian and other gangs: "The oranges have gone on a date, and they can't participate in our collective activities."

"Dating? Did he catch up with it?" Qiu Zhigao was half-shouldered and full of horror.

Because of the relationship with Guo Qing from time to time, his thoughts on the rigorousness of Lou Cheng are certain, but I always feel that the girls of that level are mostly not looking upstairs, and the strength of the orange martial arts is soaring and changing. Have confidence and temperament, but this is the semester of the matter, then how can we have a year and a half of the pursuit process?

However, this martial arts and love field are both harvested at the same time!

In the end, what did he do to impress the rigor of the pursuers?

Cai Zongming smiled and nodded: "Yes, he has been chasing it from the last semester, and finally the hard work pays off."

Zhao Qiang stayed aloud and blurted out:

"I wipe, life is a winner!"

Wu Qian curiously asked: "Is it a beautiful girl from Budosha?"

"Yes, I was totally not optimistic at the time, but how can I know that this kind of thing is not working hard? In case? In case the cat hits the dead mouse? What if the girl is blind?" Not in front of him, Cai Zongming could not restrain himself from the impulse to hurt him, but at the end he still said, "Hey, I see that this strange dog is envious."

"Different dogs... Do you have a girlfriend?" Wu Qian asked a roommate with a smile.

Cai Zongming gently decapitated, calmly and humorously replied: "Of course, I like the kind of girlfriend? Such as this, this?"

Zhao Qiang and Qiu Zhigao were hurt and could not stand, and quickly said:

"Let's go, don't waste time!"

Cai Zongming laughed and said: "Also, here is the hostile place, the people of the martial arts society are gone, and if we are still waiting, we will be beaten!"

When the voice just fell, he suddenly felt cold around. He saw a disciple and a student of the Red Luowu Pavilion looking at him in a complicated way. He was shocked and quickly took the other martial arts. In the afternoon of the sun, in the afternoon, with a kind of escape from the birth of the heavens:

"Go, pick it up!"


On the net about the car, Guo Qing couldn't suppress his doubts again. He asked: "Hey, how do you suddenly think about going shopping?"

Yan Yan put the pony tail down, licked the hair, turned his head and looked out the window, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Is the orange shoes not broken?"

"Oh..." Guo Qing suddenly realized, and then grief and inexplicable, "Do you want to stimulate my single dog like this? My eyes are flashed!"

Yan’s shame was ruined by her reaction, and grinned: "Then you will get better soon."

Guo Qing sighed: "Is there a tutorial for you? I want to drag the old Qiu back to a stick."

Seeing her looking at herself, Yan Yan said with a smile: "What do you think I have? I have not chased the boys! You have to find a master to guide you, Aqing, what are your five senses, but they are really good. Next, don't wear clothes with too much arms and legs, you can definitely find a boyfriend."

"Well, I think so too!" Guo Qing's temper is refreshing, naturally optimistic, and this thing is forgotten in the blink of an eye.

Inside the mall, Yan Yan took her, strolled around the house, looked at the house, compared and selected the martial arts shoes, cautiously doing a big thing.


The school bus is driving, empty, and the building becomes a person occupying two positions, basking in the sun, making up a nap, intermittently waking up and talking a little, and the whole person is warm and lazy.

This is the taste that should be there on the weekend.

After arriving at the new campus, he and Li Yulin were missing and returned to their dormitory.

Li Wei stood in the same place and watched the people leave. My heart was filled with the picture of the game just now, and it was fixed in the scene that Lou Cheng and Jiang Guosheng had broken down the martial arts shoes.

He thought about himself, thinking about each tension, suddenly feeling scared, afraid that he would be opened up by everyone, and then he couldn’t catch up, and he could no longer make up for the mistakes made last year.

"Well, I have practiced a few times, internalization costs can be used, and I can use it naturally when I am nervous..." Li Yan took a deep breath and took a step. He did not return to the dormitory, but went to the Songda Budokan.

Not long after, he took the change of clothes and stepped into the gate of the martial arts venue. It was not empty. At the weekend, many students came to work hard. They could use everything here except the dressing room.

Li Wei looked around in a circle and walked to the men's locker room. He was waiting for the key to be opened, and the door was opened.

"Hey, Master Chen..." He turned his head and found out that Chen Changhua was coming. "How come you?"

Chen Changhua smiled bitterly: "I watched the two schoolmates' games and couldn't sit still. I participated in the professional finals in April. I have to face 100% of this abnormality. I just hope that I don't want to be in a group. Hey, think about the morning. There is no strength in the training. You can practice it again in the afternoon. Just come over, are you?"

"Yeah." Li Wei tacitly smiled.

This is our weekend.


Back to the bedroom, Loucheng turned on the computer, clicked on the browser, and wanted to see what happened to his private forum after the live broadcast.

"Hey, four hundred and thirteen fans." He looked at the number with some disbelief.

Are there four hundred and thirteen people supporting themselves?

This is the number of seven or eight classes in high school!

Pulling down, he found that the post and the active ID are not as much as you imagined, but this is normal, the silence is always the majority, and the concern is not necessarily his own supporters.

He read every post and was amused by the talented answer of the altar friends. He was shocked by the "Gai Shilong Wang" and became a fan of his own. He was stayed and tried to maintain the "long night" and "magic vanity". The order was moved, and I picked up my mobile phone from time to time, and talked with Yan Yan a few words. I plan to share this thing when I eat at night.

Lou Chengshun also saw the irrigation group of the Dragon Tiger Club Forum. He spoke a few words and was caught by the "selling and selling". He curiously asked: "Little tiger, how have you been hidden recently?"

"Love in love!" Lou Cheng "funny", I can't wait to show my happiness to the world.

"Hey, there are girlfriends so soon? Now the college students, really let us old guys envy." "The road to Fujian and Taiwan" and others have ridiculed.

"Fantasy Vatican" even made a photo of him, and he refused ruthlessly and cruelly.

"Okay, okay, don't force a little tiger, he is very shy~" "Sell it, sell it" and snicker.

At this time, "The Road to Fujian" @了Moderator: "Riding pigs, we people have known for a long time, when will we organize a face?"

"Well, don't you wait for the college entrance examination?" "Riding the heroes" answered quickly.

"Hey! Wait until I finish the exam!" "Selling and selling" is elated.

The focus of the discussion of a group of people quickly moved to the face-based thing, Lou Cheng looked silently, occasionally interjected, leisurely, he sometimes yelled with Jiang fat, and sometimes called out to tell the mother that he won the game. .

For him, this feeling is very comfortable. He is not only a calm and fierce building in the ring, but also a genius who is a powerful enemy, a living person, his own social, his own circle, his daily life. Their own emotions and sorrows, the same, the people around them also have their own lives, in their world, they are also the protagonists.

These are intertwined and called "days."

The leisure afternoon passed quickly, and Lou Cheng received a serious message:

"I am back!"

"You wait for me at the red maple junction outside a cafeteria~"

PS: Two more to send, ask for a monthly ticket, there are still during the day!

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