Martial Arts Master

Chapter 106: Weakened version of Lou Cheng

Lou Cheng’s current mood is quite complicated. It has both the joy of being able to compete with the past goals and the joy of the game, and the satisfaction of the opponents, the hearty, and the emotion of the dog. I just hoped to master it. After the "Lei Yin Zhen Chan", this challenged the forest shortage, and the result turned to the other side with a similar martial arts or strength to defeat, the feeling of being shocked is really uncomfortable.

I really can't take a peek at a young strongman with excellent qualifications and family history!

As for the annoyance and pain of failure, this time I am not strong, can I lose to the big brother? This is a strategic victory!

Didn’t you see that the big brother said "good"? When you come to the door in the future, you will definitely have one more "Yes in favor"!

"Just for a second, I thought I could beat you." He was cheeky and complimentfully complimented.

Lin lacked a slight nod and nodded, turned to the stone steps, Lou Cheng was instinctively looking down the stage, looking to Yan Yan, I saw the girl's lips scorn, stunned, mouth micro-hook, Just touching his own line of sight, Huo Di turned his head and looked to the side, his cheeks slightly reddish.

Is this very satisfactory for my performance? Lou Cheng couldn't keep his eyes on it, only to feel that his eyes were turned into a camera, and the strict beauty was memorized in a frame.

Seems to feel the focus of his gaze, severely wrinkled the pretty nose, turned back, holding the right fist, made a posture of a cannon, posing a "malignant" expression.


Lou Cheng’s mind seemed to fantasize with a sigh of relief, as if to hear the girl talking, even dare to use this trick for my brother!

This...the building is a shame, laughing and floating, hands folded for forgiveness.

"What do you do on the platform when you are stupid? Go on the end of the game!" At this time, there was a voice in his ear that the old man was not angry.

puff! Yan Yan couldn't stop, and immediately laughed, and the expression of "evil" on his face could not be put on. The eyebrows stretched, the pear vortex was shallow, and Qian Qian looked forward and the flowers bloomed.

Lou Cheng looked at it and immediately awake, scratching his head and slamming his head. He quickly went forward and jumped out of the way.

Unknown, Li Wei, Chen Changhua and others sensed the atmosphere, sneered a little, and observed the meticulous and knew that the original Cai Zongming almost couldn’t stand the waist.

After this episode, everyone’s shocks have eased a lot, and they have probably accepted the reality that Loucheng has surpassed the miraculous gesture, no matter how strong his martial arts are, or the freshman students who remain in Qinglan, or the past. Lou Cheng!

Looking at Lou Cheng back to the team, Li Wei smiled and said with a deep heart: "It seems that it is not long before you practice with you. How do you have the level of professional nine products? Fast!"

Lou Cheng listened to himself and thrived, and humbly poured out, modestly said: "Lee brother, after starting the divisional competition, we seem to have not practiced it. It’s been almost three months. Don’t look at it for three days, let alone three month?"

"Even for three years, I am a bit unacceptable. You see how hard I have worked hard to improve from the amateur three products to the level of the amateur two products. Do you want to go up and let others live?" Just joking and sighing.

Lou Cheng smiled and said: "This is probably because I have a quiet talent. The idea of ​​yin and yang piles and Blizzard's twenty-four hits will soon enter the door. The control of the body will become stronger and the exercise will be targeted. One piece can be used for five pieces!"

He probably explained one sentence in a way that the advert was joking.

Li Wei and others did not ask for too detailed reasons. It was only necessary to have such an explanation. It was enough to comfort themselves and restore their emotions. Several of them were jealous and praised a few words about Lou Cheng. Among them, Chen Changhua was slightly lost. :

"I knew that I would delay graduation. There are forest shortages and you are the main force. Our team will definitely appear. Maybe we can break into the national competition..."

Lou Cheng did not know how to answer, but only took the dagger as a response.

Cai Zongming next to him pressed his voice down and sneered: "Orange, a thing that is high before the summer vacation..."

Before he finished, Lou Chengxiao interrupted: "This is a man's promise! Do you want to go back?"

"Of course not!" Cai Zongming righteously resigned. "What is ‘又’? Just, I think, it’s not enough to tie one hand, you have to tie the other one!”

The building was arrogant and funny: "Would you like to tie your legs together?"

Cai Zongming smiled: "If you like it!"

"Roll!" Lou Chengyan made a simple response!

When everyone slowed down, calmed down, and the old man coughed a few times:

"For the lack of Lin and Lou Cheng, the main force of the selection, you have no opinion?"

"No!" The voice was very loud, the shouts were very homogeneous, but the moods in the tone were different, and the floor was sour and cool.

Shi Laotou nodded with satisfaction: "Next, continue to fight, Sun Jian, Li Wei, you play a game."

The attention of everyone quickly returned to the ring, and Lou Cheng also looked at Li Wei’s performance with great interest. He and Sun Jiansun’s brothers played very well, punching and slamming, Blizzard’s twenty-four hit against Blizzard II. Fourteen hits, the sound of the collision sounded from time to time, the scene was extremely fierce, and it was difficult to win or lose.

"There is no entry for them. There are only shelves in Blizzard's twenty-four hits. There is no substance..." Looking at it, Lou Cheng couldn't help but sigh, the two brothers who often felt very strong, in their own eyes. It’s really full of loopholes.

The core of Blizzard’s twenty-four attacks is the idea of ​​three gates. It cannot quickly enter the static, and it loses the biggest difference from other martial arts. Moreover, the other core of this game is to continue to borrow strength, in order to become stronger and stronger. , fierce and crazy, but there is no yin and yang pile control and adjustment of the body, no condensate pile in the role of contact and quick judgment, it can only be slightly shaped.

After seven or eight minutes, the two human forces have a bottleneck, and the victory and defeat have finally been separated. Li Wei lost to Sun Jian with a stroke, but his progress is also very obvious, showing the strength of the amateur two products. .

Next, in the battle, Lin Hua was the winner of Li Xiaowen and Wu Meng.

"Next, Guo Qing, Yan Yan, you come." Shi old head glanced at the team.

Lou Cheng immediately looked at Yan Yan, only to see her lips slammed up, seemed a little nervous, then turned her head and looked at herself.

Sight contact, Lou Cheng quickly made a gesture of refueling, mouth open, with a similar meaning in the mouth, and maintain a calm and calm smile, trying to infect her with her own attitude, eliminating most of her nervousness.

Stern and shallow smile, gentle and graceful, closed his eyes, stepped forward, and went to the ring.

During the three-minute conversation time, she did not speak, as if adjusting her mood, and Guo Qing and her are good sister relationships, naturally not disturbing, Lou Cheng looked slightly nervous, not afraid of serious injuries. And worried that she will fail, causing a low mood.

I don't know how far she is now...

With the old man's "beginning", Yan Yan did not defend the counterattack, the back pressure was very low, stepping on the snake, the center of gravity seemed to shake.

Guo Qing's face changed slightly. It seems that he did not expect that the strict snake step had such an accomplishment. He did not dare to blindly shoot, set a shelf and make a defensive posture.

Yan Yan stepped forward, "sliding" to the left side of Guo Qing, his right hand clenched his fist, and slammed out a single whip. The fierce momentum formed a sharp contrast with her delicate and delicate figure, giving a soft and even softness. Send to the subtle feelings of just.

Guo Qing has a thick and thick body, and he is naturally born. He is not afraid to see it. His left arm is shrinking and a cannon is smashing straight.

boom! The two collided, and the body was slightly swayed, but it was again stunned back, and the left hand was placed, and the wind screamed fiercely.

"The tactics of Blizzard's twenty-four strikes..." Lou Cheng looked comfortably.

The strict static work has already been introduced, and the yin and yang piles are quite well mastered. Now it has finally been combined in the 24 strokes of Blizzard.

By leveraging 10%, Yan Yan recruited and attacked, the more fierce and fierce, the more fierce and fierce, Guo Qing tried to respond with Blizzard's 24 hits, but she did not enter the static effort, the borrowing power is obviously not as strict as it is, gradually falling into Passive.

Her family has a martial arts hall, and her qualifications are good. When she sees it, she knows it is not good. She exhales and slams her voice, forcibly slamming, trying to interrupt the severe blizzard with her own power.

But at this time, if there were any ups and downs in the back of Yan Yan, the spine was a little bit, and it was slightly difficult and reluctantly pulled back to the body, changing the direction, avoiding Guo Qing’s attack, and once again exerting Blizzard’s twenty-four attacks. .

Guo Qing, who could not get rid of, can only support it. The next step is the natural process of history.

"Yan Yusheng!" With the announcement of Shi Laotou, Lou Cheng raised his hands and saw Yan Yan looked over.

Her lips opened and closed, slightly gasping, and the cheeks were flushed with a fierce battle. The eyes were bright and dazzling, and I was afraid that I would sink my heart if I accidentally.

Seeing the excitement and excitement of Yan Yan, Lou Cheng raised his hands and erected his thumb, and then made a preparatory posture for the five-body cast to show his happiness and admire!

Yan Yan's eyes are bent, his mouth is tilted up, and he looks smug and playful. Compared with the elegant and elegant appearance, it is different beauty.

Looking at her down, Lou Cheng recalled the battle just now, and found that it was not the relationship between the Zhu and the close to the black, and the strict fighting style clearly imitated himself.

And she is good at it, similar to her own, except that there is no abnormal physical strength, almost equal to a weak version of herself, of course, the subtleties are definitely different, she has not used the martial arts of the monk!

At present, she has a stable amateur four-product strength, and counts hidden family biography, probably in amateur three products.

"The last one, Chen Changhua, Cai Zongming." Shi Laotou announced.

Cai Zongming’s face changed slightly, turning his head to look at the building, blurting out:

"I want to fight? I just joined, and still with that perverted orangutan..."

Lou Cheng looked at him with sincerity and pity:

"The sorrow..."

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