Li Lianhua:”……”

Facing the master and mistress’s marriage-inducing mixed doubles match, no matter how high Li Lianhua’s cultivation level was, she felt that she had no power to fight back at this moment!

“Well, Master, Mistress, I, I’ve been staying here for a few days, and it’s time to take a closer look at the business at Lotus Tower!”

After a moment of silence, Li Lianhua spoke up.

Yes, facing the couple’s all-out ways of urging marriage, Li Lianhua felt that she was completely powerless to resist.

I can’t afford to offend him, I can hide. Can’t you get up?.

“Well, you should leave. Who needs you to accompany us two bad old men every day?”

Hearing that Li Lianhua was about to leave, Qi Mushan nodded without any intention of trying to stay!

“Not bad, not bad, there is this world, wouldn’t it be nice to go and grab the company~Nangong Pushe?”

“That girl is good-looking, has a good personality, and is motivated!”

“I can tell you that although the business of being a doctor in Lianhua Tower is important, getting married and having children is the top priority!”

“If you don’t continue your family’s bloodline, how can we, as a couple, have the face to meet your parents in the future?”

Qinpo also nodded. Relatively speaking, Qinpo liked Nangong Pushe more!

Moreover, Qimushan and his wife had a very good relationship with Li Xiangyi’s parents.

That’s why the Nanyin royal family suffered a disaster, Qimushan The couple looked for Li Xiangyi and accepted him as their disciple! On the one hand, as masters, they wanted to see Li Lianhua marry and have children!

, which makes them feel a little ashamed of Li Lianhua’s parents! After all, starting a family has been around since ancient times!

“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, you won’t have to go see my parents one day!”

Listening to Qin Po’s emotion, Li Lianhua patted her chest and promised!

Yes, as long as she lives, their lifespan will not be exhausted in any case.

Besides, even if she dies unexpectedly, she can still make it happen. They come back to life!


However, following Li Lianhua’s words, Qi Mushan next to him picked up the end of a chopstick and hit Li Lianhua on the head angrily!

“Damn boy, do we want immortality? What we want is for you to start a family as soon as possible. Are you focusing on the wrong thing? ?”

Taking Li Lianhua’s head with chopsticks, Qi Mushan said with a blowing beard and a glare!

“Yes Yes Yes!”After being knocked on the head, Li Lianhua lowered her head, as if she was willing to admit her mistake!

When beaten by parents, different age groups have different reactions!

If beaten before the age of 10, they will cry!

If beaten before the age of 20, they will resist!

If you are beaten before the age of 30, you will even run away.

If you are beaten at the age of 40, then stand still and let your parents beat you.

If your parents still have the strength to beat you at the age of 50, you will probably have to smile and be willing to do so.

If you are 60 years old, you may want your parents to beat you, even if your parents are gone! Although Li Lianhua’s reputation is well known in the world, everyone knows about it!

Knocked with chopsticks, he had no intention of evading, and had an attitude of standing up if he was beaten! Speaking of which, the Qimushan couple were originally at odds with each other, but when it came to urging the marriage, the two of them had no intention of evading it!

The mouth was a united front, and the meal made Li Lianhua feel like eating it!

After finally finishing the meal and clearing the dishes, Li Lianhua said goodbye! He took out any door and connected directly. Went to the Lotus Tower and returned to the Lotus Tower.

“Young Master, you are back!”

Luo Xian seemed to have endless housework to do in the Lianhua Building. Wearing an apron and cleaning carefully, he saw Li Lianhua arriving and said hello!

“Well, has anything happened at home these days since I’ve been away?”Li Lianhua nodded and asked casually!


Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Luo Xian nodded in response and said,”Just the day before yesterday, an old man without arms came!”

“Armless old man?”

Hearing this, Li Lianhua looked surprised!

An old man with no arms? Who is he?

“He said that his name is the First Evil Emperor!” Luo Xian then said again!

“It turns out to be him!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua said with a look of realization!

Li Lianhua still knows the identity of the First Evil Emperor!

·· ·········Asking for flowers··· ···

Moreover, he is also a relatively important supporting role in Fengyun’s original work!

To say that this No. 1 Evil Emperor can be regarded as a genius of a generation!

Ever since he was little, he has always wanted to be first in everything, and at the same time, he has indeed been fighting for first in everything!

Originally, in terms of martial arts, the First Evil Emperor was even comparable to Dugu Sword Master and Wuming!

But it is a pity that in order to improve his skills, the First Evil Emperor escaped into the devil’s way, and was controlled by the devil’s way, making it difficult to escape!

Later, after accidentally killing his son, the Evil Emperor learned from the pain and cut off his arms to live in seclusion!

In the original work, the First Evil Emperor also has two brothers.

They are Er Meng’s father and the Second Sword Emperor! Already the third pig king!

……… 0 0

In the original work, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were no match for Jue Wushen, so Nie Feng also sought help from the Evil Emperor to escape into the devil’s path!

However, I didn’t expect that at this time, the first evil emperor would actually come out and actively look for me?

“In addition to the First Evil Emperor coming to see the Young Master, Bu Jingyun also came!”

“However, because the young master was not at home, they left and said they would visit him another day!”

“Is Dr. Li at home?”

Just when Luo Xian was reporting the situation of the past few days to Li Lianhua, suddenly, a domineering voice sounded outside the door. Apparently someone was visiting the Lotus Building!

After hearing this, Li Lianhua walked to the door of the Lotus Building.!

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe, with a long black beard, and his eyes were full of dominance.

“Dare I ask, are you the owner of Lianhua Hall, the miracle doctor Li Lianhua?”

Looking at Li Lianhua walking to the door, the man looked away from Huo Qilin next to him and asked respectfully!

“Yes, I am Li Lianhua, who is your Excellency?”

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her, Li Lianhua nodded and asked!

“I will conquer the world and dominate!”The middle-aged man replied!

“It turns out to be the leader of the Tianxiahui, please come in!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

Although he doesn’t know why Xiongba came to him suddenly, but no matter what, he always wants something, right?

For Li Lianhua, isn’t this just business coming to his door?.

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