The tea cup in her hand fell directly, but Qin Po seemed to be unaware. She just looked at Li Lianhua with shocked eyes, almost wondering if her ears had heard it wrong!

“Xiangyi, you, what did you just say?”

Looking at Li Lianhua with wide eyes, Qinpo even stuttered a little when she spoke!

“Master, you heard me right. I recently learned a magical method of resurrecting the dead. This method can bring the master back to life. So, Master, what do you think?”.Li

Lianhua smiled and said to Qin Po as if she was confirming!

“Resurrection, he, he can actually be resurrected?”

Although she has received a confirmed answer from Li Lianhua, Qinpo still finds it a bit unbelievable!

Yes, a person who has been dead for so many years can come back to life?

This is really incredible!

“Xiangyi, tell your wife the truth!”

After being silent for a long time, Qin Po suddenly straightened her face, stared at Li Lianhua seriously and said,”Will resurrecting your master cost you a lot?”

“Wife, you misunderstood!”

After hearing what Qinpo said, he also realized that she was worried about him. Li Lianhua felt a little moved and said:”The news that I can resurrect the dead has begun to spread in the world!”

“As long as someone can afford a consultation fee of 2 million, I can help resurrect the dead!”

“If it really cost me a lot, how could I start this resurrected business for the entire world?”


Well, originally if Li Lianhua said that he had no price, Po Qin would not believe him!

After all, even if he really had to pay a big price, in Qin Po’s opinion, he wouldn’t say anything!

However, when Li Lianhua talked about this business, he actually started it in front of the entire world.

In this case, there really isn’t much of a price to pay, right?

Otherwise, he would not resurrect others for a mere 2 million yuan in medical fees!

Yes,”District々々”District” has a medical fee of 2 million!

Although 2 million is an astronomical figure for many people.

But Qinpo knows that Li Lianhua’s income is terrifyingly high. Even a dynasty cannot compare with him alone. Income.

2 million is really not much for him!

“If this is the case, then you should resurrect the old man!”

Staring at Li Lianhua carefully, he looked calm and didn’t look like he was deceiving him at all!

Moreover, he had already declared himself in the world, and this news was easy to find out!

Therefore, Qin Po ordered He nodded and said

, by the way, although the couple fought constantly when the old man was alive, they even ended up living in different places in the same place!

, if the old man can really be resurrected, Qin Po is still very willing!

After Qin Po nodded, a smile appeared on Li Lianhua’s face, and then she and Qin Po got up directly and went to Qimu Mountain’s tomb. Go.

Then, the grave was dug up, revealing a white skeleton inside!

That day, Li Lianhua had used the ability of Ji Ling to dispatch the dead soul of Master Qi Mushan.

Therefore, there was not much to face with this corpse. It feels like!

Li Lianhua first took out his soul-calling flag, and all the birth dates of Qimushan were written on it!

Then, he poured his cultivation into the soul-calling flag and shook it a few times:”Qimushan, I won’t come at this time. , when will we wait?”

A gust of gloomy wind blew by, and the dead souls of Qimu Mountain were quickly summoned by Li Lianhua!

Then, Li Lianhua let the dead souls directly attach to his corpse, and immediately, the magic of resurrecting the dead was performed! The dense light filled the air The breath of vitality fell on the dead soul of Qimu Mountain!

Then, in Qin Po’s shocked eyes, she could clearly see that the bones of the body were rapidly changing!

The muscles and veins began to appear, and finally, the skin began to adhere… to the living and the dead, flesh and bones!

This was originally simply used to describe a person’s medical skills, but now it really appeared in front of Qin Po.!

Looking at the corpse in front of her, flesh and blood sprouted from the bones, even though Qinpo had been mentally prepared, she was still very shocked!

Is this the magic of resurrecting a dead body ? Did he really grow flesh and blood in front of him and return to his original appearance?

After the flesh and blood growth was completed, both Li Lianhua and Qin Po could see the chest of the resurrected Qimushan rising and falling. This was him. The breathing sign appeared!

Then, Qi Mushan slowly opened his eyes!

“¨‖ Me, what’s wrong with me?”

Having just come back to life, Qi Mushan’s eyes were full of confusion, and he looked at Li Lianhua and Qin Po in a dull manner and said!

“Old man, it’s Xiang Yi, Xiang Yi, he brought you back to life!”

A thick smile appeared on Qin Po’s face, but she quickly suppressed it and said to Qi Mushan!

Talking to the old man with a smile on her face? Qin Po is really not used to this!


Qi Mushan’s eyes fell on Li Lianhua, and then he said with an amazed expression:”You, you can actually revive me? I’ve been dead for ten years, right?”

The dead soul was summoned by Li Lianhua once before. With the ability of Julingshuangjiang, Qi Mushan still remembers that he and he solved the problem of Dan Gudao at that time!

But (the one who killed the king) is now, and he doesn’t know how long he has been sleeping for. , I actually woke up again?

More importantly, I was not summoned as a dead soul like last time. This time I was truly resurrected!

���After being dead for more than ten years, I can actually be resurrected?

Even though it was a personal experience, Qimushan still felt very shocked!

“Recently, I learned a magic trick called resurrecting the dead!”

“My magical magic can bring people back to life!”

“As long as Yangshou is not exhausted, you can be resurrected!”

“Therefore, I will help Master to revive you!”

Facing Qi Mushan’s surprised look, Li Lianhua just smiled and explained!

These words made Qi Mushan nod silently, and at the same time, he felt very proud in his heart!

This is his disciple, and even such an immortal Dharma can also be understood!.

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