The phone bug’s voice rang, and Li Lianhua and Wang Xianzhi’s eyes were naturally attracted to it!

Wang Xianzhi looked at the phone bug curiously, a weird bug similar to a snail. The pets kept by Divine Doctor Li here are very strange!

Luo Xian walked up to the phone bug, and then picked up the phone bug’s receiver!

“Young Master, this is the phone number from Xueyue City!”

After a few simple exchanges, Luo Xian said to Li Lianhua!

“oh?”Hearing this, Li Lianhua raised her brows slightly, then walked to the phone worm and took the phone!

The person who called was none other than Sikong Changfeng!

“Divine Doctor Li, if you have time, would you like to come to Xueyue City? The little city lord Wushuang came to Xueyue City with two million silver in medical fees and said it was given to you!”

Sikong Changfeng didn’t mean to talk nonsense and said directly.~!

“City Lord Sikong, I am the City Lord of Wushuang City, why do you want to add a small character in front of it?”

The dissatisfied voice of Wushuang came from the receiver of the phone bug!

Children always hope that others will treat them as adults!

However, older people also hope that they can become younger.

“Two million? Wushuang sent it here?”

Listening to Sikong Changfeng’s words on the phone, Li Lianhua raised his brows slightly and then realized what he was saying!

When he was in Apocalypse City before, he gave Wushuang a Phoenix Fruit. At that time, the price he gave for the Devil Fruit was the same. 2 million!

But Wushuang didn’t have that much money on hand at the time, so he owed it for now!

Now, a few months later, he collected the money and sent it all the way to Xueyue City, which was enough.!

“Okay, I’ll be there in a moment!”

Li Lianhua was naturally very happy to receive medical fees.

After explaining to Sikong Changfeng, Li Lianhua put down the microphone in her hand!

“Doctor Li, are you going to Xueyue City?”

Wang Xianzhi next to him also heard Li Lianhua’s conversation and asked!

After all, the phone bug is in hands-free mode, so when you make a call here, everyone around you can hear it clearly!

“Well, I really have to go to Xueyue City!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said

“If so, then I won’t bother you more!”

Originally, the purpose of coming to the Lotus Tower was achieved, and Wang Xianzhi was ready to leave. Now that the news about the immortal world and the so-called immortals has been almost finished, Wang Xianzhi stood up to leave!

“Well, see you later!”This time, Li Lianhua had no intention of retaining Wang Xianzhi, and nodded.

After hearing this, Wang Xianzhi said goodbye and left!

Regarding the phone bug, Wang Xianzhi also felt very magical!

People are still so far away, but they can be thousands of miles away. Talk to Xue Yuecheng, this magical prop is really unique in the world! However, it makes sense to think that it belongs to the owner of Lotus Tower! After all, this Lotus Tower is the mansion of the Xian family, and everything in it is unparalleled!

Everything about it is unlike anything in the world!

“People in the world say that Dr. Li is a banished immortal. It seems that this is not groundless!”

“However, if it is obvious that Divine Doctor Li is a real immortal, he is different from the idiots who claim to be immortals in the immortal world!”

“Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng fought in the East China Sea. Although I knew about it, I only regarded it as a fight between two juniors and didn’t pay much attention to it!”

“Unexpectedly, in just ten years, after Li Xiangyi transformed into Li Lianhua, he soared into the sky!”


Wang Xianzhi walked out of the Lotus Tower with many emotions in her heart.

Emperor Wu City is right on the edge of the East China Sea. Naturally, Wang Xianzhi knew something about the fight between Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng in the East China Sea.

However, he didn’t pay much attention!

However, who would have thought that in just ten years, Li Xiangyi would transform into the sound of a flute and become a blockbuster?

Not to mention the emotion in Wang Xianzhi’s heart.

After watching Wang Xianzhi leave, Li Lianhua looked at the lotus building!

The vixen has transformed back into his little yellow dog form and is lying in his cat’s nest again!

And what about Fire Qilin? Then follow quietly beside the Lotus Tower!

Its height is a full two meters away. With such a huge body, naturally there is no nest for it!

“”Woof woof woof~” seemed to be aware of this, and the vixen let out a few satisfied barks. Then, the vixen, who was as big as a kitten, rolled around in his kennel with satisfaction!

The vixen deliberately showed off that he had The look of a nest made Li Lianhua’s mouth twitch slightly!

So, it is indeed a dog, this is a real dog! Well , the first dog is a noun, and the second dog is an adjective!

Li Lianhua had no intention of intervening in the fight between these two pets!

It was like having two cats at home who would fight with each other occasionally. There was really no need for her to intervene! , Li Lianhua took out his own random door and opened it directly. The other side of the random door was Xueyue City!


“Doctor Li, are you here? If this treasure really exists, the world is so close!”

This is not the first time that I have seen the effect of the Any Door, so when I saw Li Lianhua walking out, Sikong Changfeng was not surprised.

However, every time I saw a prop like the Any Door, Sikong Changfeng felt very That’s it!

Such a treasure really doesn’t look like a human thing!

“Doctor Li, you are well!”

Wearing a yellow dress, Wushuang still carried the Wushuang Sword Box on his back, looking full of youth, and said hello to Li Lianhua!

“Well, stay safe!”Li Lianhua also nodded when he heard this, and looked at Wushuang in front of him with emotion!

At the age of about fourteen, he was already in the realm of Sword Immortal.

This Wushuang’s talent is indeed very exaggerated.!

“I have sent the two million medical fee to Xueyue City. How much does Divine Doctor Li want?”I don’t mean too much nonsense, Wushuang asked next!


For Li Lianhua, the diagnosis fee is naturally the focus of his attention. Therefore, Li Lianhua also nodded and said, and immediately everyone walked to the square outside!

At this time, a ball of fire quickly came from a distance He rowed over, and then, the flames condensed and turned into the appearance of Lei Wujie!

“Doctor Li, I heard you are here!”Lei Wujie, who had condensed his figure, greeted Li Lianhua with a smile.

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