In response to Wang Xianzhi’s exclamation, Li Lianhua just smiled and didn’t say much!

Again, I have heard too many compliments of all kinds these days!.

Even if you are a layman and like to hear good things, you will eventually become numb after hearing too much! so what? What is the purpose of Wang Xianzhi coming to Lianhua Tower to find me?

You can’t just come here to chat or praise me, right?

Seeing that Li Lianhua just remained silent without speaking, Wang Xianzhi probably understood what Li Lianhua was thinking!

Therefore, Wang Xianzhi no longer meant to talk nonsense, picked up the Coke in front of him, and took a sip.

I looked at the Coke in my hand in amazement. I had never drank this drink before.

The things here at Divine Doctor Li are really very different from the things in the world, even the drinks!

“Divine Doctor Li, actually I came here today to ask Divine Doctor Li some things about your breakthrough to the land of fairyland!”

Wang Xianzhi put down the glass in his hand and said directly!

“oh? Do you want to break through the land of fairyland as soon as possible?”

I originally thought that the purpose of Wang Xianzhi’s visit was for the elixir of longevity, but I didn’t expect that it was to break through to the terrestrial immortal realm?

Although Wang Xianzhi’s cultivation is now only at the peak of the Grand Master Realm.

But his overall strength has reached the level of the terrestrial immortal realm.!

With his true strength, there must be only a handful of people who can defeat him at this stage of the Land of Gods, right?

What does it mean that he is so eager to break through to the Land of Gods?

“That’s how people’s hearts are!”

After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Wang Xianzhi didn’t mean to deny it, and said:”Originally, there is not a single strong person in the land of gods on the surface of the world, so naturally I am not in a hurry!”

“However, since you, Divine Doctor Li, have become famous all over the world in the past year, strong men from the land of the gods have appeared one after another!”

“Naturally, my mood became more and more anxious!”

“It is said that talented people emerge from generation to generation, each leading the way for decades!”

“However, if possible, I don’t want to be left behind too much!”

Originally known as the second best in the world, Wang Xianzhi is invincible to the best in the world!

It’s not that Wang Xianzhi cannot accept that her invincible throne is given up to others!

After all, she also took over this position from the sword god Li Chungang back then!

However, Wang Xianzhi What I can’t accept is that I am falling rapidly, and everyone is quickly surpassing me!

It’s like a person’s academic performance is first in the school every time!

It’s not that I can’t accept that I will be the first in the school from now on. Fall from the throne!

However, you can’t quickly fall to the top of a dozen or even dozens of people in the school, right?

“Well, I can understand your mentality!”

“Moreover, it is indeed rare for you to be so honest!”

After listening to what Wang Xianzhi said, Li Lianhua thought about it and nodded in agreement!

Yes, Wang Xianzhi can admit this in front of her. Such magnanimity and consideration are not available to just anyone!

However, considering that Wang Xianzhi defeated Li Chungang publicly, but he claimed to be the second in the world, it is understandable that he has such a talent!

“Doctor Li, stop talking so nicely!”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s praise of him, Wang Xianzhi shook his head, and then said to Li Lianhua with emotion:”Everyone knows that Divine Doctor Li has the ability to help people break through to the realm of land gods!”

“Therefore, I came here today to ask Divine Doctor Li if there is a way to help me break through to the land of fairyland?”

“Doctor Li, don’t worry, Wang will still change your rules, and the consultation fee will definitely not be less when the time comes!”

When the words came to the end, Wang Xianzhi stared at Li Lianhua with burning eyes!

For Wang Xianzhi, her greatest hope of breaking through to the land of gods lies in Li Lianhua!

“In fact, I do have a way for you to break through the fairyland on land!”

After being stared at so seriously by Wang Xianzhi, Li Lianhua was silent for a moment and then said!

As soon as he said this, Wang Xianzhi’s face showed a look of surprise!

Although he came to Li Lianhua, Wang Xianzhi felt that he should be capable. Help yourself to break through…..

However, it is one thing to guess, but it is another thing for Li Lianhua to admit it personally!

“However, before I help you, there are still some things that I need to explain to you clearly!”

Li Lianhua didn’t have much reaction to Wang Xianzhi’s surprised expression, but her expression rarely became more serious!

“oh? Doctor Li, it’s okay to say it!”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s words, Wang Xianzhi’s face straightened, he nodded to Li Lianhua, and at the same time, he quickly calmed down his emotions!

“Breaking through the realm of land gods is a very difficult thing. This requires not only cultivation, but also a clear mind!”Li Lianhua spoke and said to Wang Xianzhi!

To put it in a more fantasy way, it is that the state of mind needs to reach the standard!

Even the role of state of mind is more important than cultivation!

It’s like how well a person can live. , in addition to personal ability, you also need to have an awesome family background!

Even more important than your personal ability!

Just like Li Chungang, once you let go of your heart, you can immediately return to the land of wonders.

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Wang Xianzhi nodded, naturally agreeing with what he said!

“My cultivation level has already reached the pinnacle of the Grand Master Realm, and I am only 4.3 steps away from the Land God Realm!”

“As for my state of mind, I also feel that my state of mind is passable!”

“However, over the years, every time I want to break through to the land of fairyland, I have been restricted, as if seeing flowers in the mist, there is always a slight barrier!”

Wang Xianzhi opened his mouth and told his difficulties!

As Wang Xianzhi, who is invincible in the world, his cultivation has already reached the peak of the Grand Master Realm.

Naturally, Wang Xianzhi has been working hard to break through to the land fairyland!

But! , so many years of breakthroughs, but they are always just a little bit behind!

This is like fishing for the moon in the water. You can clearly see the moon in the water, but no matter how you try to fish it out, you can’t find it!

“That’s because you haven’t fully understood yourself yet!”Li Lianhua said assertively!.

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