
The Lotus Tower stopped not far from the Leshan Giant Buddha. As Li Lianhua returned riding the fire unicorn, the vixen who was lying at the door of the Lotus Tower immediately stood up, and then shouted at the fire unicorn!

Baring his teeth, he looked cute and fierce Cute and fierce looking!


Fire Qilin has lived for who knows how many years, and his wisdom is naturally not low. He is two meters tall, and this cat-sized vixen is like a little bean to him!

However, such a small person The guy dared to bark at me, even grinning?

The fire unicorn didn’t have a good temper. He roared loudly at the vixen! Hearing the roar of the fire unicorn, the vixen got angry!

Speaking of pets, I was originally the pet beside my owner.

But now a new guy has arrived?

More importantly, this new guy doesn’t seem to be convinced by me.

If so, what can I do ? You need to teach it the rules!

The angry vixen stood up and let out a loud howl!

His body shape changed rapidly, from the original cat-sized dog to a puppy. A demon wolf with a crescent-shaped mark on its forehead!

In terms of body shape, the vixen’s appearance after transformation is no worse than that of the fire unicorn!

However, compared to the strong figure of the fire unicorn, the vixen’s appearance is much more slender. This is a simple metaphor, like two people of about the same height!

Huo Qilin looks like a strong man, and Vixen looks like a noble man after completing his transformation! , and rushed towards Huo Qilin!

Upon seeing this, Huo Qilin was secretly surprised that a little guy could become so huge, but he was not frightened at all. Meaning, a blazing flame burned on his body, and he rushed towards the vixen! In an instant, the two ferocious beasts were fighting each other. It was obvious that neither of them would surrender to the other!

It is one of the four auspicious beasts, possessing natural beast fire.

Even the great master-level warriors like King Nie are no match for it!

In terms of strength, Fire Qilin can match the peak of the great master-level. Its existence!

In the Grand Master realm, only top experts like Wang Xianzhi and Jian Jiuhuang can fight it!

As for the vixen, it was originally just an ordinary big yellow dog.

It’s been a year since Lotus has been hit with pet pills, battle pet evolution cards, and so on.

The vixen has long since broken away from the category of ordinary beasts and has reached the level of a monster!

It’s true that he is the best in the Grand Master Realm!

Once the battle between these two strange beasts started, the fangs and claws went back and forth without any intention of backing down. This unfolding seemed very primitive. And intense!

“Master, this, this is々~ ?”

Apparently he heard the commotion outside. Luo Xian, wearing an apron, ran out and looked at the battle between Fire Qilin and Vixen with a look of astonishment on his face!

A strange beast whose whole body is burning with flames. Isn’t this the rumored fire unicorn in the world?

How could such an ancient beast appear here!

“Now that I have subdued the Fire Qilin, it will become a mount in our Lotus Tower in the future. The vixen is welcoming the newcomers, uh, new beasts, so let’s not disturb them!”

Seeing Luo Xian’s stunned and questioning look, Li Lianhua explained casually!

While speaking, Li Lianhua stepped forward and walked into the Lianhua Building!

Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Luo Xian’s face showed a look of astonishment. Color!

The legendary fire unicorn is a very violent and ferocious beast. This kind of beast is entrenched in Lingyun Cave, but I have never heard of anyone subduing it!

But now, it has been conquered by the young master! Subdued?

This made Luo Xian sigh in his heart, he is worthy of being a master, he can even subdue such strange beasts as pets!

However, while sighing in his heart, Luo Xian looked at the fierce fighting outside. Fire Qilin and Vixen.

This made Luo Xian’s mouth twitch slightly!

“Young Master, are you sure that the vixen welcomes the fire unicorn?”

Of course, since the young master has said so, Luo Xian will not say anything more.

After looking at it, he secretly sighed at the strength of the vixen and the fire unicorn. Putting it on the world, they are definitely very powerful existences!

So what? The young master’s pet is beyond comparison with ordinary people!

“¨¨ Nothing happened in the past two days, right?”

After sitting down on the sofa, Luo Xian made Li Lianhua a pot of enlightenment tea and brought it to him. Holding the teacup in his hand, Li Lianhua asked casually!

“Nothing happened!”Hearing Li Lianhua’s inquiry, Luo Xian shook his head and said! It has been two or three days, but no one has come to the Lotus Tower to seek medical treatment? Not one?

But think about it carefully, the current Lotus Tower is parked near Lingyun Cave!

And Lingyun Cave Usually not many people come here!

So, it seems reasonable that no one comes to Lianhua Tower for medical treatment in the past few days?

“Young Master……”

Seeing that Li Lianhua just lowered his head and drank tea, with no intention of speaking for a long time. After a moment of silence, Luo Xian spoke and asked Li Lianhua:”Then, how did you conquer the fire unicorn, sir?”

Curious, (Okay, okay) Luo Xian is very curious at the moment!

Without waiting for Li Lianhua to answer, Luo Xian continued:”Actually, Emperor Shitian had thought of conquering the Fire Qilin decades ago!”

“However, although he was able to defeat Fire Qilin at that time, there was no way to make Fire Qilin surrender and become pregnant!”

“Just like someone may be able to catch an eagle, but the eagle’s temperament makes it impossible for ordinary people to tame it!”

“Therefore, Emperor Shitian was faced with the choice of either killing Huo Qilin or letting Huo Qilin go!”

“In the end, Emperor Shitian thought that he might be able to use this fire unicorn in the future, so he didn’t kill it!”

“But now, it has been conquered by you, Master!”

When the words came to the end, Luo Xian looked at Li Lianhua in the eyes, full of curiosity!

Yes, such a violent beast would rather die than surrender, but the young master only subdued it in two or three days?.

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