Hearing Nie Feng ask about Bu Jingyun’s situation, Duan Lang was shocked and looked at Li Lianhua with the same curiosity!.Since childhood, Duan Lang and Nie Feng have always been friends.

But what about He Bu Jingyun? But it’s as if their horoscopes are incompatible and they have always looked down upon each other!

Therefore, Duanlang really wants to eat Bu Jingyun’s melon~!

When Duan Lang, who had the Fire Lin Sword in his hand, wanted to seize the peerless sword at the Jianjian Villa, he didn’t necessarily want to capture the peerless sword.

His greater motivation is actually to stop Bu Jingyun from obtaining a peerless sword!

“In fact, speaking of it, Xiong Ba should be more guarded against Bu Jingyun!”When Nie Feng asked about Bu Jingyun’s situation, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to hide it and said!

“oh? How is Senior Brother Yun’s situation?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Nie Feng asked Li Lianhua curiously!

“Although Xiong Ba is your father-killing enemy, you actually don’t know it. Therefore, in all these years, you have never thought of betraying Tianxiahui!”

“But Bu Jingyun is different.��”

“Back then, Huo Butian from Huojiazhuang adopted Bu Jingyun as his adopted son!”

“Even though Bu Jingyun was so lonely in ordinary times, and even earned the title of a god who doesn’t cry death in the world, in fact, he was a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside!”

“Back then, Bu Jingyun had a very good relationship with his adoptive father Huo Butian, no different from his biological father and son!”

“Later, Huojiazhuang was massacred by Tianxiahui, which Bu Jingyun witnessed with his own eyes!”

“But just because Bu Jingyun looked cold and watched Huojiazhuang being slaughtered without crying or shedding a tear, he was considered not to be from Huojiazhuang and was brought back to Tianxiahui. By chance, he was Xiong Ba accepts him as his disciple!”

“But in fact, over the years, Bu Jingyun has never forgotten the grudge that his adoptive father was killed by Xiong Ba!”

“Therefore, for so many years, Bu Jingyun has always remembered it firmly, and also wanted to find an opportunity to kill Xiong Ba for revenge!”

Li Lianhua opened her mouth and briefly told Nie Feng about Bu Jingyun’s hatred towards Xiong Ba!

“Is that so? For so many years, Senior Brother Yun has always harbored hatred and wanted to kill Xiong Ba for revenge?”Listening to Li Lianhua’s story, Nie Feng secretly marveled!

Ever since he was a child, he had never noticed it!

So what? Did Senior Brother Yun actually hide it so deeply?

He knew nothing about it!

“It turns out that the blood feud in that guy’s heart has been hidden for so many years?”

Listening to Li Lianhua’s story about Bu Jingyun, Duan Lang’s mood became very complicated!

Just like Bu Jingyun looked down on Duan Lang and thought he was a toad, Duan Lang actually looked down on Bu Jingyun. Yun.

I always felt that Bu Jingyun was very pretentious, and he always acted like a cold male god!

But now, knowing that Bu Jingyun actually harbors such a blood feud, and has even known the thief as his father for many years, Duan Lang understands more or less! Bu Jingyun!

After all, with such hatred, it is completely reasonable for Bu Jingyun to be cold, right?

What would be the strangest thing if he was as kind and gentle as Nie Feng?

“Doctor Li, what the Ni Bodhisattva said is that Senior Brother Yun and I will be able to defeat Xiong Ba in the end. Is this true?”

After being silent for a long time, Nie Feng asked Li Lianhua!

Although Nie Feng has a gentle and kind nature, but thinking that Xiong Ba has already taken action first, Nie Feng naturally has no intention of sitting still and waiting for death!

“It’s up to you!”Listening to Nie Feng’s inquiry, Li Lianhua did not give him a positive answer!

“According to your original destiny, you two can indeed defeat Xiong Ba!”

“However, this is how fate works. It doesn’t mean that God has destined you to defeat him, so you just don’t make any efforts!”

“Destiny is one thing, but your own efforts are also important!”

“There is a saying that goes well: Heaven moves in a strong direction, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement. One’s efforts actually have the opportunity to change one’s own destiny!”

“Otherwise, if everything is destined by God, then what is the point of working hard in life?”

About the situation of fate, Li Lianhua spoke briefly!

These words were not only addressed to Nie Feng, but also to Duan Lang!

·· ·Asking for flowers·· ····

I had just said a lot of good things to Duanlang, and showed that I valued him very much, even asserting that his future achievements should be higher than Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun!

However, if Duanlang is really ruined just because of his words and feels that he doesn’t need to work hard and his achievements will be higher than Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in the future anyway, then he is really useless!

“Thank you, Dr. Li, for your enlightenment!”After listening to Li Lianhua’s narration, Nie Feng nodded and said!

Duan Lang next to him also had a thoughtful look on his eyebrows, and at the same time, he nodded silently!

Obviously, Duan Lang also understood what Li Lianhua said. These words are actually appropriate when applied to myself!

“Okay, I’ve said almost everything that needs to be said, so you can pay your respects properly!”

At this point, for Li Lianhua, many things have been discussed more thoroughly. Li Lianhua waved his hand and said

“Doctor Li, wait!”

Seeing Li Lianhua turn around and prepare to walk into Lingyun Cave, Nie Feng suddenly shouted,”If you want to enter Lingyun Cave, I will accompany you in!””

“This? also!”

Hearing Nie Feng’s initiative to accompany her into Lingyun Cave, Li Lianhua thought for a while and nodded in agreement!

After all, there is no doubt that Nie Feng has great luck!

In the original work, Nie Feng is completely He treats Lingyun Cave as his own treasure room!

See what things Nie Feng got in Lingyun Cave in the original work?

When he entered Lingyun Cave seriously injured, he got the blood bodhi and then found the bones of his ancestor Nie Ying.

He learned the Six Art of Aohan and found the Xueyin Kuangdao left behind by his father!

Even the dragon veins related to the fate of the land in the original work were obtained by him to suppress his own demonic nature!

When facing Emperor Shitian, he obtained the true Xuanwu skills left by the top ten warrior Wu Wudi in Lingyun Cave!

It can be said that Nie Feng’s growth has been helped by Lingyun Cave’s adventures, so if he is willing to follow him in!

Of course it couldn’t be better…


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