“It turns out that the reason why Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun defected from the Tianxiahui was also because of the criticism of the Clay Bodhisattva!”

Listening to Li Lianhua’s explanation, Duan Lang’s eyes widened with a look of shock!

Then, Duan Lang shook his head again and sneered!

Originally, the reason why he couldn’t get what he asked for was because he valued Xiong Ba, but he always felt that Xiong Ba only wanted He valued Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun and despised him for no reason, which made Duan Lang feel very unhappy!

But now, Duan Lang realized Xiong Ba’s ruthlessness!

Because of his criticism in the first half of his life, Xiong Ba accepted Bu Jingyun. He and Nie Feng were his disciples and taught them carefully.

However, just because of Ni Bodhisattva’s criticism in the second half of his life, Xiong Ba killed them! No matter what!

So? I still want to get the attention of such a person?

Now that I think about it, it’s a good thing that Xiongba doesn’t like me.

Otherwise, I don’t know how I was fooled by him!

At this point, thinking of Xiongba’s ruthlessness, 18 Duanlang was a little happy for a moment.

At the same time, the unwillingness he had been feeling quickly disappeared!

“Thank you, Dr. Li, for clearing up my doubts!”Duan Lang opened his mouth and sincerely thanked Li Lianhua!

He has always been thinking about things that he couldn’t let go of, and today Duan Lang has completely let go!

Li Lianhua didn’t say much to Duan Lang’s thanks, just a slight smile. Just a smile!

“Doctor Li, are you also a physiognomist?”

In this way, after the two of them walked in silence for a while, Duanlang asked Li Lianhua!

There are so many secret things that only the person involved should know, but Li Lianhua was able to tell her everything.

This It made Duan Lang think that Li Lianhua was also a physiognomist. This was the only way to explain it, right?

Li Lianhua didn’t answer Duan Lang’s question directly, but just smiled! Attitude, Duan Lang felt that this was his acquiescence!

At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart!

Everyone in the world said that Doctor Li was the real banished immortal! So, as a banished immortal, Li Lianhua could have the power of calculation. Past future abilities, that seems reasonable?

“Doctor Li, what the Clay Bodhisattva said is that Xiong Ba will eventually be controlled by the wind and cloud and defeated by the two of them. Is this true?”

Duan Lang then curiously asked Li Lianhua!

Although he had let go of the unwillingness he felt when he was young, Duan Lang was still very curious about Xiong Ba’s fate of success and failure!

“Yes, if nothing unexpected happens, Xiong Ba will indeed be defeated by Feng Yun in the end!”In response to Duanlang’s question, Li Lianhua nodded!

“The two of them could actually defeat Xiong Ba?”After receiving Li Lianhua’s affirmative reply, Duan Lang was very surprised!

Although Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng’s martial arts are very good, in Duan Lang’s view, they should still be very far away from becoming a domineering martial artist. The distance is right!

In addition, the Lingzhou martial arts world is now almost unified, and the gap in strength and power is very terrifying.

How can Fengyun and the others defeat Xiong Ba? Where is hope!

“First of all, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are both lucky people, so they will have their own adventures and their martial arts will improve very quickly!”

Looking at Duanlang’s expression, Li Lianhua could probably understand what he was thinking, so she opened her mouth to explain!

“Secondly, even if their current martial arts skills are not very good, if they master the martial soul fusion skill, uh, the combination skill, I wouldn’t be surprised if they can defeat anyone!”

After listening to Li Lianhua’s explanation, Duan Lang thought for a moment and nodded silently.

Nie Feng’s martial arts are extraordinary, and he has also obtained the Six Art of Aohan and Xueyin Kuangdao inherited from his family. His martial arts are indeed There has been a huge improvement! And what about Bu Jingyun?

He actually learned the sword master’s holy swordsmanship, and even got the master of the peerless sword in the situation like the last time at Sword Worship Villa!

The two of them have great luck, and their martial arts will improve very quickly. It seems that what Doctor Li said makes sense!

Do they really have great luck?

“Doctor Li, do you think the two of them have a combined skill that can defeat anyone? This, what kind of martial arts is this?”

Of course, what amazed Duan Lang even more was what Li Lianhua said!

Although the two people’s martial arts are not high, once they use their combined abilities, they can defeat anyone?

According to Divine Doctor Li, even if they can Is it possible to defeat the strong men in the land of gods?

This, what kind of martial arts is this, can it be so powerful?

“They have a martial art called Moko Wuliang!”

“This martial arts move can be regarded as the exclusive ability of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun!”

“This is the method they have based on their destiny!”

“There is no secret book for this trick, and no one has taught it to them. They can only rely on them to understand it themselves!”

“Theoretically speaking, there is no upper limit to the intensity of this Moko Wuliang move!”

“That’s why I said, if they can use this trick, I won’t be surprised if they defeat anyone!”

Since the topic has reached this point, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to hide it and replied!


Hearing Li Lianhua reveal the martial arts of Moko Wuliang, and knowing the effectiveness of Moko Wuliang, Duanlang couldn’t help but take a breath, and felt extremely shocked in his heart! In theory, The power of martial arts has no limit?

Is there such a magical and powerful martial arts in the world?

“The two of them are really favored by fate!”

So, after being silent for a long time, Duan Lang couldn’t help but say with emotion!

Yes, there are no secret books and no instructions, but God has destined them to be able to comprehend such magical powers and martial arts. This is not God’s favor. what is it?

“In fact, although they are blessed by God, if you work hard, you can even be stronger than them!”Seeing Duanlang’s envious look, Li Lianhua hesitated for a moment and then said!.

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