Lotus Tower is walking on the rivers and lakes as always.

After Li Lianhua put the newly opened Yuelong Pill into her storage ring, she leaned in front of the window and watched the scenery outside keep retreating!

Suddenly, a figure ran quickly on the road, and when it came to the Lotus Tower, it suddenly stopped!

“Doctor Li? Is it really you?”The figure said in surprise!.

“Oh, Duanlang, what a coincidence!”

Looking at the figure appearing next to the Lotus Tower, Li Lianhua raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise!

“I didn’t expect you, Divine Doctor Li, to come here! Duan Lang said to Li Lianhua!

“oh? here? This is where?”After hearing what Duan Lang said, Li Lianhua asked in surprise!

He was walking around the world, and he didn’t have a clear destination. The Lotus Tower was wherever he went!

However, looking at Duan Lang, It seems like he has arrived somewhere special?

“Doctor Li, don’t you know where this is?”

Sure enough, after listening to Li Lianhua’s words, Duan Lang had a look of surprise on his face, and then he said:”This is the territory of the Leshan Giant Buddha. Five or six miles further, you will find the Lingyun Grotto!”

“It turns out that I actually came to Lingyun Cave?”After hearing what Duan Lang said, Li Lianhua said with some surprise!

In Fengyun’s original work, the Lingyun Grotto of Leshan Giant Buddha can be said to be a very famous place!

At that time, Xiong Ba and Nie Feng’s father This is where King Nie dueled!

Of course, the more important thing is that there is a fire unicorn living in Lingyun Cave, bathed in flames. It can be said that it is one of the four auspicious beasts.

Moreover, Lingyun Cave can be seen! It is the No. 1 treasure trove in the Fengyun world, and many treasures are hidden in it! For example, the Blood Bodhi is a sacred fruit that heals wounds and increases power in the original work!

The art is also hidden in it!

There is also the dragon vein that condenses the great luck, and even the Xuanwu true skill of Wu Wudi, the top ten warrior who defeated Emperor Shitian, is also left here!

So, this Lingyun Cave can be said to be a magical place! The number one treasure trove in Fengyun World!

Originally, the Fire Lin Sword was also hidden in Lingyun Cave!

However, judging from the fact that Nie Feng rescued Bu Jingyun from Baijian Villa before, Nie Feng has already recovered it in Lingyun Cave! He also found his own Xue Yin Kuang Dao and Six Ao Han Jue!

Moreover, he also found the Fire Lin Sword inherited from the Duan Lang family!

Speaking of the four auspicious beasts, the dragon, the phoenix and the black turtle all have the effect of immortality. The Fire Qilin does not have the effect of immortality!

However, the Fire Qilin, which is also one of the four auspicious beasts, can be said to be full of treasures! A piece of scale inlaid on the sword can grow a bleeding Bodhi!

It can create the famous Fire Lin Sword in the world! There is also a mouthful of blood swallowed by the Nie family ancestors, which makes the Nie family descendants suffer from madness. Once the attack occurs, the martial arts can be said to have improved exponentially!

The Qilin arm in the body was just an ordinary arm, and then it was contaminated with the Qilin blood of the Fire Qilin, and it immediately became a peerless weapon, invulnerable to weapons and bullets.

Therefore, although it has no immortality effect, this Fire Qilin is indeed a weapon. It is full of treasures, but it does not disgrace its reputation as one of the four auspicious beasts!

“Doctor Li, didn’t you come here specifically for Lingyun Cave?¨‖ ?”

Not to mention how Li Lianhua sighed in her heart.

After staring at Li Lianhua for a long time, and seeing that he didn’t look like he was joking, Duan Lang said!

“Well, I, the Lotus Tower, wandered here by myself! Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

At this point, after a slight pause, Li Lianhua looked at Duanlang curiously and said,”What about you?” You came to Lingyun Cave specially at this time. What’s the matter?”

“Divine Doctor Li, my father was the Nanlin Sword Master, who was buried under the mouth of the Fire Demon in Lingyun Cave.”

“Today happens to be my father’s death anniversary, and I happen to be near Lingyun Cave, so I came to pay my respects!”

Facing Li Lianhua’s question, Duan Lang didn’t mean to hide it. He raised the things he had prepared in his hand and answered!

Only then did Li Lianhua see that Duan Lang was holding paper money and Offerings such as ingot candles!

“Okay, now that you’re here, let’s go take a look!”

After chatting with Duan Lang for a few words, he confirmed that he was now near Lingyun Cave. Li Lianhua also felt a little interested!

He could go in and have a look at the legendary Lingyun Cave!

Also, what about the Fire Qilin?

If so If you encounter one, maybe you can try to tame it! It seems like a good choice to have such a flaming unicorn as a pet?

We’ve arrived!

Let Lotus Tower park nearby. The path ahead to Lingyun Grotto is no longer suitable for Lotus Tower, so Li Lianhua and Duan Lang walked towards Lingyun Grotto!

“.「 Doctor Li, there are recent rumors in the world that with your help, the Dugu Sword Master has broken through to the terrestrial fairyland!”

After meeting by chance in Lianhua Tower, Duan Lang was naturally very willing to have a good relationship with Li Lianhua.

Therefore, Duan Lang took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Li Lianhua!

“Well, can you say that?”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded calmly!

He said that he was incapable of helping others break through the terrestrial fairyland. Even if he said it, no one would believe it.

Since (Zhao Lihao) is the case, there is no need to deny it. , just nod and admit it!

“Well, I don’t know how much consultation fee it will cost if you, Divine Doctor Li, help people break through to the terrestrial fairyland! ?”

Hearing that Li Lianhua nodded and admitted, Duan Lang said with his eyes shining!

The Land of Gods, this is a realm that even Xiong Ba has not reached!

If he can break through to the Land of Gods and appear in front of Xiong Ba again, Just thinking about Xiong Ba’s face makes Duan Lang feel very excited and envious!

For Duan Lang, in fact, he has always had an uneasy feeling in his heart, that is, when he was a child, why did Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng can be favored by Xiongba and be accepted as his disciple?

But he, as the son of Nanlin Sword Leader, looks down on him?

This is something that he has never understood since he was a child and has never been convinced!

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