Xiong Ba naturally didn’t believe Wen Chou Chou’s words.

However, Xiong Ba can understand Wen Chou Chou’s reaction!.After all, even if I had been shocked by the situation of the Sword Master just now, my answer would make Wen Chou Chou feel frightened. Is this reasonable?

Of course, the more important thing is that Wen Chou Chou is very capable and speaks nicely.

Therefore, Xiongba has no intention of holding on to this point!

“Gang Leader, Chou Chou is going down to do some work right now!”

Seeing the change in Xiong Ba’s face, Wen Chou Chou knew that this time he had passed. After secretly breathing a sigh of relief, he bowed his head and saluted Xiong Ba.

After receiving Xiong Ba’s approval, Wen Chou Chou turned around and left!

It’s just that , Wen Chou Chou, who left the First Floor of the World, couldn’t help but look back at”Nine Five Three”, secretly surprised in his heart!

Sword Master’s Sword Twenty-Three, that is an inhuman swordsmanship, no matter how high the gang leader’s martial arts are. It’s unstoppable!

Not to mention that the sword master’s cultivation has reached the realm of land gods!

However, the gang leader is very stubborn and does not worry at all that he is not the opponent of the sword master. On the contrary, he has to face the difficulties. ?

What is going on?

Wen Chou Chou whispered in his heart, but he couldn’t understand it at all! Why did Wen Chou Chou feel uneasy next to Xiong Ba? Serving, Wen Chou Chou can be said to be a companion to the emperor like a tiger!

Therefore, observing the behavior is a method that must be mastered, and he must understand the thoughts of the leader of the Xiong Gang, so as to ensure that he can live well by his side!

However, now I can’t figure out what Xiong Gang Leader is thinking, which makes Wen Chou Chou feel very uneasy!

After all, Wen Chou Chou knows very well that Xiong Gang Leader is not the kind of person who knows that he will. Even if you die, you still keep moving forward!

“Clay Bodhisattva, the best physiognomist in the world, I hope your criticism is not wrong!”

Not to mention what Wen Chou Chou was thinking outside at the moment. At this time, Xiong Ba’s brows were full of thoughts, and then he muttered in a low voice!

At the beginning, Xiong Ba didn’t want Ni Bodhisattva The criticism was correct, because he could not accept the fate of success or failure!

But now, Xiong Ba hoped in his heart that Ni Bodhisattva’s criticism was correct! Only then can he be unafraid of the Sword Master!

However, when the decisive battle is about to begin, he will not be defeated by the Sword Master.


Xiong Ba thought for a long time and couldn’t think of a reason why the world would be like this! Bian, what is Xiongba thinking!

At this time, the world is in shock! Two of the news have become the biggest hot topics in the world!


It turns out that the people who have been invited to Xia Ke Island for so many years have not been killed. They are just addicted to the peerless magic skills on Xia Ke Island, so they are unwilling to come back.

And the martial arts on Xia Ke Island have no qualifications. Too high a requirement.

As long as you indulge in it and practice for ten or eight years, you can usually reach the level of a great master?

After this news spread throughout the world, it can be said that the entire world was completely shocked!

, Countless people are beating their chests with regret!

No one in the world knows about this kind of fate!

If I had been invited to the Knight Island, wouldn’t this mean that I would reach the Grand Master level soon? Of course , regarding the situation on Xiake Island, hundreds of great masters from Xiake Island have returned to the Central Plains. This news has also shocked countless people!

Strong men appear one after another, and the high-end strength of the entire world seems to have been greatly improved!

Another news is that from the Zhonghua Pavilion!

Because Wuming broke through the land of gods, Dugu Jian of Wushuang City. Sheng found the Zhonghua Pavilion and had a duel with Wuming!

Facing Wuming in the land of gods, Sword Master actually used a move called Sword Twenty-Three that was incomparable to human swordsmanship.

This move could freeze time and space, making people unable to move. He couldn’t do it, and then he watched helplessly as the Sword Master came to kill him………

Even Wuming, who is in the Land of Land Gods, can only compete with the Sword Master!

Then, not long after Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus Tower, appeared in the Chinese Pavilion, the Sword Master also broke through to the land of fairyland!

This news also caused a storm in the world!

On the one hand, the Sword Master broke through to the terrestrial fairyland, and on the other hand, the terrifying twenty-three swords!

Let everyone in the world be shocked!

Of course, if there is anything in common between the Xia Ke Island incident and the Sword 23 incident.

So, it should be said that these two incidents are related to the owner of Lotus!

It is rumored that Li Lianhua solved the mystery of the Taixuan Sutra of Xiake Island!

And Dugu Sword Master was able to break through to the realm of land gods, and he must have received the help of the owner of Lotus Tower. Only then can he successfully break through to the land of gods!

For a time, countless people were shocked!

Although I have known for a long time that the owner of Lotus Tower has the ability to help people reach the land of fairyland.

Even his disciple Fang Duobing, with an elixir, directly jumped from the innate realm to the terrestrial fairy realm!

However, more and more terrestrial fairyland appear, almost all because of the help of the owner of Lotus Tower. This news still makes many people feel amazed!

These shocking news will naturally have different concerns for different people in the world!

On the side of Xueyue City, Baili Dongjun had a look of emotion on his face as he looked into the distance:”Li Lianhua, has he helped others break through to the terrestrial fairyland again?”

As someone who also broke through with the help of Li Lianhua, Baili Dongjun Mr. Lidong has a lot of say!

With Li Lianhua’s ability to modify the soul with his hands, Li Lianhua can indeed help those people in the world who are only one step away from breaking through to the land of fairyland!

It’s like relying on a key university. For people whose scores are only 10 points behind, Li Lianhua can help them succeed!

It seems like the difference is only 10 points.

But 10 points represents a large number of people.…….

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