Bai Zizai used to like to hear the flattering words of his disciples the most, which made him feel very happy!

But now, when he listened to the flattering words of these disciples, Bai Zizai’s mouth twitched slightly.

He felt very inferior, and even wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into!

How could I just sit in a well and look at the sky?

This time after walking around Xiake Island, Bai Zizai truly saw what it means that there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are people outside the world!

Over at Xia Ke Island, hundreds of great masters were walking around.

I can only be regarded as a middle or even lower level of cultivation on the Knight Island!

Now when I hear these things about being first in internal strength, first in fists and kicks, etc., I am really so embarrassed that I have no face to see anyone!

“OK OK!”

Before these disciples”Qi Liu San” could finish speaking, Bai Zizai felt on pins and needles and hurriedly waved his hands, interrupting these people’s words.

“From now on, you are no longer allowed to say such things as first in internal strength, first in fists and feet, first in hidden weapons, etc.!”

“These deceptive lies will only make people laugh if they are heard by other people!”

“Have you remembered them all?”

Bai Zizai spoke, staring at these disciples seriously!

However, his words made many Snow Mountain Sect disciples above the main hall look at each other with astonishment on their faces!

The former leader was not Do you like hearing these words the most?

Moreover, if someone doesn’t say something right, he may be beaten severely!

However, the current leader suddenly doesn’t let anyone say it, let alone these snowy mountains ? The disciples of the sect, even Liao Zili, who were of the same generation as Bai Zizai, were looking at each other with confusion on their faces at this moment!

“What happened to the leader? Suddenly enlightened?”

An old man with white hair and beard next to him said with a stunned expression!

“I don’t think so. How could the leader become enlightened for no reason? Moreover, he suddenly came back from Xia Ke Island, which is full of weirdness!”Another man shook his head and said!

“Yes, for decades, no one who went to Xiake Island has heard of anyone coming back. Why did the leader come back?”

Liao Zili also nodded, saying that all this is very strange!

“So, what you are saying is, is the leader not the leader?”


There was no way, it was because Bai Zizai was too deeply possessed before, so he suddenly stopped allowing others to say those words of praise for him, which made everyone feel at a loss!

It’s a shame these people haven’t been baptized by modern information.

Otherwise, we must have serious suspicions. Has the leader been taken away? Or was he soul-pierced?


Not to mention the current situation on the Snow Mountain Sect’s side, on the other side, the Changle Gang!

With the bastard becoming the leader of the Changle Gang and taking over the Xiake Island brand, the Changle Gang has finally weathered the disaster!

These days, Bei Haishi’s thoughts are focused on his practice of the Eight Diagrams of the I Ching!

Originally, there were eight pictures of the I Ching Bagua left by Patriarch Bodhidharma!

However, Bei Haishi is missing one piece.

Therefore, his cultivation level has always been stuck at the level of a great master and cannot break through!

Over the years, Bei Haishi’s thoughts have been focused on how to repair the last I Ching Bagua diagram!

But, I still have no clue!

Recently, because the crisis on Xiake Island has been resolved, Bei Haishi feels like a big stone has been lifted from his heart!

This state of mind has become different, and naturally, my thoughts have also changed!

Today, as always, when I was thinking about repairing the Eight Diagrams of the I Ching, an idea flashed in my mind, and then Bei Haishi sat cross-legged!

My own cultivation level seems to be in decline, constantly surging!


At the same time, a large thick dark cloud floated from nowhere in the sky of Changle Gang.

Along with the dark clouds, the vision of lightning and thunder appeared!

The Changle Gang, and even people within a radius of dozens of miles, all looked up to the sky at this moment.

Looking at the vision of dark clouds, lightning and thunder in the sky, there was a look of astonishment on their faces!

What’s going on? Suddenly, why does the sky look like this!

Along with the appearance of the vision of heaven and earth, a huge breath quickly expanded like a balloon!

“This, this suddenly, has it been dark for so long? Is this going to thunder and rain?”Gui Gui looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky and murmured in a low voice!

“Go, go, go, this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, at first glance, it is not formed naturally, okay? Can you have some insight?”The Sui Sui next to him said angrily after giving the other party a roll of his eyes!

“Are you knowledgeable? If you are knowledgeable, tell me, what is going on with this vision of heaven and earth?”Guigui didn’t give in at all and asked angrily!

“Such changes in the heaven and earth phenomena are obviously changes that can only occur when someone’s cultivation level breaks through!”

“Generally, when someone breaks through to the level of a great master, it will be accompanied by changes in the celestial phenomena!”

“However, this kind of movement is definitely not something that can be caused by a breakthrough in the Grand Master Realm!”

“so, so……”

Having said this, a look of shock appeared on Xing Sui’s face!

When the ghost next to him heard this, he also understood what the other party meant. He answered the other party’s words with an expression on his face and said:”So, you mean, this is someone who broke through the land fairyland!?”

The land fairy! ?

The word Sneaky came out of his mouth, and both of them couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air!

Land gods, there are only a handful of land gods in the entire world, right?

Is someone suddenly going to break through to land immortality? Who is it?


Countless people looked up to the sky. Many people realized that this was a vision that could only be seen by someone who had broken through the land of gods. For a time, countless people in the world were shocked by it!

Likewise, I am also very curious!

After all, every strong person who breaks through the land of gods should be a top existence in the world, right?

Who made the breakthrough?

Not to mention what was going on outside, after half a stick of incense had passed, Bei Haishi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy:”Hahaha, Bei has finished practicing the Eight Diagrams of the I Ching!”

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