Li Lianhua’s words silenced the Lord of Dragon Island!

Not to mention, although the world is pursuing the existence of immortals, what is it actually like?

As for the immortals, I have never seen them.

Therefore, it only exists in legends and not many people know about it.

Even the Lord of Dragon Island has not carefully considered what is so special about the Immortal!

Today, Li Lianhua talked about the difference between immortals and mortals, which made everyone on Dragon Island feel refreshed!

It turns out that the difference between immortals and mortals is actually like this?

This is something I have never considered!

“Doctor Li, are you just one step away from becoming an immortal?”

But the island owner next to him spoke at this time, asking Li Lianhua with wonder in his eyes!

Since Li Lianhua can clearly explain the difference between immortals and mortals, then he must have some understanding of the situation of immortals. Yes, since he said there was only one last step left, he must not be lying, right?

“indeed so!”Li Lianhua nodded and gave an affirmative answer!

The cultivation method is a high-grade heavenly immortal technique. Li Lianhua naturally knows the situation of immortals very well.

With his current cultivation level in the Return to Void Realm, he is said to be far away from immortals. We are only one step away from reaching the realm. This is not nonsense!

“Just now, Divine Doctor Li, you said you could overcome the calamity and become an immortal?”Following that, Island Master Mu asked again!

“Yes, it is not that easy to become an immortal!”

“As the saying goes, being obedient can lead to being ordinary, and being unfaithful can lead to immortality!”

“If you want to become an immortal, you have to break out of the rules that Heaven imposes on mortals. This will naturally lead to the test of Heaven!”

“Therefore, if you want to become an immortal, you must first suffer a catastrophe!”

“Only by successfully surviving this catastrophe can one truly become an immortal!”

Now that the topic has reached this point, Li Lianhua naturally had no intention of hiding it and nodded frankly!

These words made the Dragon Island Master and Mu Island Master exchange looks. , there was a look of amazement on their faces!

Unexpectedly, to become an immortal, you must encounter a heavenly tribulation. Is this a test from God, and is it also a way for God to prevent mortals from becoming immortals?

But I have to admit, Li Lianhua? It does make sense!

If you want to step out of the realm of heaven, it is reasonable for heaven to stop you!

“It turns out that the situation of immortals is actually like this. Thank you Divine Doctor Li for clearing up our doubts..!”

In this way, after being silent for a long time, the Dragon Island Master said with emotion!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Lord Long Island continued:”In addition, I am here to bless Divine Doctor Li. I hope you can successfully survive the catastrophe and become a true immortal in the future!”

Although Li Lianhua did not go carefully. Explain the situation of surviving the catastrophe.

However, since it is a test from God, and it is also God’s obstacle to becoming an immortal, then you can guess it even with your toes.

It must be very difficult and extremely dangerous to become an immortal!

The Lord of Dragon Island opened his mouth and blessed!

“Yes, although there have been rumors of immortals for a long time, after listening to your explanation today, Divine Doctor Li, I realized that those so-called immortals are just mortals with powerful strength or strange methods, and they are not true immortals!”

“We two brothers also hope that you, Doctor Li, can successfully take the last step and become a true immortal!”

“In this way, we brothers can be regarded as seeing true immortals in this life!”

Island Master Mu also nodded and said to Li Lianhua with emotion!

“Thank you both!”

Listening to the blessings given to her by the Dragon Island Master and the Wood Island Master, Li Lianhua also had a smile on her face, and she nodded her head and said!

“By the way, there is also the matter of gold……”

After chatting about some issues about immortals, Dragon Island Master then brought the topic to the medical fees!

Then, the owner of Dragon Island clapped his hands, and many people from Knight Island came in carrying big boxes!

When these big boxes are opened, there are many martial arts secrets inside, as well as many exotic flowers and rare medicinal materials!

Although Xiake Island is isolated overseas, there is not much gold and silver!

However, the people of Xiake Island travel around the world and collect a lot of information on the world, so that they can accurately reward good and punish evil, and even destroy many sects.

Therefore, some martial arts secrets are still available! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In addition, making Laba porridge requires a lot of medicinal materials, so there are also many rare medicinal materials in Xiake Island!

These things were brought to Li Lianhua. The Dragon Island Master said that these were the medical fees for four longevity pills, and asked Li Lianhua if they were enough!

After Li Lianhua took a general glance, he secretly estimated the price!

All the martial arts secrets and the valuation of these rare medicinal materials will be over soon.

Worth 3.58 million taels of silver!

This made Li Lianhua nod silently. The two island owners came up with quite a lot!

“`How about it, Doctor Li, are these enough?”

Because he is alone overseas, the owner of Dragon Island doesn’t know much about the price of the things he brought out.

“It’s enough, and it’s a bit too much!”Listening to the question from the Dragon Island Master, Li Lianhua said!

Although Li Lianhua has always treated people’s injuries and illnesses, there is no fixed amount of medical fees.

But in fact, they are generally controlled within a certain range.

Especially for elixirs. The price has a clear market price! Therefore, after charging so much money for medicine that clearly exceeded the standard, Li Lianhua did not mean to say it was appropriate!

Put a touch on the storage ring!

Then, he took out the three longevity pills again and sent them to the two island owners, saying:”I have three more longevity pills here, which are probably the extra money for the medicine, take them!”

Unexpectedly, I only paid for four longevity pills, but it was so much more?

Doctor Li took out three more longevity pills?

This made the two Longmu Island Masters look at each other in shock!

However, for the two of them, For the island owner, this was an unexpected surprise!

Therefore, the two of them did not mean to be polite. After the island owner took the three longevity pills from Li Lianhua’s hand, he nodded to Li Lianhua. Said:”Thank you very much, Divine Doctor Li. Although Divine Doctor Li must pay attention to the medical fees, he is a childlike and innocent person, which is admirable to the people!””

Hearing the approval from the Dragon Island Master, Li Lianhua just smiled, and then focused on the amount of his medical fee.……

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