“Doctor Li, did you make a mistake?”

The Lord of Dragon Island looked stunned, looked at Li Lianhua, and said:”Brother Mu and I have been staying in Xiake Island for so many years and have regarded this place as our home. We have no intention of leaving Xiake Island!”

“Yes, yes, Divine Doctor Li, Brother Long and I have no intention of leaving Knight Island!”

Following the words of Island Master Long, Island Master Mu next to him also nodded and said!

“Maybe you haven’t thought about leaving, but sometimes, you have to leave!”

Listening to the words of these two island owners, Li Lianhua said with a smile!

“Doctor Li, what do you mean by this! ?”

Seeing Li Lianhua’s categorical statement that she would leave Knight Island, the two island owners became even more confused and didn’t understand what was going on!

“Underneath this Xiake Island is an underwater volcano!”

“If my predictions are correct, this submarine volcano will explode in a few months!”

“By then, the entire Xiake Island will be buried under the submarine volcano, and you will naturally have to leave!”

Facing the doubtful looks of the two island owners, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to hide it and answered calmly!

“What! ?”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s words and hearing that the Knight Island was about to be destroyed, both Long Island Master and Mu Island Master looked shocked.

For the two island owners, the Knight Island has gone through several years. After ten years of development, it has reached its current scale!

They completely regard Xiake Island as their own home!

Now, when they learned that Xiake Island was about to be destroyed, their faces were naturally very ugly. of!

“Doctor Li, are you sure?”The two island owners asked, staring at Li Lianhua with burning eyes!

“Sure!”Li Lianhua nodded and gave them a very affirmative answer!

In the original work, when the bastard read all the secret rooms and thoroughly learned the martial arts of Tai Xuan Jing, there were no words on the wall for who knows how many years. The rotten secret book was completely peeled off and destroyed!

Moreover, after the Taixuan Jing’s martial arts was completely peeled off, the submarine volcano under Xiake Island also erupted!

In the original work, this seems to be a trigger mechanism. After learning the Taixuan Sutra, there seems to be no need for the existence of the Knight Island!

Now that the bastard is also on the Xiake Island, in Li Lianhua’s opinion, he should not be able to learn the Taixuan Sutra like in the original work. Problem!

By then, Xiake Island should be completely destroyed like in the original work. Therefore, Li Lianhua thinks that the two island owners in the original work have to leave! Did he also accompany Xiake Island and die at the bottom of the sea?

That’s because the two island owners couldn’t help but take action after seeing the bastard successfully learn the Taixuan Sutra, and had a fight with his soul.

The two dead people completely lost their last bit of life!

Therefore, before Xiake Island was completely buried under the sea, the two island owners had already died!

Now that I am here, I can increase the lifespan of the two island owners! , I guess they won’t die like in the original work, right?

Being able to look directly at death doesn’t mean that he is willing to die! It

‘s like a man can handle the relationship between two people calmly after being betrayed by his girlfriend.

It doesn’t mean that this man likes to be betrayed by his girlfriend.

The truth is the same!

Not to mention what Li Lianhua is thinking!

After confirming from Li Lianhua that Xiake Island will be destroyed by the submarine volcano, Long The faces of the two island owners turned very ugly, and then they both let out a long sigh!

“To put it this way, we are really ashamed of the peerless magical skills on Knight Island!”Dragon Island Master suddenly said with a long sigh!

“Yes, we all practiced wrongly, so we wanted to summon people with extraordinary qualifications in the martial arts world to discuss it together!”

“The reason is to find out what the real mystery of this Taixuan Jing is!”

“However, before we have time to unravel the true mystery of the Taixuan Sutra, are we going to sit back and watch the entire Knight Island being buried in an undersea volcano?”

“Alas, wouldn’t it be that all our hard work for so many years has been in vain?”

At the end of the sentence, Island Master Mu said with a look of deathly gray on his face! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“well, let’s get back to business……”

Not to mention how the two island owners Long Mu felt about me at the moment, Li Lianhua opened his mouth at this time, looked at the two of them, and said:”Are you still interested in the business I just mentioned? In other words, are you still interested? Do you still want to live?”

Speaking of this, Li Lianhua paused slightly and then said:”However, I still want to persuade you!”

“Only if this person is alive can everything be possible!”

“If this person dies, there will be nothing left!”

“Can the two island owners think it through themselves?”

After saying these words, Li Lianhua had no intention of saying anything more to the two island owners. She directly waved to Zhang San and Li Si who were not far away, and asked them to take her to observe some of the scenery of Xiake Island.

At the same time, she also This gave Island Master Long and Island Master Mu time to digest the information they said!

“Doctor Li, I’ll go with you too……”

Hearing that Li Lianhua wanted to go see the beautiful scenery, the bastard felt that there was nothing wrong with him staying here. After shouting, he left with Li Lianhua!

Seeing that the two island owners had no other explanations, Zhang San and Li Si naturally had no intention of refusing, and took Li Lianhua for a walk around some of the better places on Xiake Island!

“Not bad, the scenery of Xiake Island has a unique flavor!”

Although I sailed on the big ship for several days, the sea view on the ship and the sea view on the island feel completely different!

It’s like the same girl, what she sees outside and what she sees on the island are completely different. What I saw on the bed in the room, can this feel the same?

“Yes, yes, the scenery here is indeed beautiful!”

Hearing this, the bastard next to him nodded in agreement and said!

“Doctor Li, Shaoxia Shi……”

Listening to what the two said, Zhang San still had that cheerful look on his face, and said:”To be honest, although the scenery of Xiake Island has been good these few times, maybe you two are the only ones on the island who are interested in being here. Viewed for six!”

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