Under the leadership of the knight islanders, Li Lianhua and other people who had just landed on the island came to a large cave on the island!

This cave is very empty, like a natural palace. There are all tables, chairs and benches here!

Even if you want to take action, you have to see what the people on Xia Ke Island are doing first, right?

Therefore, seeing that Li Lianhua and the bastard had no intention of taking action, these people in the world just watched patiently!

Soon, dozens of people came to Xiake Island, lining up to show their welcome!

However, what makes these people in the world more concerned is that among the people lining up to welcome everyone, Zhang San and Li Si are actually standing at the back!

“what happened? Why do these two envoys of rewarding good and punishing evil stand so far back from”900″?”

“Could it be that the rules on the Knight Island are the opposite of those in the Central Plains? Does the person standing at the back actually have a higher status?”

“This doesn’t seem like it!”

“The strange thing about this Xiake Island is that everything is weird!”


Seeing these people from Xia Ke Island actually lined up to welcome them, this made An Fengri and others murmur secretly in their hearts.

I just feel that the people on Xiake Island are weasels paying New Year greetings to the chickens, and they have no good intentions!

At the same time, seeing Zhang San and Li Si leaning at the back of the queue, these people were also very surprised!

“Li Lianhua……”

Bai Zizai was also a little confused, and then looked towards Li Lianhua and said,”People in the world have said that you are not only a master of medicine, but also a master of many secrets in the world.”

“Zhang San and Li Si have been traveling around the world for many years, but now they are standing at the back of the knight island. Do you know why?”

Bai Zizai’s words can be said to have asked the questions in the minds of everyone present.

Therefore, as Bai Zizai finished speaking, these people all looked at Li Lianhua in surprise!

“Why is this possible? Haven’t you all seen it? Since they are standing so far back, this shows that their status is not high on Knight Island!”

After hearing Bai Zizai’s inquiry and seeing that everyone was looking at him with inquiring eyes, Li Lianhua answered directly!

Bai Zizai:”……”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s words, Bai Zizai was speechless, and the faces of other charlatans around him also became a little ugly!

Good guy, these three Li Si are the two messengers who are famous in the world for rewarding good and punishing evil.

Even at the Grand Master level, their martial arts are considered outstanding!

However, on this knight island, the status is not very high?

It’s not that everyone can’t tell when they see the scene in front of them.

It’s really unbelievable that this truth can be told!

“Li Lianhua, do you mean that on this knight island, strong masters of the Grand Master Realm are everywhere?”

The third-year high school lady next to her couldn’t help but feel shocked, and asked Li Lianhua!

Grand Master, if this were placed in the world, who wouldn’t be able to shake the world with just a stomp of his feet?

But, are they everywhere on this knight island?

How is this possible?

“Seeing is believing, if you don’t believe it, you can test their cultivation!”

In response to the words of the third-year lady, Li Lianhua just smiled slightly and did not explain so much!

Don’t believe it, this is really the situation on the Knight Island!

On this Knight Island, it is really the Grand Master Realm Strong men are everywhere!

You know, Zhang San and Li Si in the original book were sworn in with the bastard. At that time, the bastard once asked them about the situation on the knight island! At that time, Zhang San only said that it was not convenient to talk too much outside the island!

The only thing I can say is that my official position on Xiake Island is probably relative to the status of a county magistrate in the imperial court!

What level of official is a county magistrate?

That is higher than the entire officialdom. , can really only be regarded as a low-level official!

In addition, in the original work, Bai Zizai stayed up most of the night and went out for a walk, and happened to see the staff on Xiake Island cooking Laba porridge overnight! The medicinal materials were all highly poisonous!

At that time, Bai Zizai was so angry that he wanted to throw the person who made the Laba porridge into the pot! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But what’s embarrassing is that After exerting force for several times, the porridge maker seemed to have roots on his feet and could not move at all!

At that time, Bai Zizai was stunned!

Then he heard from the other party that the martial arts of everyone who was making the Laba porridge had been compromised by him. At that time, Bai Zizai’s entire world view collapsed!

So, all of these people on Xiake Island are at the Grand Master level. This is really not an exaggeration, but a fact!…

Listening to what Li Lianhua said, this was acknowledgment that the people on Xiake Island were all at the Grand Master level. Everyone present took a deep breath!

Except for Bai Bai, everyone who came to Xiake Island this time took a breath! There are only a few people in Zizi and Ding Busan who have reached the level of Grand Master, and the others are all below the level of Grand Master!

But now, I heard that there are people at the Grand Master level all over the knight island?

Everyone was completely dumbfounded! Is

Xia Ke Island really so scary?

Originally, when I came to Xia Ke Island this time, because Li Lianhua was there, the bastard from the Land of Gods spoke up and said that he would do it too. Take action!

Everyone felt reassured0…….

I feel that if the two of them take the lead, it is still possible to directly overthrow the Knight Island!

But now 0.2, I learned that the Grand Master Realm is everywhere on Xiake Island. There are literally dozens or even hundreds of powerful masters at the Grand Master Realm.���

This situation makes everyone feel suffocated! []

More than a hundred powerful people in the Grand Master Realm?

There are countless warriors in the entire world, but there are only about a hundred strong masters at the Grand Master level, right?

Is the number of Grand Masters on this Knight Island enough to compare with all the Grand Masters in the entire world combined?

Isn’t this simply too exaggerated?

Strong masters at the Grand Master Realm are just like vegetables and radishes on this knight island, they can be seen everywhere?

It’s over!

The Xiake Island is so terrifying. Even if Master Lianhua and Shao Xia Shi are both in the realm of land gods, they may not be able to fight, right?.

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