What Wuming said made Li Lianhua slightly startled. He never expected that Wuming would ask him about Wanjian’s return to the clan!

However, after thinking for a moment, Li Lianhua could probably understand Wuming’s thoughts!

As the saying goes, people will always be stuck in the things they asked for but couldn’t get when they were young.

This psychological shadow may take a lifetime to heal!

This situation is used to describe Wu Ming, so it should make sense, right?

For Wuming, what is the thing that cannot be obtained?

That’s it for Wan Jian to return to his clan!

When he was still a disciple of the Sword Sect, Wuming knelt down and taught himself the Supreme Sword of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect!

But it is a pity that the master’s heart is actually more biased towards his son, Po Jun, who is also the nameless fellow disciple!

Later, the master decided to let Wuming and Pojun fight in a duel. Whoever has higher martial arts skills will get the martial arts secrets of Wanjian Guizong!

According to the situation of the duel at that time, no one should actually win!

However, at the last critical moment, the master directly threw away the jade pendant given to Wuming by his apprenticeship, and Wuming had to reach out to catch it!

After all, if the apprenticeship ceremony that had been given back then had been thrown away like this, wouldn’t it mean that the relationship between master and disciple was broken?

Then, the unknown master used his magical power to freeze the entire sword room, including several martial arts seniors who were witnesses!

This duel ended like this!

And this incident also made Wuming clearly see his master’s partiality.

The secret book of Wanjian’s return to the sect naturally became a pain in Wuming’s heart, something he could not get after asking for it!

Although, a long time has passed, and now Wuming has even reached the level of land fairyland!

However, when there was a chance to get the secret book of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, Wuming still wanted to try it!

I don’t have high hopes, but it’s not difficult to ask more questions, right?

What if, what if the owner of Lotus Tower happened to know about Wan Jian’s return to the clan?

“Wan Jian Guizong, I really know something!”

Not to mention what Wuming was thinking, at this time, Li Lianhua, after pondering for a moment, nodded and said!

“oh? Doctor Li, you really know about Wan Jian’s return to the clan! ?”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s nod, Wuming’s eyes widened and he looked at Li Lianhua in surprise and asked!

“Yes, I do know something!”Li Lianhua nodded and said!

“So, may I ask Divine Doctor Li what do you know?”

Although Li Lianhua’s answer was a bit unexpected!

But since he knew it, for Wuming, it was naturally a happy thing. Wuming hurriedly asked Li Lianhua!

“I know quite a lot!”

“For example, you originally wanted to get the secret book of Wanjian’s return to the clan, but your master favored his son Pojun!”

“I also know that several martial arts seniors, including Dugu Yifang, were invited to watch the battle as witnesses, but they were all frozen!”

“You also know what is written in the secret book of Wanjian’s return to the sect!”

Li Lianhua opened his mouth and replied to Wuming!

These words made Wuming look at Li Lianhua in disbelief!

Logically speaking, what happened back then should be the only ones in the world who escaped from the frozen sword room. It’s only right that Po Jun knows!

But, Li Lianhua actually knows too?

“There are rumors in the world that Doctor Li is very familiar with many secrets in the world!”

“Originally I didn’t have much feeling!”

“Now, I can feel it personally!”

“Doctor Li, your ability is really shocking!”

Looking at Li Lianhua in astonishment, after looking at it for a long time, Wu Ming finally looked a little sad, shook his head and said!

In response to Wu Ming’s words, Li Lianhua just smiled slightly and didn’t say much!

“Divine Doctor Li, since you know what the secret book of Wan Jian Guizong says, can you tell me?”

Wu Ming followed up and asked Li Lianhua!

In fact, not to mention his current cultivation level in the land of gods and immortals, even if Wu Ming was in the previous Heavenly Sword Realm, the Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect is relatively useless to him!

In the original work Some people have said that in fact, Wuming, who has practiced the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect, seems to be not as powerful as Wuming who was in the Heavenly Sword realm when he first appeared!

However, in Wuming’s heart, the secret book of Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect has almost become Where is his obsession?

So, as long as there is a chance, Wuming still wants to get the secret of Wan Jian’s return to the clan!

This is like a man’s first love! But, a man’s first love is not so beautiful.

, but is always so unforgettable!

And Wan Jian Guizong is such a status to Wu Ming!

“The martial arts secrets of Wan Jian Guizong are actually of no use to you!”

Listening to Wuming’s question, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to hide it and spoke!

When these words came out, Wuming looked at Li Lianhua even more shocked, not quite understanding what he meant!

Without waiting for Wuming to continue asking, Li Lianhua followed. He opened his mouth and said:”The sword manual of Wanjian Guizong actually depicts some simple sword moves that can be seen everywhere in the world! 953!”

“Even a beginner in swordsmanship can understand it, it’s very simple!”

“The secret of Wanjian’s return to the clan does not lie in the sword moves, but in the four mottos left on the sword manual!”

After listening to Li Lianhua’s introduction, Wuming couldn’t help but take the initiative to ask:”I don’t know, which four maxims are they?”

“All energy is generated by itself!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The sword rushes into the waste hole!”

“Return to the source of martial arts!”

“Zong Yuan has great merit!”

Li Lianhua answered!

Listening to the four maxims spit out from Li Lianhua’s mouth, Wuming chewed them in a low voice!

Obviously, Wuming couldn’t understand the true meaning of these sixteen words of maxims!

Not only Wuming, but also Jian Chen next to him had a thoughtful look in his eyes!

However, he couldn’t get anything!

In the end, a pair of eyes looked at Li Lianhua with doubts!

“Let me give you a hint, these four maxims are actually acrostics!”

Seeing the questioning looks in Wuming and Jianchen’s eyes, Li Lianhua said with a smile!

After receiving this reminder, Wuming and Jianchen’s eyes lit up!

Yes, the first word of these four maxims added together, is not correct

Is”ten thousand swords return to the clan” a word?: Đạo Thiên Vô Tình

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