Although the longevity medicine can only extend life by 10 years.

However, relatively speaking, 500,000 yuan for medicine is not expensive!

As long as you have money, wouldn’t it be nice to buy a few more?

I didn’t know it before, so Jian Tan only collected 500,000 taels of silver as a consultation fee for Li Lianhua.

Now, knowing that Mrs. Ao has the elixir of longevity in her hands, Jian Tan will naturally buy as much elixir as possible!

Where can one be satisfied? If it were possible, Jian Tan would buy as much as he could!

Although she promised Madam Ao that the news about the longevity medicine in her hand would not be leaked!

However, since Doctor Li has put the elixir of longevity on consignment with her, as long as she can pay for it, she can’t make sense not to sell it to herself, right?

“Madam, the broken wave is coming……”

After Jian Tan left, not long after, the housekeeper of Jianjian Villa came to Mrs. Ao again and said!

“Well, the situation is still the same. When the time comes to count, count more carefully, not so fast!”Mrs. Ao nodded after hearing this.

She immediately stood up and welcomed Duan Lang into the main hall of Sword Worship Villa.

“Mr. Duan, it will take some time to take stock of these medical fees. Why don’t you come and have some tea and have a rest?”Mrs. Ao said to Duan Lang!

If Jian 963 is here, he will definitely feel very familiar!

Why? Because what Mrs. Ao said to Duan Lang now is exactly what she just said to herself!

As a person who has grown up since childhood, People who disliked each other were sitting here drinking tea and chatting. Naturally, the topic inevitably turned to Bu Jingyun.

Duan Lang also asked whether Bu Jingyun’s medical fee had been sent.!

“Mr. Bu’s medical fee was sent over early!”

“A full 5 million taels!”

“Among them, 3.5 million was owed to Divine Doctor Li a long time ago!”

“1 million is his consultation fee!”

“Well, Mr. Duan, you were able to collect 500,000 taels of silver in just one month. This method should not be underestimated!”


Still using the same words, Mrs. Ao seemed to have let something slip, and followed up with a few compliments to change the subject!

However, after hearing Madam Ao’s words, Duan Lang’s face turned a bit ugly and his brows furrowed slightly!

It took me so much time to collect the consultation fee of 500,000 taels.

However, that guy Bu Jingyun has collected 5 million taels! ?

Mrs. Ao praised that it was not easy for her to collect the 500,000 taels, but what about Bu Jingyun?

Isn’t this a different way of saying that he is not as good as Bu Jingyun?

This is naturally hard for Duan Lang to accept!

Not as good as anyone else, but not as good as Bu Jingyun? This is absolutely unacceptable to Duanlang!

Besides, Duan Lang also understood what Madam Ao just said!

“Madam proud……”

Duan Lang’s face straightened, he stared at Mrs. Ao seriously, and said:”The 3.5 million that Bu Jingyun took was originally owed to Divine Doctor Li, and the 1 million was used for healing. So, where is the remaining 500,000?”

“Bu Jingyun still has 500,000, what is it used for?”

“Madam Ao, please don’t lie to me!”


After a stick of incense, Duan Lang left the Sword Worship Villa in a hurry just like Jian Tan before!

Unlike Jian Tan who asked for a longevity pill and left, Duan Lang has not completely turned black at this time, so he still has to face it!

He just made Mrs. Ao promise to prepare the elixir of life for him within a month, and he would collect enough medicine money to buy the elixir of life within a month!

Duanlang is still not willing to do things like owing someone else money for medicine and paying on credit every now and then!

After Duan Lang left, naturally, not long after, Jian Chen also came over with a diagnosis fee of 500,000 taels!

Still using the same set of words, Jian Chen also learned the news that there was elixir for sale in Jianjian Villa! (cibh) Therefore, Jian Chen also asked Mrs. Ao to leave one for him, and he would collect the money for the medicine and send it over as soon as possible!

I’m still young, so I won’t be able to use this longevity medicine in a short time!

However, his master Wuming is already quite old. If he can give him a longevity pill at this time, this is what his master needs most right now, right?

“Okay, young hero Jianchen, go slowly, I will definitely leave you an elixir of longevity!”Mrs. Ao showed a smile on her face, nodded to Jian Chen and said, respectfully seeing Jian Chen off!

“Well, Madam Ao, I have no intention of leaving in a hurry.……”

However, facing Mrs. Ao’s expulsion order, Jian Chen looked a little embarrassed and said!

“Young Hero Jianchen, what else is going on?”Hearing this, Mrs. Ao looked at Jian Chen with surprised eyes and asked!

“Madam Ao, there are rumors in the world, aren’t you able to contact Divine Doctor Li?”

“I don’t know, can you help me contact Divine Doctor Li?”

“He just said,”My master wants to see him. I wonder when Dr. Li will be free?””Jian Chen opened his mouth and asked Madam Ao!

“Well, okay, let me contact you and take a look!”

After hearing what Jian Chen said, Mrs. Ao thought about it. Wuming’s status was extraordinary. If he wanted to see Li Lianhua, he could convey the news on his behalf!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Ao nodded, and then gave instructions to the housekeeper next to her. He said something and asked him to take the phone bug over!

Jian Chen looked at the snail-like phone bug in Mrs. Ao’s hand, with a curious look on his face!

This is the legendary doctor Li’s phone bug, which can ignore distance. A magical treasure for communication?

In front of Jian Chen, Mrs. Ao directly dialed Li Lianhua’s phone number.

After waiting for about ten breaths,

Mrs. Ao and Jian Chen were connected. In front of me, this phone bug turned into Li Lianhua! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Doctor Li, is that you? This is Sword Worship Villa!”Mrs. Ao said!

Hearing that Mrs. Ao called herself Miracle Doctor Li, Li Lianhua certainly understood that there was someone else beside her now.

“Well, has the gold been delivered?”

The phone bug imitated Li Lianhua’s expression very vividly, with an indifferent look, and nodded.

Jian Chen, who was next to him, looked at the phone bug’s expression, and then listened to Li Lianhua’s voice, secretly marveling in his heart!

This is Is the legendary Lotus phone bug really amazing? It can really make calls regardless of distance.……

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