“Li Lianhua, since you are now able to mass-produce the elixir of life, do you need me to prepare the materials for the elixir of life for you?”

After being very happy about Li Lianhua’s ability to mass-produce elixirs, Mrs. Ao asked Li Lianhua! After all, the Sword

Worship Villa is a big force in the world.

Although it mainly collects… Materials such as making swords, but if you want to collect medicinal materials, it is more convenient than Li Lianhua alone, right?


However, in response to Mrs. Ao’s words, Li Lianhua shook her head and said:”I have already mass-produced a lot of the longevity medicine, otherwise, I wouldn’t have just grabbed a handful and given it to you!”

“So, do you have many elixirs on hand now?”Hearing this, Mrs. Ao asked with eyes shining!

“Yes, there are indeed many of them. As long as someone can pay the starting price, you can have as many as you want!”Li Lianhua nodded, not hiding Mrs. Ao’s intention!

“28 Then, we can do a good job!”After listening to Li Lianhua’s answer, Mrs. Ao nodded and said!

Then, the two of them whispered in a low voice, and a rough plan was completed in their whispers!

Baijian Villa uses a more down-to-earth term. , that is the martial arts version of an arms dealer!

Although it forges magical weapons such as peerless swords, it is natural that the Sword Worship Villa cannot just forge magical weapons, but also other ordinary weapons, so it can be maintained. The huge expense of living in Baijian Villa!

As a businessman, Mrs. Ao’s business skills are still very good!

And Li Lianhua is not a real businessman. He does business to heal injuries and illnesses. The main thing is to sell technology.

But after all, he came from modern society and has never done business, so he always knows some information about business, right?

The information Li Lianhua brought up made Mrs. Ao feel a little confused. A refreshing feeling!

Soon, a business plan for the sale of elixirs was quickly completed after the two people discussed it!

Then, Li Lianhua raised his hand again, took out dozens of elixirs, and placed them in Ao. Madam’s hands, let her operate!

On this day, Jiantan prepared 500,000 yuan for the diagnosis and came to Jianjian Villa!

Again, although Li Lianhua did not use poisoning or other means to threaten him!.

However, no one in this world would dare to refuse Li Lianhua’s medical fee!

After giving him a month, Jian Tan also collected 500,000 taels of medical fee and sent it to Baijian Villa!

Except for Bu Jingyun who left with his peerless sword, Jian Tan, Duan Lang and Jian Chen all discussed it and based on Li Lianhua’s past charges for treating illnesses and saving lives, the three of them agreed on 500,000 taels of silver each. The medical fee!

Jiantan pressed closely behind Bu Jingyun and sent the money over!

However, even after knowing that Jiantan was coming, Li Lianhua had no intention of showing up and asked Mrs. Ao to receive him!

“Madam Ao, here are the treasures worth 500,000 taels of silver that I collected. They are the diagnosis fees for Divine Doctor Li. Please check and accept them!”

When he came in front of Mrs. Ao, Jian Tan didn’t mean to talk nonsense and said straight to the point!

“Go order some!”Mrs. Ao nodded slightly and then said to the steward of Sword Worship Villa next to her!

After hearing this, the steward led the people of Sword Worship Villa to the front of the treasures and roughly counted them!

“Jian Tan, this inventory still needs some time, come and drink two cups of tea and rest?”

Follow, Madam Ao opened her mouth to invite!

“Thank you very much!”

After looking at it, it was indeed not that easy to count the treasures worth 500,000 taels of silver. Therefore, Jiantan nodded and sat down next to him!

“By the way, Madam Ao, has Bu Jingyun been here before?”Jian Tan then spoke and asked Madam Ao!

“Well, it’s already here! Mrs. Ao nodded and said!

“Sure enough, is it still a step too late?”Hearing Madam Ao’s answer, Jian Tan sighed silently!

Originally, he thought that if he came here earlier, if he met Bu Jingyun, he might have a chance to win the peerless sword again!

But now it seems , after all, it was still a step late!

However, Jian Tan also understood that Bu Jingyun’s martial arts was not inferior to his. Now that he had obtained the peerless sword for a month, he should be more familiar with it.

Even if he encountered it, he would have no hope of taking it.!

So, although I feel a little hard to accept it, it’s not too sad!

“I wonder, how much medical treatment fee did Bu Jingyun leave?”

Jian Chen and Duan Lang had discussed this with him, but Bu Jingyun didn’t know, so Jian Tan asked casually! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is like It’s like other people’s wedding ceremony. If others are more casual and you are less casual, it is always not good!

“Oh, the medical fees brought by Bu Jingyun are really huge, a full 5 million!

Holding the teacup in her hand, Mrs. Ao said nonchalantly:”Of which 3.5 million is what he originally owed to Divine Doctor Li!””

“1 million is considered the medical fee for Dr. Li’s intervention to save him twice.”


When she said this, Mrs. Ao suddenly realized something and her words stopped abruptly.

Then, changing the subject, he said,”Jian Tan, you must have spent a lot of effort on the 500,000, right?”

The 3.5 million was what Bu Jingyun owed Divine Doctor Li a long time ago.

This was known when Li Lianhua and Bu Jingyun communicated in the sword-making room last month!

1 million counts as the consultation fee for two treatments?

This was similar to his own situation, which made Jian Tan secretly relieved!

But, where are the 500,000 left?

Speaking of which, why didn’t Mrs. Ao say anything?

And judging from her appearance, it seemed like she was deliberately hiding herself and changing the subject?

“Madam Ao, what is Bu Jingyun’s 500,000 medical fee used for?”[]

Jian Tan stared at Mrs. Ao seriously and asked, not wanting to be fooled by her changing the subject so easily!

“Sword greed, nothing! Mrs. Ao shook her head and said!

As she spoke, she looked towards the housekeeper and said,”How is the inventory of these 500,000 treasures going?””

“Madam, we’ve counted about half of it, but we’re not done yet!”The steward of Jianjian Villa shook his head and said!

“There is no need to count the rest. I still believe in Mr. Jiantan’s character. Mr. Jiantan, please!”

Mrs. Ao stood up, stretched out her hand, and said to Jian Tan!.

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