After staying in Changle for a few days, Li Lianhua waited for the materials for Zhuyan Dan to be collected.

In the past few days, Bei Haishi would occasionally come over to chat with me, mainly to discuss some knowledge about medical skills!

To be honest, although I know how to use both hands and alchemy, I actually don’t know much about medical skills!

But fortunately, I understand both the body and the soul very well.

Therefore, sharing some information about the physical body also refreshed many aspects of Beihaishi and made me feel enlightened!

For example, concepts such as metabolism and even antibiotics are not available in ancient Chinese medicine!

On this day, Li Lianhua got up early and ended a night of practice!

After the operation of the Dapin Tianxian Jue was completed, Li Lianhua incorporated all”nine-four-three” of his cultivation into the Zifu Lingtai!

My cultivation level has improved a bit, and I am getting closer to the middle stage of returning to the virtual world!

Then, Li Lianhua looked forward to taking out a golden pagoda from her storage ring.

This is Li Lianhua’s Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth!

Then, Li Lianhua took out a medicine bottle from the storage ring full of expectation!

Taishang Laojun’s elixir storage bottle will automatically generate an elixir refined by Taishang Laojun himself every month!

I don’t know what kind of elixir can be prescribed this time?

This made Li Lianhua very curious and looking forward to it!

Using your own cultivation to activate the power of merit and luck in the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, regardless of whether it is useful or not, at least there is no harm!

Then, Li Lianhua shook the elixir storage bottle.

Sure enough, there was a dripping sound in the elixir storage bottle. This meant that an elixir had been automatically generated in it!

With anticipation, Li Lianhua opened the elixir storage bottle!

“I hope that this time I can get the Nine-turn Golden Elixir!”

Li Lianhua prayed silently in her heart!

Yes, the third-turn golden elixir and the sixth-turn golden elixir have been released. Next, he should get the ninth-turn golden elixir, right?

According to the rumors, the quality of Taishang Laojun is The highest elixir, if you take one of it, you can rise to the sky!

If you can really get the Nine Turns Golden elixir, you will become an immortal immediately!

She prayed secretly in her heart, and then opened the bottle cap. , poured out an elixir! Looking at the elixir poured out, it was as white as snow, but it was oval-shaped, which made Li Lianhua frown slightly.

What is the color of the elixir? However, just by looking at the color, Li Lianhua knows that this is definitely not a nine-turn golden elixir! After all, whether it is a third-turn golden elixir or a sixth-turn golden elixir, it is a golden elixir. The difference is just whether there are three patterns or six patterns on it!

Therefore, if the Nine Turns Golden Pill is really prescribed, in Li Lianhua’s opinion, it should be a golden elixir with nine patterns on it! Tattoo is the right thing!

“This elixir is very strange. It is not round, but oval?”

She was silently disappointed in her heart, but it was not unacceptable to Li Lianhua. When her eyes fell on this elixir, Li Lianhua muttered secretly in her heart!

Logically speaking, all refined elixirs should be round. That’s right?

But, could this oval-shaped elixir not only fail to produce the Nine-turn Golden elixir, but could even be a defective product?

Otherwise, why is this oval-shaped elixir ? What does it look like?

Li Lianhua whispered in her heart, her eyes fell on the oval pill. Soon

, the relevant information about this pill appeared in Li Lianhua’s mind!

This is an elixir refined by Taishang Laojun himself, and it is not a defective product, but this is what the Wuji elixir originally looked like!

In addition, this elixir is very special, because this elixir is not made of other materials.

It’s for food, but for use!

It’s quite similar to the sight of Zimu River in Journey to the West!

I remember that there is a Zimu River in Xiliang’s daughter country in Journey to the West.

Anyone who drinks the water from the Zimu River, regardless of gender, They will all get pregnant and give birth to babies!

The river water is very magical!

And the effect of this Wuji Pill is similar!

It looks like an oval pill, but if a living being drops its own blood into this pill, According to the above, the elixir that absorbs the essence and blood will expand and grow into the shape of an egg.


Then, after another seventy-seven forty-nine days, a new creature will be born.

Naturally, the creatures conceived can be regarded as the user’s children! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, it is the user’s blood and essence that serves as a medium to give birth to the creatures!

“This, what is going on!”

Looking at the Wuji Pill in his hand and feeling the effect of the Wuji Pill, Li Lianhua’s mouth twitched slightly, and at the same time, she silently complained in her heart!

Therefore, the function of this Wuji Pill is actually to make life better. A child?

And you don’t need a heterosexual union to have a child?

“It’s a good thing that Wuji Pill is not mass-produced in modern times!”

“Otherwise, if a man can give birth to a child by himself, why would he need a woman?”

“In that case, there would be no need for betrothal gifts or marriage!”

“In that case, the union of men and women can simply follow the principle of happiness!”Li Lianhua muttered secretly in her heart!

Shaking her head, Li Lianhua suppressed the messy thoughts in her mind for the time being!

Give birth to a child? She has not even married for 5.8 years now. Naturally, she is not in a hurry to have a child. Oh!

Besides, I am not mentally prepared at all, let alone have a baby!

Finally, and most importantly, if I really want to have a baby, I can find someone to have a baby with me. There is no need to use this method. Wuji Pill?

So, Li Lianhua shook his head and felt that his luck today was not so good!

Although it was very strange, it seemed to be of no use to him. The pills he prescribed from the pill storage bottle this time were a bit useless.![]

“So, using you to suppress luck and open the elixir storage bottle will have no effect?”

Shaked his head and put away the Wuji Pill for the time being, thinking that he might have a chance to use it in the future.

Li Lianhua then looked at the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, and complained angrily.……

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