
The sound of a sharp blade entering the body sounded, and the joyful look on the sword demon’s face completely froze.

Then his eyes widened and he looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief:”Mrs. Ao?”

Yes, the sword demon found it unbelievable that at this critical moment, the other party actually gave him a knife.

This knife stabbed directly into the heart, it was obvious that it was going to kill him!

Mrs. Ao has always hated herself, and the sword demon knows this very well!

After all, he was the one who killed his husband in the first place!

However, in Sword Demon’s view, although Mrs. Ao hates herself, she can’t live without him!


Because without him, there would be no strong person in charge of the Sword Worship Villa. How could it sustain itself in the world?

And Mrs. Ao asked her son Aotian to worship her as her teacher. Isn’t it a sign that she can’t live without her?

But he didn’t expect that she would suddenly kill him at this time?

“Sword Demon, if you kill my husband, I can’t wait to tear you into pieces!”

Looking at the unbelievable look in Sword Demon’s eyes, Mrs. Ao said through gritted teeth. Her eyes were full of deep hatred!

Looking at Mrs. Ao’s hatred of herself, Sword Demon’s eyes became distracted, and finally there was a trace of hatred in his eyes. Showing a look of despair, surprise, and unwillingness!


Aotian next to him shouted in disbelief as he watched his mother kill his master with his own eyes!

“Tian’er, Sword Demon is your father-killing enemy. After so many years, Wei Niang finally seized the opportunity to avenge your father!”After listening to Aotian’s words, Mrs. Aotian said!

These words made Aotian silent!

Not to mention that he is just a master. Even a stepfather with nurturing grace may not have much emotion.

This is also The reason why so many men are unwilling to take a woman with a son!

Now that he knows that this master is actually his father-killing enemy, Aotian naturally has nothing unacceptable to his mother’s words!

“Tian’er, now all of them are seriously injured, hurry up and get the peerless sword!”

Knowing that now is not the time for children to love each other, Mrs. Ao followed up and shouted loudly to her son Aotian.

Yes, even though she killed him when they met, Mrs. Ao also saw the opportunity before taking action!

Why? Because the sword demon had already severely wounded Bu Jingyun and others before he died!

If his son Aotian were to seize the sword at this time, it would be an opportunity for the snipe and the clam to compete with each other for profit!


Hearing this, Aotian nodded and said, and immediately rushed in the direction of Bu Jingyun!

Bu Jingyun, who was recuperating with his legs crossed, saw Aotian rushing towards him, raised his hand to gather the last bit of his internal energy, and used the Cloud Expelling Palm Hit Aotian directly!


A cry of pain came out of his mouth, and then, Aotian’s figure was directly knocked away by Bu Jingyun!


Seeing that Aotian couldn’t even hit the seriously injured Bu Jingyun, he was knocked away directly. Many people in the sword-making room secretly curled their lips!

Both hands!

Li Lianhua’s movements were quite… Come on, get some money and do a job.

Seeing Aotian being knocked away, Li Lianhua raised her hand and landed on him, quickly recovering his injuries!

“Thank you, Doctor Li, your medical skills are truly unparalleled in the world!”

Aotian stood up and felt that his injuries had completely recovered, and couldn’t help but thank Li Lianhua!

Then, Aotian looked like a fox pretending to be a tiger, and said to Bu Jingyun:”Bu Jingyun, So what if your martial arts skills are high? This young master now has the help of Lotus Host. Can you resist it?”

While speaking, Aotian pounced towards Bu Jingyun again! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The move of Cloud Pavilion Palm just now can be said to be Bu Jingyun’s last breath of internal energy. Facing Aotian’s attack again, Bu Jingyun was naturally unable to resist, and his whole body was knocked away.

Then, Aotian grabbed the hilt of the peerless sword!

“Hahaha, okay, this peerless sword now belongs to me!”

Lifting this peerless sword as black as ink above his head, Aotian’s face was full of joy.


However, just when Aotian got the peerless sword and was shouting with joy in his heart, suddenly, The peerless sword in his hand suddenly burst into bright light at this moment, and then, the peerless sword in his hand continued to tremble, as if it might fly out at any time.

“This, what’s going on……”

The proud look on Aotian’s face froze. He looked at the peerless sword in his hand in disbelief and struggled to grab the sword with both hands!

However, this sword kept trembling, like a fierce horse that was difficult to subdue. No matter how hard Aotian tried, he could not subdue the resistance of this peerless sword!

“what happened? Zhongmei, what’s going on now?”

Originally, Mrs. Ao was very happy to see her son win the peerless sword.

However, seeing that the peerless sword was completely uncontrollable by Ao Tian, Mrs. Ao asked the swordsmith’s eyebrows!

“Madam, this peerless sword has its own intelligence!”

“Just now, it was able to automatically appear to protect Bu Jingyun in a critical moment. It can be seen that it has recognized Bu Jingyun as its master!”

“As the saying goes, a loyal minister does not serve two masters, and a woman does not serve two husbands. Now, this peerless sword is naturally unwilling to surrender to others!”

Hearing Madam Ao’s inquiry, Zhong Mei next to her opened her mouth to answer!

This statement made Madam Ao silent! []

After all, she is also a person from the Sword Worship Villa. Of course, Madam Ao also knows about the magic sword.

So. , she also understood that if the peerless sword really recognized its owner, it would not be that simple for Tian’er to get the recognition of the peerless sword!

“Doctor Li?”

After a moment of silence, Mrs. Ao looked at Li Lianhua and said,”It is rumored that you, Divine Doctor Li, have powerful means that can distort other people’s spiritual will.……”

“You also know that I can only use it on people, but I never said it can be used on objects!”

Before Mrs. Ao finished speaking, Li Lianhua interrupted him!

These words left Mrs. Ao silent!

Indeed, although Divine Doctor Li can distort other people’s spiritual will, he has never heard of it. Use it on items!

“Moreover, Mrs. Ao, you should listen to my advice and do whatever you can with your abilities!”

“With Aotian’s martial arts, if he were to obtain a peerless sword, it would be like a child trying to win gold, and he would definitely die a violent death in the future!”Li Lianhua followed up and warned Taoshan!.

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